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1、答案Test One1.P: Beijing Control, AFR126, 8900m maintaining, over TMR, TZH 10, squawk 6021.2.P: Radar contact, over fly TZH due to Air Force movement, AFR126.3.P: Beijing Control, AFR126, request runway in use.4.P: Expect KM01 arrival, runway 36L, AFR126.5.P: If available, request KM03 arrival, landin

2、g on RWY 01, AFR126.6.P: After KM, request change runway, AFR126.7.P: Descend to and maintain 4500m over KM, AFR126.8.P: 119.7, good day, AFR126.9. P: Beijing Approach, over KM, 4500m maintaining, request runway 01, KM03 arrival, AFR126.10. P: KM01 arrival, runway in use 36L, information A, AFR126.1

3、1. P: Beijing Control, were having trouble with our flaps, AFR126.12. P: Request holing for a check, AFR126.13.P: Descend to and maintain 3000m on QNH 1012, turn left direct to HUR, hold as published, AFR126.14.P: Beijing Approach, operations are now normal, request cancel hold, AFR126.15.P: Holding

4、 position, AFR126.16.P: Beijing Approach, request a tug after landing, our nose wheel steering system failed, AFR126.17.P: Negative, other systems normal, how long is the delay? AFR126.18.P: Our endurance is 0030, request diversion, AFR126.19.P: Beijing Approach, fuel temperature warning light on, e

5、ndurance only 10 minutes, request divert to Dalian, AFR125.20.P: Roger, AFR126.21.P: Climb to and maintain 8100m on standard, AFR126.22. P: Direct to Dalian, 120.35, AFR126.Test Two1.P: Beijing Control, BAW141 estimate GUPAD 20, maintaining 8900m, in cloud, TYN 35, next ISGOD.2.P: Radar shows that w

6、e are normal at this stage, BAW141.3.P: Thanks, BAW141.4.P: Beijing Control, BAW141, request diversion 5 miles right of track due to CB developing just ahead.5.P: 5 miles right of track approved, thanks, BAW141.6.P: Roger, we do not have that aircraft on TCAS, BAW141. Confirm that the unidentified a

7、ircraft will not be in conflict with us.7.P: We are in and out of cloud. Negative contact with the aircraft, BAW141.8.P: Roger, BAW141.9.P: MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY, Beijing Control, BAW141, lightning strike, request descent to 4200m.10.P: We are assessing the situation, but have no real navigation guid

8、ance, BAW141.11.P: Beijing Control, BAW141, if weather permits, request navigation assistance due directional indication failure.12.P: Expect small correcting turns to the left in 5 miles, BAW141.13.P: Descend to 1800m on QNH 1011, expect runway 36L, BAW141.14.P: Descend to 900m, BAW141.15.P: Descen

9、d to 600m, report visual, BAW141.16.P: Beijing Approach, field in sight, BAW141.17.P: Visual approach, 118.1, BAW141.Test Three1.P: Beijing Departure, CSN6202, from Beijing to Harbin, airborne 23, passing 1200m climbing to 1800m.2.P: Cancel SID turn right heading 010, CSN6202.3.P: Climb to 5400m on

10、standard, direct to YV via flight planned route, CSN6202.4.P: Beijing Departure, CSN6202, radar indicates a CB around YV, request direct to KAKAT.5.P: 125.9, CSN6202.6.P: Beijing Control, CSN6202, 5400m maintaining, request direct to KAKT due weather.7.P: Climb to and maintain 10,700m, CSN6202, requ

11、est turn right heading 030 due CB.8.P: Turn right heading 030, CSN6202.9.P: Beijing Control, cleared weather, back on course, CSN6202.10.P: Beijing Control, possible de-icing equipment failure, ice is building up. Request descent below freezing level, CSN6202.11.P: Descending to 6300m, it should be

12、low enough and no emergency conditions exist, CSN6202.12.P: Request return to Beijing airport, possible problems with flight control system, CSN6202.13.P: Affirm, CSN6202.14.P: Turn right direct to GITUM, descend to and maintain 3600m, CSN6202.15.P: 120.6, CSN6202.16.P: Beijing Approach, CSN6202, de

13、scending to 3600m. Were having a problem with our leading edge flap extension, possibly due to earlier icing issue.17.P: CSN6202, possible micro-switch malfunction, well be conducting a flapless landing and request runway 36R.18.P: Runway 36R, turn left heading 090, descend to and maintain 2700m on

14、QNH 1013, information C, CSN6202.19.P: Turn right heading 270, leaving 2700m for 1800m, CSN6202.20.P: We have the field and runway in sight, CSN6202.21.P: Make visual approach 36R, turn final when ready, CSN6202.Test Four1.P: Beijing Delivery, AFR101, Gate 301, request ATC clearance.2.P: Cleared to

15、Paris, via flight planned route, initially climb to 6600m, RENOB32 departure, request level change for 10,400m en route, squawk 1725, runway 36R, departure frequency 127.75, AFR101.3.P: 121.9, good day, AFR101.4.P: Beijing Ground, AFR101, Gate 301, request pushback and startup.5.P: Roger, standing b

16、y, AFR101.6.P: Roger, in which direction should we push back? AFR101.7.P: Roger pushback approved facing east, AFR101.8.P: Ready for taxi, information G, AFR101.9.P: Roger, AFR101, information H received, request runway 01 for a short course.10.P: Indications say that taxiway B is closed, confirm ta

