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配套K12学年高中英语 Unit 23 Conflict Section Ⅲ Co.docx

1、配套K12学年高中英语 Unit 23 Conflict Section Co Section Conflict Resolution & War Memories根据提示写出下列单词1_ vi. 订阅(杂志或报纸)2_ vt. 任命,委任3_ n. 联合会,工会4_ n. 雕刻,雕塑5_ n. (电视)广告6_ n. 营养7_ n. 有用的建议8_ n. 私有物品9_ n. 零用钱;津贴10_ vt. 反驳,纠正11_ n. 奴隶制度12_ n. 安全13_ n. 结局,结尾14_ vt.&vi. 射击15_ adj. 失去知觉的16_ n. 堆17_ n. 边境,边界18_ n. 代表19

2、_ vt. 问候,致意20_ vt. 说起,谈到21_ vt. 分发,分配22_ vt. 喝;消费,消耗23_ vt. 向致敬24_ vi. 发誓25_ n. 相识的人26_ n. 少数,一些【答案】1.subscribe2.appoint3.union4sculpturemercial6.nutrition7.tip8possession9.allowance10.contradict11slavery12.security13.ending14.shoot15unconscious16.pile17.frontier18representative19.greet20.remark21di

3、stribute22.consume23.salute24.swear25acquaintance26.handful根据提示补全下列短语1stand up _ 保护,维护2talk sth._ with sb. 与详细讨论3put _ 提议,提出4from then _ 从那时起,以后5give _ 让步,屈服6send _ 派人去叫7call _ 请(某人)8have a gift _ 有的天赋9keep _ 减去10hold _ (在困境中)坚持11by _ by 不久以后12call _ 要求介入13look down _ 看不起14_ ones word 遵守诺言15come _ 发

4、生16_ surprise 吃惊地,惊奇地17_ peace 和平地18take sb._ ones arm 拥抱某人【答案】1.for2.over3.forward4.on5.in6.for7.in8.for9.off10.out11.and 12on13.on/ 17in18.in根据提示补全下列教材原句1The_first_time she asks her brother to change channels she is patient.第一次要求她弟弟换频道时,她很有耐心。2This patient still had fresh s

5、cars from his first visit to us and this time hed had_both_his_legs_blown_off.这个病人还带着第一次在我们这里住院时留下的新伤疤,而这次他的双腿被炸掉了3By the look of them,their trenches were in as_bad_a_state_as_our_own.从他们的样子来看,他们的战壕和我们的一样糟糕。阅读P2425课文,并从四个选项中选择最佳答案1. The Vietnamese villagers were calm at first because _.Athey knew th

6、e American soldiersBthis was a normal procedureCthey had identification papersDthey didnt understand English2. The troops got together on Christmas Day because_.Athey had planned it in advanceBthey got along with each otherCthey were tired of the warDthe officers declared peace3The nurse wasnt enthu

7、siastic about the award ceremony from the start because_.A. she had to clean up the wardBshe didnt like the bosss attitude to the VIPsCthe patient had been badly woundedDthe patient started to cry4The soldiers did not go near the plane because _.Athere was danger of an explosionBit had full tanksCit

8、 had bombs on boardDthey had no permission5Which of the following about Part C is RIGHT?A. When hearing one of my patients got an award, I was very glad.BWhen the wounded received the award, he was more than a little happy.CI often cried before my patients.DAs a nurse, I rarely showed my real emotio

9、n to the patients.【答案】1.B2.C3.B4.A5.D阅读P2425课文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式The first one tells a story of Do Chuc, a Vietnamese farmer 1._ two daughters and an aunt were killed by American soldiers. He was wounded in 2._leg, but he 3. _(cover) by dead bodies and thus saved.The second story took plac

10、e 4._Christmas morning. After a long time of battle, the soldiers were 5._(feed) up to the neck with the war. So the officers came to an 6._(understand) that they would celebrate Christmas in 7._(peaceful) until midnight.The third story happened in a hospital about a 8._(bravery) young soldier who d

11、idnt accept the watch as an award.The last one is about the crew who were9. _a training session, when their plane hit the ground and was on fire, no one dared to go near the plane, not 10._(know) if the plane still had bombs aboard. At last, they all died.【答案】1. whose2. the3. was covered4. on 5. fed

12、 6. understanding7. peace8. brave 9. on10. knowing stand up for保卫;支持;维护,保护(教材P22)Do you stand up for yourself?你为自己辩护吗?stand by 袖手旁观,无动于衷stand for 支持;代表;意指;象征;容忍stand against 反对stand out 显眼;出色;突出stand up 起立;经得起stand up to sb. 抵抗某人;勇敢反对某人The American flag stands for freedom and justice.美国国旗代表自由与公平。Her

13、 talents stand out in comparison with the others.和其他人比起来,她的才能很突出。We are not prepared to stand by and let them close our school.我们无意袖手旁观,听任他们关闭我们的学校。 put forward 提议,提出;建议;将提前;把(钟、表)拨快;使(某人)受到公众的注意,突出(某人),推举(教材P22)Do you talk it over with them and put forward a solution?你跟他们谈论过这件事并提出一个解决方案了吗?写出下列句中put forward的含义He has been put forward as the best man for the job.推举My watch was slow,so I put it forward.把钟表拨快He was a little annoyed because the proposal he put forward was turned down again.提出

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