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1、雅思雅思托福作文新通【关键字】雅思写作话题1.文化类-新旧文化价值观社会类科技类教育类In some cultures the old age is highly valued, while in some cultures youth is highly valuedDiscuss and give your opinion.2.文化类- 语言Several languages are dying out every year. However, some people do not think it is important and claim that our life will be

2、simplerwith fewer languages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?3.文化类-全球一体化Differences between countries have become less evident. For example, nowadays the same films, fashions, brands and TV programs are found4.旅游类-旅游业利弊Tourism is a multibillion-dollar industry that supports economic developm

3、ent. However, some people think that it causes too much damage to the local environment and culture. What do you think?5.社会类-食物Food produced in greater amount and much cheaply due to the developed fertilizers and better machinery yet some others say it is dangerous to human health and local communit

4、ies. To What extent do you agree or disagree?6.伦理类男女平等话题Most high level jobs are done by men. Should the governmentencourage a certain percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women?7.科技类-生活Some people hold that the development of technology leads hasmade out life more complex, and the solution i

5、s to live simpler lifewithout that technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree?8.教育类-上大学Students from rural areas often find it difficult to access universityeducation. Some people think universities should make itespecially easy for them to study. To what extent do you agree ordisagree?9.教育

6、类Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the government rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your opinion and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.10.教育类-老师的未来Some people t

7、hink that typical teaching of a teacher and students in the class will not exist by the year 2050. Do you agree or disagree?11.职业类An increasing number of people change their career and place of residence several times during their lives. Is this a positive or negative development?12.环境类Some people b

8、elieve that these environmental problems are toobig for individuals to deal with, while others think that individuals should take some action. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.13.社会类-体育锻炼Participating in sports is important to physical health as well as spiritual health and social develo

9、pment. Do you agree?14.媒体类- 新闻可信度People receive a lot of information from news reports presented by journalists. However, others claim that we cannot believe the news we are presented with. What do your opinion? In addition,what qualities do you think journalists should have?15.社会类- 博物馆及艺术馆Public mu

10、seums and art galleries are not needed because people can see historical objects and works by using computers. To whatextent do you agree or disagree?16.犯罪类Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crime. Some believe that more action should be taken to preventcrime, but o

11、thers feel that little can be done. What is your opinion?在多年教授雅思写作的过程中,发现学生在雅思Task 2 的写作时,存在的一个主要问题是主题段在写作的时候缺少逻辑性和对观点进行充分的论证,直接导致在评分时Coherence and coherence 以及Grammatical ranges and accuracy 方面得分较低。究其主要原因,是由于论证方法的单一性,缺少多样性所引起的;同时这也引起了在构思主题段时论点的提出。所以在实际教学中,我会重点给学生讲授如何运用多种的论证方式来构思和展开,实际教学効果显著,学生的写作成绩

12、提高也较快。基本论证方法1.列举法:列举观点、理由等常用联接词:in the first place, to begin with, firstly, apart from, on the one hand, in addition to, next, after that, moreover, furthermore, also, in addition, then, for one thing, for another, on the other hand, finally, last but not least.Homework has many merits. Apart from h

13、elping students do better on tests, homework help students review and practice what had been taught in class. Homework helps retention and understanding; Furthermore, it helps students exercise their time management and organisational skills.2.举例法:常用联接词:for example, for instance, such as, namely, ta

14、ke something for example.Television has negative effects on people. For instance, television commercials distort the truth about products. Crime films encourage violence and television documentaries stop people from thinking independently.The relative importance of natural talent and training is a f

15、requent topic discussion when people try to explain different levels of ability in, for example, sport , art or music.3.因果法:一是先果后因;二是先因后果常用联接词: because, as, since + sentence; due to, owing to, result from + n./noun phrase (to give a reason);therefore, as a result, as a consequence, consequently, bec

16、ause of this, hence, thus, thereby, for this reason + sentence; lead to, result in + n. (to give a result)Good musicians or artists and exceptional sports stars have probably succeeded because of both good training and natural talent.4.比较法:通过对两个以上的事或人进行对比。常用联接词:To add a similar idea: likewise, simil

17、arly, at the same time, still, also;To add an opposite idea: in contrast, instead, on the contrary, unlike, while, whilst, however, although, even though.Eg. Such talents can give individuals a facility for certain skills that allow them to excel, while more hard-working students never manage to rea

18、ch a comparable level.其他论证方法-下定义;雅思考题之一:A research reveals that one of the causes for youth crime is called “Peer Group Pressure”. What is it? What are the influences on children as well as the society?Peer group pressure refers to the influence exerted by a peer group in encouraging a person to cha

19、nge his or her attitudes, values, or behaviour in order to conform to group norms.-解释说明When watching TV commercials, you can zero in on your potential choice by comparing the essential aspects of the advertised cars, including the price, the properties of the engine, the color, as well as the appear

20、ance.-引用Individual greed and selfishness are not something new. “The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.”-假设Advertisements do have positive aspects. Suppose you have made your decision to buy a car, but you feel lost at what brand is your choice. Fortunately, advertisements come for your

