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1、英语单项知识的讲解与练习66英语单项知识的讲解与练习(66)326、adequate的用法adequate adj. 充分的,足够的;适当的;胜任的例句:And last but not least there is the question ofadequatefunding. 最后同样重要的是要有足够的资金的问题。Our accommodation is barelyadequate. 我们的住房不太够用。Their earnings areadequateto their needs. 他们挣的钱够用了。Though a bit too old, he is stilladequatet

2、o the work. 虽然他年纪大了点,却仍能胜任这项工作。短语:be adequate for/ to sth 适当的(+to/for),胜任的(+to); be adequate to do sth 能满足需要(量)的,足够的(+for)(+to-v);take adequate measures采取适当措施;The supply is not adequate to the demand供不应求;用法: be adequate for + 名词;be adequate to + 动词;adequate后接to或 for,表示“够、足够”。如:Is the pay adequate to

3、 the work that must be performed? 后接不定式。如:His wages are adequate to support three people.adequate的基本意思是数量或程度上“充分的,足够的”,指仅够某事或某场合之所需,而不会超过很多。adequate也可指性质或质量上“适当的,适度的,正好合适的”,指达到要求,符合客观标准。adequate还可指能力或资历等“胜任的”“尚可的,差强人意的”,指合乎一个不太高或不太严格的标准。adequate在句中多用作表语,后接介词to表示“恰当的”“称职的”“令人满意的”,接介词for表示“足够的”。adequa

4、te有时也可用作定语。adequate不用于比较等级。辨析:adequate 表示符合一个客观标准,兼有适当的意思。enough 侧重表示数量的足够,有充分的、足够的意思。练习:(1). 完成句子:给我们的钱基本上够用。The amount of money we have been given is _ adequate.供不应求。The supply is not adequate _ the demand.当时的那些火车被认为不适用于现代铁路。The trains were not considered adequate _ use on the modern railways.(2).

5、 单项填空:There _ adequate rain and snow last winter. A. were B. were not C. was D. be Though a bit too old, he is still adequate _ the work. A. for B. to C. in D. with I hope he _adequateto the job. A. does B. is C. was D. will be His knowledge isadequate_ this job well. A. to do B. to doing C. does D.

6、 to If you want to try out some new learning methods, youd better select those that are most_for your own style. A. appropriate B. apparent C. arbitrary D. adequateMy English is not brilliant, but Im sure it is_for the job Im applying for. A. accessible B. appropriate C. adequate D. preciousShe is a

7、 very _ secretary: she never forgets anything or makes a mistake. A. anxious B. effective C. adequate D. efficient In fact, there is no _ liberty in any country. A.adequate B.absolute C.private D.practicalBy law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have _ opportunity to change his mind. A. ac

8、curate B. urgent C. excessive D. adequate327、admiration的用法admiration (n) 钦佩、赞美、羡慕;例句:The team felt greatadmirationfor the coach.队员们都非常钦佩教练。You have my unreservedadmiration.我对你无限钦佩。Jack basked in his wifesadmiration.杰克得到他妻子的赞赏而洋洋得意。The work challenges theadmirationof all ages.这件作品值得受各时代的赞赏。短语:in admi

9、ration of怀着对的赞美;express admiration for对表示钦佩;do sth to admiration把某事做得极好;self-admiration自赏;mutual admiration society相互吹捧;to admiration极好地,令人钦佩地.;note of admiration惊叹号;用法:admiration后接for,宾语可是人或物,表示“赞美”。如: I thought someone told me that you had expressed a great admiration for him. 前加介词to,常作状语,表示“令人钦佩地

10、”。如: We have succeeded to admiration.(圆满);admiration一般无复数,前常同时有不定冠词和形容词。如: We have a deep admiration for them.比较:respect honour regard esteem admiration这些名词均有“尊敬、尊重、敬意”之意。respect:respect指对年长、地位较高的人的尊敬,对他人成就、行为或见解等经过仔细评估后而表示尊重,暗示在上述人面前表现谦恭和有礼貌。honour:honour指对长辈或有地位、有名望、有功劳的人公开表示极大敬意或软佩。regard:regard最

