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1、Book4Unit1.重点单词识记1cheat /tit/ vt.&vi.欺骗;作弊;n.骗子;欺诈行为2skilful /skIlfl/ adj.有技巧的;熟练的3cure /kj(r)/ vt.治愈;解决;矫正,改正;n.药物,疗法;对策4comment /kment/ n评论,评价;vi.评论,议论5purchase /pts/ vt.购买,采购;n.采购;购买的东西6multiply /mltIplaI/ vi.&vt.成倍增加,迅速增加;乘,乘以;繁殖7update /pdeIt/ vt.&n.更新;提供最新信息;使现代化8aspect /spekt/ n方面,层面9bargain

2、/bn/ n便宜货;协议;vi.讨价还价10target /tIt/ n目标;靶子;vt.瞄准;以为目标11advertising /dvtaIzI / n做广告;广告活动;广告业advertisement n广告;广告宣传advertise vt.&vi.做广告,宣传12persuade /psweId/ vt.说服,劝说;使信服persuasion n说服,劝说persuasive adj.有说服力的13innocent /Insnt/ adj.清白的,无罪的;无恶意的;纯真的innocence n清白,无罪;纯真14mental /mentl/ adj.心理的;思想的,精神的;智力的me

3、ntally adv.精神上;智力上15aim /eIm/ vt.&vi.以为目标;瞄准;n.目的,目标aimless adj.盲目的,没有目标的16benefit /benIfIt/ vt.&vi.使受益;得益于;n.益处;救济金;奖金beneficial adj.有益的,有用的17promote /prmt/ vt.推广,宣传;促销;促进,推动;提升,晋升promotion n推广;促进;提升18intelligence /IntelIdns/ n智力,才智;情报intelligent adj.有才智的,聪明的19consult /knslt/ v咨询;请教;查阅;商量consultant

4、 n顾问20recommend /rekmend/ vt.推荐;建议,劝告;介绍recommendation n推荐;介绍21design /dIzaIn/ vt.&n.设计designer n设计者,设计师22determine /dItmIn/ vt.确定,查明;决定;裁决determined adj.坚决的;有决心的determination n决心;坚定23appeal /pil/ vi.有吸引力;呼吁,恳请;n.吸引力;呼吁,恳求appealing adj.有吸引力的24react /rIkt/ vi.做出反应,回应reaction n反应,回应25personally /psnlI

5、/ adv.个别地;就本人而言;本人,亲自personal adj. 私人的,个人的;亲自的personality n个性;性格26shock /k/ vt.使震惊,使惊愕;n.震惊,惊愕;休克shocking adj.令人震惊的shocked adj.感到震惊的.重点短语识记1pay for为付费2be meant to旨在,目的是3fool sb.into doing sth.欺骗某人做某事4fall for上的当,受的骗5play tricks on欺骗;捉弄6deal with涉及,关于;处理,应付7on sale出售,上市;减价出售8be popular with受欢迎9figure

6、 out弄清楚,弄懂;计算出10appeal to吸引,引起兴趣;呼吁11care about关注,在意;关心12get sth.across把表达清楚13depend on依靠,信赖;取决于14die from死于15all too soon太快,过早.经典原句默写与背诵1We are so used to them that we often do not even realize how many we see and hear in a day.我们如此习惯它们的存在以致于我们都没有意识到一天究竟看了和听了多少广告。2Even if an ad does not lie,it does

7、 not mean it is altogether innocent.即使一则广告没有撒谎,也并不意味着这则广告就是完全“清白”的。3Not all ads play tricks on us though.但并非所有的广告都跟我们玩花招。4When it comes to advertisements,we must all use our intelligence and not be a slave to them!谈及广告,我们都必须运用自己的智慧,不要做广告的奴隶。5We want to shock people into realizing that many smokers d

8、ie all too soon from illnesses and diseases related to smoking.我们希望警醒人们,让他们认识到许多吸烟者过早地死于与吸烟有关的疾病。1It was a really terrifying experience.Afterwards everybody was very shocked (shock)2Dont let yourself be persuaded (persuasion) into buying things you dont really need.3Cycling is highly beneficial to o

