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1、常用英语动词与介词搭配常用动词与介词搭配1 动词againstbrush against 触到,擦及declare against 表态fight against 反对,与做斗争guard against 提防hit against 碰撞inform against /on 告发,检举insure against 给保险lean against 倚,靠,依靠protect against 抗议rail against /at 咒骂,严厉责备,抱怨react against 反对,反其道而行side against 反对vote against 投票反对2 动词ataim at 志在,旨在;瞄准

2、,针对be amazed at 对大为惊奇be annoyed at 因而恼怒arrive at 到达;得出(结论);做出(决定)be astonished at 对感到惊讶bark at 对吠call at 访问(某地);(车、船等)停靠(某地)direct at 把对准, 针对drive at意指exclaim at对表示惊奇fire at向射击frown at 对表示不满be frustrated at 因而沮丧(或灰心)gaze at 凝视,注视get at 到达,接近(以取得某物)glance at 瞥见,匆匆地一看glare at 怒目而视grab at 抓住,夺得knock at

3、 敲(门)laugh at 嘲笑,取笑;因而发笑look at 看,察看;考虑peer at 仔细看,费力地看point at 指向run at 冲向,扑向shoot at 向射击shout at 对叫嚷,对吼叫smile at 对微笑snap at 猛咬;厉声说话,怒声责骂stare at 盯着看throw at 向 投掷work at 从事,致力于,研究3 动词for account for 说明原因,解释act for 代理aim for 瞄准;打算,企图;致力,旨在allow for 考虑到apologize for 为(某事)道歉;为(某事)表示歉意appeal for 呼吁,恳求a

4、pply for arrange for申请arrest sb. for 为做准备ask for 要求(得到);自己招惹(麻烦等)beg for 请求得到bid for 出价,竞价blame sb. for 因而责备某人budget for 编预算,为做安排charge for 索价,收费cheer for 为欢呼,为喝彩criticize for 因批评declare for 表示支持depart for 动身前往die for 渴望,切望dig for 搜寻,探究,细查exchange for 以换excuse for原谅feel for 摸索,寻找file for 提出forgive s

5、b. for 因而宽恕(或原谅)某人head for 向行进hope for 希望hunger for 渴望inquire for 询问,探问leave for 离开去,身去long for 渴望look for 寻找;招惹make for 走向mistake for错把当作pay for 付钱,赔偿pine for 渴望,思念plan for 为订计划praise sb. for 因为而表扬某人pray for 祈求,请求prepare for 为做准备prescribe for 为开(药)prospect for 勘探,勘察provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物quali

6、fy sb. for 使某人具有资格,使某人胜任run for 竞选scold sb. for 因而责骂(或训斥)某人search for 寻找,搜寻seek for 寻找,探求struggle for 为而奋斗substitute for 以代替tender for投标thank sb. for 因而感谢某人thirst for /after 渴望,渴求treat sb. for 为某人治病vote for 投票赞成,投票选举(某人)wait for 等候want for 缺少watch for 守候;窥视;等待weep for 为哭泣wish for 盼望,企求4 动词fromarise

7、from (由)引起,(由)产生,起源于ban from 禁止做bar from 阻止做benefit from 受益,得到好处come from 来自date from 追溯到depart from 背离,违反derive from 起源于,衍生于descend from 起源于,是的后裔die from 因而死亡differ from 与不同discourage from 劝阻做dismiss . from 开除,解雇棵;打消(想法等)distinguish from 区别,把与区分开来draw from 提取(钱款);汲取(教训等)eliminate from 将从中排除emerge f

8、rom 出现,产生于escape from 从逃跑(或逃走)exclude from 把从排除在外excuse from 使免除(责任、惩罚等)flee from 从逃走free from 使摆脱,使解除graduate from 从毕业,毕业于hear from 得到的消息,接到的来信infer from 从中推论出isolate from 使与隔离keep from 使不做某事,阻止做某事learn from 向学习liberate from 解放,使获自由prohibit sb. from 禁止某人做protect from 保护使不受range from 在(某范围内)变动recove

9、r from 恢复,痊愈release from 从释放remove from 从移开,去掉restrain from 阻止做,抑制做result from 由造成,由产生retire from 从撤退retreat from 从退却(或撤退)separate from 把分开,区分开来shelter from 躲避shield from 保护shift from从转移shrink from退缩,畏缩stem from起源于stop from 组织suffer from 受之苦tell from 分清,区别,区分withdraw from 从撤退5 动词in be absorbed in be

10、lieve in 信仰,相信;主张,认为是好的break in 闯入;插嘴consist in 在于delight in 喜欢,以为乐end in 以告终,结果engage in 参加,从事于interfere in 干涉,干预invest in 投资involve in 使牵连,使陷入;使承担join in 参加,加入key in 键入(数据等)launch in 使开始从事lie in 在于be located 坐落于major in 主修,专攻minor in (大学中)副修participate in 参与,参加persist in 坚持result in 结果为,归结为special

11、ize in 专门研究,专攻share in 分享,分担succeed in 在成功,成功地完成trust in 相信,信任6 动词intobreak into 强行闯入burst into 突然发作build into 把建成为change into 把变成combine into 将结合在一起convert into 把改变为,兑换develop into 发展成为divide into 把分成dig into 搜寻,探究,细查evolve into 发展成,演变成grow into 长成,发展成integrate into (使)成为一体,(使)合并introduce into 将引进到

12、launch into 使开始从事penetrate into 渗入;洞察,了解pierce into 穿透,刺破plunge into 纵身投入resolve into 分解translate into 将译成turn into (使)变成7 动词ofaccuse of 指控,控告admit of 容许有,有余地allow of 容许,容得,容许有approve of 赞同,赞许assure of 向保证,使确信become of 发生情况,怎么啦boast of /about 夸耀,自夸cheat of 欺骗clear of 从中除掉complain of 抱怨,诉苦consist of

