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1、虚拟函数波形发生器中英文对照外文翻译文献 中英文资料外文翻译The Design of Virtual Function waveform GeneratorAbstractIn this paper, a Virtual Function Signal Generator is designed Based on Labview. How to design the generator is introduced in detail. The Virtual Function Signal Generator can generate basic wave such as Sine wave

2、, formula wave, white noise etc. The generator has functions like wave showing and date saving in addition.Keywords- Virtual Instrument; Labview;Function Signal GeneratorI. INTRODUCTIONThe function signal generator is applied in great many of fields. Virtual Instrument is a new type of instrument wh

3、ich has especial functions that old one do not have. One VI includes PC, hardware which is particularly designed and special software. Being a graphical programming language Labview is used for date gathering, instrument controlling and date analyzing. How to design virtual function signal generator

4、 by Labview is explained in detail in the following paper.II. TOTAL DESIGNAccording to the principle of function signal generator,four parts were designed to compose virtual function signal generator. These four parts are property setting, signal generating, wave showing and date saving.A. Panel of

5、GeneratorIn this system the panel are divided to property setting panel(fig.1) and total structure panel(fig.2) . Main options in the first one are frequency, amplitude, duty cycle and samples etc. about signal. These properties can be set in this panel. Total structure panel just includes four part

6、s that were presented above and some additional parts. Figure 1.Property Set Panel Figure2.Total Structure PanelB. Function about InstrumentsThe Virtual Function Signal Generator can generate basic waves such as Sine wave , special waves like formula wave and some kinds of noise. Signals frequency c

7、an be regulated delicately or roughly. Property can be reset quickly and be used as subprogram sometimes. Moreover has the generator functions like wave showing and date saving etc.III. SOFTWARE ABOUT VIRTUAL FUNCTION SIGNAL GENERATORThe Virtual Function Signal Generator was designed base on Labview

8、 7.0. There are three modules which compose this system: module of property setting, wave generating, wave showing and saving.A. Module of Property SettingFrequency setting and property resetting are two important parts of this module. How to change frequency value multiply is explained in fig.3. No

9、de Selectting isapplied repeatedly and skillfully so that data can be input in many channels. Then select data by switch button. So frequency controlling can be designed as real instrument. How to reset property quickly is explained in fig.4. Figure4. Property ResetFigure3. Frequency Control B. Modu

10、le of Wave GeneratingThis module is the core of the Virtual Function Signal Generator. Structure CASE is used in this work. By special node many types of waves can be generated. For example, how to generate sine wave is explained in fig.5. The other ones can be generated in similar way.Figure5.Graph

11、ical Progranm About Sine Wave GenerateC. Module of Wave Showing and SavingIn fact this module is a composite one which include many functions as operating, applying, debugging, showing etc. Because of lots of acts would be operated though this interface, this interface must be not only practical but

12、 also nice. Fig.6 just explained how to solve these problems.Figure6.Graphical Program About TotalIV. CONCLUSIONBeing graphical language, Labview is very strong and easy tool to make system of measure and test. Virtual Function Signal Generator based on Labview has advantages such as having friendly

13、 interface, operating easily etc. It can generate many types of function signals which have big range of value of frequency and its output datas can be saved. So it can be applied widely.虚拟函数波形发生器的设计摘要 在本次设计中,虚函数信号发生器是基于相位差来设计的。文中详细地介绍了如何设计发生器。虚拟函数信号发生器能产生基本波如正弦波,方波,白噪声等。除此之外,这个函数信号发生器还有波形显示和数据存储功能。

14、关键词 虚拟仪器;图形化编程软件;函数信号发生器一 虚拟函数波形发生器的介绍 函数信号发生器是应用于很多领域。虚拟仪器是一种新型的具有特殊功能的仪器。虚拟函数信号发生器的设计包括详细的计算机硬件设计和特殊的软件设计。作为一个图形化编程语言的虚拟仪器,它是用来收集相位差、控制仪表和分析数据的。以下将会详细介绍如何利用虚拟仪器来设计虚拟函数信号发生器。二 系统设计根据函数信号发生器的工作原理,虚拟函数信号发生器是由四个部分来构成的。这四个部分包括属性设定、信号产生、波形显示和数据存储。1.硬件系统设计在本系统中,硬件面板分为属性设定面板(图1)和信息管理总体结构面板(图2)。第一部分属性设定主要包

15、括输出信号的频率、幅值和取样等。这些属性可以通过属性设定面板来设定。信息管理系统总体结构主要是由上面提及的四部分和一些外部设备组成。 图1 属性设定面板 图2 信息管理总体结构面板2.仪器的功能虚拟函数信号发生器能产生基本波如正弦波、方波和噪音一样的特殊波形。信号的频率可以微调和粗调。发生器可以迅速地被重置,有时还可以被用作子仪器。另外发生器还有波形显示和数据存储功能。三 软件设计 虚拟函数信号发生器的设计基于LabView 7.0的基础。其中有3个模块组成这个系统:属性的设置,波浪发电,波浪模块显示和保存。1.属性设计模块 频率设定和属性重置是此模块的两个重要组成部分。图3解析了如何改变频率

16、值。节点的选用和多次巧妙的运用,使数据可以在多渠道中输入。通过开关按钮,然后选择数据。因此,频率控制,可设计成真正的工具。图4解析了如何迅速重置设置。 图3 频率控制 图4 属性重置2.产生波形模块波形产生模块是虚拟函数信号发生器的核心。结构就是用于完成这项工作。通过特殊的节点可以产生多种波形。例如,如何产生正弦波,图5做出了解析。其它的波形通过类似的方式产生。图5 产生正弦波电路图3、波形显示模块与数据存储模块 事实上,波形显示与数据存储模块模块是一个综合多种功能的模块,其中包括为运行,应用,调试,显示等功能。因为大量的操作都是在这个操作界面完成,因此,这个操作界面不仅要实用,而且要很完善。

17、图6只解释了如何解决这些问题。 图6 设计总图四 结论作为图形化编程语言,LabVIEW是非常强大和快捷的工具,在测量和测试系统方面有很大的作用。基于Labview的虚拟函数信号发生器具有完善的界面,而且具有操作简便、快捷等优点。虚拟函数信号发生器具有产生多种类型信号的功能,而且输出的频率调节范围大,输出数据可以被保存。因此,它可以广泛应用。五、参考文献:1 许庆山等编. 电路、信号与系统.M 北京:航空工业出版社,2002,22-56.2 Sullvan G J. Rate-distortion optimization for video compression.J IEEE Signal

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