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1、台北市立松山高中九十五学年度第一学期高一英文科第二次期中考试题台北市立松山高中九十五學年度第一學期高一英文科第二次期中考試題(第1-60題請在電腦卡上作答). Listening Test: 15% (English 4U Listening: Nov1- Nov24)Part ALook at the pictures below. For each, you will hear one or two questions and four possible answers, a to d. Write down the letter for the best answer (a, b, c,

2、 or d).Questions 1-2Question 3Part B In part B, you will hear one or more questions or statements. Choose the best response or reply. 4. (a) He plays on the junior high school team. (b) His favorite player is Michael Jordan. (c) He scored the most points in one game. (d) His uniform number is fifty-

3、five. 5. (a) Yeah, he always waits until the last minute to do his reports. (b) Thats because he believes its the best kind of exercise. (c) Then maybe we should try to cheer him up. (d) Really? Ive never heard him use bad language before. 6. (a) Come on, it doesnt smell that bad. (b) I know. Its re

4、ally hurting my ears. (c) Yeah, its much too dark to see. (d) What makes you say its too dirty? 7. (a) Because the film is terrible. (b) Because the movie is excellent. (c) Because I also have never seen it. (d) Because I recommend the movie. 8. (a) I agree. All my clothes have dried. (b) Yeah, the

5、suns hurting my eyes. (c) Come on, its not that hot. (d) I know. I cant see 10 feet ahead.Part C In part C, you will hear one or more short conversations between a man and a woman, and then a question following each conversation. Choose the best answer to that question. 9. (a) That Glasgow is a big

6、party town, except during the festival. (b) That most people in Glasgow leave their town during the festival. (c) That Glasgow becomes a party town during the festival. (d) That parties are not allowed in Glasgow during the festival. 10. (a) Her father will find another job. (b) Her father will cont

7、inue at the same job. (c) Her father will stop working entirely. (d) Her father will get paid more money. 11. (a) She doesnt want to stand the whole time. (b) She doesnt want everybody to notice her. (c) She doesnt want to stand outside. (d) She doesnt want to dress formally. 12. (a) Because the acc

8、ident wasnt his fault. (b) Because he has experience fixing cars. (c) Because he has several more expensive cars. (d) Because a company will help him pay for the damage.Part D In part D, you will hear one or more passages and then some questions about them. Choose the best answers to those questions

9、. 13. (a) He smiles and laughs. (b) He cries and coughs. (c) He shouts and sneezes. (d) He coughs and sneezes. 14. (a) Timothy is related to the doctor. (b) Timothy has health insurance. (c) Timothy has an appointment. (d) Timothy arrives at 2:45 p.m. 15. (a) Anxious about the results. (b) Uncomfort

10、able because of the medicine. (c) Tired because he had to wait so long. (d) Happy because he already feels healthier.II. Fill-in: 10% (English 4U Reading: Oct 9- Oct 31) Please fill in the following sentences with the correct word or phrase in the box.(A) (a) stand for (b)stand (c) lined (d) situate

11、 (ab)started out (ac) strike (ad) exhibits (bc) generations16. Modern skyscrapers _ beside traditional buildings in some big Asian cities.17. The actors _ up across the stage and took a bow at the same time.18. The eight-pointed stars of the two towers of the Petronas in Kuala Lumpur _ Islamic belie

12、fs.19. The Banana Museum in California has over 17,000 banana _ inside its yellow walls.20. The computer company Apple _ years ago in a garage.(B)(a) get a feel for (b) ended up (c) in spite of (d) is linked to (ab) getting back on his feet (ac) in short (ad) devoted to (bc) is home to21. Mother The

13、resa was _ helping the poor in India.22. Success _ your willingness to work hard.23. Lucy wanted Indian food, but she _ eating Italian food instead.24. I havent been able to visit the North Pole. I wish I could _ the life there.25. Joseph is _ after losing everythinghis company, his family, and all

14、his friends.III. Cloze: 25%(A) Tom Sawyer is a smart, mischievous and daring boy _26_ up in the house of Aunt Polly. Like most boys entering their teens, he is beginning to be attracted to girls. He _27_ in love with a new girl in town, Becky Thatcher. He tries his best to attract her attention.Once

15、 he was made _28_ near Becky. As he tried to please her by different gestures, the teacher found out his tricks. Just when Tom enjoyed making Becky laugh and smiled happily at her, he felt the teachers hand _29_ him _29_ the ear, and he was pulled out of his seat. The teacher _30_ him _30_ the class

