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1、最最常见的词根和前缀后缀补充最常见的词根和前缀后缀补充 供词汇量超级小的朋友们学习参考一 。 常见单词词根总结anim = breath, mind ann, enn = year act = to act art = skill, artaudi, aud = to hear aug = to increase, to make, to growavi = bird band, bond = to bind bat = to beat bell = war bio = life (n.) cad, cid, cas = to fall camp = field cand = white ,

2、bright cant, chant, cent = to sing cap = head cap = to take cast = throw cede, ceed , cess = to go, to yield ceive, cept, cip, cipate = to take celer = swift, quick cent = hundred centr = center cern, cret = to separate cide , cise = to cut claim , clam = to cry clin = to bend clud = to shut cognis,

3、 gnos = to know commun = common cord = heart cosm , cosmo = universe count = to count cre, cresc = to make, to grow cred = to believe crim = accusation, crime cruc = cross cur, course = to run cure = to take care du = two, double dent = tooth dict, dit = to say dign = worthy ,worth divid, divis = to

4、 divide dom = to tame, to rule , to dominate don, dot, dow = to give dorm = to sleep duce, duct = to lead dur = to last (持续) em, empt = to take, to buy equ = equal fac, front = face, forehead fac, fect = to make , to do fend , fest = to strike ( 打击 ) fer = to carry, to bear, to tolerate fid = to tru

5、st figure = to shape , figure(n.), form(n.) flat, flate = to blow flect, flex = to bend flict = to strike ( 打击 ) flor = flower flu = to flow form = to form, form ,shape found , fund = base fuse, found = to pour gener, gen, gent = to produce, race(n.) grad, gress = to walk gram , graph = to write her

6、 = heir here, hes = to stick(粘贴) horr = to tremble hum , hom = man hum = ground (地面) hydr, hydro = water ject , jac = to throw join, junct = to join journ = day jud = to judge just, juris = law, right , justice labor = to work later = side lav , lau = to wash lect, leg = to choose, to gather, to rea

7、d leg = to appoint, to send, law lev = to raise, light (adj.)liber = free libr, lib = book lig = to bind lingu = tongue, language liqu = fluidliter = letter loc = place ( n. ) log , loqu, locut = to speak lumin = light magn, maj , max = great mari = sea manu,man=hand mark = to mark , boundary matr=

8、mother, patri, part= father mechan = machine med = middle, to heal memor = to remember merge, mers = to sink, to dip meter = to measure miss, mit = to send, to throw migr = to remove , to wander milit = soldier, to fight min, mini = small mort = death mount = mountain, to ascend mov, mob, mot = to m

9、ove muni = service myst = mystery nat = born nau, nav = ship neg = to deny nomin, nom = name norm = rule, norm not = to mark (标示) nounce, nunci = to report nov = new number, numer = number, to count oper = to work , work order, ordin = order ori = to rise , to begin pan = bread part = a part , to pa

10、rt pass = to pass passi , pati, path = to suffer, feelingsped = foot ; child pel , puls = to drive pen ,pun = to punish pet = to fly , to seek phon = sound plain , plaint = to beat the breast plen, plete, ple , pli, ply = to fill, full ( adj. ) ply, pli, ple = to fold (折叠)polit, poli = state, countr

11、y pon , pound = to put popul, publ = people port = to carrypos = to place , to put preci = price prim, prin, prem = first priv = private (adj.) proach , proxim =be close to ( 接近) prob, prov = to test , to try, to examine proper , propri = proper, ones own psych, psycho = soul quire, quisit , quest =

12、 to seek quit = to free , to release rad, ras = to scrape radi = root , ray rat , ratio = to reckon , reason (n.) rect = right , straight reg = to rule , king (n.) rupt = to break sal = salt scend = to climb sci = to know scribe , script = to write sect = to cut sed, sess, sid = to sit sen = old sen

13、s ,sent = to feel , feeling serv = to serve, to keep sign = to mark(加上记号) simil, sembl = like(prep.), same sist , stitut, sta, st = to stand soci = companion, to associate sol = alone , sun soph = wise ,wisdom spec, spect = to see, to look sper = hope spers = to scatter ( 散播) spir = to breathe strin

