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1、英语语法通关2012届高三英语第二轮复习考点精讲精炼第3讲 单项选择代词和数词物主代词和反身代词的用法 不定代词的用法代词that、it、one的用法 数词和主谓一致 it在动词后的虚拟用法 反身代词在短文改错中的运用(延边F)经典易错题会诊(延边F)命题角度1(延边F)物主代词和反身代词的用法1. (延边F) (典型例题精选 ) You will find as you read this book that youjust can t keep some of these stones to . You will want to share them with a friend. A. i

2、tself B. yourself C. himself D. themselves (延边F) 考场错解 A (延边F) 专家把脉 四个选项给出的都是反身代词。从题干分析来看,是以第二人称来讲述的,应是第二人称的反身代词yourself。 (延边F) 对症下药 B2. (延边F) (典型例题精选Who called me this morning when I was not? A man calling Robert. A. him B. himself C. his D. 不填 (延边F) 考场错解 A (延边F) 专家把脉 本题考查反身代词以及动词call的用法。动词call的用法:s

3、b+call+宾语+补足语。如果 sb和宾语指同一人,则需要用反身代词;如果sb和宾语不指同一人,则需要用相应的宾格形式。本句表达“一个叫自己Robert的人。” (延边F) 对症下药 B3. (延边F) (典型例题精选atherine bought a postcard of the place she was visiting, addressed to and then posted it at the nearby post office. A. it ; her B. it; herself C. herself; her D. herself; herself (延边F) 考场错解

4、 C (延边F) 专家把脉 本题考查代词it和反身代词的用法。 dress oneself为一固定用法,而address又易与dress相混,故易错选c。本句中第一空应指postcard用it,而第二空应指Catherine故应用herself。 (延边F) 对症下药 B4(典型例题精选The girl insisted on seeing the manager , not any of his assistant. A. by herself B. herself C. by himself D. himself (延边F) 考场错解A或B (延边F) 专家把脉 理清本句的逻辑关系是解好本

5、题的关键,注意not any of his assistant是关键信息。 (延边F) 对症下药 D5(经典题)Tom felt that he knew everybody s businessthan they knew it .A. themselves B. oneself C. itself D. himself (延边F) 考场错解 D (延边F) 专家把脉 考查对反身代词的理解。如果把注意力放在everybody上,就会误选D。实际上在使用反身代词时,要注意主语。如果主语是I就用myself;you用 yourself或yoursel YeS;he用himself;she用her

6、self;it用it self;we用ourselve$;they用themselves。这里当是强调主语they,所以用相应的themselyes。 (延边F) 对症下药 A(延边F)专家会诊1(延边F)英汉差异。英语中必须有形容词性物主代词,而汉语中往往省略不翻译。如: JaeK took off his coat and went to bed(his不能省略) 2(延边F)of+名词性物主代词”用作定语。如: Some friends of mine will attend my birthday party. That car of hers is always breaking d

7、own 3(延边F) “形容词性物主代词+OWN+名词”表示强调,在own前还可加very表示进一步的强调。如:It s nice if a man can have his own ear. I want to have my very own ear. 4(延边F) “a(an,some,any)+名词+of ones own表示“某人自己的”的意思。名词前可以用this,that,these,four,those,several another,no,which等修饰,但有能用定冠词 the。如:a car of my own Students need those stories of

8、 their own.(延边F)考场思维训练1 (延边F) There at the door stood a girl about the same age . A. as me B. as mine C. with me D. with mine.1B解析:从语境看,本题考查物主代词的用法,the same常和as连用,意为:和相同。这里比较的是年龄,故用mineo2(延边F) Jack is one of those men who I am sure always do best even in the most difficult situations.A. his B. your

9、C. their D. one s2c解析:和前文的those保持一致。3(延边F) If a student can make what has been learned , whether in class or scoial practice, he will make steady progress.A. his own B. him C. himself D. his3D解析:这里his相当于his own things。(延边F)命题角度2(延边F)不定代词的用法1. (延边F) (典型例题精选 Of all the books on the desk, is of any use

10、 for our study. A. nothing B. no one C. neither D. none (延边F) 考场错解 B (延边F) 专家把脉 本题考查不定代词作主语的用法。被选项中no one指“没有人,没一个”,一般不与of连用;而 none一般用作简单的答语或在句子中与of连用充当主语。因此B不正确。 (延边F) 对症下药 D2. (延边F) (典型例题精选 ) We haven t enough books for , some of you will have to share. A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobod

