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1、外研版英语九年级下册知识点总结教学提纲外研版英语九年级下册知识点总结外研版九年级下册知识点总结Module1 TravelUnit1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi.1. welcome back 欢迎回来 2. not bad 还不错3. be full of 充满=be filled with 4. over = more. than超过、多于5. because of +名词/代词/动名词 because +句子6. fly back to +地名 飞回某地7. a bit late 有点晚 a bit of +不可数名词8. fly dire

2、ct to Hong Kong 直飞香港 9. succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事 10. take a boat to sp. = go to sp. by boat坐船去某地havequitea good time 玩得很高兴 11.tourthe city v. = take atourto the city n.环城市旅行12. go for a walk去散步 13. had better do sth.最好做某事14. at the end of the term在学期末 15. nothing to worry about 没什么担心的16. as long

3、as 只要;和一样长 17. the school-leavers party 毕业生晚会18. look forward to+ sth. / doing sth.盼望(做)某事Unit 2 Its a long story.1. say goodbye to sb. 向某人告别 say hello to sb.向某人问候2. take care多保重 care for:喜欢 care about:关心take care = be careful小心、注意 take care of sb. / sth.照顾某人/保管某物3. get on上(车) get off下(车)4. Be afrai

4、d +that从句 恐怕 be afraid of +名词/代词/动名词 害怕/担心 be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事5. take ones seat就坐;坐某人的座位have /get sth. ready:把某物准备好 Pleasehaveyour ticketsready.请把票准备好。6. have a look at sth. = take a look at sth. = look at sth. 看一看某物7. Iseethe problem.我发现问题了。 I see.我明白了。8. How stupidofme.!我真笨!= How stupid I am

5、!How + adj. + of sb. to do sth.某人因做了某事而显得怎样How careless of you to make this mistake.9. wait a moment等一会儿 for a moment一会儿 at that moment在那时a moment ago刚才 at any moment任何时候 a moment later片刻之后10. 1). Thats very goodofyou.你真好。Its / Thats +形容词+ of sb. to do sth.表示人的性 格或品质,这类形容词有:kind, good, nice, clever,

6、 polite, careless等。Itskindofyou to help me with the work.2).若形容词 仅仅是描述事物,不是对不定式行为者的品格进行评价时,用for sb.,这类形容词有:difficult, easy, hard, important, dangerous等。Itsdifficultforus to finish the work.11. go past经过12. sb. be surprised to do sth.某人惊奇做某事 sb. be surprised at sth.某人对感到惊奇to ones surprise令人惊奇的是 in su

7、rprise惊奇地,是副词性短语,修饰动词13. take off脱下(反义词) put on穿上 take off起飞14. make sb./oneself + adj.(形容词)使某人/某人自己怎样 The news made her happy.15. make sb./oneself done (heard/understood)使某人/某人自己被(听见/理解)The teacher made himself understood in class.16. Its a long story.说来话长。(口语)17. 1) offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事 offer

8、sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb.向某人提供某物2) provide sb.Withsb. = provide sth.forsb.提供某物给某人Module 2 EducationUnit 1 They dont sit in rows.1. What islike?是什么样的?/怎么样?What are English school like?英国学校什么样?Whats the weather like today?2. a bit/a little/much/even +形容词或副词的比较级 a little earlier much better3. wear a

9、 jacket and tie穿夹克衫系领带 4. sit in rows坐成排5. sports ground运动场 6. Enjoy/like doing sth.喜欢做某事7. one day某一天(过去/将来) 8. Play with和玩9. mean doing sth.意味着做某事 mean to do sth.打算/意图做某事Unit2-Unit3 What do I like best about school?1. How do you like ?= What do you think of ?你觉得怎么样?2. far (away) fromsp.离某地多远 3. pr

10、imary school小学 secondary school中学4. be present at出席 be absent from缺席5. last (for) +一段时间 持续 6. have a break = have /take a rest休息一下7.two morelessons =another twolessons还有两节课8. instead of + sth. /doing sth. 代替,而不是9. in the country = in the countryside在农村,在乡下10. parents meeting家长会 11. once a term一学期一次

11、12. above all 首先,是重要的是 13. do well in在方面做得好14. ask for ones advice征求某人的建议 take/follow ones advice接受/听从某人的建议15.toones surprise令某人惊讶的是 16. teach oneself sth. = learn sth. by oneself自学Module3 Life now and thenUnit1 They sometimes work harder.1. nearly = almost几乎;差不多 2. know about了解关于的情况3. There is less

12、 fear of 很少害怕 4. get ill生病5. take /do exercise=play sports做锻炼 6. used to do sth.过去常常做某事 There used to be曾经有7. suppose that从句 猜想;认为 suppose sb. to be认为某人是 be supposed to do sth. =should do sth.应该做某事 You are not supposed to play basketball here.8. Thats because那是因为 Thats why 那就是的原因9. the number of +可数

13、名词复数 的数量(数目、人数),其作主语时,谓语动词用单数。a number of +可数名词复数 许多的,其作主语时,谓语动词用复数。10. in ones free time = in ones spare time = when sb. be free 在某人的业余时间11. speak up大点声说 12. the deaf失聪的人 the blind盲人Unit 2-Unit3 I think life is better today.1. all ones life终生,一辈子 all day (long)整天 all the year round整年2. in the winte

14、rcoldor in the summerheat无论是寒冷的冬天还是火热的夏天3. alovingmother 一位慈祥的妈妈4. go out to work出去工作5. a full-time job一份全职工作 a part-time job一份兼职工作6. afford to do sth.有足够的钱做某事 afford to buy sth.买得起某物7. whats more而且;更重要的是8. play a role/part in (doing) sth.在(干)某事上起作用9. haveagoodeducation接受良好的教育10. be/get married to sb.与某人结婚 11. be happy/glad to do sth.高兴/乐意做某事12.

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