9、ur health.That is to say,we can get much benefit (benefit) from cycling.4My mothers initial reaction (react) was quite unexpected.5My teachers talk woke me up,and I was determined to deal with the matter with great courage and firm determination (determine)6The instructor was promoted (promotion) to

10、 assistant professor.7Ill speak to him personally (personal) about his transfer.8The idea of a holiday abroad is surely appealing (appeal)9Pleased (please) with the result,he cant help smiling.10When in the forest,look out for the poisonous (poison) snakes.1persuade do.persuade sb.into doing.说

11、服某人做persuade sb.not to do.persuade sb.out of doing.说服某人不做persuade sb.of sth./that.使某人相信某事Finally she persuaded him into going to the hospital.她最终说服他去了医院。We finally persuaded Ben of the wisdom of the decision.我们最终使本相信这个决定是明智的。特别提醒表示“试图说服某人做某事”的其他表达形式:try to persuade do.;advise do.。夯实基础同义句

12、改写Tom persuaded his father not to smoke at last.(用persuade sb.out of doing改写句子)Tom persuaded his father out of smoking at last.2 cheat v欺骗;作弊,舞弊,弄虚作假;n.欺骗(行为);骗子cheat sb.(out) of sth.欺骗某人cheat sb.into doing.欺骗某人做cheat in/on the exam 在考试中作弊Cheats will be disqualified.弄虚作假者将被取消资格。The salesman cheated

13、him into buying a fake.销售人员欺骗他买了一件赝品。特别提醒cheat作及物动词时,其宾语总是人,不能用物作宾语。 夯实基础翻译句子他骗了老太太的钱。He cheated the old woman (out) of her money.3 cure v.治愈(病人);治好(疾病);矫正,改正(某人的不良行为);解决(问题);n.治疗;疗程;对策cure sb.of.治愈某人的;矫正某人的a cure for.针对的治疗An operation finally cured his shin injury.手术最终治好了他胫部的伤。We need to cure our e

14、nvironmental problems.我们需要解决我们的环境问题。词义辨析cure,treat(1)cure表示“治愈”,宾语既可以是人,也可以是疾病,有时也表示“矫正;革除”。(2)treat表示“治疗”时,多接人作宾语,强调治疗动作,并不说明是否治愈。夯实基础用cure,treat的适当形式填空(1)The doctor was treating the girl who suffered from cancer.(2)Who was it that cured the old professor of his cancer?4 comment n.议论,评论(argument);解

15、释(explanation);批评,指责(criticism);v.表达意见;发表评论(express an opinion)make comments on/upon对发表评论comment on/upon评论,评说no comment无可奉告He made some comments on the recent development.他对最近的发展做了一些评论。So far,Mr.Cook has not commented on these reports.到目前为止,库克先生仍未就这些报道发表评论。夯实基础同义句改写I dont feel I can comment on their

16、 decision.(用comment的名词形式改写句子)I dont feel I can make comments on their decision.5achieve ones aim达到目的;实现目标with the aim of以期望,意在take aim at把目标对准without aim漫无目的地be aimed at目的是;旨在aim to do.目的要做The programme is aimed at teenage audience.这个节目针对的是十几岁的观众。Its important that you should have some sort of a goa

17、l to aim for.有一个为之奋斗的目标是很重要的。图解助记夯实基础完成句子(1)She went to London with the aim of finding a job(以期望找到一份工作)(2)To talk without thinking is to shoot without aim(漫无目的地射击)6 benefit v.有益于;有助于(be useful to);受益;n.优势(advantage);益处;成效;救济金,奖金benefit sb./sth.对某人/物有益benefit from/by从中受益be of benefit tobe beneficial

18、to对有益for ones benefitfor the benefit of sb.为帮助某人;为某人的利益The activity benefited us a lot.这项活动使我们受益匪浅。 (2013江西书面表达)夯实基础 同义句改写The new regulation will be of benefit to everyone concerned.(1)The new regulation will be beneficial to everyone concerned.(用beneficial改写句子)(2)Everyone concerned will benefit fro

19、m the new regulation.(用benefit from改写句子)(3)The new regulation will benefit everyone concerned.(用benefit改写句子)7consult a dictionary查字典consult sb.请教某人consult with sb.about/on sth.就与某人商量look在中查找She consulted her doctor about her disease.她向她的医师求诊。I consulted with a friend of mine about this matter

