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1、学术型研究生学位论文范本学校代码:10357学 号:ZSK0803063密 级: 论国际信用评级机构的问责机制On the Accountability Mechanism for the International Credit Rating Agencies姓 名张筱玮学科专业法学 国际法学 研究方向国际经济法指导教师徐淑萍教授完成时间2013年2月目 录摘 要 IAbstract III引 言 1一、国际信用评级机构问责机制存在的问题 2 (一)国际信用评级机构的市场格局 2 (二)国际信用评级机构及评级报告的法律性质 3 (三)国际信用评级制度的现存问题 5 (四)评级机构问责机制不健

2、全的后果 9二、国际信用评级机构的内部管理制度 12 (一)义务主体 12 (二)义务内容 12 (三)回避制度 16三、国际信用评级机构的外部监督机制 19 (一)国际信用评级机构认证制度 19 (二)国际组织监管规则 24四、国际信用评级机构的责任追究 28 (一)国内追诉机制 28 (二)国际救济措施 32结 论 35参考文献 36致 谢 41攻读硕士学位期间发表的学术论文目录 42摘 要一场次贷危机使信用评级机构名誉扫地,如今欧洲深陷主权债务危机,其导火索也因美国三大信用评级机构相继调低希腊的主权信用评级。信用评级机构是一个将资本与社会信用相挂钩的社会服务机构,作为一个第三方组织,其具




6、。此外,以期借鉴团体组织会员制运作模式的长处来建立国际信用评级机构的统一国际监管组织,从会员权利上对信用评级机构予以利益疏导管理。最后,利用双轨制的责任追究方式来完善国际信用评级机构的问责机制,即国内法追诉作为首要选择发挥主力作用,并适时推进国际权威争端解决机构的筹备与建设。在职能安排与制度设计的具体内容方面,不仅要研究其他国家的先进实践成果,更要拓宽视野,从相邻产业和优秀国际组织的细微之处发现可以援引的成功经验,展现出朝阳产业理应具备的革命力。关键词:信用评级 问责机制 监管 Abstract A subprime mortgage crisis discredited the credit

7、 rating agencies. Currently, the Europe is bogged down in the sovereign debt crisis. The main reason is that the Greeces sovereign credit rating has been downgraded by three major U.S. credit rating agencies. The credit rating agencies are a kind of social service agency which gets capital and socia

8、l credit linked. As a third-party organization, the credit rating agencies are independent, objective and specialized. Consequently, credit rating results have the characteristics of appearance and public goods. The credit rating agencies not only deal with the ratings for capital securities, borrow

9、ing enterprise credit, the relevant financial institutions and asset securitization, but also judge countrys repayment ability and desire. Based on the above analysis, it can be concluded that the credit rating agencies are of great importance in maintaining the countrys financial security. The auth

10、ority of credit rating agencies directly reflects the countrys discourse power in finance, which further affects the countrys comprehensive national strength and international competitiveness. However, the credit rating agencies also possess potential risks. Therefore, to investigate the legal natur

11、e of these agencies and their rights and liabilities is of practical guiding significance. Countries are stepping up improving and building their own credit rating systems. At present, the accountability mechanism of international credit rating agencies has shortcomings. First, the three major ratin

12、g agencies (Moodys, Standard & Poors and Fitch) are in absolute monopoly position in the world market. Another one is that the legal nature of the rating agencies and their ratings report is not well clear. Furthermore, non-unified rating standards, lack of supervision and difficulty in relief, etc.

13、 make the credit rating get high monopoly profits. In addition, between the rating agencies and the objects rated exists fierce conflict of interest. Finally, the rating agencies are powerful but with few liabilities and the rating results they make are likely to be unfair, leading to the complete l

14、oss of warning function of rating as well as a severe blow on the rating agencies reputation. Accordingly, in order to reverse the situation, i.e. to reshape the credibility of the credit rating agencies and remedy their function, it is essential to reform from both internal and external, which also

15、 will remove the institutional obstacles from developing Chinas credit rating industry. From the internal aspect, the legal nature of the credit rating agencies and their rating reports should be specified, and then the credit rating agencies should be regulated in terms of rights and liabilities. T

16、he above is well acknowledged, but how to define is disputed. Whatever, it is sure that the formulation and implementation of the expert liability and disclosure liability are of great significance among liabilities, because it is related to both the reputation and credibility of the rating agencies and the authority and trustworthiness of the rating reports. Meanwhil

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