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届一轮复习外研版选修八Module 1 Deep South学案.docx

1、届一轮复习外研版选修八Module 1 Deep South学案Module 1 Deep South学案基础自主回顾.课标单词1_(adj.)每年的2_(adj.)极端的,极度的3_(v.)储存,留存;使陷入困境4_(v.)使平衡5_(adj.)令人沮丧的;令人抑郁的6_(n.)最少量;最小数7_(n.)荣幸annualextremetrapbalancedepressingminimumprivilege8_(v.)对待如朋友9_(n.)深度_(adj.)深的_(v.)加深;使变深10_(v.)促进,增进_(n.)促进;促销11_(adj.)不正常的,反常的_(adj.反义词)正常的12_


3、e.常用短语1_平均2_使适应3_以形式4_陷入5_引入注目,突出6_进入,到达7_特别地on averageadapt toin the form ofbe trapped instand outset foot onin particular8_进入视野9_想出;提供10_信守诺言11_阻止某人做某事12_如果;假使come into sightcome up withkeep ones promisediscourage sb. from doing sthin case of.重点句型1_,it is the fifth largest continent in the world.南

4、极洲覆盖了南极圈周围约1,400万平方公里的面积,是世界第五大洲。答案:Covering about 14 million square kilometres around the South Pole2_the late 18th century _the Antarctic Circle, but he never saw land.直到18世纪末,英国探险家詹姆斯库克才穿越了南极圈,但他却从未发现任何陆地。答案:Not until;did the British explorer James Cook cross3_South Georgia.沙克尔顿花了17天的时间到达了南佐治亚州。答

5、案:It took Shackleton 17 days to reach.模块语法1. It worries her a lot _ her son is more and more dependent on her.A. whenB. thatC. as D. because答案:B2. On Saturday afternoon, Mr. Green went to the market, _ some bananas and visited his cousin.A. bought B. buyingC. to buy D. buy答案:A3. The fire spread thro

6、ugh the hotel but everyone _ get out.A. had to B. wouldC. could D. was able to答案:D4. Reading is to the mind _ food is to the body.A. that B. whatC. which D. while答案:B5. Reading a book every day and doing morning exercises every morning _ good habits.A. is B. haveC. are D. will答案:C考点探究解密考 点 解 读 1prom

7、ote vt.增进,促进;提升(常与to连用)They often have a talk to each other to promote understanding.精讲拓展:promotion n提升;晋级promote sb. from sth. to sth.把某人从某职位提升至某职位be promoted to.被升为get/win promotion获得晋级be on ones promotion有希望提升注意:(1)advance指“向某一目标或方向前进的运动或效果”。 (2)promote作“提升”解时可与advance通用;它强调“促使某种事业向前发展以达到预期的结果,并侧

8、重于对该人或事物(尤指公开性质)的赞助和鼓励”。(3)progress则指“稳定、经常的进步”,这种进步可能有间隔,常用于抽象事物。(4)proceed多指“继续前进”。朗文在线:The government did many things to promote the peoples life.政府采取多种措施来提高人民的生活水平。Jacky was promoted to the president of the company last year.去年杰克被提升为公司总裁。活学巧练:His classmate has been_to the general manager,but he

9、remains the same.AraisedBrisenClifted Dpromoted答案与解析:D句意:他同学已被提升为经理,而他依旧没变。raise vt.不与to连用,意为“使上升”;rise vi.意思是“上升,上扬,升起”,无被动;lift vt.“提起,抬高”指把东西抬离地面;promote“提升,晋升”,be promoted to被晋升/提拔为;由句意知选D项。2balance v使(保持)平衡;权衡n.平衡;称精讲拓展:balance the advantages against the disadvantages权衡得失keep(ones)balance保持平衡lo

10、se(ones)balance失去平衡a balanced diet均衡饮食on balance总的说来朗文在线:I lost my balance and fell on my face.我失去平衡,脸着地摔倒了。I think on balance I prefer the old system.总的说来,我觉得更喜欢旧体制。Exports must go down to balance decreased imports.必须减少出口以便和下降的进口保持平衡。命题方向:balance作名词和动词的用法有可能在高考单项填空和完形填空中考查。活学巧练:完成句子(1)The expenses_

11、(相抵)the receipts.答案:(1)balance(2)We should protect the wild animals to_ _ _ _ _ (保持自然界生态平衡)答案:(2)keep the natural environments balance(3)Despite some difficulties, China has achieved a lot in the past year_.A. off balance B. in the balanceC. on balance D. on the balance答案与解析:C句意:尽管有一些困难,但总的来说中国在过去的一

12、年中还是获得了很多。off balance不平衡;in the balance未定的,不确定的;on balance总的来说;on the balance搭配错误。3discourage vt.使丧失勇气,使气馁,使沮丧;试图阻止,阻拦,劝阻Dont let one failure discourage you,and try again.精讲拓展:discouraging adj.“令人气馁的”,表示主动的意思。discouraged adj.“气馁的”,表示被动的意思。discourage from劝阻discourage sb. from doing sth.阻拦,劝阻某人不做某事cou

13、rage n. 勇气encourage v鼓励encouragement n鼓励encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人干be encouraged at.受的鼓励give sb. courage to do sth.给某人干的勇气朗文在线:We ought to be focusing on discouraging kids from smoking.我们应把重点放在劝阻孩子们不要吸烟上。The government will take measures to discourage the use of cars in cities.政府将采取限制在城市使用汽车的措施。Students soon get discouraged if you criticize them too often.如果你批评学生次数太多的话,他们很快就会泄气的。活学巧练

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