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遵义市最新 高考英语完形填空精选附答案.docx

1、遵义市最新 高考英语完形填空精选附答案遵义市最新 高考英语完形填空精选附答案一、高中英语完形填空1阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 The auction(拍卖)took place on a mild morning. 1 , standing in front of an expectant 2 with a sign with his pigs picture, 15-year-old Wayion Klitzman was sweating. Waylon called his pig Roo. The farm boy hope

2、d the money from Roos 3 would help with cancer research. It started with a 4 . In August 2017, Wayion 5 9th grade and in those first weeks of school, Wayion 6 his algebra teacher, Kim Katzenmeyer, for support. Their special 7 grew over the last school year. She saw the 8 in me and we just connected

3、that way, said Wayion. Then Katzenmeyers niece was diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a rare cancer that mostly 9 children. After months of watching her niece receive cancer treatments, Katzcnmcyer 10 her teaching job to volunteer full time at the cancer research charity, Beat NB. Katzenmeyer meant a lot

4、 to Wayion and he just wanted to 11 . Then he had an 12 to auction his pig to 13 money for the cancer charity. So before the auction day, Wayion sent letters to people explaining his 14 to sell his pig and donate the profits to Beat NB. The letter 15 his beloved teacher whose niece was battling canc

5、er. The auction turned out to be particularly 16 . Buyers kept 17 Way Ions pig so he could sell it over and over. Wayion had thought that, with luck, his pig would bring in 18 over $ 600. In the end, Roo fetched more than $ 10,000 for Beat NB. We give back to the community 19 we can. We are blessed

6、to be able to be doing what we do, said one of the buyers with a 20 of pride.1. A. ThereforeB. OtherwiseC. YetD. Besides2. A. staffB. crowdC. nieceD. seller3. A. saleB. performanceC. showD. action4. A. boyB. teacherC. doctorD. farmer5. A. completedB. continuedC. beganD. skipped6. A. relied onB. pick

7、ed upC. devoted toD. came across7. A. favorB. responseC. touchD. bond8. A. firstB. leastC. bestD. worst9. A. affectsB. owesC. followsD. faces10. A. heldB. quitC. startedD. found11. A. interruptB. changeC. stopD. help12. A. offerB. appealC. ideaD. effort13. A. demandB. conveyC. storeD. raise14. A. re

8、questB. desireC. promiseD. approval15. A. describedB. remindedC. informedD. ignored16. A. attractiveB. acceptableC. appropriateD. successful17. A. feedingB. returningC. admiringD. introducing18. A. evenB. stillC. justD. exactly19. A. unlessB. becauseC. onceD. wherever20. A. senseB. thoughtC. mindD.

9、state【答案】 (1)C;(2)B;(3)A;(4)B;(5)C;(6)A;(7)D;(8)C;(9)A;(10)B;(11)D;(12)C;(13)D;(14)B;(15)A;(16)D;(17)B;(18)C;(19)D;(20)A; 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,15岁的Wayion通过拍卖自己的画作,以支持癌症研究。 (1)考查副词。句意:拍卖在一个不冷不热 的早晨举行。然而,站在充满期待的一大群人面前,15岁的Wayion站在一大群人前正紧张得流汗。A. Therefore“因此”;B. Otherwise“否则”;C. Yet“然而”;D. Besides“此外”。此处ye

10、t表示然而,对比on a mild morning和was sweating可知选C。 (2)考查名词。句意:拍卖在一个不冷不热的早晨举行。然而,站在充满期待的一大群人面前,15岁的Wayion紧张得流汗。A. staff“职员”;B. crowd“人群”;C. niece“侄女”;D. seller“销售员”。在拍卖会,应该是一大群人参与竞拍。故选B。 (3)考查名词。句意:Wayion希望画作的拍卖所得将用于癌症研究。A. sale“销售”;B. performance“表演”;C. show“展示”;D. action“行动”。故选A。 (4)考查名词。句意:这一切都开始于一位老师。 A

11、. boy“男孩;B. teacher”老师“;C. doctor”医生“;D. farmer”农民“。根据下文”Wayion 6 his algebra teacher, Kim Katzenmeyer, for support.“开始有这名老师讲起。故选B。 (5)考查动词。句意:在2017年8月,Wayion开始上九年级,在刚开始的几周里,依靠他的几何老师Kim Katzenmeyer获得支持。A. completed”完工,结束“;B. continued”继续“;C. began”开始“;D. skipped”跳过“。下文中的”in those first weeks of scho

12、ol“有提示,故选C。 (6)考查动词短语。句意:在2017年8月,Wayion开始上九年级,在刚开始的几周里,依靠他的几何老师Kim Katzenmeyer获得支持。A. relied on”依靠“;B. picked up”捡起“;C. devoted to”致力于“;D. came across”偶遇“。故选A。 (7)考查名词。句意:他们之间的联系持续到了最后一学年。 A. favor”恩惠,支持“;B. response ”答复“;C. touch”触摸“; D. bond”联系“。故选D。 (8)考查形容词。句意:Wayion说:她能看到我的优点,我们就这样联系在了一起。A. fi

