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1、关于东北亚和平与合作的联合宣言中英对照Joint Declaration for Peace and Cooperation in Northeast Asia关于东北亚和平与合作的联合宣言 November 01, 2015, Seoul, ROK韩国首尔,2015年11月1日 We, the Leaders of the Republic of Korea, Japan and the Peoples Republic of China, convened in Seoul, Korea on November 1, 2015, on the occasion of the Sixth T

2、rilateral Summit. 我们,中华人民共和国、日本国和大韩民国的领导人,于2015年11月1日在韩国首尔举行了第六次中日韩领导人会议。 We appreciated that trilateral cooperation, since its inception in 1999, has developed through the regular holding of the Trilateral Summits in the three countries since 2008, independently from the ASEAN+3 Summit; that such c

3、ooperation has been further institutionalized through the establishment of the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) in 2011; and that there has been progress towards the realization of the visions set forth in the Joint Declarations/Statements of the Leaders of the three countries, including Tri

4、lateral Cooperation VISION 2020. 自1999年启动以来,三国合作不断向前发展,于2008年首次举行了独立于10+3领导人会议的三国领导人会议。三国于2011年成立了中日韩合作秘书处,使三国合作机制化取得进展。三国领导人在2020中日韩合作展望等领导人会议成果文件中确定了三国合作的目标,三方在实现这些合作目标上取得积极进展。我们对上述进展表示赞赏。 Acknowledging that steady progress has been made in trilateral cooperation in various areas despite fluid sit

5、uations in the Northeast Asian region in recent years, we shared the view that trilateral cooperation has been completely restored on the occasion of this Summit, held almost three and a half years after the Fifth Trilateral Summit held in May 2012. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, and Li Keqian

6、g, Premier of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China, expressed appreciation for the efforts made by Park Geun-hye, President of the Republic of Korea, the chair country, to restore trilateral cooperation during the past years. 近年来,虽然东北亚地区局势复杂多变,三国在各领域合作仍保持稳步推进。我们一致认为,在2012年5月第五次中日韩领导人会议

7、三年半之后,本次领导人会议的举行标志着三国合作全面恢复。中国国务院总理李克强和日本首相安倍晋三对三国合作协调国韩国总统朴槿惠在过去几年内为恢复三国合作所做努力表示赞赏。 We reached the common recognition that the situation in which economic interdependence and political/security tensions coexist must be overcome in order to build permanent peace, stability and co-prosperity in the r

8、egion, and to continue to develop trilateral cooperation unwaveringly. 我们一致认为,地区国家经济相互依存与政治安全紧张并存,这种情况必须改变,才能推动地区实现永久和平稳定和共同繁荣,才能坚定推动三国合作向前发展。 To this end, we came to the recognition that respective bilateral ties among the three countries constitute an important foundation for trilateral cooperatio

9、n, and that the deepening of trilateral cooperation, in turn, contributes to each bilateral relations and to the peace, stability, and prosperity of the Northeast Asian region. In the spirit of facing history squarely and advancing towards the future, we agreed that the three countries should addres

10、s related issues properly and to work together to improve bilateral relations and to strengthen trilateral cooperation. 为此,我们认识到三国间有关双边关系是三国合作的重要基础,深化三国合作也有利于三国间有关双边关系发展及东北亚地区的和平、稳定和繁荣。三国将本着正视历史、面向未来的精神,妥善处理有关问题,为改善双边关系、加强三国合作而共同努力。 With this in mind, we have decided as follows: 念及上述,我们一致决定: Realizi

11、ng Peace and Cooperation in Northeast Asia 一、实现东北亚和平与合作 1. Affirming that the deepening of trilateral cooperation will contribute to the stable development of respective bilateral ties among the three countries and to the realization of peace, stability and prosperity in Northeast Asia, we will furt