11、正式用词,中性,与respect和honour近义。esteem:esteem除表示尊敬之外,还暗示由此可而产生的称赞。admiration:admiration指除表示尊敬外,还常伴随有一种真挚的倾慕之情。练习:Things that contribute most to a sense of happiness cannot be bought, such as good family life, friendship and work_. A. fulfillment B. transfer C. acceleration D. admirationSome students think

12、 they enjoy reading just out of interest, but others argue that a better score is their main_. A. recognitionB. admiration C. occupation D. motivationHe is one of her many _. A. admiration B. admirer C. admirers D. admirationsI shall say myadmiration_ your skill is great. A. in B. for C. of D. withT

13、heir diplomatic principles completely laid bare their _ for world conquest. A. admiration B. ambition C. administration D. orientation 328、alternative的用法alternative两者(或以上)择一的、供选择的;例句:Have you got analternativesuggestion?你有没有其他建议?Please findalternativemeans of transport.请另外找一个运输方法。Is there a credible

14、 alternative to the nuclear deterrent?是否有可以取代核威慑力量的可靠办法?An alternative is genuine old pasture Kentish indigenous ryegrass可供选择的一种牧草是真正的英国肯特郡的土生的黑麦草。The process of alternating solid rock masses is called metamorphism固体岩体变换的过程即所谓变质作用。短语:alternative ways可选择的两种方法;the alternative of going or staying去留之间的抉

15、择;have no alternative in the matter在这件事上没有挑选的余地;go by ship or alternatively by rail乘船去或乘火车去;have no alternative but to do sth.只能做某事;除外别无选择;= have no choice but to do something. = have no option but to do something.用法:alternative常和否定词连用,表示“别无其它选择的可能”。如:We have no alternative but to move.alternative后接

16、to,表示“可能被代替的东西”。如:The alternative to riding is walking.(不骑马,可以步行);比较:这些名词均含有“选择”之意。choice:侧重指自由选择的权利或特权。alternative:指在相互排斥的两者之间作严格的选择,也可指在两者以上中进行选择。preference:侧重因偏见、爱好或判断等而进行选择。option:着重特别给予的选择权利或权力,所选物常常相互排斥。selection:指作广泛的选择,着重选择者的识别力或鉴赏力。election:强调目的和达到目的判断能力。练习:(1). 单项填空As there is less and les

17、s coal and oil,scientists are exploring new ways of making use of _energy,such as sunlight,wind and water for power and fuel. A.primary B.alternative C.instant D.uniqueIts great to try hard, but if youre not getting the job done well, all your efforts_wont count. A. ultimately B. preferably C. alter

18、natively D. awfullyThe painting is now accepted as an_original work of Picasso. A. intelligent B. innocent C. authentic D. alternativeEven though wind, tide, solar and nuclear technologies are regarded as new fuel sources, there is no_to the oil at present. A. acquaintance B. adjustment C. advantage

19、 D. alternativeIf you dont like the school lunch, you have the_of bringing your own. A. selection B. choice C. alternative D. electionThe manager said that they had a(n)_plan if the plan they had suggested earlier was not accepted. A. alternative B. secure C. conservative D. constantIn this school,

20、the students have three _ courses, and seven _ courses. A. required; alternative B. requiring; alternative C. required; alternate D. requiring; alternate Im afraid I have no alternative _ report you to the police. A.but B.but to C.and We have no alternative _ go on. A.but C.but to D.and Th

21、ere was _ alternative but to fight till the victory. A.other B.another C.more other (2). 单句改错 I had no alternative but report him to the police. You have the alternative to speaking or keeping quiet. Tom and Harry do the work on alternative days.329、annoy的用法annoy (v)使烦恼、使生气; annoying (adj)讨厌的、恼

