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1、小学四年级英语演讲稿精选多篇小学四年级英语演讲稿(精选多篇)第一篇:四年级英语话题演讲稿四年级英语话题演讲稿四年级一、our schoolhello! my name is li a girl. im a student in grade let me talk about our school.our school is shengli primary school.there is a big building in our school.there are many teachers and students in our school.our schoo

2、l has many teachers offices and many classrooms.our school has a playground,a library and a canteen.look! our classroom is on the second floor, our teachers office is on the first floor. the canteen is at the school gate,our school has a big playground. we often run ,play football and do morning exe

3、rcises on the playground. in the garden, there are many beautiful flowers.they are colourful. i love these flowers.our school has a library.there are many books in our school library. we can go to the library and read story-books. i like to read story-books.our school has a canteen.i often eat lunch

4、 in the canteen.our school has a computer room.there are many computers in it.we often go to the computer room and play computer games.i like playing computer games.our school is beautiful. we love our shool.thats all.thank you.bye!二、timehello! my name is li a girl. im a student in grade four

5、.now let me talk about the time.i get up at 6:30.i go to school at 7:05. i go home at 4:35.i go to bed at 9:00.classes begin at 8:30.its time for music class.its 9:45.its time for math class.its 2:50.its time for chinese class.its 11:05.its time for english class.its本站推荐:)s time for p.e. cl

6、ass.look, i can do:time for breakfast.drink some milk;time for lunch. have some chicken;time for some rice;time for p.e. jump and run;time for and write;time for music.sing and dance! thank you!三、clotheshello! my name is li a girl. im a student in grade let me

7、 talk about clothes. how many clothes do you know? well,i know.they are jacket,sweater,skirt,shirt , dress,jeans,pants and shorts.what colour do you like? well,i like brown jacket,white sweater,green skirt,red shirt and blue dress.i like the white sweater with the green skirt.i like the blue dress.l

8、ook,i can do:put on your t-shirt.hang up your skirt.take off your jacket. fold your dress.wash your shirt.put away your sweater. thank you!四、farmhello! my name is li a girl. im a student in grade let me talk about the farm.what animals are on the farm?do you know?well,i the f

9、arm,there are many animals.they are sheep,horses,hens,cows,lambs and goats.what can we do at the farm?at the farm,we can feed the hens,ride a horse,milk a cow,sheer a sheep,hold a the farm,you can see tomatoes,cucumbers,potatoes,onions and carrots.they are fresh.and the potatoes are very big

10、. thats all.thank you!第二篇:小学四年级英语作文my schoolmy school is big and clean. the teachers are kind. the students are polite. we go to school rain or shine. the playground, gym, library, canteen, garden are on the first floor. the classrooms and teachers office are on the second floor, we study hard in cl

11、ass. on the third floor, there are some art rooms, music rooms, tv rooms andcomputer rooms.after class, we go to the playground .some of us play games and some chat with each other. after school, we do homework and go to bed early.there are about 1,000 students in my school. at school, im happy. do

12、you think my school is beautiful ?第三篇:小学英语四年级说课稿说课稿各位领导、老师:下午好!我是来自绵阳师范学院的罗颖。我今天说课的内容是新起点小学英语四年级上册unit6 asking for help lesson34 整个说课我将分成以下几个部分进行讲述:即教材分析、学生分析、教学目标、教学过程和教学反思。(一)教材分析:lesson34这个课时围绕在应对突发状况时应如何向别人求助或求救而展开教学活动,让学生学会灵活运用前几个课时所学please can you? 等句型实现交际目的。(二)学生分析:我这节课的受众是四年级学生,他们依然具备一些如何应对突

