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1、冠词考点分析广东专版资料冠词一冠词的概念,分类及作用二不定冠词的用法(考点):1指人或事物的某一类,这是不定冠词的基本用法A car rans faster than a truck.小汽车比卡车跑得快。2表示数量“一个”,但一般不能与one互换Rome was not built in a day.3用在人名或星期前,表示“某一”, 相当于a certainA Mr. Li is waiting for you outside.I cant remember when exactly the Robinsons left the city. I only remember it was a

2、Monday.4. 用于人名、地名、书名之前,表示所提及的人或物与专有名词所指的人或物具有相同的性质He is a Shakespeare in his dramatic skill.在戏剧技巧方面他可以说是莎翁再世。Experts think that the recently discovered painting may be a Picasso.5. 用在一些专有名词和一些本身前面要用定冠词的名词前表示某个时期或具有某种特征的人或物。此时,专有名词常有前置修饰性定语。The visitors here are greatly impressed by the fact that peo

3、ple from all walks of life are working hard for a new Jiangsu.She is now a different Miss Nancy from what she was when she was my neighbor.她现在已不是与我为邻居时的那个南希小姐了。6用于表示次数、速度、价格等意义的名词前,表示“每一”He goes home to see his parents once a month.他每月回家一次去看父母。He can earn five yuan an hour in the shop.他在这家商店每小时挣五元钱。

4、7.表示三餐的名词前有形容词修饰时,用不定冠词I only want a small supper because of cold.由于感冒晚饭我只想吃一点东西。People usually have quite a good dinner on festivals.人们在过节时通常会吃一顿丰盛的大餐8有时在序数词前加不定冠词,表示“再次”“又一个”She invited him to come to the party a second time.她再次邀请他来参加聚会。9有些物质名词(tea, beer, rain)以及抽象名词(help, honour, surprise, succes

5、s, failure)具体化时,可用不定冠词They were caught in a heavy rain. Its a great pleasure to have a talk with you.He is a success as a writer. 他作为作家是成功的。10不定冠词还可以用于“a mostadj.n.”结构,注意在句中没有表示可比较的范围状语,这时“most”相当于“very”Xiamen is a most beautiful coastal city and Ill come for a second time.厦门是个非常美丽的海滨城市,我还要再来一次。11不定

6、冠词还可以用于“a比较级名词”结构,与否定词连用时,表示“从来没有比这更”,具有最高级含义I have never spent a more worrying day.我从未度过这样烦人的一天。12用于短语搭配中(1)“have/takea(n)与动词同形的名词”,表示动作的一次。have/take a rest休息一会儿;have/take a look看一下;have/take a bath洗个澡。(2)“go out for a(n)名词”,表示从事某项活动。go out for an outing去郊游;go out for a picnic去野餐。(3)习惯搭配中。come to a

7、n end结束;drop sb. a line给某人写信;at a disadvantage处于不利地位;in a way从一方面说;in a word总之;in a sense就某种意义来说;on a diet吃特定食物;with a view to为了,鉴于。注意: a, an 的选择1. Mr. Taylor has _ 8-year-old daughter who is _ girl for painting she has won two nation prizes.A. a; a B. an; the C. an; a D. the; a2. Susan, _ universit

8、y student from Europe, teaches me _ art in her spare time.A. an; / B. a; the C. a; / D. an; the3. A little boy wrote _ “U” and _ “n” on the wall.A. a; an B. an; a C. an; an D. a; a4. Now he is _ artist. I have known him since he was _ one-year-old boy.A. a; an B. a; a C. an; an D. an; a5. The Wilson

9、s live in _ A-shaped house near the coast. It is _ 17th century cottage.A. the; / B. an; the C. /; the D. an; a 6. The new D-type trains can run at speeds of 200 to 250 kilometers _ hour. The trip from Shanghai to Beijing only takes 10 hours now. A. a B. an C. the D. /三定冠词的用法(考点):1特指某(些)人或某(些)事物,这是定

10、冠词的基本用法The books on the desk were published last month.The factory I mentioned has installed a new assembly line.我提到的那家工厂已经安装了一条新的装配线。We were all lost in the beauty of nature.2再次提到前面已出现的人或事物,表示特指He told us a story,but I was not interested in the story.3指谈话双方彼此都知道的人或事物We went to the station to see th

