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Unit 12 Culture Shock Period Four Lesson 4 The New Australians 课时精练北师大版必修4课标通用精.docx

1、Unit 12 Culture Shock Period Four Lesson 4 The New Australians 课时精练北师大版必修4课标通用精Unit 12 Culture Shock Period Four Lesson 4 The New Australians 课时精练(北师大版必修4,课标通用)时间:30分钟.单词拼写1The concert will be held o_ if the weather is good.2The ice is too thin to b_ your weight. 3The huge red rock in the desert tha

2、t changes colour at _(黄昏)4Australia actually _(出口) the most diamonds and coal in the world!5A dirty _(斑点) is easy to see on a clean dress.6I cannot _(宽恕) myself for not taking care of my mother when she was ill.7Youve given me a great_ (预演) of Australia. 8Only a _(少数) of people support these new law

3、s.9Ive read all the available l_ on keeping rabbits.10If some athletes use drugs, it is_ (不公平的) to the others.答案1.outdoors2.bear3.dusk4.exports5.spot6.forgive7.preview8.minority9.literature10.unfair.短语填空1We _the great achievements we have made in the past 30 years.2The final victory _ the brave inst

4、ead of the weak.3It has been repeatedly proven that the environment _our character.4The result of the exam _what I had expected. 5Others may _titles and honors, but I am not.6The low grade he got in the exam really _him _.7When crossing the street, _cars.8They often _their responsibilities _.9Peter

5、has provided _clean clothes to families affected by disaster.10We can hardly think of the children _when we ourselves live well.11Smith _the medical college as a guest professor for two years.12Dr. Jones emphasizes the need for exercise _a change in diet.13The book tells us that nearly 30 herbs shou

6、ld not _heart medication.答案1.are proud of2.will belong to3.has an effect on4.was opposite fond of6.let; down7.look out for8.take; seriously9.loads poor condition11.has been attached addition mixed with.单项填空1_police were on _spot within a few minutes of my telephone cal

7、l.AThe; a BA; the CThe; the DThe; /答案C考查冠词的用法。on the spot是固定短语,表示“到(在)现场;当场”;police是集合名词,在这里表示特指,其前要加定冠词。故正确答案为C。2Before the final examinations, some students have trouble in sleeping while others have lost their _.Ainterest Benergy Cappetite Dexperience答案Cappetite食欲。句意:期末考试前,一些学生难以入睡,而一些学生则没有食欲。故正确

8、答案为C。3Mum, it is nice weather. I want to skate this afternoon.Dont you think the ice on the lake is too thin to _your weight?Abear Bcatch Cstand Dtake答案A考查动词用法辨析。四个词中,只有bear能够与weight搭配,表示“承受重量”。故正确答案为A。4Tom is going abroad for further education and well _him _at the airport.Apick; up Bsee; off Cshow

9、; around Ddrive; away答案B考查动词短语辨析。pick sb up接某人;see sb off给某人送行;show sb around带某人参观;drive sb away将某人驱赶走。根据句意可知,我们是要到机场为Tom送行。故正确答案为B。5You cant imagine what difficulty the deserted (被遗弃的) cats will have _through the frozen winter.Alived Bliving Cto live Dbeen living答案B考查固定结构。前面的difficulty与后面的谓语构成固定结构h

10、ave difficulty (in) doing something。6_ I phoned him, no one answered the telephone at home.ALast time BFor the last timeCThe last time DAt last time答案C考查连词的用法。last time, for the last time都只能在句中充当状语,可排除;我们不能说at last time,要说last time。the last time与the first time一样,可以用作连词。故正确答案为C。7We were swimming in t

11、he lake _suddenly the storm started. Awhen Bwhile Cuntil Dbefore答案A考查固定句型。when在本句中为连词,相当于and just then, and just at that time, 意为“就在这时”,后常接一个表示忽然出现的动作的动词。只有when才能用于这种句型,通常和正在发生的或即将发生的动作连用,构成:be doing.when.或be about to do.when.句型。其中when引导的从句要用一般过去时。句意:我们正在湖中游泳,突然暴风雨来了。8This is the most splendid footb

12、all match I have _seen recently.Anever Bseldom Calready Dever答案D考查副词的用法。四个选项中,只有ever能与形容词的最高级连用,这时, ever在句中的位置通常是在最高级所修饰的名词之后或其后的定语从句中。故正确答案为D。9At the age of 29, Dave was a worker, _in a small apartment near Boston and _what to do about his future.Aliving; wondering Blived; wonderingClived; wondered

13、 Dliving; wondered答案A考查非谓语动词在句中作状语的用法。动词与Dave构成一种主动关系,所以要用现在分词。故正确答案为A。10Education reform, _the Chinese government attaches great importance, has attracted a lot of public attention.Ain which Bto which Cin that Dto that答案B考查定语从句。attach importance to sth表示“认为重要”,所以可排除A和C;又因为that不能引导非限制性定语从句。故正确答案为B。1

14、1Lets go swimming after school._. Call for me at any time.AThat depends BHave funCGood luck DSounds good答案D考查交际用语。根据Call for me at any time(随时来接我)可知,说话者同意对方的建议。四个选项中,只有D表示同意对方的建议。故正确答案为D。12He has a good knowledge of English_ his knowledge of computer is poor.Awhile Band Cor Dso答案A考查连词。while在此处表示一种对比

15、关系, 意为“而,却”。B、C 、D项没有此义。13As is known to us all, Shanxi is a province not _ Western China.Abelonging BbelongedCbelonging to Dbelonged to答案C考查belong to 的用法。belong to在句中作谓语时,不能用于被动语态和进行时,在此处是作后置定语。注意:belong是不及物动词,必须和介词to连用构成及物动词词组才能接宾语。14Some students in our class are going to clean the street. The re