13、rst”第一“; B. least”最少的“;C. best”最好的“;D. worst”最糟的“。故选C。 (9)考查动词。句意:随后,Katzenmeyer的侄女得了一种主要影响儿童的罕见癌症。A. affects”影响“; B. owes”欠“;C. follows”跟随“;D. faces”面对“。故选A。 (10)考查动词。句意: Katzcnmcyer放弃了教学工作,在癌症研究机构做全职志愿者。A. held”举行“;B. quit”退出“;C. started”开始“;D. found”发现“。故选B。 (11)考查动词。句意:Katzenmeyer 对Wayion来说很重要,因

14、此Wayion想帮助自己的老师。A. interrupt”打断“;B. change” 改变“;C. stop”停止“; D. help”帮助“。故选D。 (12)考查名词。句意:Wayion有了拍卖自己的画作,为癌症研究机构筹集钱的想法。A. offer” 提供,提出“;B. appeal”呼吁“; C. idea”主意,想法“;D. effort”努力“。have an idea to do sth.”有做某件事的想法“。故选C。 (13)考查名词。句意:Wayion有了拍卖自己的画作,为癌症研究机构筹集钱的想法。A. demand”要求“;B. convey”传达“;C. store”贮

15、存“;D. raise”筹集“。故选D。 (14)考查名词。句意:拍卖前一天,Wayion给人们写信解释他想拍卖画作的渴望。 A. request”要求“;B. desire”渴望“;C. promise”许诺“;D. approval”同意,批准“。此处应为Wayion的愿望或渴望。故选B。 (15)考查动词。句意:信中描述了他备受爱戴的老师和老师的患癌症的侄女。A. described”描写“;B. reminded ”提醒“;C. informed ”告知“;D. ignored”忽视“。在信中,应该是描写什么内容。故选A。 (16)考查形容词。句意:这次拍卖结果很成功。A. attra

16、ctive”吸引人的“;B. acceptable”可接受的“;C. appropriate”适当的“;D. successful”成功的“。根据下文”In the end, Roo fetched more than $ 10,000 for Beat NB.“可知这次拍卖师成功的。故选D。 (17)考查动词。句意:竞得者们不断归还Wayion的画作,以便于他能够一遍遍地拍卖。A. feeding”喂养“;B. returning”归还“;C. admiring”欣赏,敬佩“;D. introducing”介绍“。故选B。 (18)考查副词。句意:Wayion本来认为,幸运的话他仅仅可以得到

17、600元。A. even”甚至“;B. still”仍然“;C. just”仅仅“;D. exactly”准确地“。故选C。 (19)考查连词。句意:其中一个购买者自豪地说:无论在哪里,我们都可以回馈社会。我们应该能够做我们该做的事。A. unless”除非“;B. because”因为“;C. once”一旦,曾经“;D. wherever”无论在哪里,无论何处“。故选D。 (20)考查名词。句意:其中一个购买者自豪地说:无论在哪里,我们都可以回馈社会。我们应该能够做我们该做的事。 A. sense”感觉“;B. thought”想法“;C. mind”主意,思想“;D. state”状态“

18、。sense of pride”自豪感“。选A。 【点评】本题考点涉及动词,名词,形容词,副词,连词,固定短语等多个知识点的考查,是一篇故事类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析推理,从而选出正确答案。2完形填空 When studying in Australia, do not worry about understanding the local language. General English programs are offered to help you 1 English. As a General English 2 at Greenwi

19、ch College, I will tell you what you can learn from these programs. I teach English at all levels from 3 to advanced. My classes usually 4 with a fun activity. We play vocabulary and grammar 5 . Sometimes we listen to Australian 6 and decide if we like the lyrics(歌词). After we have all 7 up, we move

20、 onto the grammar or vocabulary of the day. We 8 it through writing or speaking. We 9 on our other skills (reading, writing or listening) in the afternoon, and use these skills to better understand the grammar or vocabulary. 10 , at the end of the day, we talk about 11 to live and work in Australia.

