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unit 13高英.docx

1、unit 13高英Language work Unit 13 Text I BeautyLanguage work1. match vt. to be equal to; find sb. or sth. that fits or corresponds to No one can match her at chess. We try to match the applicants with appropriate vacancies.2. paradoxical adj. seemingly absurd or contradictory, even if actually well-fou

2、nded; conflicting with a preconceived notion of what is reasonable or possibleThe speaker made some paradoxical statements.His paradoxical remarks seem absurd or contradictory, but they are actually true.It seems paradoxical that there should be a handful of rich people in face of millions of poorpe

3、ople.3. seductive adj. attractive; tending to seduce, charm or tempt sb.Her .seductive smile attracts so many young people.This offer of a high salary and a free house is very seductive to the applicants.4. wary adj. cautious and watchfulChildren are usually told to be wary of strangers.The guards a

4、re keeping a wary eye on the guy loafing in the lobby.5. facility n. an ability to do sth. easily or effortlesslyThe thief ran and dodged with such facility that the policemen almost failed to catch him. T can hardly believe that you speak English with such facility.6. classical adj. of, relating to

5、 or influenced by the art and literature of ancient Greece and Rome; (of music) serious and traditional in style; simple, restrained and harmonious in styleA classical education is one based on die study of Latin and Greek.She is studying the classical music of India.The style of the architecture is

6、 characterized by a classical elegance.By the way, the word classic, which is also an adjective and close in spelling to classical, is different in meaning. Classic usually means a famous or supreme example of its type.Vosne Romanee is a classic French wine.The cathedral has been considered an examp

7、le of classic design for over a century.5. The Prime Ministers policy alienated many of her followers. Many artists feel alienated from society.arbitrary adj. based on personal opinion or impulse, not on principles or reason; using uncontrolled power without considering others, dictatorial, like a d

8、ictatorThe choice of players for the team seems completely arbitrary.The committee has made some arbitrary decisions.An arbitrary ruler wields his arbitrary powers.6. prestige n. respect based on good reputation, past achievements, etc.; power to impress others, esp. as a result of wealth, distincti

9、on, glamour, etc.The man suffered a loss of prestige when the scandal was publicized.She enjoys prestige in the community.6. The team was thrown on the defensive as their opponents rallied. Talking about boy friends always puts her on the defensive. The troops are standing on the defensive.7. equiva

10、lent n. a corresponding thing; an amount of equal value, word of the same meaningThis new refrigerator cost the equivalent of my whole months salary.Is there a French word that is the exact equivalent of the English word home? compliment n. an expression of praise, admiration, approval, etc.; (pi.)

11、greetings, esp. as part of a messageShe paid me a very charming compliment on my paintings.These beautiful flowers are a compliment to the gardeners skill.My compliments to your wife!8. Protestant n. & adj. (a member) of any of the Christian bodies that separated from the Church of Rome in the 16th

12、century, or of their branches formed later This is a Protestant church.The Protestant minister is presiding over the service。9. version n. an account of a matter from a particular point of view; book, etc. in a particular edition or translation; form or variant of a thing as performed, adapted, etc.

13、His version of the matter is close to the truth.He made a comparison of the original text with the English version.Mary is a lovely version of her mother.Lambs version of Shakespeare is simpler and easier to read, vestige n. a sign or trace of sth. that once existed; small remaining part of what onc

14、e existed; (in negative sentences) not even a small amountThere are vestiges of an earlier civilization in this country.You can see vestiges of beauty in the womans aging face.Your investigations hold not a vestige of glamour for me.There is not a vestige of common sense in your report, pagan n. sb.