22、人的;例句:His ceaseless chatter began toannoyme.他不停的唠叨使我厌烦起来。We canannoythe enemy by raids.我们可用袭击骚扰敌人。Itannoyme when people forget to say thank you.遇到有人忘记道谢的时候,我就不痛快。If you persist, you willannoythem even more.你若固执,他们就更恼火了。His tempers is changeable this week, so do notannoyhim.这星期他脾气变化无常,所以不要惹他生气。短语:ann

23、oy sb with sth/ by doing sth因(做)某事使某人烦恼;be annoyed with sb生某人的气;be annoyed at/ by sth因某事生气;be annoyed to do sth因做某事而生气;用法:常用在被动结构中,后接about,表示“因而烦恼或生气”。如:I am very annoyed about that bus conductor. 后接at,表示“对烦恼或生气”。如:The Dean was vastly annoyed at the committees delay. 后接by,表示“被所烦恼”。如:I was annoyed by

24、 hecklers during the last half of my speech. 后接with,表示“对谁厌烦”。如:His sister was annoyed with her boy friend. 后可接不定式或that引起的从句。如:She is annoyed (to learn) that he has not answered her letter.annoy的基本意思是“打扰,干扰”,引申可作“使烦恼,使恼怒”解,强调经常的、不断的干扰、激怒或苦恼。只用作及物动词,其后多接名词、代词作宾语。be annoyed结构一般不用very修饰,但可用much或very muc

25、h修饰。练习:Brown said he was by no means annoyed;_,he was glad to be able to make himself clearly understood. A.all in all B.for one thing C.on the contrary the way _customers,some shop-owners often play music very loudly,which often annoys the residents (居民) around. A.Attracting B.Attracted C.To a

26、ttract D.To be attracting_annoys the parents is that children spend too much time getting online. A.That B.Which C.What D.It It was what he meant rather than what he said _annoyed me. A. which C.what D.thatAlthough Lily is usually easy-going, she_be sometimes quite annoying. A. must B. need C.

27、can D. shouldWhy do you think the film star is getting less popular? I guess the way she wears is_annoys her fans most. A. which B. where C. how D. whatJane was _ with Mary for applying for the same job. A. annoying B. annoyed C. bothered D. botheringThe teacher got very _ when the boy student refus

28、ed to answer his question. A. annoying B. being annoyed C. to be annoying D. annoyedThe mother was _ when she heard the _ news. A. annoyed; annoying B. annoying; annoyed C. annoyed; annoyed D. annoying; annoyingI hope you wont be _ by all my questions. A. annoying B. annoyed C. to annoy D. to be ann

29、oying330、anxiety的用法anxiety (n)忧虑、担心、焦急、渴望、热切;例句:It proved difficult to disguise hisanxiety.他的焦虑难以掩饰。They show greatanxietyconcerning their retirement allowance.他们对自己的养老金问题显得十分焦虑。This has caused us muchanxiety.这事使我们极为担心。Someanxietystill lurked in her mind.她心里还暗暗地有点不放心。Hisanxietyfor knowledge is to be

30、 praised.他对知识的渴求应该受到称赞。短语:cause anxiety使人担忧;display anxiety表现出焦虑;drown ones anxieties and worries in drink借酒浇愁;feel anxiety感到担心;fall a prey to anxiety被忧虑困扰;free from anxiety无忧无虑;in great anxiety非常忧虑;wait with anxiety焦急地等待;without anxiety无忧无虑地;anxiety about对的忧虑;anxiety about future对前途担忧;anxiety for渴望,焦急盼望;anxiety for knowledge强烈的求知欲;anxiety for news想得到消息的焦急心情;anxiety for sbs return渴望某人回来;anxiety for sbs safety为某人的安全担忧;用法: anxiety后接不定式或that引出的同位语从句。如:I know his anxiety to follow her example. 后接about或for,表示渴望或焦虑的内容。如:He was filled with anxiety ab

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