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1、个心理学英文名词解释打印版520个心理学英文名词解释打印版01.AB DesignA single subject research design that contains one baseline (A) and one treatment (B). 02.ABAB Design A single subject research design that contains a baseline (A1), treatment (B1), a second baseline (B2) and a second treatment phase (B2) 03.Alpha (lowercase小

2、写字母) The abbreviation for probability of error in statistical results. See Type I Error. (a) 04.Alternative Hypothesis 被择假设The hypothesis that states there is a difference between two or more sets of data. 05.Absolute ZeroCharacteristic of a scale of measurement that contains a point where the scale

3、 has no value.06.Accommodation 顺应The creation of new cognitive schemas when objects, experiences, or other information does not fit with existing schemas.07.Action PotentialThe firing on a neuron. Occurs when the charge inside the neuron becomes more positive than the charge outside.08.Acetycholine乙

4、酰胆碱 A neurotransmitter associated with voluntary movement, sleep and wakefulness.09.AggressiveAn interpersonal style where only the immediate needs of the self are considered rather than the needs of others. (As opposed to passive or assertive) 10.Agoraphobia 广场恐怖症An anxiety disorder characterized b

5、y an intense fear of leaving ones home. 11.All or None Law Either a neuron completely fires or it does not fire at all. 12.Alpha (lowercase)The abbreviation for probability of error in statistical results. See Type I Error. (a)13.Alternative HypothesisThe hypothesis that states there is a difference

6、 between two or more sets of data.14.Altruism利他主义Behavior that is unselfish and may even be detrimental but which benefits others.15.Amnesia遗忘Loss of memory. Usually only a partial loss such as for a period of time or biographical information.16.Amygdala 杏仁核A part of the brains limbic system that at

7、taches emotional significance to information and mediates both defensive and aggressive behavior. 17.Anal Expulsive PersonalityStemming from the Anal stage, a child who becomes fixated due to over control transfers his or her unresolved anal (or control) issues into characteristics such as cruelty,

8、pushiness, messiness, or disorganization.18.Anal Retentive PersonalityStemming from the Anal stage, a child who becomes fixated due to under control transfers his or her unresolved anal (or control) issues into characteristics such as compulsivity, stinginess, cleanliness, organization, and obstinan

9、ce.19.Anal StageFreuds second stage of psychosexual development where the primary sexual focus is on the elimination or holding onto feces. The stage is often thought of as representing a childs ability to control his or her own world.20.AnalysisSee Psychoanalysis.21.Analysis of VarianceAn inferenti

10、al statistical procedure used to test whether or not the means of two or more sets of data are equal to each other.22.ANOVAAnalysis of Variance.23.AnxietyThe physiological and psychological reaction to an expected danger, whether real or imagined.24.Aphasia失语症The impairment of the ability to communi

11、cate either through oral or written discourse as a result of brain damage.25.Approach-Approach ConflictThe conflict presented when two opposite but equally appealing choices are available but can not both be obtained.26.Approach-Avoidance Conflict The conflict presented when the best positive choice

12、 will result in a negative outcome as well as positive. 27.Arousal Theory唤醒理论The theory stating that we are motivated by our innate desire to maintain an optimal level of arousal. 28.Assertive 武断Style of interpersonal interaction where both the needs of the self and others are considered. (As oppose

13、d to passive or aggressive) 29.Assimilation Incorporating objects, experiences, or information into existing schemas.30.Associations联想The phenomenon in learning that states we are better able to remember information if it is paired with something we are familiar with or otherwise stands out.31.Attac

14、hment 依恋The strong bond a child forms with his or her primary caregiver.32.Attribution 归因An idea or belief about the etiology of a certain behavior. 33.Attribution Theory The theory that argues people look for explanation of behavior, associating either dispositional (internal) attributes or situati

15、onal (external) attributes. 34.Authoritarian parents 独裁Parenting style focused on excessive rules, rigid belief systems, and the expectation of unquestioned obedience.35.Autonomic Nervous System 植物神经系统Part of the peripheral周围神经系统 nervous system that regulates the involuntary actions of the body (e.g

16、., breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, pupil dilation). Also regulates the Fight or Flight Phenomenon. 36.Availability Heuristic 启发A rule of thumb stating that information more readily available in our memory is more important than information not as easily accessible.37.Aversion厌恶 Therapy A type

