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Financial English Certificate.docx

1、Financial English Certificate2011级金融工程专业英语名义课程名称:金融专业英语真正的课程名称:金融证书英语Teaching of “Financial English Certificate Test”For Undergraduates of FinanceEconomics & Management School of Wuhan University2013-9-1 Lecture 1 How to Achieve the Transition toward Professional English?The first sentence I offer y

2、ou:We are blessed with the opportunity to share knowledge under the same roof. The second sentence to ask yourself: What is your competitive edge? (Professional financial English )Briefing to the Instructor of the Course in Chinese (课程教授简介中文版)(如对更多的个人信息感兴趣,请在“XX”上输入“桂国平”即可。)桂国平:男,1953年出生,湖北省蕲春县蕲州人,英

3、文硕士,当过下放知青和冶建工人,自学英语,1978考入武汉大学英文系,曾多年在国外任国际商务英文首席翻译,后应校长召唤回国任武汉大学首任六级英语教研室主任,1993年转入武汉大学经济与管理学院金融系。他不仅是武汉大学1992年以来大学英语四、六级全国统考通过率记录的创造者和保持者(一次通过率均为100%),是中国MBA入学英语辅导教程最早的编者和英语辅导通过率最高的教授之一,他还多年担任金融学本科、硕士和MBA 硕士论文指导导师教授和答辩委员会成员(项目管理方向)。他所指导的中国汽车金融新探等三篇本科毕业论文被湖北省人民政府学位委员会评为湖北省一等奖。作为迄今武汉大学第一位商务英语教授,他是武


5、提供主要的专业翻译和培训服务。至今出版专著与教材16本,论译文40多篇,英语教学录音带12盘;2011年12月被评为“武汉大学最受欢迎的MBA教师”;2012年四月20日被评为“2012年中国杰出MBA教授”。 (remember the serial number, course Rep. and duties, methods of studying the course)From today on you shall have the access to nationally the first class education in Financial EnglishI. Opener:

6、I ). The Selecting of this book as our textbook: 1. English esp. professional financial English has been one of the most important ingredients in the making of a competitive financial professional (in another word, professional English offers you better chance in job-hunting and career development),

7、 very few financial professional survived this test; 2. For the first time in our history, such course is no longer offered to graduates of our department, so you have to be more attentive to this course; 3. The training of this textbook is most expensive in China of all business English because the

8、 contents are most professional and challenging with a whole set of books costing more than 400 yuan. Since it is not singly sold, we are obliged to make an unauthorized use of the book for your sake.II ). Teaching Objectives & Stresses of the Course:(Many ideas and materials have been taught to and

9、 used previously for Ph. D and master candidates of Whole Wuhan University. )Objectives:1. Awaken students to what a decent English might mean to their career development;Test:(positive and upbeat attitude; insightful idea organization, logic reasoning, well-woven structural paragraph and discourse

10、organization, good facility with the language seen in variable sentences and above all, high quality diction e.g. )2. Shed light on students appreciation of Criteria for professional English so that students can achieve the transition from general English toward professional English, in the end, suc

11、h professional English shall greatly facilitate and benefit students in career development in international context.Criteria for Professional English:Focus of teaching general English: Comprehension at discourse level;Focus of professional English : Utilization of English that cares more about the i

12、mplied meaning of a word, an expression or a sentence. Something you will never know without attending this class.)3. To develop your capability for English utilization. (See the difference)e.g.:C-E Translation: 1. 随着中国的入世,这样一些位置对专业英语能力有越来越高的要求,换言之,金融机构倾向于对有海外经历和专业英语者予以倾斜,这就解释了为何我们系的学生如此重视专业英语的学习。2.

13、 武汉大学是中国教育部直属的最著名的综合性大学之一。Ask yourself: 1. Are these sentences close or useful to you?2. Can you put them in a professional way? (crazy English is not accepted .)3. If you can not do the job, what does it suggest?4. 3. Facilitate students ability to handle financial studies and practices in most pro

14、fessional financial English. Stresses/Focuses of Our Teaching:1. Stress is no longer laid on the discourse comprehension as we do in studying general English. Instead, We attach importance to utilization of English, including business philosophy and a substantial stock of financial professional expr

15、essions;2. We care more about the sentence patterns and above all, the most accurate meaning of a word, an expression or a sentence. Thats why, we use WORD system in teaching instead of PPT.Stresses: 1. Develop professionalism in financial business English;Case-studies:Values today: In English oblig

16、ation, liability ,responsibility /commitment, pledge or duty in the end refer to debt. (including many concealed forms ), we shall develop students to be in the position to read between lines.A. *- Under this Clause, the payment for performing this work should be due from the contractor. B. *- Under this Clause, the client of the project is not bound t

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