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1、终版前提方案PRP终板中英文PRP17PRP1 厂区环境PRP1 Surroundings sanitation of the plant1.1加工厂位于滕州市洪绪镇团结村,水源充足、交通便利及周围无有碍食品卫生的污染源,工厂环境长期保持清洁。The plant lies in Tengzhou City Hongxu town Tuanjie village,Sufficient water source、Convenient transportation and so it is a perfect food industry basis without any pollution res

2、ource,The plant environment is kept clean for a long time1.2厂区路面应全部硬化,无裸地、无破损、无积水,保持地面清洁;空地以草坪绿化。The roads in the plant area was all hardening,no ground is exposed、no damaged、no water gathered,keep the floor clean;The plant area was greened with lawn。 1.3加工区与生活区分开。The processing area is separated fr

3、om the living area.1.4厂区内不得有产生有害(毒)气体或其它有碍卫生的场地和设施。There are no other establishments that can produce poisonous smoke are harmful to sanitation.1.5厂区禁止饲养如猫、狗、猪、观赏鸟类等任何动物。It is forbidden to raise cats, dogs, pigs, birds and other animals that have nothing to do with the broilers slaughtering and proc

4、essing.1.6厂区内按害虫、害鼠控制程序定期灭鼠除虫。Control strictly the pests and rodents in the plant areas accordance to “control program of Pests and Rodents”1.7厂区卫生间为水冲式,且有足够数量,并备有洗手、防虫、防蝇设施。墙壁、地面以不透水、耐腐蚀的材料修建,易清洗消毒。Toilets in the plant ofawaterflushingtype,and enough quantity,and equipped with hand washing, pests/r

5、odents preventing.the corrosion resistant materials of the wall and the ground to waterproof, easy cleaning and disinfection.1.8厂区的排水系统畅通,车间、仓库、冷藏库周围不得有积水。keep the drainage system of the plant smoothly,workshop、storehouse around no water gathered.1.9废弃物由厂区清洁员定期清理,环卫部门派专车随时外运,不堆积。The waste is cleaned

6、 regularly by the factory cleaner,sanitationdepartments Send a special car at any time,no accumulation. 1.10工厂有适当的污水处理设施,且设在工厂外的下风向位置,生产中产生的废水、废料的排放和处理符合国家环保规定。There are proper sewage treatment facilities in the factory,and the downwind position located outside the factory,the wastewater after dispo

7、sed meets the national standards.1.11厂区建有与生产能力相适应的符合卫生要求的原料、辅料、化学物品、包装物料储存等辅助设施和废物、垃圾暂存设施。The plant is equipped with auxiliary facilities such as raw materials, auxiliary materials, chemicals, packaging materials storage, and waste and garbage storage facilities that meet the requirements of health.

8、PRP2 厂房及设施要求PRP2 Plant and facility requirements2.1.厂房布局及结构要求:Workshop layout and structural requirements2.1.1厂房采用单层平面布局,顺序布局,生区和熟区相对独立。生区供原料验收、滚揉腌制、穿串成型、油炸烟熏等;熟区供产品熟制后再处理、单冻、包装加工工序之用。不同的加工区域分别设有独立的更衣室、卫生间、浴室和清洗消毒间。整个加工厂布局合理,生熟区的人流、物流、气流及排水均相对独立,各行其道,井然有序,无交叉污染。Layout of buildings: layout in an orde

9、r of workshops, raw area and heat treatment area are separated strictly,raw area is raw material acceptance、tumbling marinating, string forming, fried smoked etc.set up steaming、IQF、packing area;different processing areas are set up respectively independent clothes change rooms、 toilets, shower room

10、s and disinfection room.the plant has a reasonable layout in the raw materials processing area and heat treatment area. The route of workers move and products transport, ventilation, water supply and drainage are relatively independent and well organized. There is no chance of cross-contamination.2.

