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1、最新中考英语常考易错点专题讲练副词副词易错清单 1. how often,how long,how far,how soon巧辨析how often有“多久一次”的意思,是就做某事的频率提问。常用“Twice a year.”,“Three times a week.”等回答。如:How often do you watch TV?你多久看一次电视?Three times a week. 每周三次。how long表示 “时间多久或物体多长”, 表示时间侧重指 “一段时间”。针对 “how long” 的回答一般是时间段,如 “for three days”, “three years”。如:

2、How long did he stay here?他在这儿待了多久?About two weeks. 大约两个星期。How long is the river?这条河有多长?About 500 km. 大约500千米。how soon表示 “多久之后”,主要用来对表示将来的一段时间提问。how soon的回答一般是: in+时间段。如: How soon will he be back?他要多久才回来?In an hour. 一小时以后。(4)how far 是提问“路程有多远”,询问距离。如:How far is it from his house?距离他家有多远? 2. too,enou

3、gh,so同作副词,差别大too作副词,用在“too. to”结构, too. to结构中的动词不定式部分为否定意义,意为“太而不能”。如:He is too young to go to school.他年龄太小了不能上学。enough用作副词时,意为“足够”,“形容词或副词原级+enough to”结构意为“足以能够”,是肯定意义。如:He is old enough to go to school.他到了上学的年龄了。so意为“如此”,用于“so. that. (如此以至于)”,so后接形容词或副词,that后面加从句。如:He is so old that he cant go on

4、working.他年龄太大,不能继续工作了。3. already,still,yet用法巧辨析already通常用于肯定句中,表示“已经”。如: I have already seen the film.我已经看过这部电影了。 yet用来谈论某事是否已经发生,多用于疑问句和否定句中。在疑问句中,意为“已经”,在否定句中意为“还,尚”,通常放在句末;not yet可用于简略回答,意为“还没有”。如: He hasnt finished reading the book yet.他还没有读完这本书。 Have you finished your homework?你完成家庭作业了吗? No,not

5、 yet. 不,还没有。 still意为“仍然,还”,强调过去发生的事情及存在的状况目前还在延续。在现在进行时中,still只表示动作正在持续。如: Hes still living with his mother.他仍与母亲住在一起。4. either,also,too用法“也”不同also用于肯定句,常用在实义动词前be动词后。如:He also attended the meeting yesterday.昨天他也参加了会议。He is also a scientist. 他也是科学家。too用于肯定句,在句末,too前须有逗号。如:He can swim,too. 他也会游泳。eith

6、er用于否定句,通常放在句末,之前需加逗号。如:He didnt attend the meeting,either.他也没去参加会议。5. ago,before“以前”差别大ago表示“从现在起若干时间以前”,常与动词一般过去式连用,而且ago只能作副词。如:He left Shanghai three days ago.他三天前离开了上海。before表示“从过去某时起若干时间以前”,常与过去完成式连用。before既可作副词又可作介词和连词。如:I had finished the work two days before.两天前我已完成了工作。(副词)I visited him two

7、 days ago,but he had gone to Paris five days before.我于两天前去访问他,可是他已于那日5天前赴巴黎去了。(副词)6. much too,too much词序颠倒,意不同too much可以用作副词,也可以形容词,意为“太多、过于”。用作副词时,在句中作状语。如:Watching TV too much is bad for your eyes.看电视太久,对你的眼睛不好。His father was too much surprised to see him here.他的爸爸看到他在这儿非常吃惊。too much用作形容词时,常用来修饰不可

8、数名词。如:He drank too much beer last night.他昨晚酒喝得太多。Please dont waste too much money.请不要浪费太多的钱。too much 用作名词时,在句中作主语、宾语或表语。如:Too much was happening all at once.同时发生的事太多了。Mike,you have eaten too much. You cant eat any more.迈克,你吃得太多了,你不能再吃了。Its too much for me. 这个我干不了。much too用作副词时,通常用来修饰形容词或副词,意为“极其、非常、

9、实在太”。如:Do you enjoy traveling by plane much too?你特别喜爱乘飞机旅游吗?This problem is much too difficult for me to work out.这个问题非常难,我算不出来。This shirt is much too expensive for him.这件衬衫对他来说,实在太贵了。7. hard与hardly没有共同语言当hard用作副词时,意为“努力地、困难地、猛烈地”等。如:Does Tom work hard at his lessons?汤姆学习努力吗?Its raining hard outside