16、st _in the classroom.Ais staying Bare stayingCstay Dstays答案B考查时态与主谓一致。根据前一分句可知, 后一分句也要用将来时态, stay可以用现在进行时表示将来的行为或动作;the rest实际上是the rest of the students的省略形式,所以谓语动词要用复数形式。综上所述,正确答案应为B。15The young man insisted that he _ nothing wrong and insisted that he_ free.Ado;set Bhad done; setCdo; be set Dhad d

17、one; be set答案D此题考查insist的用法。第一个空insist“坚持说,坚持认为”,其后宾语从句用陈述语气;第二个空insist“坚持要求”,其后宾语从句用虚拟语气,即shoulddo(should可以省略)。.完形填空Many years ago I worked in an office with large windows facing a busy overpass (立交桥). When things were _1_, I would stand by the window and_2_ at the passengers who looked up. Their s

18、trange_3_ made me laugh and the stress was washed away. It didnt take long to_4_ the attention of a group of people who passed the window every day.My wife and I were _5_our first child that spring and I wanted the world to know. Less than a month before the birth, I _6_a sign in the window, saying

19、“25 DAYS UNTIL B DAY.” People_7_ and shrugged (耸) their shoulders. The next day the sign read “24 DAYS UNTIL B DAY.” Each day the number _8_, and the passing people grew more _9_.One day a sign appeared in a _10_full of people: “_11_is B DAY?” I just waved and smiled.Ten days before the expected dat

20、e the sign in the window said “10 DAYS UNTIL BABY DAY.” They finally understood what was _12_. Thus every day they were _13_to see if my wife had given birth. The next morning, when the count _14_“zero” my daughter was born. I was very _15_and put a new sign in the window, “ITS A GIRL!”That night wh

21、en the bus drew _16_, I held my hands over my head in a victory pose. The bus was _17_in front of me when it stopped dead in heavy traffic,_18_ every person in the bus stood with their hands in the air. Then a sign _19_. It filled the windows and stretched (延伸) half the length of the bus, “ _20_!” T

22、ears formed in my eyes as the bus slowly continued its journey.【语篇解读】 “我”工作的办公室有一个临街的大窗户,每天人来人往,那儿会发生怎样的故事呢?1A.slow Bclean Csimple Dstrange答案A从下文可知,是“我”在工作不忙的时候,就会站在窗边,故选A。2A.stare Bwave Claugh Dshout答案B由上下文可知,“我”是站在窗前,朝路人挥手,所以才会引起其他人的注意,故选B。3A.sounds BattitudesClooks Dbehaviors答案C他们奇怪的表情让“我”发笑,所有的压

23、力一消而散,故选C。4A.suggest Bturn Crequire Dattract答案D不久,每天经过窗前的人们的注意力就被吸引住了,故选D。5A.missing BexpectingCeducating Dhelping答案B由Less than a month before the birth可知,那是“我”和妻子都在期待孩子的降生,故选B。6A.posted Bleft Cfound Dchanged答案A由a sign in the window, saying “25 DAYS UNTIL B DAY.”可知,“我”在窗上贴了一个牌子,故选A。7A.whispered Bign

24、oredCpassed Dsighed答案C由a group of people who passed the window every day可知,人们只是经过,然后耸耸肩,一副不在意的样子,故选C。8A.fell Breplaced Crose Ddropped答案D由上文可知,天数在一天天减少,故选D。9A.worried Bconfused Cinterested Damazed答案B路过的人们变得越来越糊涂,不明白到底发生了什么事,故选B。10A.bus Broom Cstation Dstreet答案A由下文的every person in the bus stood with t

25、heir hands in the air可知,是在公交车上的人们提出了他们的疑问,故选A。11A.Which BWhere CWhat DWhen答案C由上下文可知,路人是在问什么是B day,故选C。12A.drawing BhappeningCinforming Dplanning答案B由10 DAYS UNTIL BABY DAY可知,人们终于明白到底发生了什么事了,故选B。13A.anxious Bnervous Cserious Dcurious答案D所以每天他们都好奇地想知道“我”妻子是不是生产了,故选D。14A.approached BstoppedCreached Ddecr

26、eased答案C由上文可知,天数在一天天减少,当天数降到零的时候,“我”的女儿降生了,故选C。15A.excited Binspired Cmoved Dtired答案A由上下文可知“我”对于女儿的出生很激动,很高兴,故选A。16A.back Bclose Caside Daway 答案B由The bus was _17_ in front of me when it stopped dead in heavy traffic可知,公交车不断地靠近,故选B。17A.specially BparticularlyCtotally Ddirectly答案D公交车正好停到了“我”的面前,故选D。18

27、A.and Bso Csince Dbut答案AThe bus was _17_ in front of me when it stopped dead in heavy traffic与every person in the bus stood with their hands in the air是并列关系,故选A。19A.performed BfunctionedCappeared Ddelivered答案C由It filled the windows and stretched half the length of the bus可知,一个牌子出现了,故选C。20A.Thanks BE

28、xcellentCWonderful DCongratulations答案D由上下文可知,大家肯定是恭喜“我”喜得一个女儿,是对女儿的降生表示祝福,故选D。.阅读理解Three years ago when I was still in the university, I also worked at a restaurant.An old man named Mr. Candido Filio was one of our regular customers at the restaurant. He was one of the most intelligent people Ive ev

29、er known.Every Sunday the Philippine Star Newspaper had a special page for word puzzles and among his peers (同龄人), Mr. Filio held the record for solving all the puzzles in less than five minutes. He encouraged me to solve them too and for months and months, I did my best to beat him but failed.Then one Sunday, I did it! I was able to complete them before anyone else. Everyone cheered for me. He came up to me with a smile and said, “

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