12、her institutionalize trilateral cooperation and develop the process of dialogue and cooperation. 1、认识到深化三国合作有利于三国双边关系稳定发展,有利于实现东北亚和平、稳定和繁荣,我们将进一步促进三国合作机制化,推进对话与合作进程。 2. We reaffirmed that the Trilateral Summit is to be held on a regular basis in the three countries, as specified in the 2008 Joint St

13、atement for Tripartite Partnership. To broaden the scope of trilateral cooperation, we decided to encourage a more active promotion of over 50 intergovernmental consultative mechanisms, including about 20 ministerial-level mechanisms, as well as numerous cooperative projects, and to promote the crea

14、tion of new intergovernmental consultative mechanisms, including ministerial-level mechanisms. 2、我们重申,如2008年三国伙伴关系联合声明所述,中日韩领导人会议应定期举行。为拓宽三国合作领域,我们决定鼓励三国更积极推动包括约20个部长级机制在内的50多个政府间协商机制的发展,积极实施众多合作项目,并推动建立包括部长级机制在内的新的政府间协商机制。 3. Speaking highly of the efforts made by the Trilateral Cooperation Secreta

15、riat (TCS) in advancing trilateral cooperation, we expressed support for the capacity-building of the TCS by its participation in all ministerial-level consultative mechanisms within the framework of trilateral cooperation. Accordingly, we shared the view that the creation of a Trilateral Cooperatio

16、n Fund (TCF) will be instrumental for the development of trilateral cooperation projects. 3、我们高度赞赏中日韩合作秘书处为推进三国合作所做努力,支持秘书处通过积极参与所有三国合作框架下的部长级协商机制加强能力建设。我们一致认为,设立三国合作基金有助于实施三国合作项目。 4. We appreciated the various endeavors made so far to promote regional cooperation, and decided to make joint efforts

17、to achieve the common goal of building regional trust and cooperation. In this regard, the Leaders of Japan and the Peoples Republic of China highly appreciated and welcomed, and agreed to further develop the Republic of Koreas “Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative” (NAPCI) aimed to build

18、 trust in the region through dialogue and cooperation. We appreciated that the various cooperation projects discussed at the Second High-level Intergovernmental Meeting on NAPCI held in October, 2015 will contribute to expanding trilateral cooperation by strengthening trust in the region, and we wil

19、l continue to pursue high-level meetings relevant to NAPCI. 4、我们对各种推动区域合作的努力表示赞赏,决定将共同努力实现区域互信与合作的共同目标。中、日两国领导人对韩方旨在通过对话与合作在域内国家间建立信任的“东北亚和平合作构想”表示高度赞赏和欢迎,同意进一步推进“东北亚和平合作构想”。2015年10月举行的第二次东北亚和平合作构想国际论坛讨论的多个合作项目,有助于加强区域互信,扩大三国合作,我们对此表示赞赏。我们将继续举办“东北亚和平合作构想”相关的高级别会议。 5. Referring to the Cooperation on

20、Nuclear Safety adopted at the Fourth Trilateral Summit in 2011, we reached the common recognition that we will continue trilateral consultations on nuclear safety. In this regard, we appreciated the discussions at the 8th Top Regulators Meeting and the 3rd TRM+ Meeting (International Forum on Northe

21、ast Asia Nuclear Safety Cooperation) held in October 2015, and we will, building on progress thus made, continue to strengthen our cooperation through enhanced regional cooperation process in the field of civil nuclear safety. 5、忆及2011年第四次中日韩领导人会议通过的核安全合作成果文件,我们就继续举办三国核安全磋商达成共识。我们对2015年10月举行的第八次三国核安

22、全监管高官会(TRM)和第三次“TRM+会议”(东北亚核安全合作国际论坛)有关讨论表示赞赏,我们将在现有基础上,加强地区合作进程,强化在民用核能安全领域合作。 6. Referring to the Cooperation on Disaster Management adopted at the Fourth Trilateral Summit in 2011, we will strengthen cooperation among the three countries to enhance disaster prevention and disaster relief capabili