13、发事件的能力,而他们需要的是如何用英文表述,以及了解一些社会生活常识,而这就是我的职责所在。(三)教学目标:本课教学目标分为能力目标和情感目标。让学生掌握一些在紧急情况下的一些句型和基本会话,更重要的是培养他们助人为乐的精神和应对紧急状况的镇定等。(四)教学过程:在这个过程中,我将用“扶不扶”这个社会热点问题作为lead in 引出本课的教学活动,了解我的学生们对于这种社会与道德问题的看法,以便我有针对性地对他们进行素质教育;step我把教材中的part a read and match与part c role play结合起来。这个阶段,我将把学生分成四个小组,然后分别给每个组一张图片同时还

14、有其他三张图的英语对应答案,每个小组将有一次机会用中文和肢体语言将所拿图片内容表演出来,其余三组最快抢答并选出匹配英文答案的就加一分,否则将不加分。这个过程中我会用情景教学法进行授课并充当组织领导者让学生亲身参与,学习体会更深刻。step 这是part b,我会先给学生看几句和图片内容相关的句子表达,然后给他们讲解119,120,121等生活常识以及一些生单词如mushroom,以便他们更好地理解,然后让他们根据所给信息联想可能出现的场景,再给他们图片带着目的去做题,相信他们的效率会更高。step 这个部分,也就是教材上的part d try to say 因为这课内容的交际实用性,要求学生在

15、短时间内向用英文向别人呼救,所以对学生的发音要求非常严格,这儿我会给学生分别列出几组英文单词,它们共同点是每组都有相同或相似的音标,以便学生的辨识与学习。(五)教学反思 我将会结合个体反思和集体反思来评价总结本节课,做到与时俱进,反思是否做到了结合多媒体教学和利用有效的能够激起学生学习兴趣的教学方法来进行授课,并写下反思报告,以便纵向总结比较自己的教学模式方法等。第四篇:小学四年级英语作文小学英语作文:我的学校(双语)my school is near a small lake. it is very beautiful. i like my school very much.我的学校在一个小

16、湖的旁边。非常美。我非常喜欢自己的学校。we have a high teaching building and it is big and clean. our classroom is on the fifth floor. the computer rooms are on the third floor. we have computer classes there. we have a big library on the second floor. there are many books in it. i like reading books there. we also hav

17、e music room and art rooms in the building.我们有一座很高的教学楼,它很大而且很整洁。我们的教室在五楼。机房在三楼。我们在那里上微机课。我们有一个大图书馆在二楼。里面有很多书。我喜欢在那里读书。我们还有音乐教室和美术教室哦。 there is a big playground behind the teaching building. after class, we often play basketball there.在教学楼后面有一个大操场。我们经常课后去那打篮球。the teachers in my school are very kind.

18、the students are very polite and smart. i am happy in my school.我们学校的老师很和蔼。学什么也很礼貌很聪明。我在学校里很开心。第五篇:小学四年级英语教案课题: unit onemyclassroom淮滨县防胡小学:黄恩梅教学目标:1 能听懂、会说lets. 和let me.及其表示赞同的回答:good idea.和all right.并能在日常生活中区分和正确使用这两个句子来表建议和意愿。2 能听懂、会说clean the classroom, clean the desks and chairs, clean the windo

19、w, clean the board.并能在日常生活中用到这些表示动作的词组。3 能听懂会用its nice and clean和good job!夸奖某物或某人。4 通过学习本课内容,教育学生要热爱班集体,热爱劳动。 教学重点:学习lets 和let me及其表示赞同的回答:good idea.和all right.学习词组clean the classroom, clean the desks and chairs, clean the window, clean the board.教学难点:区分和正确使用lets与let meclean在本课中具有两种含义,教师要在学生不理解时进行解释

20、。单词job的发音有些难,特别是字母j的发音。教具准备:1 教材相配套的教学课件unit 1 lets talk/b2 教材相配套的教学录音带3 教师自画的图片(图片可表示出本课所学的词组)教学过程:(一)热身、复习 (warm-up / revision)1 复习本单元a部分lets do的内容,让学生听指令做动作。教师也可把这一练习改为simon says的游戏。如果听到教师说simon says: open the door.学生必须要做出相应的动作,如果教师的指令中没有说simon says,学生则不必做出相应的动作,而应保持原来的姿势不动。2让学生翻开课本,看一看,说一说p4页和p5

