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1、剑桥国际少儿英语KB3听力文本全Unit 1Helloagain!1、stendoint、Stella:Hell a! Were theStar Famiy、 Im StelaStar a Im eit、his is bthr, Simn、e , and his i my ster,Suy、 Ses four、Simo:hisis mygrandmotr、 es granma Sa、Grda:eo、Sion:hiis my gradfate、 H grnda Star、Simon:Gandpa, sayhello、randpa:Oh! elo,eerybody、r Sar:And were M

2、radMrsStar、Smn:Was yur name? How d re yu?、Listen, ont and epe、StlamonSuzyM StarMrs tarGranmaStarGndpaSta3、Listnd aer、Treo:Hello! I Tevor、Lk t umbr fo、Whos he?ook at nmbeo、 Whos s?Lookt nmbe eigh、Who h?Lok at berhree、Wo sh?ok at numbesx、Wh se?ok at nmer two、 Who he?Look at bnin、hoshe?Lok nmbr tn、 Wo

3、he?Look nuer ive、Whos s?Lkaumbr seen、 Who h?(wer:4 M star, Suzy, 8 oy,3tella, 6 Grandma S, 2 Sim,9Marie, 10 Maska,5 MrsStar, Grandpaar)Unit 2 ak tochool!1、Listen an oint、Stlla:Helo, Ale! Heo, Lenny!Ho are you?le nd ny:Fine,thans、Merra:I hs your clssom,Simo?Si:Ys、ea:Whos that on he oard?Simo:Thats my

4、 faort toy, Maskman、 Look atmy Mamanrler、en:Thats nice、 M ules onmydek、tl:Are your school books in te bookcase?Simon:No, hey are in the uboa、 Ourteachrshere no、StellaanMeera:Oos2、Lsten, point n eat、boardbookasecupoadeskulereace6、ist,ind ret、Te a logn le onher desk、Tere are a lotofboosin h bookcae、Th

5、eres a big iteba on h wall、heresaputer the classrom,ut tere isnt television、Un 3 Pay tme!1、Lsen and pint、uy:Ooh, kites!Can w lktthm, Dd?Mr Sta:OK, zy、Whae they?uy:Ovthre! Nt to h orres、im:Lokat thserobots!Stela:Uh!Tre ly!lex:Ilikethibig elw ac、Mera:Lok tiscmer、 Isrge, m favurit olour、Sela:Hm! Look!

6、putr ams! I lvpter game!io:Great!Is teea akmanPlaybox?Sa:Yes,trei,nd ths Can you spell? gme、Mea, Aex,Sio:Uh! Stlla!2、Lsen, pointarepea、mrwachkiterotlorryputere3、Lste, pit adsay tenumbers、Thr are olls、This a rbot、Thsis a ai、This ia camera、Theseare lorres、Thisi a wach、Tis is putergame、This is a kite、h

7、ese aebals、4、isten n sayes o no 、Threare two id ed orries、(No-Teres a relry ad a yelloory、)Tees batiulpikand purpl ie、(Yes)heresa Mama puter am、(Yes)hees an ugly rob with green ees、(oTheres an uglyobt wth ed eyes、)Teres a song cama、(es)hees ceanoangecamra、Ther ar wo smalwhit balls、hee are tre apy do

8、lls、Thre ar two big ello watchs、hes a ongrow trai、5、Liste,pontnd repet、oyn he ty box,e ive,Wlan talk,On the ont offive、ne, two, tree, fo, five、nt:ok t uzys kte!Its bauiful、ts pnk andpure wi long tail、akman:And ts big, nd it an fly、 I cn flytoo、Whats ha, Marie?arie:Its Cn yo pl? pter gam、Mony:Wse s i

9、t?Is itSys?Mrie:o, it ist、 ts stelas、ont:Wht tha unde the abl?Masma:tsSimons asetbal、Mty:No, not tht、Whtstt ne tynxt tothe ball?Mie:It a bi bot、 Its MetalMouth、Masma:etal Muth? Hmm, ye、 Its ugy rbot、Moty:hse is i?Maskma:ItsSions、Metl oh:M namisMetal Moth、 My nae Mtal Mouth、Mt:oh, look!I ca wal ad tl

10、k、Masman:es,utit cat fl、I canfy、6、Lsten, pont andret、Loo at Suys kite、o is the puer game?It Stell putegae、I Simons root、 Unit4 A home!1、Lite ndt、tella:CanI ply, Suzy?uz:O!Stella:Wheremy bedroom?Suz:Is re, nexttot bahrom、Stlla:OK!z:Put thilue at o he foorttoyour e、Stela:anI hve a phon i y broo?Su:No,

11、you cant、 Te pnei the lirom next to th sofa、Stella:C I ha a Lamp, pease?uzy:OK、 Yu ca ut the lamponth tabe next yur b、tlla:Thnk, Suy、 WhrecanI ptthe amair?Szy:Put itin the vn o under the clok、Stela:Ishere a rror n my edoom?Suzy:A irrr iour bdroom? , tereint、 ee r tree miror、 one in t bhroom, ne in m