23、ties. We appreciated the success of the Trilateral Table-Top Exercise on Disaster Management (TTX) hosted by the TCS, and welcomed the participation of interested countries such as the United States, Russia and Mongolia in April 2015. We welcomed the outcomes of the Trilateral Joint Statement on Dis

24、aster Management Cooperation in October 2015. Acknowledging that Japan submitted a proposal of the resolution to establish the World Tsunami Day to the Second Committee of the UN General Assembly, we raise awareness of threats and measures against tsunamis through the collaboration among the three c

25、ountries, in order to mitigate damage caused by tsunamis in the international community. 6、忆及2011年第四次中日韩领导人会议通过的灾害管理合作成果文件,我们将加强三国合作,提升防灾减灾能力。我们对2015年10月在日本举行的第四届中日韩灾害管理部门负责人会议取得的进展表示欢迎。我们对秘书处主办的“三国灾害管理桌面演练”取得成功表示赞赏,并对美国、俄罗斯、蒙古国等有兴趣国家参与2015年4月的桌面演练表示欢迎。我们对2015年10月发表的三国灾害管理合作联合声明成果表示欢迎。我们了解日本已向联合国大会第

26、二委员会提交了设立“世界海啸日”的决议草案,旨在通过合作提升三国关于应对海啸威胁和采取措施的意识,减少海啸对国际社会造成的危害。Expanding Economic and Social Cooperation for Co-prosperity 二、扩大经济社会合作实现共同繁荣 7. Reiterating our commitment in the Trilateral Cooperation VISION 2020 to work towards further economic integration in the long-term, including the establishm

27、ent of a common market in the region, we will make full use of the high complementarities and great potential of the three economies and bring to higher levels our cooperation in various economic and social fields. 7、我们重申在2020中日韩合作展望中所作承诺,即努力实现包括建立区域共同市场在内的进一步推进经济一体化的长期目标,将充分利用三国经济互补性和巨大潜力,将三国在各个经济和

28、社会领域的合作提升到更高水平。 8. We will further strengthen economic and trade relations and deepen the convergence of interests. We endorsed the achievements of the 10th Tripartite Economic and Trade Ministers Meeting held in Seoul in October 2015. We also welcomed the decision to start the joint project “Trilat

29、eral Cooperation for Improvement of Supply Chain Connectivity. We reiterated that we would enhance cooperation with a view to creating an attractive environment for trade and investment. 8、我们将进一步加强经贸往来,深化利益融合。我们赞同2015年10月在首尔举行的第十次三国经贸部长会议取得的进展,对开始实施“三方加强供应链联接合作”联合项目的决定表示欢迎。我们重申将加强合作,为贸易和投资营造更有利环境。 9

30、. We appreciated that the Trilateral Investment Agreement, which came into effect in May 2014, has improved the investment environment and promoted investment in the region, and reaffirmed that we will make further efforts towards the acceleration of the trilateral FTA negotiations to realize a comp

31、rehensive, high-level and mutually beneficial FTA. 9、三国投资协定于2014年5月生效,改善了投资环境,促进了本地区投资,我们对此表示赞赏。我们重申将进一步努力加速三国自贸区谈判,最终缔结全面、高水平和互惠的自贸协定。 10. In light of the importance of e-commerce in the generation of new economic value, we shared the view that the creation of a region-wide digital single market ca

32、n benefit all three countries. In this regard, we encouraged the three countries to explore possible ways of cooperation in e-commerce, such as information sharing, joint studies and training, and exchanges in the public and private sector. 10、考虑到电子商务对创造新经济价值的重要性,我们一致认为建立区域单一电商市场对三国有利。鉴此,我们鼓励三方探讨在电子商务领域开展信息共享、联合研究和培训、行业企业交流等合作。 11. Acknowledging the importance of developing innovative technologies for economic growth and strengthening industrial competitiveness among the three countries, we noted that new industries of h

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