14、g , strict , strain, stress = to draw tight stru, struct = to build sur = sure(确定的), secure (安全的) tail = to cut (切割,裁减) tain , ten, tin = to hold , to keep techn(o) = art , skill tempor = time tempt , tent = to try tend , tens , tent = to stretch terr = earth, to frighten term = boundary tract , tre

15、at = to draw , to drag tribut = to pay , to bestow ,to give turb =to disturb umbr = shadow(阴影) urb = city vade = to go, to walk vac, van , void = empty (空的) val , vail = strong , worth var(i) = diverse , to change ven , vent = to come, wind ver = true vers, vert = to turn vest = to clothe(穿衣服), garm

16、ent vi , voy = way view vid , vis = to see viv = to live voc , voke = to call , to shout, voice volve, volut = to roll, to turn 单词常见前缀(prefix)和后缀(suffix) 1.表示否定意义的前缀1) 纯否定前缀a-, an-, asexual, amoraldis- dishonest, dislikein-, ig-, il-, im-, ir-, incapable, inability, impossible, immoral, illegal, irr

17、egularne-, n-, none, neither, nevernon-, nonsenseun- unable, unemployment2)表示错误的意义mis- mistake, mislead, misunderstanding pseudo- pseudonym(假名), pseudoscience3)表示相反动作的意思de- defend dis- disconnectun-, unload, uncover4)表示相反,相互对立意思anti-, ant- antiknock( 防震), antiforeign,(排外的)contra-, contre-, contro-,

18、counter- counterclockwiseob-, oc-, of-, op- object, oppose 2. 表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀1)a- 表示“在之上”,“向”aboard, aside,2)by- 表示“附近,邻近,边侧”bypath, bypass(弯路)3)circum-, circu-, 表示“周围,环绕,回转”circumstance, circus4)de-, 表示“在下,向下”decline5)en-, 表示“在内,进入”encamp6)ex-, ec-, es-, 表示“外部,外”exit, expand, export7)up-, 表示“向上,向上面,

19、在上”upward, uphold, uphill(上坡)8)fore- 表示“在前面”forehead9)in-, il-, im-, ir-, 表示“向内,在内,背于”inland, invade, inside, import10)inter-, intel-, 表示“在间,相互”international, interaction, Internet11)intro-, 表示“向内,在内,内侧”introduce12)medi-, med-, mid-, 表示“中,中间”Mediterranean 13)out-, 表示“在上面,在外部,在外”outline, outside, out

20、ward14)over-, 表示“在上面,在外部,向上”overlook, overhead, overboard15)post-, 表示向后,在后边,次”postwar16)pre-, 表示在前”在前面”preposition17)pro-, 表示“在前,向前”progress, proceed,18)sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus-, 表示“在下面,下”subway, suppress19)super-, sur-, 表示“在.之上”superficial, surface, superstructure20)trans-, 表示

21、“移上,转上,在那一边”transoceanic 3. 表示时间,序列关系的前缀1)ante-, anti-, 表示“先前,早于,预先”anticipate,2)ex-, 表示“先,故,旧”ex-president, ex-husband3)fore-, 表示“在前面,先前,前面”foreward, forecast, foretell(预言)4)mid-, medi-, 表示“中,中间”midnight, midsummer5)post-表示“在后,后”postwar,6)pre-, pri-, 表示“在前,事先,预先”preheat, prewar, prehistory7)pro-, 表

22、示“在前,先,前”progress8)re-, 表示“再一次,重新”retell, rewrite 4. 表示比较程度差别关系的前缀1)by-, 表示“副,次要的”byproduct 2)extra-,表示“超越,额外”extraordinary,3)hyper- 表示“超过,极度”hypersonic(超声波)4)out-,表示“超过,过分”outdo(超过)5)over-,表示“超过,过度,太”overeat, oversleep6) sub-, suc-, sur-, 表示“低,次,副,亚”subeditor, subtropical(亚热带)7)super-, sur- 表示“超过”s

