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1、娱乐篇派对兄弟姐妹会社团活动运动健身The social life is centered around the greek community, frat parties and the bars in evanston. Monday night kegs and thursday night Deuce. weekends are actually much more tame here. Theater parties occupy the weekends. Other nights are just people hanging out in dorms with their do

2、ors open or in their off campus houses watching tv. People spend a lot more time at the library than you think. People live in the library.I think fraternities/sororities are extremely important on Northwesterns campus.Because close to half of the students are Greek, the system creates a bond.Joinin

3、g a sorority was one of the best decisions I made this year, especially because I didnt come to Northwestern thinking that I wanted to rush.I met so many girls that I wouldnt have met otherwise, especially because I live South Campus.The social life can be great, but you have to choose where to put

4、your efforts. The greek scene is the most universally accessible outlet for the student body, but off campus theater parties, parties thrown at athlete burrows, and parties fundraising for various clubs can be found every weekend. It just depends on how open minded you are.Forget about the dating sc

5、ene. Unless youre at a frat party most guys here are undesired or too busy to maintain a relationship. They make great gay friends, though. Fraternities and Sororities are not everything here, but there are a ton of students that go greek. They arent usually the typical stereotype though.Since no on

6、e is as cool or interesting as me, I keep to myself.I dont want anyone elses questionable morals and opinions to influence me in anyway, so I stay in my room and have conversations with my pillow.Northwestern is great because there is no pressure to be social at all.Dance Marathon is a HUGE deal on

7、campus and everyone tries to experience it at least once before they graduate. Its literally 30 hours non-stop dancing to raise money for a charity. People go crazy over it. Also, Greek life is a big deal on campus.I met most of my closet friends in my dorm freshmen year, and then added a bunch more

8、 with my fraternity when I rushed that winter.Some people here are social, others are not, but nearly everyone is friendly.We have an incredibly nice/polite students body.In the dining hall, I almost always here may I, please, and thank you when people address the kitchen staff. I find this refreshi

9、ng due to the stereotype of college students as completely self-absorbed with feelings of entitlement.On the side of activities, Ive already mentioned that most people are invloved with something.Additionally, many people attend movie screenings, football games, guest speakers or the musical guests

10、that the university brings in.Pretty much every student group you can think of is here, but there is nothing particularly unusual.Theatre is especially prominent.Im not an actor or theatre buff, but I try and attend at least one show a quarter because they tend to be really high quality and I often

11、have friends in them.In fact, I have heard that breaking into the theatre scene is one of the most competitve facets at Northwestern.In terms of social life, drinking has its place, like at any college.People like to go out on Monday nights, Thursday nights and the weekend, but it isnt uncommon for

12、other midweek stuff to go down as well.Still, there are tons of social things which do not involve drinking, like going to Chicago, or seeing a show etc.Greek life has a strong presence on campus, and as a member, Id like to think that it differs from Greek life at other places.Many people, includin

13、g myself, claim they never would have considered going Greek elsewhere but end up rushing here.The fraternity is still not the focal point of my college expereince, but I that my house is very involved in philanthropy and we have a handful of non-drinkers who find Greek life rewarding.Still, the mai

14、n Greek houses lack diversity, and there are problems with binge drinking and negative stereotypes/social stratification among houses.You do not have to be Greek to have an active and vibrant social life.Many of my closet friends are non-Greek and do not suffer because of it at all. Dating at Northw

15、estern is okay, but not great.To illustrate this, I went to a concert on campus from the band OKGO, where during a break between songs, the lead singer asked the crowd if Northwestern was a school for lovers?The unison answer was a resounding NO, and the guitar player was taken aback, stammering I t

16、hought all schools were for lovers.This is indicative of some of the frustration that exists, but there are still good-looking, nice and available girls if you look hard enoungh. Also, in my experience, it helps to join a fraternity.Finally, Northwestern is a fun place.We have a few cool traditions like Dillo Day, an all day concert in the spring.Nevertheless, I reiterate, its not a state school atmosphere.There isnt the excitement about sports or outrageous parties th

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