11、e manager off.4用在某些可数名词单数前,用来指事物的整体(总称)与其他事物的区别The telephone was invented by Bell.The elephant is much stronger than the horse.5用在表示某国人的名词前the Chinese中国人;the French法国人;the English英国人;the Spanish西班牙人;the Dutch荷兰人;the Irish爱尔兰人;the Swiss瑞士人;the Japanese日本人。6某些形容词或分词前加定冠词the表示一类人(表示复数)the homeless无家可归的

12、人;the rich富人;the poor穷人;the blind盲人;the old老年人;the young年轻人;the strong强者;the weak弱者;the sick病人;the wounded伤者。7在序数词前要加定冠词the(有时在序数词前加不定冠词,表示“再次”“又一”)She lives on the twelfth floor.她住在十二楼。8在形容词最高级及形容词only(唯一的),very(正是那个),same(同样的)等前加定冠词theThis is the most interesting film I have ever seen.He must be t

13、he only student who has ever been to the city in our class.Thats the very thing Ive been looking for.9在表示一些独一无二的东西的名词前要用定冠词thethe earth地球;the moon月亮;the sun太阳;the sky天空;the universe宇宙;the world世界;the air空中;the ground地面。10用在“by + the+单位名词”结构中, 表示 “以单位计”The apples are sold by the kilo. 这些苹果按公斤卖。The wo

14、rkers are paid by the hour. 这些工人的工资是按小时计算的。The boat is hired by the hour. 小船按小时出租。11在表示方位、方向的名词前用定冠词thein the east/south/west/north在东/南/西/北方;on the right/left在右/左边。12在表江河、海洋、山脉、群岛、沙漠、海峡、海湾等专有名词前,要用定冠词the沙漠河流与群山,列岛海峡与海湾, 阶级党派国家名,组织团体与机关江河海洋:the Changjiang River, the Suez Canal, the Pacific Ocean山脉群岛:

15、the Tianshan Mountains, the Alps, the Zhoushan Archipelago (舟山群岛)海峡海湾:the English Channel, the Taiwan Straits国名:the United States, the United Kingdom, the Peoples Republic of China组织:the United Nations, the Ministry of Education, the No.2 Army Medical College建筑物:the National Gallery, the Peace Hotel

16、, the Workers Gymnasium报纸、期刊:The Washington Post, the Daily Mail但:街道、广场、公园、车站机场、桥梁、大学等一般不用定冠词。(可以概括为“城市设施”类。)街道:Nanjing Road, Fleet Street广场:Tiananmen Square, Times Square公园:Beihai Park, Hyde Park车站、机场、桥梁:Paddington Station, Kennedy Airport, Golden Gate Bridge大学:Qinghua University, Yale University13

17、用在年代、朝代、时代名词前in the Tang Dynasty唐朝,in the 20th century, in the 1870s 在19世纪70年代14乐器名称前用定冠词theShe plays the piano best in her class.15在姓氏的复数形式前加定冠词the表示“一家”the Browns布朗一家;the Lis姓李的一家。16在“动词(hit/ strike /pull /seize /lead /catch)sb.介词the表身体部位的名词”的固定结构中hit sb. in the face打某人的脸;take sb. by the arm/hand抓

18、住某人的胳膊/手;pat sb. on the shoulder拍某人的肩;hit sb. on the head打某人的头。The stone hit him in the face. 石头打在他的脸上。I hit Tom on the nose/ head. 我打在汤姆的鼻子上/头上。He struck the thief in the face. 他打在那个贼的脸上。 She led the cow by the nose. 她牵着牛鼻子。I seized her by the hand/hair. 我抓着她的手/头发。17在短语搭配中in the end最后;come to the p

19、oint谈到正题;on the contrary相反;in the morning在早晨;in the distance在远处;in the water在水中;on the subject of关于的主题;on the air在广播四零冠词的用法(考点):1可数名词复数表示泛指时,以及抽象名词和物质名词表示一般概念时,通常不用冠词Computers are very useful.Failure is the mother of success.Knowledge is power.2三餐、球类运动、娱乐名称、节日、星期、月份和日期前一般不用冠词play football/basketball

20、/volleyball踢足球/打篮球/打排球;play chess/cards下棋/打牌;New Years Day元旦 注意:1. 中国节日,如:the Mid-Autumn Festival , the Spring Festival,the Dragon Boat Festival, the Lantern Festival等前要用冠词。He had nothing for breakfast this morning.他今天早上没有吃早饭。Spring comes after winter.冬去春来。3. 称呼语或表示头衔、职务的名词,在作补语、同位语时, 不加冠词,作主语时要加the

