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新课标选修七Unit2robots 单词讲解.docx

1、新课标选修七Unit2robots 单词讲解Desire n. 渴望 1). A desire for sth /to do 渴望得到/做某事Eg: He has a strong desire for powerHe has expressed a desire to see you2). Have no desire for sth /to do 没有得到/做某事的愿望I have no desire to discuss the matter further3). A desire that S+(should) do 虚拟I have a disire that He _ (buy)

2、a gift for me4). At ones desire 应某人的要求v. 渴望,期望(不用于进行时)desire to do 渴望做desire sb to do 想让某人做 拓展: Desirable adj. (物)值得向往的Desirous adj. (人)想要的,渴望的Eg: Peace and happiness are most desirable, so the people in the world are desirous of themSatisfaction U1)With satisfaction 满意地She looked back on her career

3、 with great satisfaction2)To ones satisfaction = to the satisfaction of sb. 让满意的是3)Have / get the satisfaction of doing从得到满足感He had the satisfaction of seeing his book become a best-seller4)give sb the satisfaction of doing sthShe didnt want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry拓展 satisfy v

4、. 满足,使满意Satisfactory adj. 令人满意的=satisfying Satisfied adj. (感到)满意的Alarm v. 使害怕,使担心Eg: I dont want to alarm you, but I think there is a serious problem n. 1.U惊恐,担心“What have you done?” she cried in alarm 2.C警报,报警器give/raise the alarm 发出警报Set off an alarm 碰到报警器Alarmed adj. 担心的,害怕的1).Be alarmed at/by st

5、h 对感到担心2).be alarmed to do 因做感到害怕3).be alarmed for sb/sth. 对放下不下I was alarmed to see that the men were carrying gunsI was alarmed for himSympathy n.1) have/feel/express sympathy for We all have great sympathy for the victims of the Wenchuan Earthquake2) get sympathy from sbIts his own fault, so hell

6、 get no sympathy from me3) Out of sympathy 出于同情4) In sympathy 以示同情Sympathy n. 赞同,支持1) have sympathy with 赞同(支持)Do you have any sympathy with his point of view?2) in sympathy with sb/sth 支持The school should be entirely in sympathy with these aims拓展Sympathize vi 同情sympathize with sb/sth.Favour n. 1 C1

7、).Do sb a favour/do a favour for sbCould you do me a favour to pick up Sam from school today ?2). Ask a favour of sb 请帮个忙Can I ask a favour of you?3).owe sb a favour 欠某人个人情4).do sth as a favour.帮忙做He wouldnt take the money; he insisted he was doing it as a favour2.U 赞同,支持某人/某事1)Find/gain/win favour

8、with sb 得到某人的支持The suggestion to close the road has found/ gained/won favour with local people2)Lose favour with sb 失去的支持3)In favour of sb/sth 支持4) out of favour She is not in favour with the media just now,in other words,she is out of favour. 她目前没媒体捧场3. U偏袒;偏爱Show favour to sb. 偏袒某人He was careful t

9、o show no favour to anyone4. vt喜爱,偏袒,有利于The treaty seems to favour the USAccompany v.1.陪伴1)Accompany sb in doing sthWill you accompany me in drinking a glass of wine?2)Accompany sb to sw.3) be accompanied by/with 附有,伴随/带着,兼有The eruption of volcano accompanied by an earthquake caused great damage2.伴奏

10、Accompany sb at/on the+乐器The singer was accompanied on the piano by her sisterTurn around 转身When the teacher turned around, they began to whisper.With no one to _ in such a frightening situation, she felt very helplessIm not really reading, just_the pages.A. turn around B.turn to C.turn over D.turn

11、outDeclare vt 1 宣告,宣布The government has declared a state of emergency2 表明,宣称1)declare against /for 声明We declared for peace/against war2) declare sb/sth to be.声称.To our satisfaction, he declared himself to be happy辨: declare / announceDeclare 正式“向公众宣布”,侧重当众发表某事,多用于宣战,议和和宣判He was declared guilty by th

12、e courtAnnounce 正式“公布”侧重人们关心的事,尤指新闻Obama announced his new economic policies to the public on TVEnvy 忌妒;羡慕He couldnt conceal his envy of me/at my successBe the envy of sb Her many talents were the envy of all her friendsLeavealone 1) leave sb alone=let sb alone 不打扰,不管,别惹The film star asked to be lef

13、t alone but the press photographers followed her everywhere2) leave sth alone=let sth alone 不碰I have told you before, leave my thins alone3) leave sth alone 别管某事It is not your problem, so why dont you just leave it alone ?拓展 leave 剩下;听任(让)Leave for 动身去Leave behind 忘记带;把拉下;落后Leave out 省去,不考虑Leave asi

14、de不考虑Set aside/set (put,leave)sth aside1) 留做用,为节省(钱或时间)Try to set aside half an hour every day for something you really enjoy doingWe set aside some money for repair2) 对置之不理,不考虑They will set/put/leave aside their differences and find a solution3) 丢弃,放弃He set his pen aside and read over what he had w

15、rittenAside from 除之外=except for 除之外还=besidesBound adj. 一定的;密切相关的1) 一定会; be bound to do/be It is bound to be sunny again tomorrowThe accident was bound to happen sooner or later2) 有义务的;受约束的You are bound by the contract to pay before the end of the monthI am bound to say I disagree with you on this point拓展Be bound up in sth 忙于 热衷于Be bound up with sth 和某事密切相关Ill be bound 我确信Staff 集合名词 全体员工 注意谓语1) Full-time/ part-ti

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