21、页黄颜色部分的标题都是什么。通过这一环节让学生熟悉lets.这一句型。(二)呈现新课(presentation)1 用学过的词组clean the window导出新词组。教师先出示卡片,让学生认读clean the window并做出相应的动作或说出中文意思。然后分别出示卡片并贴到黑板上:clean the classroom, clean the desks and chairs, clean the board, 让学生认读词组,并启发学生说出中文。2 教师创设情景,呈现新知。教师出示人物面具,让学生使用this is介绍这些人物:wu yifan, sarah, amy, zhang

22、peng, john, mike, chen jie 和miss white.教师创设情景:they are classmates. one day they are going to clean the classroom. every one wants to do something . now lets look! what do they want to do?3 师生共同观看教学课件2遍unit 1 lets talk/b4 教师提问,学生回答:who says: lets clean the classroom? (wu yifan)who says : lets clean t

23、he desks and chairs? (zhang peng)sarah 和 amy 同意他们提出的建议吗?他们是怎么回答的呢?(good idea. all right)告诉学生在表示同意别人提出的建议时可用good idea和all right来表示,让学生学说这两个句子。who want to clean the window. (mike)who want to clean the board?(chen jie)is the picture nice? (yes. its nice.并板书,让学生用完整句回答问题)nice在nice to meet you.句子中曾经学过,教师可

24、稍做解释,与good同义。is the classroom nice and clean? (yes.its nice and clean.并板书,让学生用完整句回答问题) clean在本句中与前面所学的意思不同,意为干净的。教师可先让学生在理解的基础上才出该词的含义。what does miss white say? (good job!并板书)让学生凭借自己的理解能力猜意思,教师做补充。5 教师提出问题让学生思考:wu yifan, zhang peng与mike, chen jie所说的句子相同吗?有什么区别?让学生带着问题再看一遍教学课件。6 学生回答问题,教师进一步做讲解。lets是

25、建议让我们做什么事情,是一个人对其他人说的话,意思是让大家和自己一同做一件什么事。而let me也是一个人对其他人说的话,但是只是让自己做某事,没有让大家一起做的意思。7 让学生看黑板读出词组和句子。8 看书听录音并跟读。(使用教材相配套的教学录音带,unit 1 lets talk/b)9 让学生观看教学课件,给学生分小组,扮演对话中的人物进行实际交流。(此时,学生可以运用教材中的人物头饰。 )10学生展示练习情况,教师要做适当的表扬和鼓励,进一步培养学生敢于开口、勇于运用英语的习惯并形成浓厚的学习兴趣。11让学生以小组为单位运用本课所学知识自编情景对话,教师可找12组进行展示,并及时进行评

26、价。12教师要在教学中对学生进行热爱班集体和热爱劳动的教育。(三)趣味操练(practice)游戏1 猜词游戏 (见unit 1 lets play/b)小组活动。教师把准备好的图片发给每小组一套。图片上画的图分别表示:clean the window, clean the desk, clean the chair, clean the board, clean the classroom, open the door, turn on the light, put up the picture, sweep the floor.游戏规则:一名学生闭上眼晴,另一名学生站在他后面把图片放在他的头上,闭着眼睛的同要猜出图片上所表示的英文是什么,小组内的其他同学要根据他所说出的内容用yes或no来判断。最后比一比哪个同学猜出的单词最多。(四)扩展性活动( add-activities)你能用lets或let me说出多少个句子?学生把学过的句子加以总结,并可说出课外所学的有关句子并教给大家。 板书设计: clean the classroomclean the desksclean the chairsclean the windowclean the board作业布置: 1、 listen to the recorder2、 read the sentences

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