10、 now. Dont go out.现在外面正下着大雨,不要出去。hardly并不是hard加上后缀所构成的副词,hardly只能用作副词,意为“几乎没有、几乎不”。如:I can hardly see anything on the blackboard.我几乎看不见黑板上的任何东西。My father hardly ever watches TV.我爸爸几乎不看电视。提分策略在近几年中考英语试题中,对副词的考查主要集中在副词的辨析用法、副词比较等级、副词与形容词的选择等,同时也涉及到含有副词的习惯用法和固定短语。题目设计更加注重语境创设,考查学生在特定语境中运用副词的能力。复习过程中需要重

11、点掌握以下内容:1. 副词词意辨析副词词意辨析是中考副词考查的主要内容,要求考生熟记常用易混副词的辨析,能结合具体语境准确使用副词。【例】(2018江苏无锡2)Look at the bird over there! Its so beautiful!Wow! Its a rare crane. Itappears in this area. A. always B. usually C. seldom D. often【解析】考查副词词义辨析。always总是;usually通常;seldom很少;often经常。由前半句“哇,是丹顶鹤”可知在这儿是很少出现这种鸟。故选C。【答案】C2. 副

12、词比较等级 中考对于副词的考查集中在原级、比较级和最高级的基本句型上,这是中考重点考查的知识点。具体来讲,特别要注意下面几点:(1)判断句子是原级、比较级还是最高级;(2)根据句子的意思来判断考查的副词是哪种比较等级;(3)能够根据句子中的一些修饰语做出正确判断。【例】(2018广东茂名30) you hit the horse,it will go.A. Hard;fast B. The hard;the fastC. The harder;the faster【解析】考查副词的比较级。句意:你越使劲拍马,它跑得越快。“the+比较级,the+比较级”表示“越就越”。故选C。【答案】C3.

13、动词+副词【例1】(2018广东广州22)Do you want to eat here?No. Just fish and chips to ,please.A. get away B. take awayC. send away D. throw away【解析】考查动词+副词away的辨析。get away;离开,逃跑;take away;带走,外带; send away;解雇;throw away;扔掉。根据题目,选择take away,表示食物需要外带。【答案】B【例2】(2018浙江温州7)Dont late,Mary. You have a singing competition

14、 tomorrow morning.Ok,dad.Ill go to bed right now.A. dress up B. grow upC. stay up D. mix up【解析】考查动词+副词up的辨析。dress up打扮;grow up 长大;stay up 熬夜;mix up混合。由应答句判断,爸爸叫不要熬夜,不是不要打扮、长大或混合,因为明天上午参加歌咏比赛。故选C。【答案】C4. 连接副词/词组的辨析用法连接副词/词组通常用来连接宾语从句。常见的有:when;where;how;why等。与不定式构成不定式短语时,该连词就转换成疑问副词,在句中作主语、宾语、状语或宾语补足

15、语。不定式短语结构可以与宾语从句互换使用。【例】(2018浙江湖州19)Excuse me,Sir. is it from here to the nearest shopping mall?Well,only about five minutes walk.A. How often B. How longC. How far D. How soon【解析】考查疑问短语用法。句意:劳驾先生,这里离最近的购物中心有? 哦,大约步行5分钟的路程。How often 多久一次,常对频度提问;how long多长时间,常对一段时间提问;how far 多远,常对距离、路程提问;how soon多久,多

16、对一般将来时间提问。分析句意可知:是对路程提问,故选C。【答案】C专项训练1. (2018天津塘沽区37)There has never been such a beautiful village in the world.A. anywhere B. everywhereC. somewhere D. nowhere2. (2018江苏盐城4)Computers of this kind . They are out of stock (脱销)now.A. sell good B. sell wellC. are sold good D. are sold well3. (2018湖北枣阳3

17、2)You must drive next time,or there may be another accident. Thanks. I will be much from now on.A. carefully;more carefullyB. more careful;more carefulC. more carefully;more carefulD. more careful;carefully4. (2018江苏江阴3) Lily dances so well. Where was she trained? She learns all by herself. She goes

18、 to any training class.A. usually B. often C. even D. never5. (2018天津)I think winter is a beautiful season,when it snows.Me,too.A. specially B. especiallyC. probably D. properly6. (2018浙江义乌)Li Hua studies math very and her math is in her class.A. careful;good B. carefully;wellC. careful;best D. care

19、fully;the best7. (2018江苏南京)Weve got no tea. Lets have juice.A. either B. howeverC. yet D. instead8. (2018四川绵阳)Do you often go fishing with your father?No,. I Dont like fishing at all.A. neverB. alwaysC. usually9. (2018山西)Lucy does homeworkthan Tim.A. carefully B. more careful C. more carefully10. (2

20、018四川凉山)Mike always does his homework as as the exams.A. goodB. wellC. better11. (2018河北)I go to the theatre,because I Dont like operas at all.A. always B. oftenC. sometimes D. never12. (2018广东湛江)His grandparents livein a small house,but they Dont feel.A. lonely;alone B. alone;lonelyC. lonely;lonely

