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办公室英语 对话场景.docx

1、办公室英语 对话场景办公室英语20Asking about deadlinesA: Hi, Mark! I was wondering if you finished that presentation you were working on last week?B: Just about. It should be done in the next couple of days. Why?A: Mr. Rodriguez was asking me about it yesterday.B: Ill give him a call.询问最后期限A:嗨,马克。我想知道你上星期在准备的演示报告完

2、成了没有?B:快了。再过两三天就能完成了。怎么了?A:罗得里格兹先生昨天问我这事了。B:我会给他打电话的。21Asking for a book returnedA: Stacey? Are you finished with that marketing book I lent you?B: Oh-yeah, I dont need it anymore.A: Great. Could you bring it in tomorrow morning? Ive got a test on Thursday.B: Sure. Sorry about keeping it for so long

3、.请求还书A:丝苔茜,我借给你的那本市场学的书看学了吗?B:噢,看完了。我用不着它了。A:太好了。你明天早上把它带来行吗?我星期四要考试。B:一定。抱歉我用了这么久。22Something to be finishedA: Roger? I need figures for accounting. Have finished the calculations?B: Im just finishing now, maam. Ill have them ready within the hour.A: All right, thanks.B: Youre welcome, maam. Ill ca

4、ll you when theyre ready.完成工作A:罗杰,我需要这些数字统计。你算出来了吗?B:快好了,夫人。一小时之内我就把把它们准备好。A:那好,谢谢。B:不用谢,夫人。好了我就给您打电话。23Asking about a scheduleA: Excuse me, Mr. Emory? Mr. Macmillan, would like to know if you have the completed schedule for next week?B: Yes, I do, Susan. Just a moment. Here it is.A: Thank you, sir.

5、 Sorry to trouble you.B: Not at all, Susan. Just tell him to leave it with my secretary when hes finished with it.询问时间安排A:对不起,埃莫里先生。麦克米伦先生想知道您那里是否有下周的全部时间表?B:哦,我有,苏珊。等一下。给。A:谢谢您。打扰了。B:别客气,苏珊。告诉他用完后交给我的秘书就是了。24Confirming a scheduleA: When can you get the finished product to me?B: We should have it pu

6、t together by the end of next week.A: Great! Thatll be ahead of schedule! Good work.B: Well, as the saying goes we aim to please!确认日期A:你什么时候能把成品交给我?B:下周末之前就能准备好。A:很好,这样就比计划提前了。干得不错。B:过奖,常言道:我们的目标就是使别人满意。25Lunch invitationA: Hi! Susan! I havent seen you for ages!B: Ive been really busy. How is everyt

7、hing?A: Oh, fine. Hey, why dont we grab a bite to eat and do some catching up?B: Yeah, why not? Ive got a little free time on my hands. Where do you want to eat?午饭邀请A:嗨!苏珊!好久没见到你了!B:我一直都很忙。你都好吗?A:不错。嘿,我们是不是去吃点什么,好好聊聊天?B:好啊,为什么不呢?我正好有点时间。你想去哪儿吃?26Self-introductionHi, everybody. I just want to make a

8、brief introduction. I dont know how many of you know me. Ill be taking over the marketing division when John Jacobs retires. Ive just come over from American Vendors, Inc, where I was the Director of Sales from 1985 until this year.自我介绍诸位好。我想简单自我介绍一下。我不知道你们当中有多少人知道我。约翰雅可布退休后,我将接管市场部。我刚刚从美国万德公司调来。我在那

9、里做销售经理,从1985年一直至今今年。27Meeting a new bossA: Good morning, Mr. Montgomery. Ive been sent over from purchasing to fill in for Clare Williams.B: Oh, really? Nice to meet you. I thought they were going to leave me here on my own! How long have you been with the company?A: Oh, about seven years. Time flie

10、s, you know!B: Does it ever! Well, lets get started. If you could begin typing this letter now, Ill see what else needs to be done.见新老板A:早上好,蒙格玛利先生。我是从采购部调来接替克莱尔威谦姆斯的。B:喔,是吗?幸会。我以为他们要把我一个人扔在这儿呢。你来公司有几年了?A:哦,得有七年了。光阴似箭啊。B:永远如此。好啦,我们开始吧。请你先打这封信,我来看看还有什么要做的。28Introducing new peopleA: Tom, this is Mary

