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1、译林版八年级英语上册Unit2精美导学案7课时第01课时 Unit2 Welcome to the unit学习目标1.掌握与学校生活有关的词汇。 2.掌握相同概念在英国英语和美国英语中的不同表达法。 活动方案Activity I 认真预习课本19页,对照单词表写出下列单词的英式或美式英语。1. fall _ 2. soccer _ 3. film_4. rubber_ 5. lorry _ 6. shop_ 7. garden_ 8. holiday _ 9. cookie_ Activity II Self-learningTask1:自主完成课本19页A部分内容,并在组内核对答案。Tas

2、k2:朗读19页B部分对话,划出英式英语的单词,并写出美式英语的单词。Task3:表演对话。Activity III Discussion & pair workTask1:自由朗读Comic部分,回答下列问题。 1. Why does Eddie think dogs dont go to school? 2.What does Eddie think school is like?Task2:小组讨论补充拓展知识点。Task3:分角色有感情地朗读对话。检测反馈1.分角色表演Comic对话。2.回顾本节课所学生词:橡皮(英)_ (美) _ 电影(英)_ (美) _ 假期(英)_ (美) _

3、饼干(英)_ (美) _秋天(英)_ (美) _ 商店(英)_ (美) _英国的_ 美国的_3.用所给词的适当形式填空。(1)His mother is ill. Today she feels even _(bad).(2)Which do you like _(good), Tom, Lily or Lucy?(3)My sister is _(comfortable) because she lost her money.(4)In my family, I eat _(little).(5)These apples taste_(well) and sell well.(6)Today

4、 is my _(busy) day this week.(7)Tony has to work _(hard) and learn more.【巩固提升】、句子翻译。1. 他们今天为什么不上学? Why_ they go _ school today?2. 这些人为什么总是在这里? _ are these_ always here?3.叔叔给我买了一盒美食,我现在迫不及待地打开它。 My uncle has bought me a box of nice food, and now I _ _to open it.4. 西蒙将会在他家附近的一个操场上玩耍。 Simon will _ in a

5、 playground _ his home.5. 我不想单独去那里。让我们一起去吧。 I dont want to go there alone. Lets_ _.、单项选择()1. Look at the boat on the river. It _ a duck. A. look like B. looks like C. are like D. looks likes()2. She spends_ money on clothes than you. A. many B. much C. fewer D. less()3. He is a map of China. Please

6、_ me where Shanghai is. A. show B. point C. say D. speak()4. Why _ come and play volleyball with us? A. not you B. dont C. not D. didnt()5. We can hear _ English. A. they reading B. them to read C. them reading D. them to reading()6.What colour do you like _, green or blue? A. better B. the better C

7、. best D. well()7.The _ now is that we have lots of_ to ask. A. problem; questions B. question; problems C. question; problem D. problem; question()8.The editor gives Cindy some _. A. advices and help B. advice and helps C. advices and helps D. advice and help第02课时 Unit2 Reading(I)学习目标1.掌握文章中的生词。 2.

8、学会运用各种阅读方式,读懂文章。 3.了解英美国家中学生的学校生活。活动方案一、 Activity I课前预习:认真预习课本20-22页,完成下列练习。(一) 对照单词表翻译下列词汇,并在文中找到这些生词,尝试将课文译成汉语。1. 混合的_ 2. 法语 _ 3.在期间_4. 外语_ 5.讨论 _ 6. 在课堂上 _ 7.结束_ 8.棒球 _ 9. 赢得,获胜_ (二) 认真阅读课文,试着完成下列句子,只要细心、耐心,你一定可以做到。 1.这是一所男女混合学校。It is a _. 2.学外语很有趣。_ is fun. 3.阅读有趣的书籍时,时间好像走得更快。Time _ when we are

9、 reading interesting books. 4.他经常仔细地听我的问题并给我提供帮助。 He often_ my problems and _. 5.我们队上个月赢了两场比赛。 Our team_ last month.Activity II Reading comprehensionTask1:Fast Reading Read the text quickly and answer the following questions.a. Who wrote the first article?b. What activity does her school have every

10、year?c. Who wrote the second article?d. Who else is mentioned in the article?Task2:Read the text carefully and do T or F. 1. Both Nancy and John are Grade 8 students. _ 2. Nancys favourite subject is English. _ 3. There is a Reading Week at Nancys school every year. _ 4. Nancy always brings in more

11、books than her classmates. _ 5. The classes at Johns school are not the same every day. _ 6. John and his friends often go shopping on Friday afternoon. _Task3:Read the text carefully again and complete the table.WhoNancyJohnWhereWhatWhenWhyActivity III Pair workA、Make up a dialogue to talk about Na