21、 D. alone;alone13. (2018江西)Emily,here􀆳s a dictionary. I hope it will help you.Thank you. Its what I need.A. just B. stillC. only D. almost14. (2018江苏苏州)In China it is a custom to give kids lucky money during the Spring Festival.A. finally B. luckilyC. simply D. especially 参考答案与解析1. A【解析】考查副

22、词辨析的用法。anywhere无论哪里;everywhere到处,处处;somewhere某处;nowhere任何地方都不。由句中“never”判断,无论哪里,不是到处,处处、某处或任何地方都不。所以排除B、C、D三项。故选A。2. B【解析】考查副词的用法。由后面一句中的“out of stock(脱销)”判断,这种电脑销路好,sell是不及物动词,应该用副词well来修饰。故选B。3. A【解析】考查副词的用法。第一句应该用副词来修饰动词;第二句中much修饰比较级,所以排除B、C、D三项。故选A。4. D【解析】考查副词的用法。由“learns all by herself自学”判断,她

23、从未上过舞蹈课,不是通常、经常或甚至去上舞蹈课,所以排除A、B、C三项。故选D。5. B【解析】考查副词的辨析。句意:冬季是一个漂亮的季节,尤其是下雪时。specially特意地;专门地;especially“尤其;特别”,在句中通常作状语,用来加强语气,后面常跟要强调的内容。6. D【解析】考查副词用法和形容词最高级。studies English为动词词组,动词用副词修饰,排除A和C。is是系动词,排除B。在她班上,她的数学是最好的。故选D。7. D【解析】考查副词的辨析。instead意为“代替,替代”,用于祈使句中时,只能位于句末,强调不做前面的事情,而做后面的事。句意为“我们没有茶了

24、,喝果汁吧”。故选D。8. A【解析】考查副词用法。句意为“你常常和你爸爸去钓鱼吗?”“不,我根本不喜欢钓鱼”。根据情境,是一个完全否定的回答。always与usually表示经常干某事,与情境不符。故选A。9. C 【解析】考查副词比较等级。than“比”是比较级的标志;does“做”是实义动词,修饰实义动词用副词,故答案选C项,意为“更认真地”。10. B 【解析】考查副词用法。句意:迈克做的作业总是和他的考试一样好。动词does需用副词来修饰,而as. . . as中间需用副词原形。11. D【解析】考查副词的用法。根据后句中的“because I Dont like operas at

25、 all.”可知,“因为我根本不喜欢戏剧”,所以“我”从不去剧院,故答案为D。12. B【解析】考查alone和lonely的辨析。句意为“他的爷爷奶奶单独住在一个小房子里,但是并不感到孤独。”alone单独一个人; lonely内心孤独的。故选B。13. A【解析】考查副词用法。句意:Emily,给你一本字典。我希望它能帮助你。谢谢。这正好是我需要的。根据句意,可知选A。14. D【解析】考查副词用法。句意:“在中国,尤其是春节期间,给孩子红包是一个传统。”根据句意可知,答案为D。初三英语中考模拟试卷含答案(无听力)二、单项填空 (本大题共20小题;每小题1分,共20分)从下列每小题所给的A

26、、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Do you know _ man with glasses? Oh, hes our English teacher. A. a B. an C. the D. /22. He didnt tell his parents he was going home because he wanted to give them a .A. kiss B. gift C. chance D. surprise23. When did you meet Jack for the first time?I met him the airport

27、 National Day.A. at; in B. on; on C. on; in D. at; on24. Are these DVDs ? No, they are not mine. They belong to . A. your; her B. yours; her C. you; hers D. yours; she25. Its to listen to light music when you feel tired.A. relaxing B. hopeless C. dangerous D. difficult26. Excuse me, where is the Xin

28、hua Bookstore? Just 200 meters away. You can find it .A. quietly B. clearly C. hardly D. easily27. If we Chinese work hard together, China Dream will .A. come out B. come true C. come down D. turn off28. We have done much for the animals in danger we still have a lot of things to do. A. but B. becau

29、se C. though D. so29. Mary at table with her family now. But at this time yesterday she a film with friends.A. is sitting; was seeing B. sits; seesC. is sitting; saw D. sat; saw30. Why not go out and see the film today, Millie? , but I will help Li Hong with lessons, she is new here.A. All right B.

30、Id love to C. Lets go D. Yes, please 31. Did you watch the football game on TV last night? Yes, I did. people also watched it.A. Several millions B. Millions of C. Two million of D. Two millions32. Its necessary us blind people cross the street.A. to; helping B. of; to help C. for; to help D. for; help33. If you want to catch the early bus, youd better immediately.A. set off B. pick up C. take up D. see off34. Hurry up or you catch the train. A. shoul

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