23、upernature, superpower8)under-,表示“低劣,低下”underproduction(生产不足)9)vice- 表示“副,次”vice-president, vice-chairman 5. 表示共同,相等意思的前缀1)com-, cop-, con-, cor-, co- 表示“共同,一起”。connect, combine, collect, combat, coexist, cooperate2)syn-, syl-,sym-,表示“同,共,和,类”sympathy 6. 表示整个完全意思的前缀1)al- 表示“完整,完全”alone, almost,2) ov

24、er-表示“完全,全”overall 7. 表示分离,离开意思的前缀1)a- ab-, abs-,表示“分离,离开” away, apart2)de- 表示“离去,处去”depart3)dis-, di-, dif-, 表示“分离,离开” divorce4)ex-, e-, 表示“离开,分离”expel, exclude5)for- 表示“离开,脱离”forget, forgive6)se 表示“分离,隔离”separate, select 8. 表示通过,遍及意思的前缀1) trans-, 表示“横过,贯通” transmit, transport2)per-, pel-, 表示“通,总,遍

25、”perfect, perform 9. 表示加强意思的前缀a-, arouse, ashamed 10. 表示变换词类作用的前缀be-, befriend,en-, enslave, enable, enrichad-, ac-, af-, ag-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-, adapt, accord, arrive, assist, attend, attract, arrange, assign(委派) 11. 表示数量关系的前缀1)表示“单一”,“一”mon-, mon-, monotone(单调),monotonousuni-, un-, uniform,

26、unicellular(单细胞)2)表示“二,两,双”ambi-, amphibian(两栖类)bi-, bin- bicycle3)表示“十”deca, deco-, dec-, deci- decade4)表示百,百分子一 centi-, centimeter5)表示千,千分子一” kilo-, kilometer6)表示许多,复,多数”multi-, mult-, multinational7)表示“半,一半”hemi-, hemispheresemi-, semicirclepene-, pen- peninsula 12. 表示特殊意义的前缀1)arch-, 表示“首位,第一的,主要

27、的” architect,arch-rival 2)auto-, 表示“自己,独立,自动” automobile, autobiography3)bene-, 表示“善,福” benefit4)macro-, 表示“大,宏大” macroscopic(宏观的)5)magni-, 表示“大” magnificent6)micro-, 表示“微” microscope 13. 表示术语的前缀1)bio-, 表示“生命,生物” biography(传记)2)ge-, 表示“地球,大地” geography3)phon-, 表示“声,音调” telephone 4)tele-, 表示“远离” tele

28、vision C) 常见的后缀(suffix) 1. 名词后缀(1) 具有某种职业或动作的人1)-an, -ian, 表示地方的人,精通的人” American, historian2)-al, 表示具有职务的人 principal,3)-ant,-ent 表示者” merchant, agent, servant, student4)-ar 表示的人” scholar, liar5)-ard, -art 表示做的人”coward6)-arian 表示派别的人, 主义的人”vegetarian7)-ary 表示从事的人 secretary8)-ate 表示具有职责的人 candidate, g

29、raduate9)-ator 表示做的人 educator10)-crat 表示某种政体,主义的支持者 democrat 11)-ee 表示动作承受者 employee, examinee12)-eer 表示从事于人 engineer, volunteer13)-er 表示从事某种职业的人, 某地区,地方的人 banker, observer, Londoner, villager14)-ese 表示 国人,.地方的人”Japanese, Cantonese15)-ess 表示阴性人称名词 actress, hostess, manageress16)-yer 表示 从事职业者” lawyer

30、17)-ian 表示地方人,信仰.教的人,从事职业的人”physician(内科医生),musician18)-ician 表示精通者, 家,”electrician, magician, technician19)-icist 表示家, .者, .能手”physicist20)-ic 表示者,师 mechanic, critic21)-ster 表示做.事情的人”youngster, gamester(赌徒),songster22)-ier 表示从事职业” clothier 23)-ine, ian 表示阴性人称名词 heroine, ballerina24)-ist 表示从事研究者,信仰主义者 pianist, communist, dentist, artist, chemist, violinist 25)-ive 表示动作者,行为者” native, ca

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