11、Bobbins. Shes just come over from sales.B: Its nice to meet you! Guess well be working together.A: Yes, shell be working closely with you on the marketing end of things.B: Good. Well, welcome aboard, Ms, Robbins.介绍新人A:汤姆,这是玛丽罗宾斯。刚从销售部来。B:见到你很高兴。我想我们要在一起工作了。A:是这样。她会在市场营销方面与你密切合作的。B:好啊,欢迎你的到来,罗宾斯女士。29

12、Asking about an accentA: You have an unusual accent, Mr. Robbins. Where are you from originally? If you dont mind me asking.B: Not at all. I was born in Madrid, but I came to the States when I was a teenager.A; I guess that must be what Im hearing, I really couldnt place it. Do go back to Madrid oft

13、en?B: No, I havent been back for more than ten years.哪的口音A:你的口音很特别,罗宾斯女士。是哪里人? 不介意我问吧?B:没关系. 我在马德里出生,但十几岁时就到了美国。A:我听着也差不多,只是搞不准是哪里的口音。你常回马德里吗?B:不是,我有十多年没回去了。30Discussing a new managerA: Have you met the new manager in customer service?B: No, I havent gotten over there in a few weeks. How is he?A: Sh

14、e. She seems to be doing a pretty good job. Of course, anything would be better than that last guy!? B: You said it! I cant believe he lasted as long as he did.? 讨论新经理A:你跟客户服务部的新经理见过面了吗? B:没有。我有好几个星期没有到那去了。他怎么样? A:她是女的。看来做得不错。当然,任何人都比原来那个家伙强。B:太对了。我简直不敢相信他居然呆了那么久。31Trying to get adjustedA: Hi, how a

15、re you?B: Im fine, thanks. Just trying to get adjusted. Its hard to keep track of everything around here.A: Thats for sure. Youre new, too, huh?B: Yeah. I just got here a couple of days ago. How about you?努力适应A:嗨,你好吗?B:挺好的,谢谢。我正在努力适应呢。在这里事事都要跟上趟真不容易。A:那是肯定的。你也是新来的吧?B:是的,我才来几天。你呢?32Farewell before re

16、tiringA: Well, I guess thats about it. Everythings packed and ready to go.B: Its hard to believer youre really retiring. What are you going to do with yourself?A: Have fun! I plan to spend some more time with my grandkids, and I might even go back to school.B: Well, good luck. Give me a ring sometim

17、e, and let me know how you are.退休告别A:好啦,我想就这些了。东西都包好了,该走了。B:很难相信您真的要退休了。您怎么安排自己的生活呢?A:享受生活!我打算多花点时间和孙子们在一起。还有可能回学校上学呢。B:那好,祝您好运。有空打个电话给我,告诉您怎么样了。33Asking for a fax numberA: Excuse me, Mr., Macmillan? Could you tell me the fax number for Mr. Winthrops office, please?B: Sure. I have it right here. 232

18、-2453. If that one doesnt work, try 232-2456.A: Okay thats 232-2453, or 232-2456.B: Thats right.问传真号码A:打扰了,麦克米伦先生,您能告诉我温斯普先生办公室的传真号码吗?B:没问题,就在这里。232-2453。如果这个号码不通,试一下232-2456。A:好,232-2453或232-2456。B:对。34Asking for a fax numberA: Excuse me, Mr., Macmillan? Could you tell me the fax number for Mr. Win

19、throps office, please?B: Sure. I have it right here. 232-2453. If that one doesnt work, try 232-2456.A: Okay thats 232-2453, or 232-2456.B: Thats right.问传真号码A:打扰了,麦克米伦先生,您能告诉我温斯普先生办公室的传真号码吗?B:没问题,就在这里。232-2453。如果这个号码不通,试一下232-2456。A:好,232-2453或232-2456。B:对。35Calling a group meetingA: All right. I wa

20、nt to bring everybody in on this project. When can we start working on this?B: Well, we could probably get started with a strategy meeting tomorrow morning at 8:00.A: I tell you what, 8:00 is no good for me, but why dont you guys get started and Ill come by at around 8:45 or so.B: Thats fine with me

21、. How much time are we going to have to work on this?召集组会A:这样,我想请大家集中到这个项目来。我们什么时候可以着手这项工作呢?B:嗯,我们也许可以明天早上8点先开一个战略方针会议。A:我得告诉你,8点对我不合适。但你们何不先把会开起来?我大约8:45左右过来。B:我没问题。这项工作我们打算要干多久?36Appointment with a clientA: I definitely want to meet with you, Mr. Parker. I just need to sort out my schedule.B: Well

