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本文(初中英语 中考专项训练 词汇和语法词法选择题701800含答案解析.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

初中英语 中考专项训练 词汇和语法词法选择题701800含答案解析.docx

1、初中英语 中考专项训练 词汇和语法词法选择题701800含答案解析初中英语 中考专项训练 词汇和语法词法(选择题701-800)(含答案解析)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1We failed _ the basketball match. _.Ato lose;Its a pity Bto win;Im sorry to hear thatCwin;What a pity Dlose;Pity2(2017重庆B卷23)Fu Yuanhui is_ favorite swimmer because shes so funny.AI Bmy Cme Dmine3(题文)Here_ t

2、he results_the student activity survey in No. 71 Middle School.Ais; with Bare;ofCis;of Dare ; with4I think it must be teenagers _ fun.Ato have Bhaving Chave Dhad5Shopping again? You already have so many clothes in the wardrobe(衣柜).Dont you know a woman _ have too many clothes?Acan Bshould Ccant Dsho

3、uldnt6Its cold here, please keep the door _.Aopen Bclose Cclosed Dclosing7A library is _ useful place to find _.Aa; information Ban; informationCan; informations Da; informations8Is there _ in the bag?Asomething else Belse something Canything else Delse anything9Mr. Smith, I dont think we can get th

4、ere on time by bike. You mean its _ for us to take a taxi?Anecessary Bimportant Ceasy Ddifficult10Jim and Tim are good _.Abrother Bfriend Cfriends Dbrother and sister11(题文)Simon spent _money on CDs of all, but he had_ CDs.Athe least;the mostBthe most; the mostCthe fewest; the leastDthe fewest; the m

5、ost12(题文)How do you like the movie? Its _.Aexpensive Bdelicious Ccrowded Dgreat13There was a big fire yesterday. _ no one was hurt.ALuckily BLoudly CAngrily DBadly14(题文) Zhou Libo is _ to make all the audience _.Aenough funny, laugh Bfunny enough, laughCenough funny, to laugh Dfunny enough, to laugh

6、15-Wow, useful and fashionable iphone 6s you have bought!-Yes, it is _ great help to me, _ I must say it also cost me a lot.AWhat, a, but BWhat an, the, andCWhat a, a , and DHow, a ,but16If we do , there will be_ giant pandas in the world.Anothing ; no more Banything ; no anyCanything ; no more Dnot

7、hing ; more and more17 Lets _ the movie, Capitan of America. Sorry, but I _ a book now.Awatching, read Bwatch, am seeingCgo to, am reading Dsee, am looking at18I finished _ the first book last week. I plan _ the second one this week.Areading; to read Bto read; readingCreading; reading Dto read; to r

8、ead19It is amazing that Mr. Guo sailed across the world by himself_ within about 130 days.Asuccessful Bsucceed Csuccessfully Dsuccess20Johnson_ on May 1. He _ for several years.Adied, has been dead Bwas killed, has diedCwas dead, has been killed Dwas died, has been dying21This is_ eraser and eraser

9、is in the pencil case.Aa; the Ban; the Can; an Da; a22Mike is a student from _, and he studies very _.ARussian; well BRussia; good CRussia; hard DRussian; hard23There are many_ in the forest.Ababies pandas Bbabies panda Cbaby panda Dbaby pandas24(题文)My teachers try their best _ our problems.Asolve B

10、work out Cto work out Dto solve25Hurry up, Tom. We have no time _ breakfast.Ato eat Beating Ceat Deats26Mr. Scott is _respected by his students.Avery Bextreme Crather Dmuch27(题文)He studies_ at Japanese, but he can still_speak it.Ahard; hard Bhardly; hardChard; hardly Dhardly; hardly28It takes me two

11、 hours _ the homework.Ado Bdoing Cto do29There is _ water in the glass, you can drink it.Alittle Ba little Cfew Da few30Id like a piece of paper _.Ato write Bwriting Cto write on Dwriting on31Jill, remind me _ my camera to school tomorrow. I will.Ataking Bto take Crepairing Dto repair32(题文)Tom alway

12、s feels _ today.Did he stay up late last night?Yes.He didnt go to bed until 11.Asleep BsleepyCsleeping Dasleep33Few young people in China know about Lady Gaga, _?_, she is quite famous here in China.Ado they; No Bdo they; Yes CDont they; No Ddont they; Yes34(题文)With more practice, I found reading wa

13、s not as _ as I used to think.Athe most difficult Bmost difficult Cmore difficult Ddifficult35(题文)(2017四川攀枝花) I bought some flowers my mom my best wishes on her birthday.Afor;with Bto;forCof;to Dfrom;with36We believe there are months of _ behind any successful event.Apreparation Bpollution Cinformation Deducation37We are so tired. Lets stop _ a rest.Ato have Bhaving Chad Dhas38 Has your brother returned _ from school? Yes. He _ for more than an hour.Ahome, has been back Bhome, has come backCto home, has come Dto home, has been back39The children were _excited to see _many stra

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