11、1.2车间地面用防滑、坚固、不透水、耐腐蚀的水磨石和大理石材料修建,平坦、无积水并保持清洁;车间出口及与外界相连的排水、通风处应当安装防鼠、防蝇、防虫等设施。The floor with a skid、sturdy and durable、waterproof、corrosion resistant of terrazzo and marble material,flat、no water and keep clean;Facilities such as rodent control, fly prevention and pest control should be installed a

12、t the outlet of the workshop and the drainage and ventilation room connected with the outside2.1.3车间内墙壁、屋顶和天花板使用无毒、浅色、防水、防霉、不脱落、易于清洗的聚苯乙烯复合板或聚胺脂复合板材料修建,墙角、地角、顶角具有弧度。The workshop walls、roof and ceilingsuse of Non-toxic、light colour、waterproof、mold、Not falling off、Easy cleaning polystyrene composite b

13、oard or polyurethane composite board for building,corner, angle, apex has a radian.2.1.4车间门窗用浅色、平滑、易清洗、不透水、耐腐蚀的坚固材料制作,结构严密。Workshop door and window use of Light colour、Smooth、Easy clean、waterproof、corrosion resistant Strong material, tight structure.2.2 设施要求Facility requirements2.2.1 照明、通风及降温Illumin

14、ating, ventilating and cooling2.2.1.1车间内位于食品生产线上方的照明设施装有防护罩。生产加工、包装区域的光线强度在220lux以上、检验区域在540lux以上、库房的光线强度在110lux以上,光线要求不改变被加工物的本色为宜。The illumination of the workshops which is waterproof and with protection cover to avoid polluting the products in case the lamp is broken . the lightening intensity in

15、 processing and packing areas is no less than 220Lux, the check spots is not less than 540Lux. cold storage is not less than 110Lux, light asked not to change processing object color is appropriate.车间采用全封闭式:进气口设有空气过滤,进出气口设有防蝇防虫装置, 定期清洗和换新及检修,以确保通风换气良好,室内温度恒定,避免蒸汽、水汽凝结及集热的发生,及时排除污浊空气,保持空气新鲜。车间

16、的气流方向是从清洁区向非清洁区流动。The workshops are closed totally; equip the air filter at the air inlets and flies preventing facilities at the air outlets, clean and change periodically. To ensure good ventilation, keep the room temperature constant, avoid the steam and the condensation water and hot accumulated

17、 in the room, get rid of the dirty air in time, keep the air fresh.The direction of flow shop is flowing from the clean area to the non clean area.关键区域温度标准Temperature standard of crucial areas地 点Place温 度Temperature地 点Place 温 度Temperature原料库、滚揉间Raw materialroom、Rolling kneading room 0-4内包装间Inn

18、er packing room 10生区大厅Raw materials processing area12蘸酱间 Soaking room12冷藏库Cold storage -182.2.2水设施Water facilities2.2.2.1供水量应充足,加工用水(冰)符合饮用水卫生标准,输水管道采用全封闭式,并对各出水口做好相关标识,国家质监部门每年两次对水质进行全项目化验,本厂化验室每周对水质进行抽样化验微生物,且全年应对所有出水口都应抽验过。Water supply be adequate,processing water (ice) meet the sanitary standard

19、 for drinking water,The water pipeline is totally enclosed,and the water outlet to do the relevant identification,the national quality supervision departments two times a year, the whole project of water quality test,the factory laboratory weekly sampling of microorganisms on water quality,and all t

20、he outlets should be checked for the whole year.工厂有能供给一定压力和充足的常温水设备,以利于加工生产和清洗;能供给40的热水,以利洗手等用;有供给充足蒸汽设备,以利于加热产品和消毒所用。The factory can supply sufficient pressure and normal temperature water equipment,In order to facilitate the production and cleaning; hot water can supply 40 degrees centigrad

21、e, to wash your hands and so on; meanwhile therere enough steam supply in these areas, for heating products and disinfection purposes.车间内地面有一定坡度(1%),排水沟与地漏相连,并在地漏口装有防止固体物质流入的网罩以及防止污水、臭气倒流的U型回水湾。There is a certain slope in the workshop (1%), the drain is connected to the floor drain, the drain