11、y (延边F) 考场错解 B (延边F) 专家把脉 此题考查不定代词的用法,此句意思是:“我们没有足够的书发给每一个人,你们中有些人将不得不共同使用。” (延边F) 对症下药 C3. (延边F) (典型例题精选 ) I got the story from Tom and people who had worked with him. A. every other B. many others C. some other D. other than (延边F) 考场错解D或A (延边F) 专家把脉 选项D虽带有other,但otherthan是“而非不同”的意思,离题意相去甚远;A项every

12、 other修饰单数可数名词;B项other(以及the other,the others)是代词不能作定语来修饰名词。C项some other是“其他一些”的意思,符合题意。 (延边F) 对症下药 C4. (典型例题精选 ) It is easy to do the repair. you need is a hammer and some nails. A. Something B. All C. Both D. Everything (延边F) 考场错解 D (延边F) 专家把脉 选项D的干扰性最强,意思是“每一样东西”,但根据表语可以排除。句子的谓语是is,可以排除c项。全句意为“修这

13、个东西很容易,你所需要的就是一把锤子和一些钉子”,那么,“所需要的”而不是“所需的一些东西”了,排除A项。 (延边F) 对症下药 B5. (延边F) (典型例题精选 ) We had three sets of garden tools and we seemed to have no use for . A. none B. either C. any D. each (延边F) 考场错解A或D (延边F) 专家把脉 一般考生认为none是完全否定,这里是三者,符合这个用法。根据题意,“似乎我们对任何一个都没有利用”,强调“任何”,所以选C。 (延边F) 对症下药 C6. (延边F) (典型

14、例题精选 )One week s time has been wasted. I ean t believe we did all that work for . A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything (延边F) 考场错解A或D (延边F) 专家把脉 前者说:一周的时间已被浪费掉了。后者说:我无法相信我们所做的一切毫无结果,什么都没换来。句中的for有“替换、兑换”之意。 (延边F) 对症下药 B(延边F)专家会诊易混不定代词的用法区别: 1(延边F)some和any 二者都可用作代词(作主语或宾语),也可用作形容词(作定语)来修饰

15、可数名词或不可数名词。 (1)some一般用于肯定句中。当some用于单数可数名词前时,表示“某一(个),:与数字连用则表示“大概,大约”的意思:用于疑问句时,表示说话人希望得到肯定的回答,或表示请求,建议。如: Ive read the story in some book. (某一本) Some girl is waiting for you at the sehoul gate.某个) The country has exported some two million bikes this year. ( 大约 ) May I have some water? ( 表示请求 ) Woul

16、d you like some apples? (邀请) (2)any多用于疑问句,否定句和条件句中。在肯定句中,any表示“任何的”,修饰单数可数名词;也可用作状语,表示程度。如:You may choose any xtudent. I can t stay here any longer.2. (延边F)both 和 all both两者都,all三者或三者以上,全体:在句中可作主语、宾语、定语和同位语。 au指人,作主语时,谓语动词用复数;还可指物,表示“所有,一切”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数,也可用来修饰不可数名词。例如: All but one ale present(作主语,指人

17、,谓语动词用复数) All is over with him(作主语,指物,谓语动词用单数) I have forgotten alI about it(作宾语) All hope has gone(修饰不可数名词) They all agree to stay here(作同位语) 3(延边F)much和many 两个词都有“许多”的意思,much表示或修饰不可数名词,many表示或修饰可数名词。在口语中,much或many多用于疑问句或否定句,在肯定句中常用a lot of,lots of,plenty of,a large quantity of,quanties of代替.much还可

18、以用a great deal of代替,many可以用a(large)number of代替。 (1)much可用作副词,作状语,表程度。be not mileh意为“不怎么样”,much还可与too连用,构成“too much+不可数名词”短语,意为“太多的”或“much too+形容词或副词”短语,意为“太”“非常”,是副词词组,修饰形、副词,但不修饰动词。如: The city is much larger than that one Ive visited the country and it is notmuch There is too much noise in the clas

19、sroom Im muchtoo busy to see visitors (2)many a+可数名词单数,表示“许多”。在名词前如果有冠词或指示代词等词时,要用 many of或much of结构,如: Many a student has gone to the cinema Many ofthe/my books are English 4(延边F)each和every (1)each强调个体,在句子中充当定语、主语、宾语和同位语,指两者或两者以上的人或事物中的每一个。如:Each room can seat at least fifty people. Each of the stu

20、dents will get a new book. Each student will get a new book. The students each will get a new book. There are trees and flowers on each side of thestreet(街道只有两边,不能用every) (2)every强调整体,在句中只能作定语,指三者或三者以上的人或事物中的每一个。还可以表示“每隔”构成“every+数词+复数名词”,“every+few+复数名词”,“every+other+单数名词”,“every+序数词+单数名词”,如:Every

