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Unit 2 Working the land单元测试.docx

1、Unit 2 Working the land单元测试Unit 2 Working the land单元测试 一、基础测试 A. 单词拼写请根据汉语提示写出单词的正确形式1. Our country has become self-sufficient in _ (粮食).2. The road signs _(使糊涂) the driver.3. The only way to do that is to _ (减少) expenses.4. The school _(提供) books for children.5. We took the opportunity to _(交流) exp

2、erience with them.6.He has a (晒黑的) face and bright eyes.7. The _ (斗争) for independence was long and hard.8. The factory must increase its _(产量).9. They _(用掉) all their strength in trying to climb out.10. Our army is well _ (装备).B. 句型转换根据A句句义,用适当的句型或短语完成B 句,使其句义相同或相近。11. A: Compared with maths I like

3、 English better.B: I _ English _ maths.12. A: Even if he dies he wont give in.B: He _ _ die _ give in.13. A: We should save the sick free from pain.B: We should _ the sick _ pain.14. A: He doesnt like to live a comfortable life.B: He doesnt _ _ living a comfortable life.15. A: Dr Yuan has spent all

4、his time on his research.B: Dr Yuan has _ all his time _ his research.C. 完成句子16. Sheep _ _(以 为食)grass.17. Since he came to this class, he hasnt played _ _ (不再) as he did before.18. _ _ (由于) his hard work, he achieved great success.19. The policeman _ (搜查) the thief _ the lost money.20. Please _ _ (参

5、阅) your dictionaries if you meet new words.二、单项填空 21. _ David and Vicky _ married? For about three years.A. How long were; have beenB. How long have; have beenC. How long have; beenD. How long did; get22. Luckily for us, when we got there the weather _ to be fine.A. turned up B. turned outC. turned

6、over D. turned into23. Having heard my answer, the master nodded _ satisfaction, “Im quite satisfied _you.”A. with; with B. on; byC. in; to D. in; of24. The matter must be looked into. We are supposed to have a little _ .A. rain B. weatherC. patient D. look25. In the traffic accident five were kille

7、d and twenty _. A. losing B. missedC. damaged D. injured26. We are _ happy to hear of the success of their team.A. enough B. more thanC. many more D. much many27. We wont give up _ we should fail ten times. A. even if B. sinceC. whether D. until 28. Well, youd better not buy that shirt. Brown and bl

8、ack dont go together. _ I wear it with my other shirt? A. How do you likeB. WhoC. What if D. Which 29. A middle-aged woman came _ to the bus stop only _ the bus had gone. A. run; to findB. running; to findC. and ran; foundD. running; finding 30._ your help, I got the first in the final-term English

9、examination.A. Thanks to B. WithoutC. If not D. But for31. You should try to get a good nights sleep _ much work you have to do. A. however B. no matterC. although D. whatever32. Now that you have a job, you must exert (努力) yourself in _ you do at work. A. however B. no matter whatC. no matter how D

10、. whatever33. She is good _ playing the piano and good _ her students, which is good _ the students. A. at; for; to B. to; to; forC. at; to; for D. to; at; for 34. She watches TV _ evening and changes channels(频道) _ few minutes. A. in; every B. every; everyC. every; each D. every; in35. _ is often t

11、he case, we have worked out the production plan. A. Which B. WhenC. What D. As 三、完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳答案。If you cough occasionally, you may just be suffering from a common cold.36if you have a rising fever with your37 , or you have difficulty in breathing, you had better3

12、8 a doctor or call the emergency hotline (64629100 or 64629112) as soon as possible,39 these could be symptoms(症状) of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome). If you want to40 extra precautions(预防) and buy a filter mask, go to your local drug store. Your Chinese friends may41 you to take Banlangen,

13、 a traditional Chinese medicine widely42 in China to activate the immune(免疫的) system, or fumigate vinegar in your house to43 viruses(病毒) in the44 , but these measures are of no use in45 the disease, said Dr. Qi Xiaoqiu, Director General of the Department of Diseases Control, Ministry of Health. If y

14、ou have46 returned from Hong Kong or areas47 SARS has been active, go to your doctor and48 him or her of your recent trip. If you develop symptoms49 your trip, stop traveling until fully50 . If you pass 12 days symptom-free after coming back from these areas, you51 set your mind at ease(无忧无虑). The following are some preventive measures you can take52 by experts from the Chinese Center for Diseases Control and Prevention: Wash hands with running water after sneezing, c

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