21、 We elected him president of our university.我们选举他为我们大学的校长。He was elected president of the USA in 1920. The Vice-president was murdered.4学科、语言、大部分疾病名称不用冠词I think physics is more interesting than maths.Cancer is a terrible disease.5. 在一些成对出现的短语中,如:day and night, young and old等,名词前不用冠词 常见的有:arm in arm,

22、 hand in hand, day after day, from door to door, from beginning to end, from morning till night等。She did experiment after experiment. 她做了一个又一个实验。English learners, old and young, gather at regular time to practice their spoken English.英语学习者,老老少少会定期聚在一起练习口语。6在turn(作“变成”解)后作表语的名词前,不用冠词He has turned doc

23、tor.7在as,though引导的倒装分句中,名词前不用冠词Child as/though Tom is,you cant fool him.虽然汤姆是个孩子,但你不能欺骗他。8在专有名词(洲名、人名、城市名、街道名、港口名、航空站名、火车站名、公园名及院校名)之前,一般不用冠词Asia亚洲;Mary玛丽;Shanghai上海;Wall Street华尔街;Pearl Harbor珍珠港;Beihai Park北海公园;Beijing University北京大学。9. by+名词表示交通方式时,名词前不要冠词,名词也不用复数by car,by bus,by bike,by train,by

24、 air,by sea(但by turns用复数)注意:by car = in a car by bus/ train = on a bus/train10在一些固定短语中,名词前不用冠词at night在夜里;at home在家;day after day日复一日;by telephone打电话;in danger在危险中;on purpose故意地。注意:有无定冠词词义不同的短语(1) sit at table 吃饭sit at the table 在桌旁(2) be in charge of 负责be in the charge of 由负责(3) in possession of 拥有

25、in the possession of 为所有 (4) in control of 控制着in the control of sb. 在某人的控制之下(5) take place 发生take the place of 代替(6) It is out of question. 那是毫无疑问的。 It is out of the question. 那是根本不可能的。(7) on the whole 大体上; 一般地as a whole 全班的; 整体的 (8) a most important meeting一个很重要的会议 the most important meeting 最重要的会议

26、(9) a third time 又一次the third time第三次(10) at a distance 稍远些in the distance 在远处(11) a number of一些, 许多the number of 的数目(12) for a moment 一会儿for the moment 目前; 暂时(13) in hospital/prison 住院/住监(表概念)in the hospital/prison 在医院/监狱里(表地点)(14) go to school /church 上学/做礼拜(表概念) go to the school /church到学校/教堂去(表地

27、点)(15) on earth 究竟 on the earth在地球上(16) in front of 在 (外部的)前面 in the front of 在 (内部的)前面(17) two of us 我们当中的两人 the two of us 我们两人 (共计两人)(18) by sea 乘船, 从海路by the sea 在海边in a way 某种程度上in the way 挡路2015年高考题一、单项填空12015四川卷 Brian is gifted in writing music;he is very likely to be _ Beethoven.Aa Ban Cthe D

28、不填2. 2015陕西卷 _more learned a man is,_more modest he usually becomes.A. The; the B. A; a C. The; a D. A; the 32015浙江卷 Janes grandmother had wanted to write _ childrens book for many years, but one thing or another always got in _ way.Aa; / Bthe;the C/; the Da;the4. 2015重庆卷 I just heard_ bank where Do

29、ra works was robbed by_ gunman wearing a mask. A. the; /B. a; /C. the; aD. a; the二、语法填空1.2015全国卷The adobe dwellings(土坯房) 61._(build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even 62._ most modern of architects and engineers.2.2015广东卷 Mr Johnson lived in the woods with his wife

30、and children. He owned _16_ farm, which looked almost abandoned三、短文改错1.【2015陕西】At a party, my coach, with a biscuit in his mouth, asked surprisingly who made them and joked.2. 【2015浙江】I was always interested to see the drivers in hurry in the morning. 3.【2015新课标全国II】A woman saw him crying and told him to wait outside a shop. 4.【2015新课标全国I】Now I am living in a city, but I miss my home in countryside. 2014年高考试题一、单项填空1.【2014重庆卷】6. I cant tell you _ way to the Wilsons because we dont have _ Wilson here in the village. A. the; a B. a; / C. a; the D. the; /2.【

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