17、 of behavioral treatment where an aversive stimuli is paired with a negative behavior in hopes that the behavior will change in the future to avoid the aversive stimuli.38.Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict The conflict where both possible choices have an equal negative outcome. 39.Axon轴突The tail-like par

18、t of the neuron through which information exits the cell.40.Behavior Modification矫正The application of behavioral theory to change a specific behavior.41.Behavior TherapyThe application of behavioral theory (e.g. conditioning, reinforcement) in the treatment of mental illness.42.BehaviorismThe school

19、 of psychology founded on the premise前提 that behavior is measurable and can be changed through the application of various behavioral principles.43.Bell-Shaped Curve 钟型曲线Also referred to as a normal distribution or normal curve, a bell-shaped curve is a perfect mesokurtic curve where the mean, median

20、, and mode are equal.44.Beta (uppercase)Abbreviation for Power in statistical results. See Type II Error. (b)45.Binocular Cues 双眼线索Visual cues (convergence and retinal disparity) that require both eyes to perceive distance (as opposed to monocular cues) 46.BisexualityBeing attracted to or aroused by

21、 members of both genders. See Sexual Orientation. 47.Blind StudyAs a way to avoid the placebo effect安慰剂效应 in research, this type of study is designed without the subjects knowledge of the anticipated results and sometimes even the nature of the study. The subjects are said to be blind to the expecte

22、d results. 48.Brocas Aphasia失语症An aphasia associated with damage to the Brocas area of the brain, demonstrated by the impairment in producing understandable speech. 49.Burnout精疲力尽Changes in thoughts, emotions, and behavior as a result of extended job stress and unrewarded repetition of duties. Burno

23、ut is seen as extreme dissatisfaction, pessimism, lowered job satisfaction, and a desire to quit. 50.Canonical Correlation典型相关A correlational technique used when there are two or more X and two or more Y. (Example: The correlation between (age and sex) and (income and life satisfaction) 51.Castratio

24、n Anxiety阉割焦虑According to Freuds Stages of Psychosexual Development, the fear a boy in the phallic stage experiences due to a fear that his father will render him powerless if his father finds out about his attraction toward his mother.52.Catharsis宣泄The emotional release associated with the expressi

25、on of unconscious conflicts.53.CEEB ScoreA standard score that sets the mean to five-hundred and standard deviation to one-hundred. Used on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) 54.Cell BodyThe main part of a neuron where the information is processed.55.Central Nervous SystemThe brain and the spinal co

26、rd脊髓.56.Central Tendency 集中趋势A statistical measurement attempting to depict the average score in a distribution (see mean, median, and/or mode) 57.Centration 自我中心A young childs tendency to focus only on his or her own perspective of a specific object and a failure to understand that others may see t

27、hings differently. 58.Cerebellum 小脑Part of the brain associated with balance, smooth movement, and posture. 59.Cerebral Hemispheres The two halves of the brain (right and left) 60.Chemical Imbalance A generic term for the idea that chemical in the brain are either too scarce or too abundant resultin

28、g in or contributing to a mental disorder such as schizophrenia精神分裂 or bipolar disorder躁狂. Others believe that the disorder precedes the imbalance, suggesting that a change in mood, for example, changes our chemicals rather than the chemical changing our mood.61.Chunk 组块A unit of information used in

29、 memory 62.Chunking Combining smaller units of measurement or chunks into larger chunks. (e.g., a seven chunk phone number such as 5-5-5-1-2-1-2 becomes a five chunk number such as 5-5-5-12-12) 63.Classical Conditioning The behavioral technique of pairing a naturally occurring stimulus and response

30、chain with a different stimulus in order to produce a response which is not naturally occurring. 64.Client Centered Therapy A humanistic therapy based on Carl Rogers beliefs that an individual has an unlimited capacity for psychological growth and will continue to grow unless barriers are placed in

31、the way.65.Coefficient of Determination 决定系数The statistic or number determined by squaring the correlation coefficient系数. Represents the amount of variance accounted for by that correlation. 66.Coercive Power 强制力Power derived through the ability to punish.67.CognitionThe process of receiving, proces

32、sing, storing, and using information. 68.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Treatment involving the combination of behaviorism (based on the theories of learning) and cognitive therapy (based on the theory that our cognitions or thoughts control a large portion of our behaviors). 69.Cognitive Dissonance失调the realization of contradictions in ones own attitudes and behaviors. 70.Cognitive Psychology The sub-

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