22、s is covered with the grid to prevent solid materials flowing into the drains and designed with a U-shaped return bend to prevent wastewater and bad smell flowing backwards.车间的污水排放应按照清洁区 准清洁区 一般作业区 污水处理的流程排放,并且污水直接排入地沟,不能造成地面积水。Workshop sewage discharge should be in accordance with the clean

23、areamore clean areageneral job areadischarge of wastewater treatment process,and the wastewater is directly discharged into the trench,and not to pollute other areas.车间排水沟出口与污水处理设施相连,并有防止有害动物侵入的装置。The workshop is connected with the drainage outlet of sewage treatment facilities,a device for p

24、reventing harmful animals from invading.2.2.3更衣设施 Changing clothes2.2.3.1更衣室与加工车间相连接,分生区更衣室、熟区更衣室。男女更衣室分开,并且配备与生产人员数量相适应的厕所、淋浴间,室内有照明并通风良好,随时清扫地面、墙面,每天进行消毒。The change rooms are connected with workshops. the raw area and the mature area is dressing room in separates, men and womens dressing rooms are

25、 separate,the number workers equipped with toilet and shower room. the rooms are equipped with good ventilation and lightening inside the room. the floor and walls are cleaned at any time and disinfected once a day.自穿衣服和工作服严格分开存放,采用专用的布包盛放个人物品。Wear clothes and work clothes separately,the clot

26、h bags for special personal items.更衣室有足够大的空间以便加工人员更衣。The locker room has enough space for working personnel change.厕所为水冲式,并备有洗手消毒装置。The toilets are cleaned with flashing water,and hand washing disinfection device2.2.3.5淋浴间地面排水良好。The surface drainage good in the shower room.工作人员的

27、工作服为紧身结构,袖口、领口能扣严,勿使内衣外露,无纽扣,采用尼龙粘胶结构,工作帽内配戴发罩(网),不使头发外露,靴子为白色。The staffs work clothes are tight fitting,cuff、collar can buckle tightly,dont expose your underwear,no button,nylon viscose structure,wearing cap (net) in working cap,hair cant be exposed,boots White.2.2.4洗手消毒设施Hand washing and disinfect

28、ion facilities2.2.4.1车间、卫生间入口配有洗手消毒设施和标识,并有冷热水供应,水龙头采用光感或脚踏式开关。The workshop, the bathroom entrance is equipped with hand washing facilities and signs,there is hot and cold water supply,the faucet uses a light perception or pedal switch.洗手池以不锈钢材料制成,其结构不易沉积脏物并易于清洗。洗手消毒池的排水直接排入水沟或地漏内,并有防止臭气污水返回的

29、U型水弯。The hand sink is made of stainless steel,the structure does not deposit dirt and is easy to clean,the drains is covered with the grid to prevent solid materials flowing into the drains and designed with a U-shaped return bend to prevent wastewater and bad smell flowing backwards2.2.4.3洗手池处配有洗涤液

30、,手消毒池内放有有效浓度的氯消毒液。The wash pool is equipped with washing liquid,hand disinfection pool is placed in the effective concentration of chlorine disinfection liquid.车间生区和熟区入口分别设有风淋通道及鞋靴消毒池,池深足以浸没鞋面,能保证进车间前的鞋靴消毒,洗靴池每时保持清洁和消毒液有效浓度。Air shower channel and shoe disinfection pool at the entrance of the

31、raw and cooked areas,the pool is deep enough to submerge the vamp,disinfection of shoes and boots in front of workshop,keep clean and effective concentrations of chlorine in shoe disinfection pool.车间内及厕所处均应有消毒设施,以便及时清洗,消毒。In workshop and toilet Disinfection facilities,convenient cleaning and

32、 disinfection.车间内配备足够的洗手消毒设施。Adequate hand washing and disinfection facilities are provided in the workshop.2.2.5 厕所设施Toilet facilities2.2.5.1卫生间设有冲水、洗手设施。The toilet have flushing hand washing facilities.卫生间的墙壁、地面、天花板应用不透水、易清洗消毒、不易积垢的材料建成。The toilet walls、floors and ceilinguse of Easy clean、waterproof、not easy to fouling materials for building.卫生间应有良好的排气和照明设施。The toilet should have

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