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1、英语语法教案授课教案学员姓名:_ 孙杰成 授课教师: 所授科目:_英语_ _ 学员年级: 初二 上课时间:2014年 月 日 时 分至 时 分共_ 小时语法一、基数词 (1)基数词的构成-表示数目多少的词叫基数词。1. 1-12独立成词:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve。2. 13-19(+teen): thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen。两个音节都要重读。3. 20-90(整十位数

2、+ty): twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety。第一个音节重读。4. 21-99间的两位数,先说“十位”,再说“个位”,中间要加连字符“-”5. 101-999之间的三位数,先说“百位”,再加and,再加末尾两位数。 eg: one hundred and one nine hundred and ninety-nine 156读作: 709读作:6. 1000以上的大数,使用计数符号,每三位加以逗号,从第一个逗号起单位依次为thousand, million, billion.“万”表达为ten thous

3、and【考考你】The road is over_ metres long. A. six hundred and fifty-two B. six hundres and fifty-two C. six hundred, fifty-two D. six hundred, fifty and two【关于基数词的重点与考点:】 基数词表示顺序编号时:名词+基数词 ,此时两个词的首字母都要大些。 Class Three Room 5 Lesson One【考考你】Now, everyone, please turn to Page _and look at the _picture. A.

4、Twelve; fifth B. Twelfth; fifth C. Twelve; five D. Twelfth; five 确数与概数的表达。 确数:基数词+单位+复数名词: two hundred students 200名学生 概数:单位加S +of+复数名词:thousands of visitors 成千上万的游客 “整十加S” 用于表示“几十年代”或“某人几十多岁时” In the 1960s, people had to lead a poor life. 在20世纪60年代,人们不得不过着贫困的生活。 He invented many things in his twent

5、ies. 他在20多岁时就发明了很多东西。【考考你】My grandma is in her _(八十多岁),but she can still take care of herself.语法二、序数词(1)序数词的构成表示顺序先后的数词叫序数词。序数词大多由基数词变形而成,所以掌握了基数词和基变序的方法,序数词也就简单啦。基变序的方法:基变序,有规律,词尾加上th; four-fourth six-sixth一二三,单独记;八减t,九去e; first, second, third eighth, ninthve变f;遇y变ie,词尾再加th。 five-fifth twelve-twelf

6、th twenty-twentieth 若遇几十几,只变个位就可以。 twenty-two- twenty-second注意:fourfourteenfortyforty-two ninenineteenninetyninety-nine fourthfourteenthfortiethforty-second ninthnineteenthninetiethninety-ninth【考考你】-How was your weekend? -Great! It was my grandpas _birthday. We enjoyed ourselves. A. seventy B. seven

7、tieth C. the seventieth D. seventeenth【序数词的考点:】 序数词表示顺序时,其前要加the,后面接单数名词。The second picture is very beautiful.The fourth student comes from America.【考考你】 Jack got the _(four) place in the 100-metre race. 表示日期中的“日”。如2013年9月19日,表示为“September 19th,2013”; 读作:September the nineteenth, two thousand and th

8、irteen 序数词的缩写:1st 2nd 3rd 4th 20th 63rd 78th 序数词表示编号顺序时: Unit One= the first unit Part Two= the second part几种特殊数词的表示方法:普通分数: 子饥母叙,分子1,分母+S (饥-基,叙-序)eg: 1/3: one third 2/3: two thirds1/2:读作 a half或one half 1/4读作 a quarter 或one fourth eg: Two thirds of the earth is covered by water.百分比:基数词+percent(per

9、 cent) 2%读作 two percent 27%读作 twenty-seven percent eg: Over 25 percent of the surface of the ground is covered with grass.习惯表达one and a half apples= one apple and a half 一个半苹果half an apple半个苹果 one or two apples= one apple or two 一两个苹果10:30 half past ten10:25 twentyfive past ten9:45 fifteen to ten 或

10、a quarter to ten语法三、加减乘除-数字的运算加法:3 plus 9 is/equals 12. 减法:9 minus 3 is/equals 6.乘法:3 multiplied by 9 is/equals27. 除法:9 divided by 3 is/equals 3.=: is/ equals +: plus -:minus *: multiplied by /: divided by 都是表示加减乘除的介词。用于读出已列的算式。 eg: -What is 2 plus 3? -2 plus 3 is 5. 而出题者通常用“加减乘除”的动词原形来开头,构成祈使句,命令做题

11、者。 Add A and B Subtract A from B Multiply A by B Divide A by B If we add 2 to 5, we can get 7. Multiply 2 by 3, please.【考考你】Every week, Xiao Ying plans to use 180 minutes to practice her listening.According to the table, it takes her _hour(s) to do it on weekdays.Xiao Yings listening planDay.Mon.Tue

12、.Wed.Thu.Fri.Sat.Sun.Minute202525202040 A.1 B.2 C. 3【即学即练:】(1)用英语读出下列算式: 4+5=9 6*6=36 48-11=37 15/3=5(2)听口令写出算式并得出结果,再用英语表达出算式。语法针对练习一、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Toms mom gave him a nice gift on his _(eight)birthday.2. -Whats the date today? -Its September the _(thirty).3. Mr. Wu asked his students to turn to th

13、e _(fifty-nine)page.4. He opened up his own company in his _(twenty).5. How happy we are living in the _(twenty-one) century!二、根据汉语提示完成句子。1. Kate and Mary are in _(三年级五班).2. I was born in Shanghai on _(1999年10月17日).3. Shes been away from London for _(三天半).4. It was a lonely village in_(20世纪80年代),but

14、 now there are many tall buildings in it.5. Take the _(第二)turning on your left and youll see the museum.三、单项选择1. There are _workers in this factory. A. two hundreds and thirty-six B. two hundreds, thirty-six C. two hundred and thirty-six D. two hundred, thirty-six2. There are _month a year. December is the _month of the year. A. twelve; twelve B. twelfth; twelve C. twelve; twelfth D. twelfth; twelfth 3. -Could you tell me when Confucius began to teach? -Sure. He began to teach when he was in his thirties.(划线同义替换) A. at thirty B. more than thirty C. thirty D. at the

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