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1、unit610短语句子1Unit 7 1.去度假go on vacation2.徒步穿越丛林trek through the jungle3. 从容,轻松,不紧张take it easy4. 想要做某事 would like to do sth. 5.长途跋涉go trekking6.希望做某事hope to do sth7. 某天some day8.放松的/暖和的地方somewhere relaxing/warm9.为什么不做某事 why not do sth10.考虑做某事consider doing sth11.法国的首都 the capital of France12.最有活力的城市之

2、一one of the liveliest cities13.最著名的教堂之一one of the most famous churches 14.乘出租车游览巴黎 travel around Paris by Taxi15.做某事分方便 Its convenient to do sth16.乘地铁去某地 take the underground train to sw17相当昂贵的地方 quite an expensive place18 通常,大体 in general 19.为你翻译 translate sth for sb20.把 翻译成 translate . Into.21最好做某

3、事 Its best to do sth22.应该做某事 be supposed to do sth. 23.打包薄衣服 pack light clothes24. 其它的,另外的what else25. 去旅游 go on a trip to / take a trip to/travel to sw26在中国的东部的某个地方 somewhere in eastern China/somewhere in the east of China27.给我提供信息(2)provide information for sb = provide sb with information 28.做大量的户

4、外运动 do lots of outside activities29.徒步旅行 go hiking30.呆在一家便宜的旅馆里 stay in an inexpensive hotel31.带厨房的房间 a room with a kitchen32.自己做饭 cook one meal33.节省钱 save money34.足够大big enough 35离开三周be away for three weeks 36. 需要做某事need to do st h37.来吃晚饭 come for dinner38.每年的这个时候this time of year 39.去非洲度假 go to Af

5、rica on vacation40.横渡太平洋 sail across the Pacific41.其中的一些发现 some of the findings42.一项关于梦想和希望的调查 a survey about dreams and hopes43.全中国数千名学生thousands of students across China44.参加 take part in 45.有的有的 someothers 46.几个不同的问题答案 several different answers to the question47.毕业后after finishing school/after fi

6、nishing your educaton48.尽快地 as soon as possible 49.以便so that50.为父母提供更好的生活provide better lives for parents = provide parents with better lives51.上大学 go to university52.根据这项调查according to the survey 53.最受欢迎的工作选择 the most popular choice of job 54.电脑编程computer programming 55.青少年的梦想/希望the dreams/hopes of

7、 teenagers56.各种各样的梦想 all kinds of dreams57.不现实的梦想less realistic dreams58.梦想变得出名 dream of/about becoming famous59. 相当多的 quite a few 60. 成就某人的梦想achieve ones dream61.作为翻译或导游而工作work as translators or tour guides62. 愿意做某事be willing to do sth63.接受好的教育 have a goog education64.找到一份好工作find a good job65.一方面 o

8、n the one hand66.另一方面on the other hand67.坚持你的梦想hold on to your dream68.实现 come true69.努力工作;努力学习work hard 70.计划做某事plan to do sth71.感到无聊feel bored重点句型重点句型1.你想去哪儿度假? Where would you like to go on vacation ?2.我想穿越丛林,因为我喜欢令人激动的假期.I would like to trek through the jungle, because I like thrilling vacations

9、3.我想在佛罗里达海滩上休憩。因为我喜欢人们友好的地方。 I would like to take it easy on a Florida beach because I like places where the people are friendly.4.我喜欢天气暖和的地方。 I like places where the weather is warm. 5.那儿游客太多了(2).Its too touristy there.There are too many tourists.6.为何不考虑参观巴黎。 Why not consider visiting Paris?7.巴黎是法国

10、的首都,而且是欧洲最有活力的城市之一。Paris is the capital of France ,and is one of the liveliest cities in Europe. 8.乘地铁去大多数地方通常很方便。Its usually convenient to take the underground trains to most places. 9。如果你自己不会讲法语,最好和一个能为你翻译的人一块去了旅行。Unless you speak French yourself, Its best to travel with someone who can translate

