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1、高二英语选修7模块知识点高二英语选修七基础知识 Module 1知识导学重点单词1.He attached two baskets to two tall poles at each end of the gymnasium. 他把两只篮子分别固定在体育馆两边的高柱子上。attach vt.系,绑,贴;固定【用法示例】(1) Attach a recent photograph to your application form. 申请表上请贴一照。(2)Its easy to become attached to the children you work with. 很容易喜欢上和你相处的孩

2、子们。(3)People attach too mach importance to economic forecasts. 人们把经济看得过于重要。【归纳比较】be (become) attached to 喜欢,依恋attach importance to 重视【巩固运用】(1)We shouldnt _to his speech. 我们不应该过分重视他的讲话。(2)She _ her homeland. 她对祖国很有感情。2. He attended the university of North Carolina for a year before leaving to join th

3、e Chicago Bulls. 在加入芝加哥公牛队前,他在北卡罗莱纳大学学习了一年。 attend vt.出席,参加;照顾,护理【用法示例】(1)Will you attend her wedding next week? 下周你会参加她的婚礼吗?(2)There was no one to attend (on) him but his sister. 只有他的姐姐一人照料他。(3)I may be late -I have got one or two things to attend to. 我也许会迟到,我有一两件事要处理。【归纳比较】attend to 处理;接待(顾客)atten

4、d on(upon) 照顾,侍侯【巩固运用】(1)All children between the ages of 5 and 16 must_. 所有5至16岁的孩子必须上学。(2)He has two nurses_. 有两个护士照顾他。(3)I have an urgent matter _. 我有一件紧急的事要处理。3. But there is no doubt that he deserves the title “outstanding player of his generation”. 但是毫无疑问,他无愧于“一代杰出球员”这一称号。 deserve vt.值得,应当【用法示

5、例】(1)These proposals deserve serious consideration. 这些建议值得认真考虑。(2)The team deserves to win. 这个队该赢。【归纳比较】deserve to do 值得做,应当做deserve doing = deserve to be done【巩固运用】(1)They_. 他们应当受到惩罚。(2)Such good behavior _. 这样好的行为值得表扬。4.Which record do they both hold? 他们都保持有哪些记录? hold vt.占有,担任;持有看法;容纳;举行【用法示例】(1)M

6、ost of the senior positions are held by men. 大多数高级职位都由男性担任。(2)She holds extreme political views. 她持有极端的政治观点。(3)The movie theatre holds 500 people. 这家电影院能容纳500人。【归纳比较】hold out 维持,够用hold up 耽搁,推迟hold on 坚持;()别忙挂,等一等 hold on to 抓住;执着于;固守【巩固运用】(1)They didnt know if they would be able to _ until help arr

7、ived. 他们不知道自己是否能够坚持到救援到来。(2)Will the water supply_ through the summer? 供水能维持整个夏天吗?(3)The building work has been_ by bad weather. 由于天气不好,建筑工程被耽搁下来了。 高考 The Chinese are proud of the 29tth Olympic Games _in Beijing in2008.(2006 ) A. hold B. holding C. held D. to be held 答案 D. We thought of selling this

8、 old furniture, but weve decided to _it. It might be valuable.(2002全国)A. hold on to B. keep up with C. turn to D. look after 答案A5. So theres less risk of a collision between two players.因此两个球员碰撞的风险性很小。 risk vt. 冒的危险 n.冒险,风险【用法示例】(1)Are you prepared to risk traveling without an armed guard? 你准备冒险不带武装

9、警卫行吗?(2)Mary risked her life to save her dog from the fire. 玛丽冒着生命危险从火场中救出她的狗。(3)Anyone traveling without a passport runs the risk of being arrested. 任何不带护照旅行的人都有被逮捕的危险。【归纳比较】risk doing 冒的危险做take (run) a risk 冒风险run(take) the risk of 冒的危险【巩固运用】(1)The workers who broke the strike _ when they left the

10、 factory. 那些破坏罢工的工人在离开工厂时遭受被攻击的危险。(2)Youre_ driving so fast. 你车开的这么快是在冒险。 高考 If your race car isnt insured, you may _losing everything when it hits something solid.A. delay B. deny C. avoid D. risk 答案D He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldnt risk _the good opportunity.( 2005) A. t

11、o lose b. losing c. to be lost D. being lost 答案B重点短语1. At one point, Chamberlain was so much better than all the other players that they changed the rules of the game to try to stop him. 一度,伯伦比其他所有球员都优秀的多,以至于他们改变了比赛规则来试图限制他。at one point 一度,曾经【用法示例】(1)My friend and I saw a film yesterday and at one p

12、oint she was moved to tears. 昨天我跟朋友看电影了,其间她一度被感动得落泪。(2)The message was short and to the point. 这条消息简短扼要。(3)I was on the point of leaving when the telephone rang. 我正要走的时候铃响了。(4)Theres no point in lying; Ill find out anyway. 撒谎没有什么用,无论如何我都会查清楚的。【归纳比较】to the point 中肯,切题off the point 不切正题be on the point

13、 of 正要(去做某事)come to the point 谈正题Theres no point in doing 做没有意义【巩固运用】(1)The coach_ when our team scored two points. 教练正要放弃比赛这时我们的队得了两分。(2)As I was in a hurry I asked him _ at once. 因为我很忙,我让他马上谈正题。2. He has been brought up and trained in this way. 他是被这种方式教育和培养起来的。bring up 抚养,养大;提出;呕吐【用法示例】(1)The witn

14、ess brought up fresh evidence. 证人提出新的证据。(2)He brought about a quarrel between his parents. 他引起父母之间的争吵。(3)The sale of the house brought in about $4500. 卖房子赚了4500美元。(4)Difficulties can bring out a persons best qualities. 困难能使一个人最好的品质显示出来。【归纳比较】bring about 引起,导致,造成bring in 引进;赚钱;请来bring out 显示出来,使表现出来【巩固运用】(1)Computers _ in the workplace. 电脑已经给工作场所带来了很多变化。(2)Why did you have to _ the subject of money? 你为什么非要提钱这个话题(3)Experts_ to discuss the problem. 专家们已经被请来讨论这个问题。高考 His idea of having family meals together , which seemed difficult at first ,has _many good changes in their li

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