12、ncy and Johns school life.S1: Where do you study, Nancy?S2: I study atS1: Whats your favourite subject at school?S2: Oh, my favourite subject is. I like learning.S1: Do you have special activities at school?S2: Yes, we have every year. We can.S1: Thats great!检测反馈根据课文内容填空。Nancy is a Year 8 student at

13、 Woodland School_ London. In this mixed school, boys and girls have lessons together. Among all her subjects, she likes_ best. She thinks that learning foreign languages is_. There is a Reading Week in her school every year. During the week, she and her classmates can borrow more books from the scho

14、ol library. They can also bring in books and magazines from_. She often reads more books than her classmates. Near the _of the week, they discuss the books with their classmates in class. Time seems to go_ when they are reading interesting books.John is 14 years old, and he is in the 8th grade at Ro

15、cky Mountain High School near Denver. Every Monday, he goes to the Buddy Club. In the_, older students help new students learn more about the school. His friend Tony, a student in the_ grade, often listens carefully to his problems and offers him help. Tony is Johns_. John and his classmates have di

16、fferent classes every day. On Friday afternoon, their school ends earlier than usual. John often does sports with his friends. _ a week, he plays baseball after school. He loves this game and practices hard every time.【巩固提升】、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Theyll have_ (drive) lesson this afternoon.2. Every day, I s

17、pend lots of time_ (practice) _ (speak) English.3. John lives in _. He studies in a _ secondary school. (Britain)4. Our school is a _ (mix) school. Boys and girls have lessons together.5. I have a _ (foreigner) friend, and he can speak Chinese very well.6.Our school basketball team _ (winner) again

18、yesterday.、单项选择。 ( )1. He doesnt like apples. Me _. A. also B. either C. too D. neither( )2. We have a storybook. It is so _. A. more interesting B. more interest C. interesting D. interested( )3.Spring is here. The weather is getting _. A. warmer and warmer B. warm and warm C. warmest D. more and m

19、ore warm.( )4. _ does Daniel live from his school? A. How long B. How often C. How far D. How much、写出下列句子的同义句。1. I like Maths best My _ _ is Maths.2. It seems that time goes faster when we are reading an interesting book. Time _ _ _ faster when we are reading an interesting book.3. Nobody has more o

20、range juice than Millie. Millie has _ _ orange juice of the three.4. Whats the meaning of “buddy”? What _ “buddy” _?5. It takes me a lot of time to play baseball. I _ a lot of time _ baseball.6. Daniel has more pens than Gao Shan. Gao Shan has_ pens _ Daniel.第03课时 Unit2 Reading()学习目标1.理解作者的个人感受和观点。

21、2.理解和掌握文章中的语言点。活动方案二、 Activity I 课前预习:反复阅读reading课文,完成下列练习。(一) 努力在课文中划出下列短语,并写下来。1. 一所男女混合学校_ 2.最喜欢法语 _ 3.一起上课_ 4. 外语_5.临近每节课结束时_ 6. 与某人讨论某事 _ 7.一个阅读周_ 8.世界各地的学校_ 9.上不同的课_ 10.给我提供帮助_11.在星期五下午_ 12.上个月_(二) 回忆课文内容,回答下列问题。 1. Which school is Nancy at? What kind of school is it? _ 2. Which subject does s

22、he like best? Why? _ 3. What can students do during the Reading Week?_ 4. Which school is John at? _ 5. How often does John go to the Buddy Club? What can students do there?_6. Who is Tony? Why does John think Tony is his hero?_7. Why do John and his friends do sports together on Friday afternoon?_8

23、. Does John like playing baseball?_Activity II Discussion:在文章中找出下列句子并讨论其中的知识点。1.Time seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books.译为:_此句中seem意思是_,其后经常接动词_,短语似乎做某事_seem 的后面还可以接that从句。因此我们还可以将此句改为:It seems that time _.2.On Friday afternoon, our school ends earlier than usual.译为:_此句中end 的词性

24、为_,earlier是_的比较级,词性为_,在句中修饰_。3.He often listens carefully to my problems and offers me help.译为:_此处carefully为_词,在句中修饰_,它的反义词为_。形容词形式为_,反义词为_。4.Our team won two games last month.译为:_won为_的过去式,意为_。通过_可以判断出本句的时态为_。检测反馈句子翻译。1.学外语挺有趣。_ _ _ is fun.2.我经常比我的同学看书多。I often read _ _ _ my classmates.3.打棒球是我的最爱。Playing _ is _ _.4.不要在课堂上跟我说话。下课后我会跟你讨论它。Dont talk to me _ _. I will_ it with you after class.5.她经常自愿给我一些帮助。She often _ _ _ to me.【巩固提升】单项选择

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