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1、精选外研版初中英语八年级上课后辅导练习第九十三篇2019年精选外研版初中英语八年级上课后辅导练习第九十三篇第1题【单选题】He walked_ the window without seeing me.A、passB、pastedC、passedD、past【答案】:【解析】:第2题【单选题】 Do you know a girl _ Liu Jing? Of course, she is my classmate.A、callB、calledC、callsD、calling【答案】:【解析】:第3题【单选题】 _ you reading a history book? No, I was_.

2、A、Were; sleepingB、Were; sleptC、Are; sleepingD、Are; slept【答案】:【解析】:第4题【单选题】When Jimmy entered the room, everyone_him.A、were smiling toB、was smiling atC、were smiling atD、was smiling to【答案】:【解析】:第5题【单选题】My father _ my bike at 5:00 yesterday afternoon.A、mendsB、mendedC、is mendingD、was mending【答案】:【解析】:第6

3、题【填空题】Today David is busy doing his homework. So he has no time _ (play) computer games.【答案】:【解析】:第7题【填空题】Its polite _ (say) hello to the old when we meet them.【答案】:【解析】:第8题【填空题】We saw Lily _ (pick) an apple in the field last Sunday.【答案】:【解析】:第9题【填空题】He was so exhausted that he fell _ (sleep) at his

4、 desk.【答案】:【解析】:第10题【阅读理解】根据短文理解选择正确答案填空。The cartoon series Bears Note is popular with people of ages in China. Bald strong, a logging(伐木)team boss, came to the beautiful Heilongjiang forest to harvest logs with a boss Lees trust. But the forest had hidden two terrible rivals(对手)the forest owner bea

5、r brothers! Xiong Da and Xiong Er!Looking at the forest was destroyed, Bear brothers decided to fight with Bald strong to protect the forest. Xiong Da is so clever that he can beat Bald strong easily. Xiong Er is not as clever as his brother but sometimes also can defeat Bald strong with his brute f

6、orce(蛮力).But the cunning(狡猾的)head cannot leave so easily. For a long time home defense lasted and Bald strong tried various thoughts to defeat bear brothers and cut down logs, but every time he failed. Finally Bald strong lost Boss Lees trust and gained nothing. As the saying says: Doing well will b

7、e repaid and doing evil will be punished.The cartoon story shows us an active topic in laughter, and two bears facing the failure feel hopeful. It also tells us to protect forests, protect environment, protect ecological balance in our everyday life._ is popular with people of ages in China.A、Mickey

8、 MouseB、Winnie the PoohC、Bears NoteD、The SnowwhiteWho do you think destroyed the forest?A、Bald strong.B、Xiong Da.C、Xiong Er.D、Xiong Da and Xiong Er.Can Xiong Er sometimes also defeat Bald strong with his brute force?A、Yes, he can.B、No, he cant.C、No, he can.D、Yes, he cant.The story shows_.A、an active

9、 topic in laughterB、two bears facing the failure are hopefulC、more to encourage people in pleasureD、All of the aboveFrom the cartoon television series, we know_.A、Bear brothers decided not to fight with Bald strong to protect the forestB、doing well will be repaid and doing evil will be punishedC、Xio

10、ng Er is so clever that he can beat Bald strong easilyD、it also tells us that we shouldnt protect forests【答案】:【解析】:第11题【阅读理解】根据短文内容完成下列各题。Have you ever heard of the story The Ant and the Grasshopper?One fine winter day some ants were working in the field. They were very busy. Just then a grasshopper

11、(蚱蜢) passed by. “Good day, kind ants,” said the grasshopper, “I am very hungry. Wont you lend me a little food? (A)我没有东西吃了。I will pay you before the next autumn.” “Have you no food of your own? (B)Why didnt you gather some food during the summer? You know there was much food in the field last summer

12、. What were you doing then?” asked an old ant. The grasshopper answered, “I (C) (sing) all day and night during the summer. And so I had no time to gather any food.Please lend me some.” “Well, then,” said the ant, “(D) You only played and did not work during the summer. Well never lend you any food.

13、” (E)And the ants went on working.将(A)处汉语句子翻译成英语。写出(B)处画线句子的同义句。根据上下文可知在(C)处应填入的单词或词组是_。从下列选项中选择合适的句子填入文中(D)处。A、You sang very well and we all liked your songs very much.B、You could sing all the summer, you also could dance all the winter.C、You are one of the best singers here and we cheer you.D、Woul

14、d you like to perform one for us?将(E)处画线句子翻译成汉语。【答案】:【解析】:第12题【句型转换】We were eating at seven oclock last night(对划线部分提问)_you _at seven oclock last night?【答案】:【解析】:第13题【翻译】他太累了,很快就睡着了。(fall asleep)_【答案】:【解析】:第14题【翻译】不要在河边跑,危险。Dont run_Its dangerous【答案】:【解析】:第15题【翻译】好像那时她正在看报纸。(look like)_【答案】:【解析】:第16题

15、【补全对话】从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。A. Who is the main character in it?B. Its a good action film.C. It was fantastic.D. What kind of film is it?E. What do you think of it?F. Where and when shall we meet?G. Youll have a chance next time.A: Hi, Daming. Did you go to the concert last night?B: Yes, I went there

16、with my parents.A: _B: Very wonderful. Some famous singers like Zhu Zhiwen and Li Yuchun sang songs at the concert.A: What a pity! I didnt go there because I had to look after my sister at home.B: _By the way, would you like to see a film with me tonight?A: Yes, Id love to. _B: Its an action film.A:

17、 Great! I like action films. Whats the name of it?B: Chinese Zodiac(十二生肖). It is my favourite action film.A: _B: Jackie Chan. Maybe this is his last action film.A: _B: What about 7:00 at Hongxing Cinema? The film begins at 7:20.A: OK, see you then.B: Bye.【答案】:【解析】:第17题【单词拼写(词汇运用)】Joe lay on the_(地面)

18、,listening to music【答案】:【解析】:第18题【单词拼写(词汇运用)】The plane flew for about three hours and then l_on the airport.【答案】:【解析】:第19题【单词拼写(词汇运用)】My mother says_(兔子)like eating carrots【答案】:【解析】:第20题【单词拼写(词汇运用)】根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。Little Debbic has got a_(粉色的) coat; its very beautiful.Dads age is_(两倍)of Zhao Gangs.Whe

19、n the two-year-old girl was playing in the street, a car hit her_(突然地).He wears a pair of pants with two big_(口袋).Some farmers are working in the_(田地).【答案】:【解析】:第21题【单词拼写(词汇运用)】At last I found my keys in one of the p_of my coat.【答案】:【解析】:第22题【单词拼写(词汇运用)】This river is d_than that one.【答案】:【解析】:第23题【单词拼写(词汇运用)】Just now your dog_(跟随)me into my bedroom【答案】:【解析】:第24题【语法填空】My dad_(check) my homework yesterday evening.【答案】:【解析】:第25题【语法填空】I _(lie) on the bed at 7:30 last night.【答案】:【解析】:

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