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1、六一儿童节英语祝福语六一儿童节英语祝福语导读:本文是关于六一儿童节英语祝福语,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、祝身体健康,牙齿掉光;一路顺风,半路失踪;一路走好,半路摔倒;天天愉快,经常变态;笑口常开,笑死活该!Wish a healthy body, the tooth drop light; Bon voyage, halfway missing; All the way walk good, fall down halfway; Every day delectation, usually abnormal condition; Smile, smile dead what!2、童年

2、是长鸣的知了,吟唱着不老的歌谣;童年是飘舞的风筝,牵引着美丽的梦想;今天是六一,让我们重温旧梦,儿童节快乐!Childhood is the shedding of cicadas, singing old songs; Childhood is playing the kite, pulling the beautiful dreams. Today is June 1, lets do it, happy childrens day!3、儿童节,多微笑,提防情绪感冒。听小鸟叫,看阳光照,背起快乐书包,重温童年味道,心情活蹦乱跳,烦恼全部忘掉。祝你六一更逍遥!Childrens day, s

3、mile more, against the cold. Listening to the birds call, watching the sun, happy bag back, relive childhood taste, mood, trouble all forget. Wish your children more easy!4、六一儿童节祝福你拥有六个一:一见钟情的爱人,一见如故的友人;生活里一片幸福,事业上一帆风顺;天天一脸笑容,年年一本万利。June 1 childrens day wishes you have six: love at first sight love,

4、 feel friends; A piece of happiness in life, career be smooth; A face of smile every day, year after year.5、六一儿童节,送你一件新衣,保你心情美丽,心理欢喜,模样神气,容颜笑眯眯,从此天天逍遥又乐陶陶。祝快乐无比、幸福无比、甜蜜无比。June 1 childrens day, send you a new dress, keep your mood beautiful, psychology, appearance, with a smiling face, happy every da

5、y of covered back since then. May joy and happiness, and sweet.6、无知,并不可怕,可怕,则是无耻;贫穷,并不可怜,可怜,则是懒惰;幼稚,并不可笑,可笑,则是无知。六一儿童节,祝你开心快乐。Ignorance is not terrible, terrible is shameless. Poverty, is not poor, poor, it is lazy; Childish, not funny, funny, is ignorance. June 1 childrens day, I wish you a happy h

6、appy.7、六一儿童节,没咱大人什么事,发条短信增友谊。祝你皮肤像儿童的那样柔嫩,笑脸像儿童的那样明媚,心灵像儿童那样的无忧无虑、快乐紧随!June 1 childrens day, have no what we adults, clockwork SMS increase friendship. Wish you like childrens skin tender, bright smile like a child, the heart like children happy carefree, follow!8、儿童节到了。在去年的今天,我为你送上一份祝福,今年送给你一副对联。上联

7、:儿童节越过越少。下联:送祝福越久越欣。横批:节日快乐。Childrens day. At last years today, I send you a wish, this gave you a pair of couplets. Top allied: the less over the childrens day. Allied: send blessing longer hin. Guangpi: happy holidays.9、洋娃娃美滋滋,唐老鸭笑哈哈,黑猫警长来站岗,葫芦金刚也来到,吹起心爱的小螺号,唱着英文字母歌,美丽世界真热闹;儿童节快乐!Doll alacrity, Do

8、nalds laugh, black to stand guard, king kong gourd came, blowing beloved small conch, singing the song in English letters, beautiful world really busy; Happy childrens day!10、六一到,让快乐与你轻轻拥抱,让困难见你乖乖让道,让烦恼偷偷走掉,让吉祥对你格外关照,让幸福对你永远微笑!六一儿童节快乐!Children, let happiness be with you hug, let difficulties see you

9、 guaiguai road, lets the worry secretly walk off, auspicious tone to you, let happiness forever smile to you! Happy childrens day!11、你傻,但是傻得快乐。你呆,但是呆得可爱。你幼稚,但是幼稚得幸福。说句实在话,人大,都不说心里话,今天我是破例了。祝儿童节快乐!You silly, but silly happily. You stay, but stay too cute. You are childish, but childish happiness. Its

10、 to be true, all dont say the truth, today I am an exception. I wish a happy childrens day!12、值此儿童节!我谨代表全国妇联、全国少工委、*,向你表示最热烈的祝贺!愿你能在社会主义阳光下健康成长!On the occasion of the childrens day! I, on behalf of the all-china womens federation, the national ShaoGongWei, the state council, the warmest congratulati