17、xi via B. AFR101.11.P: Once B737 cleared, taxi via M and D, wilco, AFR101.12.P: Beijing Departure, AFR101, passing 1200m climbing to 1800m.13.P: Climb to 6000m on standard, AFR101.14.P: MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY, Beijing Departure, AFR101, request descent to 3000m, a man is attempting to detonate explosi

18、ves strapped to his body, the flight attendants are trying to get him under control.15.P: Descend to 3000m on QNH 1011, endurance 0200, AFR101.16.P: Beijing Approach, request radar vector to Tongzhou, AFR101.17.P: Turn right heading 180, maintain 3000m, AFR101. The man is struggling with the crew an

19、d two passengers are badly hurt.18.P: The man is under control now, request return to Beijing airport and priority landing, two passengers are in critical condition, require medical assistance on arrival, AFR101.19.P: Runway 18R, thanks, AFR101.Test Five1.P: Beijing Approach, CES5102, 4800m maintain

20、ing, estimating DOGAR05, information F.2.P: DOGAR03 arrival, expect ILS approach runway 01, maintain 4800m, CES5102.3.P: Beijing Approach, CES5102, request emergency descent, we have a loud noise coming from the cabin, CES5102.4.P: Descend to and maintain 2100m on QNH 1012, CES5102.5.P: It sounds li

21、ke an outside air noise or a slight depressurization problem, CES5102.6.P: Beijing Approach, CES5102, maybe a problem with the door seal. The engineers suggested we reduce speed to minimum.7.P: We have three injured persons during descent. Require ambulance on arrival, request priority landing, CES5

22、102.8.P: Request runway change to 36R, CES5102.9.P: Turn left heading 300, CES5102.10.P: Request continue approach and try to land, CES5102.11.P: Descend to and maintain 900m, turn right heading 330, report established on the localizer, CES5102.12.P: Established on localizer 5 miles final runway 36R

23、, CES5102.13.P: 118.1, CES5102.14.P: Beijing Tower, CES5102, established ILS.15.P: Roger, CES5102, I want to try landing.16.P: Report outer marker, CES5102.17.P: Beijing Tower, CES5102, outer marker.18.P: Cleared to land runway 36R, surface wind 160, 7m/s, report vacated, CES5102.Test Six1.P: Beijin

24、g Control, CCA983, from Los Angeles to Beijing, DABMA 30, maintaining 9800m, SABEM 45.2.P: Negative, squawk is 1232, CCA983.3.P: Roger, CCA983.4.P: Beijing Control, CCA983. We are experiencing severe turbulence, request descent to low level.5.P: Descend to 8400m, CCA983.6.P: There are several large

25、CB in the area, CCA983.7.P: Beijing Control, CCA983, we have been struck by lightning.8.P: Beijing Control, CCA983, flight is smooth, but the main power doesnt work, we are using the auxiliary power supply now.9.P: Our navigation system is out of action, please keep a close eye on us, CCA983.10.P: L

26、ightning hit us above the left hand windshield, zero damage, CCA983.11.P: Request priority landing at Beijing airport, CCA983.12.P: Descend to and maintain 3600m. Expect runway 01, CCA983.13.P: Beijing Control, CCA983, advise weather at Beijing airport.14.P: Visual approach, runway 01, thanks, CCA98

27、3.15.P: Request medical service on arrival as a passenger was hurt during the turbulence, CCA983.16.P: Beijing Tower, CCA983, runway 01 in sight.17.P: Runway is covered with patches of ice, braking action poor, did the preceding aircraft land normally? CCA983.18.P: Thanks, CCA983.Test Seven1.P: Beij

28、ing Departure, BWA038, passing 1200m climbing to 1800m.2.P: Climb to 6000m on standard, BAW038.3.P: Beijing Departure, BAW038, foreign object ingestion, request descent to 3000m.4.P: Descend to 3000m on QNH 1011, BAW038.5.P: Beijing Departure, BAW038, request return to Beijing airport, our turbine b

29、lades may have broken.6.P: Turn right heading 180, BAW038.7.P: Departure, port engine flames out, request priority landing, BAW038.8.P: We can make a normal landing without dumping fuel, BAW038.9.P: Beijing Control, fuel passage blocked by a foreign object, now only the auxiliary fuel tank is operat

30、ive, request priority landing, BAW038.10.P: Endurance 0030, BAW038.11.P: Turn right heading 300, expect runway 01, BAW038.12.P: Turn right heading 340, report established localizer, BAW038.13.P: Established localizer, BAW038.14.P: 118.1, thanks, BAW038.15.P: Beijing Tower, BAW038, established ILS.16

31、.P: Roger, report outer marker, BAW038.17.P: Beijing Tower, BAW038, outer marker.18.P: Cleared to land RWY01, wind 240, 12m/s, report vacated, BAW038Test Eight1.P: Beijing Delivery, QFA029, Gate 302, request ATC clearance.2.P: Cleared to Dubai, via flight planned route, initially climb to 6600m, REN

32、OB 32 departure, request level change for 11,000m en route, squawk 1725, runway 36R, departure frequency 127.75. QFA029.3.P: 121.9, QFA029.4.P: Beijing Ground, QFA029, ready to start.5.P: Standing by, QFA029.6.P: Starting up, QFA029.7.P: Beijing Ground, request pushback, holding position, QFA029.8.P: Pushing back, QFA029.9.P: Beijing Ground, QFA029, the tow bar bent and we

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