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《What does she do》教学设计.docx

1、What does she do教学设计 What does she do教学设计What does she do教学设计 【教学内容】 Unit 5 What does she do? Part B Lets read Wang Li is an engineer. She likes drawing pictures. She works in a car factory. She designs cars. She goes to work by car. Tip: If you like drawing and math, you can be an engineer. Li Xiao

2、bin is an accountant. He works in a bank. He helps the bank use their money well. He likes working with numbers. He goes to work by bus, but he likes to walk home. Tip: If you enjoy math, you can be an accountant. Policewoman Yuan Yuan likes helping people. She likes English. She often helps tourist

3、s find their way. She goes to work by motor cycle. Tip: If you enjoy helping people, you can work for the police. 【教学设计】 一、 教学目标与要求 (1)、知识目标: 能够听、说、认读Lets read部分的短文,完成相应的活动。 (2)、能力目标:能够运用所学句型 If you like , you can be .和I like . I can be .来询问别人和表达自己的理想,较好完成“招聘会”的活动。在任务中引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流,使学生的听、说、读、写

4、能力得到进一步的提高和发展。 (3)、情感目标:在课堂中培养学生积极用英语表达的习惯,以及在各项活动中培养学生积极与他人合作的精神。 二、教学重难点分析: 1、本课重点是操练巩固本单元11个职业名称的单词和重点句型:What does he/she do? Where does he/she work? How does he/she work? 2、本课难点是帮助学生理解短文中的新语言,如:He helps the bank use their money well. He likes helping people. She often helps the tourists find the

5、ir way.以及三个小建议。 三、课前准备 CAI课件、学生练习纸、奖励笑脸和招聘卡 四、教学步骤 Step1 Warm-up 1. Greeting between teacher and students T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Xiong. T: How are you? Ss: Fine, thank you. How are you? T: Im fine, thanks. But I feel a little cold today. Do you feel cold today? Ss: Yes. T: Ok! Fir

6、st, lets clap your hands and chant. 在热身时让学生一起唱四年级上第六单元的歌谣My Father Is a Doctor。 设计意图: 通过PPT 播放动漫歌曲,学生从色彩丰富,形象生动活泼的图像以及美妙的音乐中快乐的开始了他们崭新的一课,充分地体现了乐中学,学中乐的教学原则。这首歌谣与本课教学内容有着密切的关系,放在课前作为热身活动,能使学生更快地进入学习状态,同时也起到复习巩固的作用。 T: Today, we have two groups, boys and girls . We have a match between our groups. Tr

7、y your best. 设计意图:将学生分为两个大组进行竞赛,给学生创设一个轻松愉快的语言学习氛围,让学习过程充满乐趣并同时使他们感受到一定的挑战,满足他们的竞争意识和成功感,从而使他们达到积极思维,创造潜能得以开发。 Step 2 Preview (1)T: I want to make friends with you . Im Miss Xiong. Whats your name, please? S1: My name is XX. T: Hello, XX. What does your father do? S1: My father is . T: What does you

8、r mother do? S2: My mother is T: How does your father go to work? S3: He goes to work T: How does your mother go to work? S4: She goes to work T: Where does your father work? S5: He works in T: Where does your mother work? S6:She works in (2)T: You are super. Now lets watch TV. Can you introduce you

9、r favouite person to us? S(s): He/She is. He/She likes . 设计意图:从谈论学生父母的职业、工作地点和上班的交通工具开课,让学生迅速进入学习状态并复习旧知。通过日常会话,复习巩固本单元主要职业名词及句型,达到温故而知新的目的。通过网上下载的学生熟悉和喜欢的五位人物(周杰伦、姚明,刘翔、邰丽华和雷锋)的精美图片,向学生展示了栩栩如生的五位朋友,使学生兴趣盎然的开展话题。安排雷锋的话题一是对学生进行及时的思想教育,二是出示He likes helping people.这一句型,为后面重点句型的学习进行了很好的铺垫。 Step 3 Presen