11、things for you. 10.上海每年的这个时候很冷,如果你去哪儿,你需要打包暖和的衣服。 Shanghai is cold this time of year, You need to pack warm clothes if you go there.11.我和我的家人想去中国东部的某个地方度假。 My family and I want to take a trip somewhere in eastern China this summer.12.我希望你能给我提供一些 你能提供一些你们公司能够提供的关于度假地方面的信息。 I hope you can provide me w

12、ith some information about the kinds of vacations that your firm can offer13.如果我们能够得到一间带厨房的房间,我们可以通过自己做饭来省钱了。 If we could get a room with a kitchen, We could save money by cooking our own meals.14.相当多的人梦想着出名。Quite a few dream of becoming famous 15我们收到几个不同的问题答案。 We received several different answers

13、to the question.16.似乎一些学生想尽快地开始工作一便为父母提供。 It seem that some students would like to start work as soon as possible so that they can provide better lives for their parents.17.其他学生想毕业后继续学习并且上大学。 Other students hope to continue studying after finishing school and to go to college.18.许多学生报告,他们乐意努力工作来实现他们

14、的梦想。 Many students reported that they were willing to work hard to achieve their dreams19梦想很重要,坚持你的梦想,有一天他们会实现。 Its important to dream, hold to your dreams . one day they may just come trueUnit 8 1.在户外工作或去外面工作work outside 2.城市公园清理,打扫clean up the city parks 3.帮助某人做某事help sb.(to)do sth.=help sb.with s

15、th 4. 分发,发放广告give out advertisements =hand out advertisements 5. 把捐赠give away to = donateto6 放弃做某事give up doing sth7.在食品库at the food bank8. 使高兴起来,使振作起来cheer sb. up9.生病的孩子sick children=sick kids 10.消除饥饿stop hunger 11.无家可归的人the homeless people12. 清洁日Clean-Up Day13.想出计划.think up a plan =come up with a

16、plan =think of a plan 14. 推迟,推延做某事put off doing sth 15.write it down 把它写来 15. 做一个计划make a plan 16. 某人的一个家a home to sb17. 自愿做某事volunteer to do sth.18.自愿用做某事volunteer sth. to do sth.19.某人花时间做某事It takes sb. some time to do sth.= sth. takes sb. some time.=sb. spend time doing sth./ on sth. 20.主要的奉献a maj

17、or commitment21. 使充分发挥作用,好好利用put sth. Into good use22.小学elementary school = primary school23.在课后辅导中心in the after-school care center24. 在当地小学at the local elementary school25.在当地超市at the local supermarket26不但,而且.not onlybut also27.两者都both and28.两者都不neithernor29.要么要么,或者或者 eitheror 30.训练一支少年组球队coach a s

18、occer team for little kids31.用完,用光run out of=use up32.与相象take after=look like=be similar to=be like33. 修理 fix up=repair =mend 34.一个电台的记者 a radio interviewer 35.张贴寻求旧自行者的标语 put up signs asking for old bikes 36.开通了一条家长热线 set up a call-in center for pparents 37.结果好; work out fine38.建一个笔友网站. make a pen

19、pal website39.闲逛hang out40.有点安静a bit quiet41. 参加学校志愿计划join the school volunteer project42.开设一个汉语历史俱乐部start a Chinese History Club43. 不再 notany more = no more =not any longer = no longer 44.一张照片 a photo of 45.一个建立起来帮助残疾人的 组织 an organization set up to help disabled people 46.使某人做某事成为可能 make it possibl

20、e for sb to do sth 47.慷慨的捐赠kind donation48.残疾人disabled people49.因而谢谢某人thank sb. for sth./doing sth.50.帮助某人摆脱困境help sb. out51. 马上at once= right away52. 寄(送)给某人某物send sb.sth.= send sth. to sb.53. 用把装满fillwith被装满be filled with=be full of 54.使我的生活充满快乐fill my life with pleasure55.把书拿来 fetch the book 56.我

21、的一个朋友a fried of mine/one of my friends57面对这些挑战. face these challenges58试卷.test papers 59关门 shut doors 60.给某人讲故事 tell sb a story 61.搬东西 carry things 62. 一只经过专门训练的狗a specially trained dog63. 给某人带来bring sth. to sb. 1.我想帮助无家可归的人/使生病的孩子开心起来 Id like to help homeless people/cheer up the sick kids. 2.我们不能推迟