15、 that does not follow one of the worlds main religions, but follows a less important religion that is usu. considered questionable, esp. sb. that is not a Christian, Muslim, or Jew. Pagans thought that lunar eclipses happened when a witch hid the moon in a cave.The young woman was driven away from h

16、ome because of her marriage with a pagan.10. He works long hours, to the detriment of his health. He reads in poor lighting, to the detriment of his eyes. 11. throes n. severe pains; agonizing struggleThe throes of childbirth are hard to bear.The black people in this African country are still in the

17、 throes of apartheid.The students are in the throes of making preparations for the test, 12. narcissism n. abnormal and excessive love or admiration for oneselfHer narcissism is not well-grounded.Your narcissism prevents you from making any further progress.Narcissism is a psychological term.13. e.g

18、. * For I want to further my education abroad, I study English. I study English, for 1 want to further my education abroad, 14. identify sth. with sth. else: consider sth. to be identical with sth. else; equate two thingsOne cannot identify wealth with happiness.We cannot identify outward beauty wit

19、h inner beauty, identify oneself with sb. or sth.: be associated with sb. or sth.He refused to identify himself with the new political party.The sentimental girl identifies herself with Lin Daiyu.15. stereotype n. an image, idea, character, etc. that has become fixed or standardized in a conventiona

20、l form without individualityWe must break through the stereotypes.It is necessary to break through the stereotype of assigning jobs by sex.16. inferior adj. low or lower in rank, social position, importance, quality, etc.A captain is inferior to a major.You make me feel inferior.The furniture is of

21、inferior quality.17. submit vt. to yield to, accept the control, superior strength, etc. of sb. or sth.; give sth. to sb. so that it may be considered, decided on, etc.The general submitted to the new government.We should submit to discipline.Did you submit your essay to your tutor?The representativ

22、es submitted their recommendations to the peoples congress for approval, fretful adj. irritable or complaining, esp. because one is unhappy or worried17. What & fretful child she has become!The fretful baby has been crying the whole night.What is making you so fretful? pass muster: be accepted as ad

23、equate or satisfactory; be taken as good enough18. Slipshod work would never pass muster.With fashionable clothes and good make-up, she might have passed muster.Such excuses will never pass muster with him.Nothing less than perfection will do. Only utmost perfection will pass muster.19. dissect vt.

24、to examine or analyze in detailLets dissect his proposal and question his motives.After watching a movie or reading a novel, he could dissect it for hours.20. deservedly adv. justly, rightly; according to what is deservedShe was deservedly praised.The criminal was deservedly punished.21. lamentable

25、adj. regrettable; deplorable; deserving lament or regretThe avalanche caused a lamentable loss of young lives.The way he dealt with the situation was lamentable.22. renounce vt. (finl.) to agree to give up ownership or possession of sth. esp. formally; give up esp. a habit voluntarily; abandon; reje

26、ct or stop following sb. or sth.The former emperor renounced his title and privilege.The man renounced alcohol and cigarettes.She renounced Buddhism in favor of Christianity.23. censure n. a strong criticism or condemnation; harsh rebuke or reprimandHe laid himself open to social censure.The Prime M

27、inister resigned without public censure.24. preen v. to make oneself look tidy by combing ones hair, etc.She is preening herself in front of the mirror.On such occasions as family reunion, everyone preens in lounge suit, new gown and eye-alluring hat.25. clamber vi. to climb, esp. with difficulty or

28、 effort, using the hands and feet The children clambered over the rocks.She has clambered up to a very high social position.26. authoritative adj. having or showing authority; that can be trusted, reliable This information came from an authoritative source. These are authoritative instructions.27. d

29、isparage vt. suggest, esp. unfairly, that sb. or sth. is of little value or importanceThe article in the newspaper disparaged the actors performance for charity as an attempt to get publicity.He made some disparaging remarks about my ability.28. crude adj. not completely worked out, rough; coarse, n

30、ot showing taste or refinement It is crude sketch.His paintings are rather crude, i.e. not skillfully done. I hate his crude manners. He made some crude jokes (i.e. sexually offensive jokes).29. critical adj. of or at a crisis; decisive, crucial; looking for faults, pointing out faultsThe patients c

31、ondition is critical.The nation was at a critical time in history.Her help was critical during the emergency.Try to develop a more critical attitude, instead of accepting everything at face value, 30. abridge vt. to make (a book, etc.) shorter, by using fewer words; condense; reduce (time, distance,

32、 extent, scope, etc.); restrain, limitThis is an abridged version of War and Peace.Lamb abridged Shakespeares plays.The airplane abridges distance.The freedom of speech shall never be abridged.mythology n. study or science of myths; body or collection of ancient stories31. That professor specializes in Greek mythology.The young man is fascinated by the stories of classical mythology. KEY TO EXERCISESText comp

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