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1、外研八下英语M5U3微课精讲+知识点总结 重点句子1.The faces came to life.这些脸栩栩如生。come to life 苏醒过来;活灵活现;栩栩如生Everything comes to life in spring.春天万物复苏。2.Today,over a hundred years later,cartoons are still popular with people of all ages.今天,一百多年以后,卡通片仍然受各种年龄的人喜爱。(1)be popular with 受.欢迎;喜爱(2)of all ages 各种年龄的3.In 1977 he app

2、eared in daily newspapers.在1977年他出现在日报中。in daily newspapers 在日报中4.People have also made films based on Batman and Spiderman.人们已经制作了以蝙蝠侠和蜘蛛侠为基础的电影。(1)make films 拍电影(2)based on 以.为基础;在.基础上;以.为依据课文翻译1Complete the conversation with the correct form.部分翻译He has been popular for over eighty years.80多年来,他一直

3、受欢迎。Tintin appeared in China in the 1980s.丁丁在20世纪80年代出现在中国。Snoopy lives in his own private world.史努比生活在他自己的私人世界里。Daming:Hi,Tony. What are you reading?大明:你好,托尼。你在读什么?Tony: The Adventures of Tintin. Its fantastic. (1)_you_ (ever read)a Tintin book?托尼:丁丁历险记。它棒极了。你(1)曾经读过关于丁丁的书吗?Daming; No,I (2)_(never

4、read)a Tintin story. (3)_(be) they popular?大明:没有,我(2)从未读过丁丁的故事。它们(3)是受欢迎的吗?Tony: Yes, they(4)_(be) popular for more than eighty years. The tirst Tintin story (5)_(appear) in 1929.托尼:是的,它们受欢迎已经有80多年了。第一个丁丁的故事(5)出现在1929年。Daming: What does Tintin do?大明:丁丁做什么?Tony:He (6)_(work) for a newspaper and he (7

5、)_(have) lots of exciting experiences.托尼:他在报社(6)工作,他(7)有许多令人激动的经历。Daming:And (8)_the stories_(have) happy endings?大明:故事(8)有美好的结局吗?Tony:Oh,yes,they always do托尼:噢,是的,它们总是如此。Daming:Sounds great! Do you mind if I borrow your book?大明:听起来棒极了!如果我借你的书你介意吗?2Complete the passage with the correct form of the.部

6、分翻译When I was young,I (1) (not like) green vegetables. The only vegetable I (2) (eat) was potatoes. I was quite small and not very strong, so I was not very good at sport. Then when I (3) (watch) television one day I saw the cartoon Popeye. When Popeye stands next to the bad man,Bluto,he (4) (look)

7、small and weak,and when they fight,he always (5) (lose). Then he eats some green vegetables. His arms (6) (grow) thicker. He becomes stronger and he wins his fights. The next day I was going to play football at school, so I asked my mother for some green vegetables. I (7) (score) three times and we

8、won the match! I (8) (love) green vegetables ever since.当我小的时候,我(1)不喜欢绿色蔬菜。我(2)吃的唯一的蔬菜是土豆。我个头相当小,不太强壮,所以我不太擅长运动。后来有一天,当我(3)看电视时,我看了动画片大力水手。当大力水手站在坏人布鲁托旁边时,他(4)看起来又小又弱,当他们战斗时,他总是(5)输。之后他吃了些绿色蔬菜。他的胳膊(6)长得粗了。他变得更强壮,赢得了战斗。第二天我打算在学校踢足球,因此我向母亲要了些绿色蔬菜吃。我(7)得分三次,我们赢得了比赛!从那以后,我(8)喜欢上了绿色蔬菜。3Corrplete the pass

9、age with the words in the box.部分翻译create 创作laugh大笑mess 脏乱own自己的private私人的satisfy使满意ugly丑陋的Many people love cartoons because they are great fun. Parents and children (1) together as the Monkey King makes a terrible (2) or Shrek,the (3) green man, sings a song. Cartoon heroes often live in a (n) (4) w

10、orld ot their (5) .Artists (6) good cartoon heroes as well as bad people. The herces always win,and their stories (7) us and help us feel safe许多人喜欢动画片,因为它们非常有趣。当关猴王搞得非常(2)脏乱的时候,或者是(3)丑陋的绿色的人史瑞克唱了一首歌的时候,父母和孩子们一起(1)大笑。卡通英雄人物经常生活在一个他们(5)自己的(4)私人世界里。艺术家既(6)创作坏人,也创作卡通英雄。英雄总是获胜,他们的故事(7)使我们满意,有助于我们感到安全。4Wo

11、rk in pairs and number the pictures in the correct.部分翻译Stop! 停下!Now listen and check.现在听录音并检查。5Listen again and answer the questions.部分翻译1 Why does Betty not think the cartoon is funny at first?为什么贝蒂起初认为动画片并不有趣?2 Why dces Tony think the cartcon is really clever?为什么托尼认为动画片确实是巧妙的?Lear irg to learn学会学习

12、When you are listening,do not stop paying attention when you hear a word you do not know. Keep listening. The word might not be important,or the speaker may say something to explain its meaning.当你听的时候,听到你不知道的单词时不要停止注意。继续听。这个单词也许不重要,或者说话者为了解释它的意思可能会说些什么。6Read the passage and complete the sentences.部分

13、翻译The first cartoons appeared in newspapers. They told stories using pictures. The first photographed cartoon film (in 1906) was about humorous faces. In the film,an artist drew pictures of two faces on a blackboard. The faces came to life.They smiled and a small dog jumped throuqh a ring.最早的漫画出现在报纸

14、上。它们用图画讲故事。第一部拍摄的卡通电影(在1906年)是关于滑稽的面孔的。在影片中,一位艺术家在黑板上画了两幅面孔图画。面孔生动逼真。它们笑着,一只小狗从一个环中跳过。There were a lot of animals in early cartoons. One famous early cartoon character was Felix the Cat.在早期的连环漫画中有许多动物。一个早期著名的卡通人物是利克斯猫。Walt Disney started to make films in the 1920s. Some of his earliest films were ab

15、out a famous story, Alice in Wonderland,but in Disneys tilms it was called Alice in Cartoon Land. Walt Disneys most famous cartoon character was Mickey Mouse. He appeared in 1928, first in a black-and-white film without sound, then very soon after that in a talking film and later in colour. A Mickey Mouse film was the first cartoon film with sound to become really popular.沃尔特迪斯尼在20世纪20年代开始制作影片。他最早的一些影片是关于一个著名的故事爱丽丝梦游仙境的,但在迪斯尼的影片里,它叫_爱丽丝游历卡通国。沃尔特迪斯尼最著名的卡通人物是米老鼠。他在1928年首次出现在一部无声黑白电影中,然后很快出现在有声电影里,随后是彩色电影。米老鼠电影是第一部变得非常受欢迎的有声卡通电影。Today,over a hundred years later,cartoo

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