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1、Eng名校考博英语词汇内部资料考博英语词汇(1)第一部分 词汇记忆策略1 全脑活化人类左右脑分析比较:左脑:意识、低速、一般阅读、知识、知觉、知性、逻辑右脑:无意识、超高速、速读、创造力、视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉、味觉、图像、色彩、 直觉右脑具备左脑没有的特殊机能:1 超高速大量记忆机制2 图像化机能3 超高速演算机能4 共振共鸣机能2 举例说明:132*01521112419221314253 词汇记忆策略:联想法、串联法、构词法、近义词、近形词、易混淆词、加减词、固定搭配 euthanasia, chrysanthemum flower-rose, lily, tulip, peony, c

2、arnation, camellia, azalea, narcissus, chrysanthemum, forget-me-not, poinsettia, receive-deceive-conceive (-ceive= take; con- = 共同) tumble-stumble (tumbleinto/through 跌倒;stumbleover / on 脚下拌到东西而跌倒) stationary-stationery (文具,如笔pen,铅笔pencil中含有e, 故见到e就想起是文具。) genius - genuine (含有us的是天才,因为我们是天才啊!另一个就是“真

3、正的”), form-deform确(形状;变形) attach to第二部分 实例练习1 联想法carnation, narcissus, coroner, chandelier, hippocampus, assassinate, antarctic, armour, abalone, flounder, cult, beau2 串联法network:Internet-cyberspace-email-e-commerce-website-on-line-homepage-browse-retrieve-log on3 构词法-age (状态、特性、行为)page/rage, advant

4、age/disadvantage, message/massage, courage/encourage, voltage/mileage, village/cottage, luggage/carriage, garagecoverage, cabbage, shortage, leakage, breakage, passage, postage, bondage (bond 结束、约束、债券;bondage就含有“束缚、奴役”的意思), damage, garbage (garb 衣服), manage ,spillage,usage, storage, savage, sausage

5、(sauce), dosagelanguage, image, heritage, engage-wardinward, outward, forward, backward, toward, upward, downward, seaward, skyward,-coward, reward, award, a- (构成作表语用的形容词;构成动词。)apart, aloud, around, away, afar, aboard, acrossalike, acute, alive, asleep, awareamaze, amend, amuse, arise, ascribe, avai

6、l, await, awake, award, abound, abridge, amountaffirm, acclaim, accompany, account, arrange, array, arrest, arrow4 近义词Merchants 煤商Blame forIncomeThievesDealers 买进卖出商人Condemn forWagesBurglarsBusinessmen (广义)商人Accuse ofSalaryRobbersTradesmen (英)店主Criticize forPayBanditsScene 特别的景象,如泰山的日出AnnounceBuyers

7、SyntheticScenery一国一地的自然风光PublishShoppersFalseViews特别的景象AdvertiseCustomersImitationNature 强调大自然的感召力,不着重具体的自然景象Inform ClientsCounterfeitArtificialUrgent 紧急SubstituteParticularHasty 草率SelectionPeculiarMortalInstant 立刻PreferenceSpecialFatalPrompt 快速;及时Alternative Unusual Deadly Contend 竞争;斗争FraudPrelimi

8、naryImaginativeCompete比赛;竞争DeceivePrimaryImaginableStruggle斗争CheatElementaryImaginedConflict 斗争Dupe Fundamental Imaginary HinderDeclinePerplexReproachPrecludeDenyPuzzleScoldDetainRejectConfuse ComplimentRetardRefuse Reprimand HamperProtractReliableFatiguedEmptyPostponeConfidentTiredBlankCancelFaithf

9、ulExhaustedVacantDelayDependent Bored Bare Adjourn 5 近形词fictionfractionfrictionfunctiontumblestumblescramblehumbletrembleresumeconsumeassumepresumeresumptionconsumptionassumptionpresumptionborecoreporesoresimplifymodifyverifyrectifyjustifytestifyrectifyverifytranscriptionsubscriptionprescriptiondesc


11、spectedrespectivedetainattainretaincertaincontainroomdoomboomloomintenseintentionalintensiveintendingintendedassureensureinsurereassuresometimessome timesometimesome timeshatchcatchpatchmatchbarerarecaredarefareharebanishvanishdiminishadmonishdurabilityflexibilityversatilityhostilitycooperatecoordin


13、mdeforminformtransformconformcontemptattemptpromptexceptacceptconceptperceptreceivedeceiveconceiveperceiveachievebelievegrieverelieve自测题:1. 不看讲义,试一试你的记忆力。利用联想法,你能记住多少刚才所学的词:1_ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _ 6. _7. _ 8. _ 9. _10. _ 11. _ 12. _2. 列出以下单词的近义词:1. income2. mortal3. urgent4. synthetic5. deceive6. reta