12、y bdoomand one in Simonsbedrm、Stell:、2、ien, pon andrpea、matlamplockpoemirsofa4、Listen andcorrc、hees girl sittingo thsofa、(No, her snt、Thre boytig on h soa、)here ror nh living ro、(No,hre isnt、 Ther mirror in he bahrom、)heres aphein eeroom、(No, thre sn、 Theresa phoe in thall、)T a bot on the bd、(No, th

13、r isnt、Theres a boa in the bt、)Thee ofa in the hall、(No, erisnt、 Thre a soa in the liig room、)hers lp under te widow、(No, tere is、 Thrs lmp on the bl、)Theres aclocknet to e bah、(No, hee isn、Teea cck on the wal、)Thers a by sttng o th bd、(No, hee isnt、 Teres a gir sitting on the ed、)5、Liten an corect、

14、Grada:im! Stella!Ca o tke yr clothes to you brom, pease?Sim adslla:OK!Grandp:Whse Tshirts that?Stella:Wic Thit?Granpa:Th yellow ne、Stll:I Szy、Sion:No,i isnt、 Itsm、Stela:No,imon、 t T-shirs verysmal、 Yos isth bg yellow on overere、Smo:Oh! es!rndpa:OK、Ae te blu sck ours, Sion?Son:No, theyarntmie、hey are

15、Dads、Granpa:What now? Oh, yes!Wsbc tusersar hose?Stll nd in:Theyryurs,radpa、Grand:h, es!Tats rih, thy ae、6、sn,pin ndrepeat、Grp:hose hirtsat?imon:Itsmine、Grandpa:Whos bak troses e tos?tela andSimon:Theye you,Granda、Unit5 etfamily、Listnad point、Stl:oo, Lenysit Franks mum d dad、Smon:hosFrnk?Stela:ranks

16、 Lenny bab cousin、Meera:Oh, how old is ?Stella:Hs e、Simon:Ho may cosins hve yout, Mera?Meer:Six:four boys ad twoirs、 wmany cousins ave u got?Son:None,butwevegta baby、nas Suzy、Suzy:Inot bby、 m bi girl! Grapa! Smon says Im a aby、Gandpa:Smn, as youre bioy, u anflySuzy kitwi er、 Here you are!Sion:Puh! T

17、hank you!、Listen,poi nd repeat、mmmydaddgrandmagrandpcousib3、Len, pint nd answe、HeLnny ad、Wats his nme?(Nick)ShesFranks cusin、shernae?(Ma)Hes Kms broth、 Whas isname?(B)hes nn sister、 Whts hrnam? (Ma)She Fran mmy、Wa her nme? (Ly)Hes May cosn、 Wha his me?(Frak)Hs Fra gradpa、 Wtshis nae? (Nson)Shes Sam

18、grnda、Whats her ame?(Anna)5、 Listen and aythe nubes、enys hittng th al、()e os gttig the bal、 (19)oys theris caig isout、 (14)h babysleepig、 (1)Simonsthroin the ball、(1)Thirls kiking the oota、 (18)Fran mum a dadr alking、(12)Mees catching the bal、 ()Grandps fg ai、 (1)h atsumping、 (20)Uit 6 Dineme1、Liten

19、 and point、Sion:Wh a udong, Dad?Mr Sta:Im makin die、 Ths ig wve gtbrad ad wate、Stel:No, w ct ave re and water for dir, Dad、Wehave rd and k fr brekfst、Suzy:m、ilks my favouit drink、So:Orageice y favorit dn、Su:o, wat frdinner, Dad?Simon:ets avegg dchips、Suz:Lets have hcolate ce!MrSar:N, uy、 Chocolte ke

20、s ortea、Allthreehln:So,whatfr innr?M Sta: for inr? Is our fauri, its yavouie, t ou favoure、 hisevening wvegotDds Sar inner!、 Chc n ice!Sell, SionaSuz:Lovel、Listen,pitd epeat、breadwatermljicechckeneggschipsice5、istandswe、Mr ta:e on, everybody、it down、I iner time、l the children:OK, Dad、uzy:a I hvsoe r

21、it juice, ase, Mum?Ms tar:Yes, Szy、 Orangejuir applejie?Suzy:Oranjuce,pl、Mrtar:He you re、Su:Tnk you! /Stela:Cn I haes rown rea, please?Mrs Star:Here o are、Stella:Thnks! /bSimon:CanI avesom egg an hs, plse?rStar:N, Simon、 sorr、 ts chicen arice for dinnetonight, , fyoure good, ou can have chocae ic cr

22、eamat、Sio:Hmm, great! Chocoat ice cams my favourite、6、iste,ont andreat、uzy:Cn Ihave ofri juice, pleas, Mu?Mrs Sar:Hereyouare、Stella:C I havesom bron rea, pae?Ms Sa:Here you ae、7、Lie and saesorno、Mar:I aing chicken and rice、 (No、 hv matos ncrro、)onty:C have sme ml, please? (No、CanIhave m appe ie, ple?)Maskmn:I here anycocat ake? (Ye、)Trevo:Ye, thee、 (、 No, ther isnt、)oty:No, itisnt me、 Its revors、 (N、 N, itis ine、 Its Mare、)revo:E,no、 It isnt chie、 Its aog brown pncil、(Yes、)i7A thefam (在农场)1、Li

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