10、tation 1、 初读课文 T: You did very well. Now, Miss Xiong wants to introduce three new friends to you. Who are they? Now please open your books, turn to page 63. Read it quickly and answer the questions on your books. Please underline the key sentences about the questions.(PPT 出示四个问题。) Ss read the passag

11、e by selves and answer the questions on the books. (1)、Who works in a car factory? (2)、Who helps a bank with their money? (3)、How does Li Xiaobin go to work? (4)、What does Yuan Yuan do? Let 4 students write the answers on the blackboard. Check the answers one by one: T: Question Li works in a car fa

12、ctory. Is he/she right? Ss: Yes. T: Which sentence helps you find the answer? S: Wang Li is an engineer. She works in a car factory. T: Question 2. Li Xiaobin helps a bank with their money. Is he/she right? Ss: Yes. T: Which sentence helps you find the answer? S: Li Xiaobin is an accountant. He help

13、s the bank use their money well. T: Question 3. Li Xiaobin goes to work by bus. Is he/she right? Ss: Yes. T: Which sentence helps you find the answer? S: He goes to work by bus. T: Question 4. YuanYuan is a policewoman. Is he/she right? Ss: Yes. T: Which sentence helps you find the answer? S: Police

14、woman Yuan Yuan. 设计意图:教师提出的问题都属于旧知,通过寻找这四个问题的答案,让学生带着任务初读课文,迅速有效的解决了课文中学生熟悉的内容。通过这一小组活动,使学生能牢牢抓住一些描述三位朋友的关键词,对整篇课文有一个全面整体的分析和理解。这样将繁琐的课文内容进行了简化,可以使师生将重点放到课文重难点的教学中。在做题中强调学生将问题答案的对应句子勾画出来,培养学生的阅读能力和学习习惯。让学生将答案板书出示,有效的检测了学生的学习情况。 2、精讲课文 (1) T:You did a good job. Which one do you like best? S: I like L

15、i Xiaobin. T: Ok, you like Li Xiaobin. Lets read paragraph 2. I have a blank here. Can you fill it? Read the second paragraph together. T: Whats his name? S: His name in Li Xianbin. T: What does he do? S: He is an accountant. T: Where does he work? S: He works in a bank. T: How does he go to work? S

16、: He goes to work by bus. T: Whats his hobby? S: He likes working with numbers. Practice: number, numbers, working with numbers, He likes working with numbers. T: What does he often do? S: He helps the bank use their money well. Practice: money, use, use their money, use their money well, He helps t

17、he bank use their money well. T: Now, please watch. Listen and repeat. Ss read the second paragraph together. T: Who can introduce Li Xiaobin to us? Let one student repeat paragraph 2. 设计意图:第二段对话中的He helps the bank use their money well. He likes working with numbers.是教材中的重难点,所以在老师的引导下一起学习和操练,有效的突破了重

18、难点。这两句句子较长,在操练中对新单词的教授采取音、形、义、用四位一体教学方法,对句子的操练采取分段层层递进的教学方式,操练扎实,学习效果好。 What does she do教学设计 (2)T: Lets talk about something about Wang Li and Yuan Yuan. Read paragraph 1 and 3 carefully. Fill in the blanks. Ss read paragraph 1 and 3 by themselves , underline the sentences and fill in the blanks. T:

19、 Who can ask some questions and who can answer ? S: Whats her name? S: Her name is Wang Li. S: What does she do? S: She is an engineer. S: Where does she work? S: She works in a car factory. Teach: factory, She works in a car factory. (采用音、形、义、用四位一体教学法。适当拓展factory的用法) S: How does she go to work? S:

20、She goes to work by car. S: What does Wang Li like? S: She likes drawing pictures. S: What does she often do? S: She designs cars. Teach: design, She designs cars. (采用音、形、义、用四位一体教学法。适当拓展design的用法) T: Now, please watch. Listen and repeat. Ss read the second paragraph together. T: Girls, please introd

