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教育资料Module 6Period Three学习精品.docx

1、教育资料Module 6 Period Three学习精品Period ThreeGrammar & Writing单元语法副词.用所给词的正确形式完成课文原句1Unusually(unusual),it is the female characters that interest us most.2Films like this rarely(rare) reach the big screen.3It has occasionally(occasional) been done.4He has certainly(certain) made more successful films th

2、an any other director in the west.5But it is generally(general) agreed,that he,more than anyone else in the history of films,understands the meaning of the word “entertainment”.完成句子1Im always(总是) at home in the evenings.2Seldom(很少) did she show her feelings.3She never(从未) goes to the cinema.4Well be

3、 back soon(很快)5John usually(通常) goes to school at 7 am.副词一般用来描述动作或修饰形容词、副词或整个句子,一般在句中作状语;但也有少数副词,如地点、方位副词在句子中可作定语或表语。不过地点、方位副词作定语修饰名词或代词时,总是位于所修饰的名词或代词之后。1分类(1)时间副词及副词短语:now,then,later,before,soon,recently,just now,right away,at once,in the past/“last时间段”,“by the end of时间点”等。(2)地点副词及副词短语:here,there,

4、back,everywhere,between,above,around,overseas,in the west等。(3)方式副词:angrily,anxiously,carefully,calmly,carelessly等。(4)频度副词及副词短语:usually,often,rarely,seldom,occasionally,always,from time to time,every two days,every now and then,once a week,three times a year等。(5)程度副词:very,much,still,almost等。(6)疑问副词:h

5、ow,when,why,where等。(7)关系副词:when,why,where等。(8)连接副词:why,when,how等。2作用副词在句中主要作状语,也可作表语、定语和宾语补足语等。He often goes to school on foot.(状语)他经常步行去上学。Class is over.(表语)下课了。The building there looks very grand.(定语)那儿的那座楼房看起来很壮观。Let the dog out.(宾语补足语)让狗出去。3位置(1)时间副词和地点副词一般放在句尾。如果这两种副词同时出现在句中,则把地点副词放在时间副词前面,也可把时

6、间副词放在句首。I met him in the park yesterday.Yesterday I met him in the park.昨天我在公园里遇见了他。注意:always,often,seldom,never,rarely,occasionally等表示不确定时间的副词通常放在实义动词之前,情态动词、助动词和be动词之后。He often comes late.他经常迟到。We are never late.我们从不迟到。(2)程度副词一般放在被修饰词之前。He is very careful.他很细心。注意:enough用作程度副词时,要放在所修饰的形容词、副词之后。This

7、 house isnt big enough for us.这房子对我们来说不够大。(3)副词修饰名词时,一般放在该名词之后;修饰介词时,一般放在该介词之前。The person there is looking for you.那儿的那个人在找你。Theres the house,right in front of you.房子在那里,就在你面前。(4)修饰全句的副词多置于句首;表示否定的副词,如seldom,never,rarely等置于句首时,句子要倒装。Fortunately,he was not drowned and was saved by a PLA man.很幸运,他没被淹死

8、,被一名解放军救了。Seldom has there been a happy meeting.过去很少有过这样愉快的会议。注意:(1)有些副词有两种形式,一个与形容词同形,表示具体意义;一个以ly结尾,表示抽象或引申含义。close与closelyclose近;closely仔细地。He is sitting close to me.他就坐在我边上。He is looking at the bill closely.他正仔细地看账单。late与latelylate晚;lately最近。You have come too late.你来得太晚了。What have you been doing

9、 lately?近来好吗?deep与deeplydeep深,表示空间深度;deeply表示感情上的深度,意为“深深地”。He pushed the stick deep into the mud.他把棍子深深插进泥里。Even father was deeply moved by the film.连爸爸也被电影深深地打动了。high与highlyhigh表示空间高度;highly表示程度,相当于much。The plane was flying high.这架飞机飞得很高。I think highly of your opinion.我对你的观点给予高度评价。wide与widelywide表

10、示空间宽度;widely意为“广泛地,宽广地;差距大地”。He opened the door wide.他把门开得大大的。English is widely used in the world.英语在世界上被广泛使用。free与freelyfree免费;freely无限制地,自由地。You can eat free in my restaurant whenever you like.无论什么时候,我的饭店免费对你开放。You may speak freely;say what you like.你可以畅所欲言,想说什么就说什么。(2)friendly,lively,lovely,likel

11、y,orderly,sickly,motherly,fatherly等形式上为副词,而实际上为形容词。He is very friendly to us.他对我们很友好。It is likely to rain today.今天有可能下雨。(3)有些副词能充当连词引导句子。如:immediately,directly,instantly,constantly等。I gave him the money immediately I saw him.我一见到他就把钱给他了。.单句语法填空1It must have been fairly(fair) unpleasant for the passe

12、ngers,with all the smoke and noise.(2019全国)2It is certainly(certain) fun but the lifestyle is a little unreal.(2019全国)3A sudden stop can be a very frightening experience,especially(especial) if you are travelling at high speed.(2019浙江)4The title will be officially(official) given to me at a ceremony

13、 in London.(2019全国)5Recent studies show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks regularly(regular)(2019全国)6Food in small pieces could be eaten easily with twigs(树枝) which gradually(gradual) turned into chopsticks.(2019全国)7Chinese scientists recently(recent) had a chance to st