11、ons to you! We wish you healthy growth in the socialist sun!13、六一儿童节,祝你脸上挂满童真的笑脸,生活如童年般无忧,事事如童年般简单,遇上数不尽的童心。愿你天天过六一,天天好心情。June 1 childrens day, wish your face hung childlike smile, life is as easy as childhood, everything as simple as childhood, met countless childlike innocence. Wish you children,

12、every day a good mood every day.14、儿童节到来之际,愿儿童般天真的微笑常挂嘴边,愿儿童般快活的心情总在心间,愿儿童般美好的憧憬变成你的未来,祝节日快乐!Childrens day is coming, wish the children innocent smile often mouth, wish children happy mood in the heart, always willing to become your future children like the dreams of the beautiful, I wish a happy ho

13、liday!15、脸上保留一份童真,胸中藏有一颗童心,走路摆出一份童趣,嘴里哼上一段童谣,偶尔说上一句童言,六一到了,愿你六一儿童节快乐。Face keep a childlike innocence, chests are in possession of a childlike innocence, walk pose a tong qu, his mouth humming a nursery rhyme, occasionally say tong yan, June 1 is coming, wish you a happy childrens day.16、儿童节来到,让快乐与你轻

14、轻拥抱,让困难见你乖乖让道,让烦恼偷偷走掉,让吉祥对你格外关照,让幸福对你永远微笑!六一节快乐!Childrens day is come, and let the joy with you gently hugs, let difficulties see you guaiguai road, lets the worry secretly walk off, let auspicious tone to you, let happiness forever smile to you! Childrens happiness!17、每朵小花都有快乐的留念,每片树叶都有开心的记忆,在我们小时候

15、嬉戏的花园再次把童年怀念。我的发小儿们,儿童节快乐,而且每年都过!Every little flower is happy as a souvenir, every leaf has happy memories, in our garden when I was a child playing again the childhood memories. The hair of my children, happy childrens day, and every year!18、六一到,花儿笑,鸟鸣叫,童心悄,忧烦逃,烦恼跑,童真回,惆怅消,童趣扭,欢乐来,童颜笑,生活美。祝福你,儿童节,乐

16、逍遥!June 1, the flowers smile, singing, childlike innocence and speechless, worry, worry, childlike innocence, melancholy, tong qu torsion, joy to dance the peacock smile, life is beautiful. Bless you, childrens day, happy happy!19、儿童节快乐!祝你们全家现在的儿童,曾经的儿童,认识的儿童,亲朋好友家的儿童一个不落,统统的节日快乐!开心每一天,幸福到永远!Happy c

17、hildrens day! Now children, I wish you and your family have children, understanding of children, a fall of the house of relatives and friends children, have a happy holiday! Happy every day, happy forever!20、用一丝阳光为线,串起滴滴雨珠,成一串永恒的风铃,无论风雨、挫折、抑郁、阳光明媚,愿用最美铃声传递那最纯真祝福:六一儿童节快乐!For line with sunshine, strin

18、g beads, drops into a string of bells of the eternal, regardless of wind and rain, frustration, depression, sunny, may use beautiful ring passed the most pure blessing: happy childrens day!21、好花不总绽放,溪水总是流淌;身披五四青春翅膀,怀揣六一儿童幻想;无需观望,无需彷徨,带着你的梦想,飞进理想天堂!儿童节快乐!Good flowers dont bloom, always flowing stream

19、s; In the May 4th youth wing, the children with childrens fantasy; Need not wait, without hesitation, bring your dream, fly into the ideal heaven! Happy childrens day!22、我知道,你小时候有很多的梦想,走遍五湖四海,踏遍千山万水。现在,你要努力实现梦想,以弥补小时候吹过的牛。呵呵,祝儿童节快乐!I know, there are a lot of dreams when you were young, travel all ov

20、er the world, all around the way. Now, you should try to realize the dream, to make up for the childhood blowing cow. Ha ha, I wish a happy childrens day!23、一首嫩声嫩气的童谣,唱出我对你的祝福,愿你纯真如孩童;一曲扭扭捏捏的童舞,跳出我对你的祈愿,祝你幸福如孩童。六一儿童节快乐!A tender voice tender gas nursery rhymes, sing my blessing to you, wish you pure

21、like a child; A delicate childrens dance, jump out of my wish for you, wish you happiness like a child. Happy childrens day!24、六一份童真,生活美好开心;六一份童趣,心情舒畅美意;六一份童心,幸福顺心顺意;六一儿童节,祝你天天开心笑,青春永年少。Children a childlike innocence, happy happy life; Six a tong qu, mood good pleasure; Six a childlike innocence, an