21、 rescue.For example, if sufficient sky trains and underground train systems were built and effectively maintained in our major cities, then traffic on the roads would be dramatically reduced.让步While it is undeniable that private car use is one of the main causes of the increase in traffic and pollut

22、ion, higher fuel costs are unlikely to limit the number of drivers for long.词汇这一英语学习和考试必备武器是很多人一直在苦苦修炼的。对于雅思考试,在短短的几个月的时间里如何才能高效积累相关词汇,以便在考场上进入如鱼得水的境界?传统的词汇积累方式有背诵相关词汇书籍,学习大量写作模板,还有总结或是直接从书上获得常考主题词汇。这些方法主要有两种弊病。要么所需准备的词汇量太大,在短短两三个月内要掌握几千个甚至上万的新词汇,估计只有极个别的具有超强记忆力和极大意志力的人才能实现这个目标。事实上大部分考生都不可能完成,即使在短期内

23、真的记了很多词汇的人也大都是看着有印象,真到写作仍然觉得词穷。第二种情况是只背模板,并熟练掌握有限模板的灵活应用。这种方法的问题在于考生在当前最畅销的写作书上所积累的模板往往在考场上也会被很多考生广泛使用。那么即使模板本身整理的语言相当精炼,由于有太多的人使用,也往往沦落为常见词条。这就与词汇6分要求“less common vocabulary”产生了背离。所以当前盛行的这两种积累词汇的方法都效果不佳。那么究竟该如何高效积累写作词汇呢?这得从官方公布的写作评分描述入手。写作评分有专门的词汇项目。就词汇量而言,官方并未明确划定数量上的差别。只是以描述的方式提及:能基本沟通的词汇量为5分;能适当

24、使用不太常见的词汇,偶有错误为6分;能够使用不太常见的词条并注意用词的灵活性和精确性,呈现了自身的语言风格方可得7分。而就错误而言,三个分数段都允许出错,虽然理论上应为从高分到低分依次递增,但也并未以量的方式来划分。但在错误级别上有明确描述性的界限:错误造成沟通困难的5分;虽有错但基本能使读者理解为6分;出现选词上的失误为7分。所有这些评分描述都提示我们应另辟蹊径来高效积累词汇。此外,在逻辑项的评分描述中,也涉及了词汇方面。具体表现为“衔接手段”(cohesive Device)的多样性。也就是熟练掌握连词,连接短语,代词,副词和替代等多种词的衔接。而这类词可以使论证混为一体。可以这么说,真正

25、优秀的文章不是辞藻的堆砌,而是通过各种词条的有效衔接,使文章呈现浑然一体的感觉。简单的说:不是炫耀词汇而是有效利用词汇。而这一点,目前绝大部分的范文书都没有做到。事实上,当我们发现一篇文章看似词汇非常华丽而读完之后仍未找出所阐述的道理,这样的文章词汇是难以进入7分以上的高分段词汇的。所以考生平时在学习时,绝对不是单个的词汇和短语的识别或练习,而应以段落为单位,注重整体句群的关联性。具体词汇积累策略分两个阶段:1 任何考生都可以阅读数篇或数十篇议论文和图表作文范文,真正把握各篇范文的衔接手段包括连词,副词,代词,短语和各种上意词和下意词的替代及同意转换。如果能在资深培训官的指导下,阅读相关的高质

26、量的范文,则词汇积累的速度会更快。可以说,衔接手段是大小作文词汇积累的第一关也是最重要的一关。事实上,如果考生能有效识别并熟练运用各种衔接手段的话,那么不仅在写作部分,在听、读、说各项都会有质的突破。如果考生的自学能力足够强的话,可以反复研究剑桥雅思考试全真试题解析系列丛书(俗称剑桥)中的阅读篇章,其中每篇都充分体现了词汇在衔接手段中的魅力。2 在近期有考试计划的考生,一定要在研究范文的基础上进行相关写作实践,如若有人批改效果会更佳。任何知识,只有通过试用、犯错、更正地反复运用,才会被强化。所以,写作词汇积累的唯一途径是多写,多改。有条件的话,让有经验的培训官改写效果会更好。好文章和好文采很大




30、路,也就是个人的托福写作风格。这里为大家推荐一篇美国人地道的托福独立写作作为参考。【佳作赏析】Topic 3 Has the easiness of cooking improved life?People work hard to fulfill their principal necessities, and food is the one thing that is really important to their survival. Although sometimes belied by other things that seem important, food is the c

31、ore objective that drives all people to work. But the outcome of the efforts of these people is not a direct supply of food; rather it is in the form of money. Thus these people use the money they obtain to prepare their food.In old days, preparing food was cumbersome and timeconsuming work for thos

32、e who do it solely for eating purposes. This kind of preparing food in due tie could not comply with the kind of life people lead today. The use of technological advancement makes preparing food practical even for the clumsiest person. This helps a great deal for those who work against time to make their living. It also avo

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