21、 We discuss the problems, 12 how to understand different accents, new words and make new friends. If there are any problems, we help each other, offering advice and 13 . General English also offers 14 classes to improve your speaking ability. We offer special grammar and conversation classes, as wel

22、l as a movie club! You can also come with us to the Opera House, the beach, the zoo or even to a museum. If you feel 15 about using your spoken English, dont worry! Everyone feels the 16 . So, in General English we have activities that 17 you talking to classmates, excursions (远足) that 18 your confi

23、dence, and student parties that help you talk to others. Its a great way to 19 all you English skills as well as have a fantastic 20 . Maybe Ill see you in my class soon.1. A. testB. graspC. coverD. teach2. A. studentB. workerC. teacherD. guide3. A. beginnersB. learnersC. coursesD. subjects4. A. dea

24、lB. workC. competeD. start5. A. toysB. sportsC. gamesD. music6. A. songsB. dialoguesC. newsD. reports7. A. turnedB. shutC. lookedD. warmed8. A. catchB. practiceC. AppreciateD. enjoy9. A. dependB. keepC. focusD. base10. A. FirstlyB. SecondlyC. ThirdlyD. Finally11. A. whyB. howC. whenD. whether12. A.

25、includingB. remainingC. decidingD. judging13. A. houseB. disadvantageC. supportD. challenge14. A. listeningB. writingC. AccentD. reading15. A. nervousB. comfortableC. excitedD. proud16. A. oppositeB. fixedC. sameD. forced17. A. takeB. imagineC. getD. remind18. A. buildB. catchC. AppreciateD. draw19.

26、 A. valueB. improveC. instructD. Arrange20. A. feelingB. thoughtC. AdventureD. experience【答案】 (1)B;(2)C;(3)A;(4)D;(5)C;(6)A;(7)D;(8)B;(9)C;(10)D;(11)B;(12)A;(13)C;(14)C;(15)A;(16)C;(17)C;(18)A;(19)B;(20)D; 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇应用文,作者以老师的身份,对General English 培训项目进行了介绍。 (1)考查动词。A:test“测试,考验”;B:grasp“抓紧,掌握”;C:c

27、over“覆盖,报道”;D:teach“教”。通用英语课程有助于你掌握英语。故选B。 (2)考查名词。A:student“学生”;B:worker“工人”;C:teacher“教师”;D:guide“向导”。根据下文“I teach English ”可知,作者是一位老师,故选C。 (3)考查名词。A:beginners“初学者,新手”;B:learners“学习者”;C:courses“课程,过程”;D:subjects“主题,话题,学科”。根据空前的“all levels ”指从初学者到水平较高的学生。故选A。 (4)考查动词。A:deal“处理,交易”;B:work“工作,起作用”;C:

28、compete“竞争,竞赛”;D:start“开始”。作者的课堂经常以有趣的活动开始。选D。 (5)考查名词。A:toys“玩具”;B:sports“运动”;C:games“游戏,比赛”;D:music“音乐”。根据上文“a fun activity ”可知,作者和学生玩儿词汇和语法方面的游戏,这些属于有趣的活动。选C, (6)考查名词。A:songs“歌曲”;B:dialogues“对话”;C:news“新闻”;D:reports“报道,报告”。根据下文“decide if we like the lyrics(歌词)”可知,作者和学生听澳大利亚歌曲。选A。 (7)考查动词。A:turned

29、“翻,转”;B:shut“关闭”;C:looked“看”;D:warmed“使温暖”。作者刚上课时,进行有趣的活动,是为后面的内容作准备,属于“热身”过程。warm up固定短语,“加热,做准备活动,(使)活跃起来”。故选D。 (8)考查动词。A:catch“抓住”;B:practice“练习,实践”;C:appreciate“感激,欣赏”;D:enjoy“喜欢,享受”。根据下文的writing 和speaking都属于练习语法或词汇的方式,故选B。 (9)考查动词。A:depend“依靠”;B:keep“保留,维持”;C:focus“聚焦”;D:base“以.做基础” 。作者他们下午集中练习

30、其他的技能(读,写或听)。focus on固定短语,“(把)集中于”。故选C。 (10)考查副词。上文提到上午和下午的活动,根据下文“at the end of the day”可知,作者讲述的是一天快结束,即最后的活动。故选D。 (11)考查疑问词。由语境可知,我们谈论如何在澳大利亚生活和工作,故选B。 (12)考查动词。A:including“包括”;B:remaining“仍然是,剩下”;C:deciding“决定”;D:judging“判断”。是作者他们讨论的问题之一,故他们讨论的问题包括“how to understand different accents”,故选A。 (13)考查

31、名词。A:house“房子”;B:disadvantage“不利条件”;C:support“支持”;D:challenge“挑战”。根据上文“we help each other ”可知,我们彼此支持。故选C。 (14)考查名词。A:listening“听”;B:writing“写”;C:accent“口音”;D:reading“阅读”。上文已经提到reading, writhing和listening,再结合下文中的提高说的能力,可知,普通英语还提供口音课,以提高学生说的能力。故选C。 (15)考查形容词。A:nervous“紧张的”;B:comfortable“舒服的”;C:excited“兴奋的”;D:proud“骄傲的”。根据下文中的“dont worry”可知,当你对于使用口语感到紧张时,不要担心。故选A。 (16)考查形容词。A:opposite“相反的”

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