20、.我就此事与我的一个朋友商量。图解助记特别提醒consult用作“请教;咨询;查阅”解时,是及物动词;作“商量”解时,多用作不及物动词,后跟with sb.,意为“和某人商量”。词义辨析refer to,look up,consult都可以用来表示“查阅,参考”的意义,但是其宾语有所不同:consult (refer to)a book/dictionary/encyclopedia,etc.look up a book/dictionary/encyclopedia,etc.夯实基础用refer to,look up,consult的适当形式填空(1)Consult your

21、doctor about how much exercise you should attempt.(2)Consult/Look up the chart on page 44 for the correct cooking times.(3)When I come across something unknown,I would look it up in a reference book.8recommend sb.sth.recommend sb.向某人推荐某物recommend doing sth.建议(劝告)做某事recommend do sth.劝告某人

22、做recommend推荐某人当recommend that.(should) do.建议某人a letter of recommendation推荐信Secondly,I hope our teachers can recommend more interesting books and magazines and give us more free time to read them.第二,我希望老师能给我们推荐一些更有趣的书和杂志,给我们更多的自由时间进行阅读。(2010江苏书面表达)I have just spent a holiday there and would re

23、commend it to anyone.我刚刚在那里度过假,很想把它推荐给每一个人。夯实基础 同义句改写I recommend that you (should) go by subway.(改为简单句)I recommend your going by subway.9 design n.设计;布局;安排(arrangement);打算(plan);意图(intention);构思;v.设计;构思;计划;制订(make,plan or intend)by designon purpose故意be designed for.为设计be designed to do./as.为某目的或用途而制

24、造或设计The method is specifically designed for use in small groups.这方法是专为小组活动设计的。The experiment is designed to test the new drug.这个实验的目的是想测试这种新药品。夯实基础用适当的介词填空(1)Do you think the traffic accident was caused by accident or by design?(2)This building is designed for weddings and other celebrations.(3)The

25、new device is designed as an alternative for the old this aspect从这方面来说in all aspects从各个方面来说from the aspect of从方面来看a house with a southfacing aspect朝南的房子Climate and weather affect every aspect of our lives.气候和天气影响着我们生活的方方面面。He was interested in all aspects of the work here.他对这里工作的所有方面都感兴趣。夯实基础

26、用适当的介词填空(1)We have discussed the subject from every aspect.(2)In all aspects,this idea is quite practical. bargain vi.(与某人就某事)讨价还价(discuss the price);商讨条件(to discuss to reach an agreement);n.减价品,便宜货;协议,交易(agreement)bargain with sb.for/over sth.就某事和某人讨价还价bargain for/on sth.预料到,料想到a good/bad bargain买得

27、(不)合算make a bargain with sb.和某人达成协议I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in sale;it was a real bargain.在大甩卖中我花了10美元买了一件裙子,可真便宜。I had not bargained for rain,and I got wet.我没料到要下雨,所以淋湿了。夯实基础After much ,the shop owner agreed to cut down the price of the MP4 by 20%.Abargain Bto bargainCbargained Dbargain

28、ing答案D解析句意为:经过多次讨价还价之后,店主同意把MP4的价格降低20%。介词after后应跟动名词形式,故选D项。 fancy adj.精致的;绚丽的;奢华的;n.空想,幻想;爱好,迷恋;vt.认为,想象;猜想 be/as认为是fancy (sb.) doing.想像(某人)做某事have a fancy for.喜欢take a fancy to.喜欢上(爱上)catch/take ones fancy合某人的心意;吸引某人All the girls fancied him madly.所有的女孩疯狂地喜欢他。夯实基础用适当的介词填空(1)He took a fanc

29、y to wearing fashionable clothes.(2)It takes only a minute to have a fancy for someone,an hour to like someone,and a day to love someone,but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.determine to do.决定做(表示动作)determine on/upon 决定determine do.使某人决定做be determined to do.决心做某事(表示状态)with determination坚决地;果断地She is determined to do it regardless of all consequences.她不顾一切后果,决心这样做。夯实基础同义句改写(1)We determined on an early start.(用不定式改写句子)We determined to start early.(2)We determined to carry out the plan.(用determine的名词形式改写句子)We carried out the plan with determination. urge v.催促;力劝(persu

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