13、由组成,由构成convince of 使确信,使信服cure of 治愈疾病;矫正不良习惯等demand of 向要求despair of 绝望die of 死于dispose of 去掉,丢掉,除掉dream of 梦想,渴望;考虑expect of 对有希望hear of 听说过,听到的事inform of 通知,告诉learn of /about 获悉,得知,了解read of /about读到remind of使想起,提醒rid of 使摆脱,使去掉rob of抢走;使失去smell of 有的气味speak of谈到,讲到strip of剥夺的suspect of 怀疑,猜疑talk

14、 of /about 谈论taste of 有味道,尝起来think of 考虑,想起warn of 警告,事先告诉8 动词on act on 按照行事agree on 在上意见一致base on 把建立在,以为基础bet on 打赌blame on责备,把归咎于border on 近似,接近call on拜访(某人);号召,请求comment on评论concentrate on 集中,全神贯注congratulate on向(某人)祝贺count on 依靠;期待,指望decide on 决定depend on 依靠,依赖descend on 袭击experiment on 对进行试验fe

15、ed on 以为食focus on 集中于,聚焦于impose on 把强加于impress on 给以深刻印象inform on 告发,检举insist on 坚持,强调keep on 继续land on 登陆,着陆lean on 倚;依靠live on 靠吃生活;靠生活operate on 给动手术prevail on /upon说服,劝说,诱使pride oneself on引为自豪react on /upon 起作用,影响reckon on 指望,盼望reflect on 考虑rely on 依靠;指望remark on 谈论,评论rest on /upon 依靠,依赖speculat

16、e on /about 推测,推断spend on 在方面花钱或时间step on 踩,踏上try on 试穿,试用wait on 服侍,伺候9 动词toadapt to 使适应于add to 加到上adjust to (使)适应于admit to 承认agree to 同意(某一建议、安排等)amount to 总计达;相当于,等于apologize to 向(某人)道歉appeal to 向呼吁;诉诸于;对有吸引力apply to 向(某人)申请appoint to 任命(某人)担任(职务)approximate to 近似,接近attach to 将连接到attend to 专心于,致力

17、于attribute to 把归因于,把(过错、责任等)归于belong to 属于challenge to向挑战,要求(比赛、决斗等)communicate to 向传达compare to 把比作;与比较complain to 向(某人)投诉(或抱怨)confess to 承认;忏悔confine to 把限制在consent to 同意,答应contribute to 捐献,捐赠;有助于convert sb. to 使某人改信correspond to 与相当,与相类似credit to 把归于descend to 把身份降至,沦为devote to 为而奉献direct to 把对准,

18、针对entitle to 给权利(或资格)expose to 使处于作用(或影响)之下,曝光extend to 延伸至,延续到flee to 逃到gear to 使适应,使适合get to 到达;达到be inclined to 倾向于invite sb. to 邀请某人参加lead to (路等)通向;导致limit to 把限制在link to 使与连接obey to 服从,听从object to 反对occur to 被想到,出现在脑中be opposed to 反对owe to 把归功于point to 指向,指明prefer to 喜欢胜过promote to 提升至(岗位)reac

19、t to 对做出反应reduce to 使降低到refer to 提到,涉及;查阅,参考relate to 有关,涉及remember to 代问候render to 给予,提供reply to 对做出回答report to 报到;隶属,对(上司)负责resign to 使顺从resort to 诉诸,求助于respond to 回答,响应restore to 使恢复到retire to 退回到shout to 大声叫(某人)stoop to 堕落到,降低身份(做某事)stretch to 延伸至subject to 使遭受,使服从submit to 服从,听从surrender to 投降;

20、屈服talk to 对(某人)讲话transfer to 调动到,转学到trust to 依靠,依赖turn to 找(某人寻求帮助等)yield to 投降,让步10 动词with accord with 相符合,相一致,相和谐agree with 同意(某人的意见)argue with 与(某人)争论(或争吵)arm with 用武装associate with 把同联系起来beam with 因而面露喜色begin with 以开始blend with 使与混合charge sb. with 控告(或指控)某人犯罪chat with 与(某人)聊天communicate with 与通信

21、,与联系compare with 把与相比compete with 与竞赛conflict with 与冲突,不一致confront with 迎面遇到,遭遇confuse with 把混同,把与混淆connect with 把与联系起来consult with 同(某人)商议consume with 使着迷,充满contrast with 与对比,与对照cooperate with 与合作cope with 应付,处理correspond with 通信;相符,符合cover with 用覆盖deal with 对付,对待;处理,论述equip with 用装备exchange with 和

22、交换experiment with 进行试验,做实验feed with 向提供finish with 做完,结束furnish with 向提供identify with 把和等同起来illustrate with 用加以说明integrate with (使)成为一体,(使)合并interfere with 妨碍,干扰lie with (问题、事情等)在于load with给装载meet with (偶然)遇到;得到(赞成等);遭到(失败等)part with 和分开,舍弃present with 给提供proceed with 继续下去provide sb. with sth. 向某人提供

23、某物quarrel with 与(某人)争吵react with 起化学反应reason with 与说理,规劝rest with 取决于,在于be satisfied with 对感到满意share with与合用side with 支持,站到的一边supply with 向提供sympathize with 同情,怜悯;赞同talk with 与(某人)谈话threaten with 以相威胁toy with 漫不经心地考虑如果我是山,就要站成一种尊严,让山花灿烂,山风拂面,让每一处角落都渗透梦语言,让我价值在太阳底下展现;如果我是水,就要流成一种磅礴,让小船远航,鱼儿欢畅,让每一股细流都一往无前,让我价值迎风吟唱

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