22、d great happiness; June 1 childrens day, I wish you a happy smile every day, youth YongNian less.25、儿童节快到了,让我们唤醒沉睡的童心,回忆遗忘的美好,丢弃成长的烦恼,找回快乐的珍宝。人老心不老,提前预祝超龄小P孩,儿童节快乐!Childrens day is coming, lets wake up the sleeping child, beautiful memories forgotten, discarding the growing pains, find happiness tre

23、asures. Old heart not old, I wish in advance over age small P hai, happy childrens day!26、六一儿童节,让我们一起穿逗逗的童装,露纯纯的童颜,用甜甜的童心,找美美的童趣,念乐乐的童年。愿我的朋友幸福快乐胜过孩童!June 1 childrens day, let us together in teasing and childrens clothes, the pure dance the peacock, with childlike innocence, sweet looking for meimei

24、 tong qu, leles childhood. Wish my friends happy happy is better than a child!27、每个人都有天真的梦想,每个人都有快乐的童年!小时候想长大,长大后想变成孩子!祝所有的小孩子、大孩子、老顽童六一儿童节快乐!Everyone has a naive dream, everyone has a happy childhood! When I was a child to grow up, grew up to want to be a child! Wish all the children, older childre

25、n, the old urchin June 1 childrens day happiness!28、怀有童心,事业顺心,家人欢心;怀有童心,付出真心,万事称心;怀有童心,赶走烦心,留住开心!六一儿童节,愿你开心六一,幸福一生!With a childlike innocence, almost every career, familys heart. With a childlike innocence, honest, dear; With a childlike innocence, get rid of troubles, keep happy! June 1 childrens d

26、ay, wish you happy children, happy life!29、六一儿童节,是个开心日,开心送给你,祝你快乐存,忘掉烦恼事,幸福绕身边,露出童真笑,永远不会老,愿你保持童颜般的笑脸,永远健康。June 1 childrens day, its a happy day, happy for you, wish you happy, forget the troubles, happiness around, childlike innocence smile, never grow old, you would like to keep the smiling face l

27、ike dance the peacock, healthy forever.30、怀念数年前的六一,祝福现在的六一,六一充满着我的童趣,六一儿童节,我祝福你越活越年轻,返老还童;永远8岁,天天过六一儿童节。Miss a few years ago the children, the blessing now children, children is full of tong qu, I June 1 childrens day, I wish you more live more young, rejuvenation; 8 years old forever, every day the

28、 June 1 childrens day.31、放下世故的圆滑,让单纯为我们的心灵洗礼;放下成熟的稳重,让童趣为我们释放压力;六一儿童节到,愿你保持一颗童心,祝你快乐无边!Put a sophisticated smooth, let the pure baptism for our hearts; Put mature steady, let tong qu for us to release the pressure; June 1 childrens day, wish you keep a childlike innocence, I wish you endless happine

29、ss!32、忘不了童年的欢笑,忘不了儿时的趣闻,那里承载着永恒的记忆,那里有着美好的回忆,六一到,真诚地道一声:儿童节快乐!愿你永远开心。Forget childhood laughter, unforgettable childhood anecdotes, there is bearing the weight of the eternal memory, there has good memories of, children, say it sincerely happy childrens day! Wish you happy forever.33、六一儿童节到了,莫忘童真和童趣,

30、童心常保童音环绕永远不老,童年童伴快乐陪伴精彩无限。祝儿童节快乐无限、幸福无比、健康永伴。June 1 childrens day arrived, dont forget the childlike innocence and tong qu, childlike innocence keep children around forever not old, a happy childrens childhood friend accompany the brilliant. I wish a happy childrens day is infinite, happiness, healt

31、h forever.34、小小少年很少烦恼,拍拍手弯弯腰,无忧无虑乐陶陶!小小少年没有烦恼,东瞧瞧西望望,这个世界真奇妙!祝你儿童节快乐奥!我的小宝贝!Little boy seldom worry, clap your hands curved waist, carefree of covered! Little boy without trouble, east look west looked at, the world is really wonderful! I wish you a happy childrens day Mr! My little baby!35、祖国花朵的绚丽,

32、青梅竹马的回忆,纯洁天真的童趣,两小无猜的情意,如歌岁月的旋律,多彩人生的足迹,童心童趣常相伴,珍重友谊增寿益。Gorgeous flowers of the motherland, childhood memories, pure and innocent tong qu, innocent playmates cordiality, cantabile years melody, colorful life, childlike innocence tong qu often accompanied by increased ShouYi treasure friendship.36、短信到,烦恼消,祝福对你把手招;太阳照,花儿笑,童年生活多美好。六一儿童节即将到,让我们共同回味

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