21、uce Wang Li together. Girls read paragraph 1. T: Who can introduce Wang Li to us? Let one student repeat paragraph 1. (3)T:How about policewoman Yuan Yuan? How does she go to work? S: She goes to work by motor cycle . Teach: motor cycle, she goes to work by motor cycle . (采用音、形、义、用四位一体教学法。) S: What

22、does she like? S: She likes helping people. She likes English. S: What does she often do? S: She often helps tourists find their way. Teach: tourists, helps tourists, find their way, She often helps tourists find their way. (采用音、形、义、用四位一体教学法。) T: Now, please watch. Listen and repeat. Boys read the t

23、hird paragraph together. T: Who can introduce Yuan Yuan to us? Let one student repeat paragraph 3. 设计意图:通过在教师引导下对第二段课文的学习,学生掌握了学习思路和方法,所以第一段和第三段的学习采用学生带着任务自主学习的方式。通过对表格的填写,有效的抓住了课文中的重点部分,也训练了学生的阅读能力。 Step 4 Practice 1、Read the passage after the video. 2、Ss read or repeat the passage. Step 5 consolid

24、ation & Extension (巩固拓展) 1、T: Lets do some exercises. (PPT出示) Choose the best words: (1) She likes _pictures. A draw B draws C drawing (2) Sarah _ to work by car. A go B goes C going (3) Li Xiaobin _ the bank use their money well. A helps B help C helping (4) He likes working _ numbers. A in B at C

25、with (5) If you enjoy math, you can _ an accountant. A are B be C is 设计意图:适当的题型训练,既有效的检查和巩固了课文中的重点知识,也训练了学生的解题能力。) 2、T: Just now, we talk something about three new friends. Lets talk about our friend Jay Chou. 出示周杰伦照片,讨论交流信息: Jay Chou is a singer. He likes singing . He lives in Taiwan. Sometimes he

26、goes to work by car , sometimes he goes to work by plane. Class work: _is a/an _. He/She likes _. He/She works/lives in _. He/She goes to work _. 设计意图:体现了任务型的教学方法,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知,体验,实践等各种方式进行口语交际,为学生的充分表现自我提供了一个大平台,使学生成为课堂学习的主人。 3、T: Look! There are six tips here(PPT). Lets read it. If you like musi

27、c, you can be a singer. If you like drawing, you can be an artist. If you like writing, you can be a writer. If you like playing basketball, you can be a basketball player. If you like helping sick people, you can be a doctor. If you like children, you can be a primary school teacher. T: I want to b

28、e a singer, because I like singing very much. What about you? S1: I want to be a teacher, because I like children. S2: I want to be an accountant. Because I like math very much. S3: I want to be a teacher, because I like students. S4: I want to be an English teacher. Because I like English very much

29、. 设计意图:将书上学到的知识运用于真实的生活场景之中,并得以拓展,体现了用英语的思想。我们已经学过很多职业了,让学生先说说, 既能充分发挥学生的想象力, 也能培养学生从小树立自己的理想,认真学习,为实现自己的目标而努力奋斗这样一个意识。 4、Progress (1)T: Now ,who get the cards, you are the leader, and you need somebody work for you. 请你根据你们公司的工作性质,到人才市场去聘用一些人员为你的公司服务。(课前准备好奖励卡,上面设计好几个虚拟单位的名称,表现好得到奖励卡的学生则为该单位的负责人,负责招

30、聘工作。) (2)教师示范在求职介绍中找到自己需要的人才,并用英语表述理由。 Zhang Yong is a happy man. He likes helping the sick(病人) likes white. He wants to be a doctor. So I choose Zhang Yong. Because he wants to be a doctor, and Yongxin hospital needs a doctor. I work in Yongxin hospital. I choose Zhang Yong. Because Yongxin hospital needs a doctor. And Zhang Yong wants to be a doctor. Can you tell me? What about you? Now you can stand up and look for the personnel for your company. OK? (3)学生以小组为单位在教室内寻找、阅读求

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