16、room and set him down in his own seat. Despite his painful ear, Toms heart _31_ joy.26. (a) grew (b) growing (c) grown (d) grows27. (a) fails (b) falls (c) fools (d) feels28. (a) to sit (b) sit (c) sitting (d) seat29. (a) to seizeat (b) to seizeby (c) seizeby (d) seize at30. (a) draggedcross (b) dra

17、ggedacross (c) pulledcrossed (d) pulledcrossing31. (a) was filled with (b) full of (c) filling with (d) fell(B) Teachers are like bridges, _32_ they invite their students to cross; After the students cross, they _33_ collapse, Encouraging them to create bridges _34_.Teachers are often _35_ a person

18、who assigns a lot of homework and tests.But the above lines written by a famous Greek philosopher _36_ us _36_ a teachers most important responsibility: _37_ giving a man a fish, you should teach him how to fish. The lesson for life I have learned from one of my teachers is that we should stand in o

19、thers shoes to truly understand their _38_.32. (a) By which (b) Which (c) Where (d) Over which 33. (a) enjoyable (b) pleased (c) joyfully (d) pleasingly34. (a) of their own (b) independence (c) on his own (d) dependable35. (a) through (b) viewed as (c) consider (d) thought of36. (a) convincethat (b)

20、 remindthat (c) remind.of (d) are convincedof 37. (a) Instead (b) Unlike (c) Instead of (d) Until38. (a) perspective (b)respective (c) inspective (d)expectant(C)How the heavenly bodies _39_being is still a question. But many scientists now believe that there was a big _40_ long ago. After that, matt

21、er was thrown all over and then its pieces came together to form heavenly bodies like stars. One of the stars became the Sun, with a surface temperature of 6000 degree Celsius. Most of the stars we see are_41_than the Sun. However, because they are farther away, they _42_ only _42_tiny dots of light

22、 in the sky. In fact, the stars do not twinkle, and the twinkling _43_ the earths atmosphere . When the light of a star goes through the layers of the atmosphere, it gets _44_. That is why we see shining stars.39. (a) came into (b) burst into (c)form (d) make up40. (a) explanation (b) expansion (c)

23、explosion (d) expulsion 41. (a) as hot (b) less hot (c)more hotter (d) much hotter42. (a) appearas (b) lookalike (c) watchlike (d) seeas43. (a) is caused by (b) results in (c) because of (d) leads to44. (a) distortion (b) distorted (c) reduction (d) reduced(D) What would you wish for if you could ha

24、ve one wish _45_? As a teacher, I wish I _46_ the power to keep all my students wide awake in class and to motivate them to learn and think more actively in their private time. However, sometimes a granted wish does not necessarily _47_ people happy. See what happened to Midas, the Greek king. As a

25、rich king, he asked for the power to turn everything he touched into gold. _48_ softly at the foolishness of man, Dionysus, the god of wine, granted his wish. At first, he was overwhelmed at his new-found power. But soon the power got him into great trouble. After all, all the world would be of no u

26、se if he were going to die of starvation. He begged Dionysus to take away the power. Everything changed back to the way it _49_ before _50_ that Midas was not a greedy king any longer.45. (a) came true (b) realize (c) granted (d) carry out46. (a) have (b) had (c) has (d) have had47. (a) let (b) have

27、 (c) get (d) make48. (a) Grieved (b) Sighing (c) Frightened (d) Hugging49. (a) has been (b) is (c) was (d) had been50. (a) besides (b) except (c) in addition to (d) expect. Matching: 5%51. The nurse took Johns temperature(a) so that he can go to the party.52. Pig are often considered(b) and found th

28、at he had a fever.53. If I found money on the street,(c) to know what is happening.54. The students asked their teacher(d) to be dirty and lazy creatures.55. We are burning with curiosity(e) why should they learn English.(ab) I turn it in to the police.(bc) how to improve their reading skills.(cd) I

29、 would hand it in to the police.(de) as stupid animals. . Reading comprehension: 10%(A)Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain) was born in Florida, Missouri, in 1835. The family soon moved to Hannibal, Missouri, where Twain was brought up. At school, according to his own words, he excelled only in spe

30、lling. After his fathers death in 1847, Twain was an apprentice to a printer. He also started his career as a journalist by writing for the Hannibal Journal. Later Twain worked as a licensed Mississippi river-boat pilot (1857-61). In 1861 Twain served briefly as a confederate irregular. The Civil Wa

31、r put an end to the steamboat traffic, and during a period when Twain was out of work, he lived in a primitive cabin on Jackass Hill and tried his luck as a gold-miner. In 1866 Twain visited Hawaii as a correspondent for The Sacramento Union, publishing letters on his trip. He then set out world tour, traveling in France and Italy. Twain recorded his experiences in THE INNOCENTS ABROAD (1869). T

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