22、, I know youre pretty booked up these days. But, weve got to work fast on this.A: I realize that. We dont have any time to waste. I can put you down for 9:20. Could you make that, Mr. Parker?B: Let me see. Thats no problem. Ill see you then.约见客户A:我肯定要见你一面的,帕克先生。我只是需要安排我的时间。B:我知道你这几天时间排满了。可这件事我们必须得抓紧

23、。A:这点我知道。我们没时间耽搁了。我可以给你定在9:20,你看行吗?帕克先生?B:让我想想没有问题。到时候见。37Bosses meetingA: Hello. Mr. Rothman? This is Michael in Mr. Emorys office. Hed like to set up and appointment with you to talk about buying a new copier.B: Sure, Id be glad to. What time frame did he have in mind?A: Hed like to do it as soon

24、as possible, sir. How about tomorrow at 2:45?B: Mm, yeah, thatll be great. Tell him Ill see him then.老板的会议A:你好,罗斯曼先生。我是埃莫里办公室的麦克尔。他想和您定个时间商谈买一台新的复印机。B:好哇,我很乐意。他觉得什么时间方便?A:他希望越快越好。您看明天2:45怎么样?B:嗯,好,这很好。告诉他我那时见他。38Scheduling an interviewA: Mr. Carmichael, this is Ellen Bower calling again. You had sai

25、d I should call this week to schedule an interview with you.B: Thats right, Ms. Bower. How are you? Im not sure if Ill be able to fit you in this week, Im afraid.A: I understand, Mr. Carmichael. Id be glad to make it some time next week.B: All right, then. Why dont we say next Tuesday at 11:30 .?约定面

26、试A:卡麦克尔先生,又是我,爱伦鲍华。您让我这个星期打电话和您定一个面试时间。B:是这样,鲍华女士。你好。我不敢肯定这星期能否有时间见你,很难说。A:我能理解,卡麦克尔先生。我很愿意安排在下个星期。B:好吧。那我们就定在下周二上午11:30如何?39A last minute appointmentA: Joe, can you squeeze me in sometime today?B: Thats a big order, Jane. I am really swamped.A: I know what youre saying, but I have to go over the bo

27、oks with you before I go see our tax guy.B: Right. Okay, let me see what I can do. How about 1:30 right after my lunch meeting? It wont take more than a half hour, will it?临时约会A:乔,你今天能给我挤出点时间来吗?B:这可够呛,珍妮。我的确忙不开。A:我明白你的意思。可我必须得在去见收税的之前跟你过一遍账。B:好吧,让我想想怎么办。1:30怎么样?在我午餐会议之后。不会超过半小时吧?40Delaying an appoin

28、tmentA: Im afraid we are really short staffed this week, Mr. Crandal. Id like to accommodate you, but I just dont think Ill have the time.B: Are you telling me youre not going to meet with me?A: Not at all, sir. Id just like to push it up to next week. Ill have a lot more free time at the beginning

29、of next week.B: Well, I dont like it, but I guess I dont have any choice.推迟会面时间A:恐怕这星期我们的确人手不够,克兰道先生。我想给您服务,可就恐怕没有时间。B:你的意思是不打算见我了吗?A:绝对不是,先生。我只是想挪到下星期。下周初我会空闲得多。B:好吧,我不愿意这样,不过我想也别无选择了。41Secretary schedules a meetingA: Mr. Cranes office. Sandy speaking. May I help you?B: Hi, Sandy. Its Walter Knight

30、. I need to book some time with Mr. Crane.A: Certainly, Mr. Knight. When would you like to meet with him?B: Can you see what his schedule is like on Wednesday?秘书安排会见A:克莱恩先生办公室。我是仙蒂,能帮您吗?B:嗨,仙蒂。我是华特耐特。我需要和克莱恩先生约个时间。A:没问题,耐特先生。您想什么时候见他?B:你能看看他星期三是怎么安排的吗?42Meeting a book keeperA: Excuse me, Alex?B: Wha

31、t can I do for you, Kim?A: I was wondering if you could get together with me to go over the payroll.B: Sure, anytime.会见出纳A:对不起,阿利克?B:有事吗?金姆?A:我不知道你是否有时间能和我一起审查一遍工资表?B:可以。随时都行。43Making a sales appointmentA: Good morning, Mr. Emory. I was hoping to set up an appointment with you for sometime this week.B: Hmm. Im pretty booked up this week. Lets move it up to next week.A: Fine, Mr. Emory.

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