14、rd7. empty8. confuse9. buyer10. contend 3. 列出以下单词的近形词:1. tumble2. description3. justify4. attain5. attribute6. prior汉英对照近义词Merchants 煤商Dealers 买进卖出商人Businessmen (广义)商人Tradesmen (英)店主Scene 特别的景象,如泰山的日出Scenery 一国一地的自然风光Views 特别的景象Nature 强调大自然的感召力,不着重具体的自然景象Urgent 紧急Hasty 草率Instant 立刻Prompt 快速;及时Conten

15、d 搏斗;争夺 (compete against sb. in order to gain sth.) Compete 比赛;竞争 (try to be more successful than another person or organization in business)compete with sb. for sth. / compete for office(争夺公职) / againstStruggle 斗争 (try hard to achieve sth.) struggle against difficulties/ struggle for freedomConflic

16、t 斗争 (两种观点、信仰不能同时存在,不能都正确。)a conflict of opinion (分歧); The two accounts of what had happened conflicted with each other.(关于发生的事情,两个报道截然不同。)Hinder: make it difficult for sb. to do sth. Or for develop High invest rates will hinder economic growth.Preclude: (formal) prevent sth. or make sth. imp

17、ossible Age alone will not preclude him from standing as a candidate.Detain: (officially) prevent sb. from leaving some place (拘留;扣押) Delay sb. who wants to leave, by talking to them, asking them to do sth.(耽搁;留住) He was detained by a flat tire on his way home. The police detained the man to make fu

18、rther inquiries.Retard: (formal) to delay the development of sth. or to make sth. happen more slowly than expected.(妨碍;推迟) Cold weather retards the growth of many plants. Bad roads retard the car (失修的公路阻滞了车速。)Hamper: restrict sb. movement, activities, achievements by causing difficulties for them. W

19、omens progress in the workplace is still hampered by males attitudes. Hamper sb. from getting elected.Protract: last a long time, esp. longer than usual Protracted negotiations 旷日持久的谈判 Protract ones stay for some weeks 多呆了几个星期Postpone: change an event, action to a later time or date Gail and Lisa ha

20、ve decided to postpone having a family for a while. The match had to be postponed.Cancel: arrange that a planned activity or event will not now happen. The football game had been cancelled due to rain.Delay: wait until a later time to do sth. Dont delay claiming or you may lose benefit.Adjourn: fini

21、sh or stop for a short time The chairman has the power to adjourn the meeting at any time.Blame for 把归于Condemn for 谴责Accuse sb. of sth. 指责Criticize for 批判Announce 宣布;通知Publish 发表;出版Advertise 为做广告Inform 告知 (inform sb.of sth.)Substitute: sth. new or different that you use instead of sth. else that you

22、 used previously. 替代品;替补 Substitute teacher 代课教师Selection: the careful choice of a particular person or thing from among a group of similar people or things.Preference: if you like a preference for sth. you like it more than another thing.Alternative: sth. that you can choose to do or use instead of

23、 sth. else Fraud: a method of illegally getting money from sb., often by using clever and complicated methods.Deceive: make sb. believe sth. that is not true in order to get what you want.Cheat: behave in a dishonest way in order to win or to get an advantage, esp. in competitive, game, exams.Dupe:

24、trick or deceive sb. 哄骗;诈骗 Consumers are being duped into buying faulty electronic goods.Decline: refuse to do sth. (比较婉转,礼貌拒绝邀请)Deny: She denied working for the enemy = She said she was not working for the enemy ( NOT: She refused to work for the enemy.)Reject:拒绝申请,观点,计划Refuse: 拒绝邀请Turn down 拒绝(口语)

25、Reliable 可靠的;可信赖的(侧重于始终如一。)Confident 有信心的Faithful 忠实的;可靠的(侧重于“忠于”a reliable person, a faithful fighterDependent 从属的;依靠的Income 总收入Wages 按周或日付酬Salary 月薪;年薪Pay 工资Buyers 买主Shoppers 家庭中外出购物的人Customers 顾客Clients 委托人Particular: special enough to mention separatelyPeculiar: strange, unfamiliar, and a little

26、 surprising, esp. in a way that is unpleasant or worrying.Taste peculiarSpecial: not ordinary but different in some way and often better or more important. a special dietunusual: different from what is usualspecial -specially or especially specially: used when you do sth. that is different from what

27、 you usually do for a particular purpose (with a passive form of a verb: a specially made) especially: to emphasize sth. is more worth mentioning or more important than the other things, ( , especially when)Preliminary 初步的;开始的(强调开始之前有准备工作)Primary 最初的;主要的;基本的;没有预备Elementary 初步的;简单的Fundamental 基础的Perp

28、lex (常用被动)困惑;茫然;费解 Make you feel worried and confused because it is difficult to understand. e.g. I was somewhat perplexed by his response.Puzzle: confuse sb. or make them feel slightly anxious because they do not understand sth. e.g. What puzzles me is how the burglar got into the house without setting off the alarm.Confuse (常用被动) Make sb. feel that they cannot think clearly or do not understand. e.g. Dont give me so much information.- you are confusing me. I was confused.Fatigued: very tired. e.g. fatigued after her long journey, Bill fell into a deep sleep.Tire

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