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选修七Module 3 Literature.docx

1、选修七Module 3 Literature选修七Module 3 Literature第一课时Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary【预习检测】1. _ 盯着 2. _ 饿疯了3. _ 一直 4. _ 走向朝走去5. _ 要求得到6. _ 挑出7. _交头接耳: 8. _ 惊呆了9. _ 紧抓着 10. _ 有气无力地说11. _(动物)以为食 12. _ 给端上13. _ 需要(主表被) 14. _ 渴望得到 15. _ 有的欲望 16. _ 一就17. _ 作为回报【重难点解析】1.The photo shows a famous scene from

2、 the film of Oliver Twist, one of his most popular novels.例句探源1. Seeing the happy scene of children playing in the park, Im full of joy and confidence in the future of our country. 2. The night scene in Shanghai is quite beautiful. 3. More than 100 volunteers hurried to the scene to donate blood. 用法

3、小结 scene n. 场景;_;_即景活用选词填空(scene / view/ scenery/ sight)1. What a beautiful _ the opening ceremony of the Sochi Winter Olympics took on!2. Youll get a fine _ of the town from the top of the hill.3. The Great Wall is one of the most breathtaking _ in the world.4. All the visitors were fascinated by t

4、he fantastic _of nature here.2. The warden, helped by two women, served the soup from the pot at meal times.例句探源读下面的句子并说出serve在各句的词意。1. I had to wait ten minutes in the shop before I was served. _2. My brother has served in the army for three years. _3. Lei Feng devoted all his life to serving the p

5、eople heart and soul. _4. This residential area is well served with water and gas._5. The English-Chinese dictionary serves me very well._6. The large box in his room can serve as a desk too. _7. Our English teacher volunteered to serve asa guide for the foreigners._用法小结 serve vt.端上(饭菜等),招待serve tea

6、 _ serve dishes _n. 服务_n.仆人,佣人, 侍者_ serve as _ at ones service _即景活用1. The waiter _. 服务员给他端上一杯啤酒。2. _.在万圣节,他经常用糖果招待孩子们。3. The boys whispered to each other, and those next to Oliver nudged him.例句探源1. The children / kids were talking in a whisper in the corner.2. The children were whispering to each o

7、ther in the corner.3. It is whispered that he was in red / in a great debt.用法小结whisper vt.&vi.低声地说,耳语,私下说n. 低语,谣言whisper to sb. _ It is whispered that _ in a whisper=in whispers _4. He stared in complete astonishment at the child and held on to the pot for support.astonish vt. 使惊讶 n. astonishment ad

8、j. _令人惊讶的_惊讶的相关短语 be astonished at/by/that 因而惊讶to ones astonishment 令人惊讶的是in astonishment 吃惊地注意:“in+抽象名词”构成的短语相当于一个副词做状语,表伴随或方式。in _ 公开地 in _ 平静地,安宁地 in _ 沉默地in _ 生气地in _有秩序地in _ 兴奋地supportvt. n. 支撑,支撑物;支持; 赡养例句探源读下面的句子,体会support的不同意义。1. They supportedus in the struggle for an increase in pay. _2. I

9、 have to work hard all year around to support a large family of four._3. The old man is using a walking stick to support his body. _4. Research supports the view that adolescents spend a great deal of time with their peers. _in support of 支持表示“支持”的短语还有:in _of ; _/ _/ _/ _ for; _up.即景活用大多数人支持你的提议。_.5

10、. “Theyll hang that boy, ” said a gentleman in a white jacket.用法小结hang vt. 悬挂;吊死,绞死;(使)低垂,下垂 过去式 过去分词hang _ _ 悬挂,低垂 _ _ 吊死,绞死即景活用Fill in the following blanks with the proper form of hang.1. You will be _ as a spy early tomorrow morning. 2. _ on the wall was a splendid painting. 3. For the broken win

11、dow, he _ his head in shame. (他歉疚地低下了头)短语拓展1. Sorry, I have to hang up ( ) now. Its time for class. OK, Ill call back later.2. Hang on ( ) a minute; Im just coming.3. Its hard work but if you hang on, ( ) youll succeed in the end.4. Hang on to ( ) the rope and Ill pull you up.5. Why did you hang out

12、 ( ) in the bar instead of hanging out with me?6. It is pointless to hang out ( ) washing when it is raining.1. Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still _ the traditional customs. A. perform B. possess C. observe D. support2. A _ will be offered to information leading to the arrest o

13、f the bank robber. A. price B. fund C. reward D. profit3. When she first arrived in China, she wondered what the future might have _ for her, but now all her worries are gone. A. in need B. in time C. in preparation D. in store4. The beautiful girl _(serve as) a hair dresser for a year is a manager now.5. I live in the

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