22、制定计划。We cant put off making a plan , . 3.我们打算建立一个食品库来帮助饥饿的人。 We are going to set up/establish a food bank to help hungry people and help stop hunger 4.不仅我对于帮助他人感到开心,而且我开始做我喜欢的事情。 Not only do I feel good about helping other people . but I get to spend time doing what I love to do. 5.周一,他告诉电台的记者为了买自行车

23、他花光了钱。 On Monday ,He told a radio interviewer that he had run out of money to buy old bikes. 6.他们开通了一天家长热线 They set up a call-in center for parents 7.他想出的方法效果很好。 The strategies that he came up with worked out fine . 8.我想谢谢你捐钱给动物助手,一个建立起来帮助残疾人的组织 Id like to thank you for sending money to “ Animal Hel

24、pers ” an organization set up to help disabled people. 9.你帮着使我拥有Lucky 成为可能. You have helped make it possible for me to have “Lucky ” 10.Lucky 使我的生活充满了快乐。Lucky has filled my life with pleasure. 11.去年的一天,我的一个朋友(2)说他想帮我解决困难。 One day last year , a friend of mine/one of my friends said that she would lik

25、e to help me out. invented by sb.被某人发明 used for doing sth. =be used to do sth.被用于做某事3. be used as 被当作用 made of / from 由制成 made by 由某人制造 made in sw. 被在某地制造9.Shoes with adjustable heels可调脚后跟的鞋6.battery-operated slippers电池供电的拖鞋7.heated ice cream scoop 可加热的冰淇淋勺子8.scoop really

26、cold ice cream用勺子舀确实很冷的冰淇淋9.see in the dark在黑暗中看10.change the style of the shoes改变鞋的样式11.electric slippers电子拖鞋12.alarm clock闹钟13.light bulb电灯泡14.microwave oven微波炉 accident 偶然地,意外地 mistake错误地17.sprinkle on把撒在上面 the end = at last最后,终于19.According to an ancient Chinese legend根据一个古老的中国传说2

27、0.boil drinking water over an open fire .在户外的炉火上煮饮用水21.Some leaves from a nearby bush来自附近灌木的一些叶子22.fall into the water落入水中23.produce a pleasant发出一股怡人的味道24. decide to taste the hot mixture决定品尝这种热的混合物 this way这样,用这种方式26.flying disk飞碟,飞盘27 A chef called Chef 一个叫Chef厨师28.Salty /crispy/sweet/enough足

28、够咸/脆/甜29.sour sweet 酸酸的味道30.knock into 与 相撞31.fall down 跌倒32.on a hard wooden floor在硬木地板33.the most helpful invention 最有用的发明 the westen world 在西方世界35. in the sixth century 在六世纪 the 1950s 在二十世纪五十年代37.a metal hoop 金属环38.over a hundred years old 超过100岁 born in / on 出生在40.divideinto 分成41.

29、teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事42. It is believed that. 相信43.It is said that. 据说44the aim of .的目的 history 在历史上41.the number of 的数字42.a number of 许多43. move towards to one end of the court 向球场的一端移动44.throw the ball to each other 相互扔球 the ball to the basket 把球引入篮内46.shoot from below the baske

30、t 从篮下投球47.the popularity of basket 篮球的普及48. rise worldwide 上升到全世界49.dream of doing sth. 梦想做某事重点句型1.你认为最有用的发明是什么?What do you think is the most helpful invention? 2.我认为做有用的发明是电灯 I think the most helpful invention is the light bulb3.电灯是什么时候发明的? When was the light bulb invented ?4. 它是1879发明的。It was inve

31、nted in 1879.5. 它是由谁发明的? Who was it invented by? 6.它是由 Edison发明的. it was invented by Edison.7. 它是用来干嘛的 What s it used for ?8. 它是用来在黑暗中照明的. Its used for seeing in the dark.9.根据一个古老的中国传说,当神农黄帝在户外的炉火上煮饮用水时他发现了茶叶。 According to an ancient Chinese legend , The emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open fire . 10.来自附近灌木的一些叶子落入水中并滞留了一段时间。 Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there

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