21、one has strong and weak points. Every student has told a story. every three weeks每三个星期,每隔两个星期 every other week=every second week每隔一星期 every fewweeks(不能说every afewweeks)每隔几个星期 5(延边F)either和neither either指“两个人或物中的任何一个”,表示肯定意义,neither指“两个人或物一个也不”,表示否定意义。这两个词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数。 (1)either可放在否定句的句尾,表示“也”。如: I

22、dont know,either我也不知道. (2)either可用作连词,“或者,要么”的意思,一般与or连用,构成“eitheror”短语,意为“不是就是”,“或者或者”。当这一短语连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词在人称和数上要同最近的主语保持一致,如: Either he or I am to blame Is either be or you going to the cinema? Are either you or he going to the cinema? (3)either修饰名词时,前面不用物主代词、指示代词或定冠词,可以说:“either pen”但不能说“the

23、either pen或either my pen”o (4)either用作代词时,可以单独使用,也可和of连用,of 后接复数名词,名词前要用一个物主代词、指示代词或定冠词,如: He doesnt like either ofthe two places (5)当either of作主语时,动词一般用单数形式,但在否定句和疑问句中,动词也常用复数,特别在口语中,如:Either of them is good enough. I don t think either of them are at home.6. (延边F) no 和 none (1)no表示“不”“无”只能作定语,修饰不可

24、数名词或可数名词单复数,相当于not any或not ao如: There is no water in the bottle (2)none表示“没有人,任何人也不”用作名词,相当于no one或not any,常同of连用,构成“None of-”结构,none作可数名词用时,指三者或三者以上,作主语时谓语动词用单数或复数均可,none作不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数,none在句中作主语或宾语,不作定语,不与名词连用,作主语时表示全部否定。如: None of books are(is)interesting 注意: (1)none but+复数名词作主语时,谓语动词要用复数,如: Non

25、e but wolves walk hke that除非狼才会那么走。 (2)none和no one的区别: none回答以how many/much引导的特殊疑问句或“any of+限定词+名词”或表一定范围的一般疑问句,no one回答以who引导的特殊疑问句及含有anybody或无限定范围的一般问句,简言之,none表示数量,no one表示没有人,如:How many students are there in the classroom now?None.How any of you ever been to the Great Wall?None.Who can answer th

26、e question?No one.7. (延边F) other, another, others, any other, the other的用法。 (1)other表示泛指,意为“另外的,其他的”。常与复数名词或不可数名词连用。如果其前有 the,this,some,any,each,every,no 以及形容词性物主代词时,其后就可接单数名词。如: I have no other place to go (2)another常用于指三者或三者以上中的“另外一个”,泛指单数。可以单独使用,也可以接名词。如果其后接复数名词,则表示“又,再,还”。如: This cap is too smal

27、l for me. Show me another(one). We need another three assistants in our company. (3)others是other的复数形式,表示泛指,意为“别的人或物”,但不指全部。特指时在其前加定冠词;前面可加任何限定词以及数量词。如: He has more concern for others than for him- self. (4)any other表示一个之外的其他任何一个,而不是两个之中的另一个。如: China i8 larger than any other country in Asia (5)the ot

28、her表示两者中的另外一个。可以单独使用,也可接单数名词。如: No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to the other.(延边F)考场思维训练1 (延边F) Young people may grow quickly in some ways and moreslowly in .A. the other B. some otherC. others D. those others1C解析:在其他方面。2 (延边F)If you want to change for a dou

29、ble room you 11 have to pay 30 dollars.A. another B. other C. more D. each2A 解析:another接数词表示“再一”,more的位置在数词前。(延边F)命题角度3(延边F)代词that,itone的用法1. (延边F) (典型例题精选 ) I m moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than in the city. A. ones B. one C. that D. those (延边F) 考场错解 B (延边F) 专家把脉

30、在比较状语从句中,指代前文的可数名词单数形式用that或the one,复数形式用those,或the ones泛指时用one或ones;而不可数名词则用that。这里比较的是air,所以用that。 (延边F) 对症下药 C2. (延边F) (典型例题精选 ) The chairman thought necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting. A. that B. it C. this D. him (延边F) 考场错解 A (延边F) 专家把脉 此题考查代词it的用法。it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是to invi

31、te Professor Smith to speak at the meeting,能代指成分的只能用it。 (延边F) 对症下药 B3. (延边F) (典型例题精选 As the busiest woman in Norton, she made her duty to look after all the other people s affairs in that town. A. this B. that C. one D. it (延边F) 考场错解 B (延边F) 专家把脉 本题考查代词指代不定式的用法。一般的,在句子中用it指代句子、不定式或动词的ing结构;而that或this常常指代具体的事。one常用作泛指“一个”。 (延边F) 对症下药 D4. (延边F) (典型例题精选 ) He hasn t slept at all for three days. he is tire

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