14、udy a wild female panda with a newborn baby.(2019四川)8Walls made of adobe take in the heat from the sun on hot days and give out that heat slowly(slow) during cool nights,thus warming the house.(2019全国)9As natural architects,the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly how thick the adobe walls needed to b

15、e to make the cycle work on most days.(2019全国)10They gave money to the old peoples home either personally(personal) or through their companies.(2019安徽).单句改错(每小题仅有1处错误)1It was a relief and I came to a stop just in the middle of the road.(2019全国,短文改错) 2They often get up and water the vegetables togeth

16、er.(2019全国,短文改错)3When I was a very young child,my father created a regular practice I remember well years .(2019浙江,短文改错)4Instead,he hopes that his business will grow .(2019全国,短文改错)5How nice to see you again!Dad and I were worried.(2019全国,短文改错)6On the lefthand side of the class,I could see the footba

17、ll field.(2019浙江,短文改错)7My uncles jumped up and shot their arrows at the bird.(2019陕西,短文改错)8No one in the carriage had spoken to or even noticed the ticketowner before.(2019浙江,短文改错)9.,it had a connection with the British porcelain(瓷器) industry.(2019新课标全国,短文改错)10I remember my grandfather very .(2019新课

18、标全国,短文改错).单句语法填空1Grain stores are frequently(frequent) attacked by pests.2Its believed that the two accidents are closely(close) related to each other.3She doesnt speak as well(good) as her friends,but her written work is excellent.4The students are mostly(most) young people between the ages of sixt

19、een and twenty.5We used to see each other regularly(regular),but I havent heard from him since last year.完成句子6I make telephone calls to my parents twice a week (一周两次)7He promised that he would come here before five oclock(5点之前来这里)8There stands a tall old tree between the houses(在房屋之间)9We love the se

20、a and go swimming in it from time to time(不时地)10My mother and I went to the hospital to see my father every two days/every other day(每两天)11Seldom does(很少) he make a mistake in the accounts.12I suddenly(突然) saw him sit there sadly(伤心地)13Away went(跑远了) the runners.14We love our motherland deeply(深爱着我们

21、的祖国)15John escaped from the prison successfully(成功逃离监狱).语法填空(2019浙江诸暨中学高一上期中)Red Nose Day is one of Britains most successful to raise money for good causes.It organized(organize) by Comic Relief and takes place in March.Many wellknown comedians take part,as well as actors,musi

22、cians and other famous people.All these people in the public eye 18.bravely(brave) take on unusual challenges,from learning to sing to 19.sitting(sit) in a bath full of cold beans.In addition to a great evenings entertainment(娱乐) on TV on the day itself,there are 20.a great number of programmes and

23、live events in the weeks leading up to Red Nose Day.At schools and colleges,students do silly things for cash and many workplaces organize similar moneyraising stunts(噱头)Shops and supermarkets sell the famous red noses and other products.Through short documentary films,TV viewers learn how the money

24、 21.collected(collect) in previous years has helped Comic Relief to make a real 22.difference (different) to people in need,both in Britain and in Africa.Some of the stories 23.that/which are shown are shocking.It is extremely moving to see peoples lives can be changed.Comic Relief has been a

25、ble to achieve a great deal making people laugh.单元写作Writing a film review本模块要求写一篇影评,影评就是观众在看完电影以后的所感所想。从体裁上看,影评属于夹叙夹议文或议论文。这种文体主要是以一般现在时介绍剧情内容并就自己感兴趣的地方发表观点。影评要求评论者就影片特点进行评论,叙议结合,以分析、议论为主。影评一般可分为三个部分。第一部分:简介背景。对电影名称、导演等作简单介绍。(此部分可以省略)第二部分:简述情节。包括主演及影片内容概述。影片概述只需要叙述大概情节,最主要的是分析人物和情节,重点突出自己要评述的内

26、容。第三部分:发表评论。就影片中自己感兴趣和有价值的故事情节发表观点,可有选择性地就电影的结构、节奏、演员角色等方面展开评论,最后还可对电影进行总体评价。 a film directed by.2The latest film directed by.turned out to be a masterpiece.3This film is set in.4The film/story is based on/adapted from.5.plays the part the film.6The film directed a story about.7The s

27、tory tells of.,who.8Even with these small problems,the film is still a great film,and I really enjoy it!9In a word,this film is worth seeing.10For its audiences,it is one of the most.films of the year.请根据电影功夫熊猫写一篇100词左右的影视评论。写作要点:1故事以Chinas Valley of Peace为背景;2从一只普通熊猫被选为the Dragon Warrior到成为功夫大师的过程;

28、3发表自己的看法。参考词汇:功夫熊猫Kung Fu Panda本文是一篇影视评论,作者可以充分发挥自己的想象。写作时应注意下面几点:1确定文体:这是一篇影评。2主体时态:介绍剧情主要用一般现在时态。 3主体人称:第三人称。联想词汇1以为背景be set in2一只普通大熊猫a common panda3偶然by accident4功夫大师a master of Kung Fu5自信,有信心be confident/believe in oneself句式升级1以Chinas Valley of Peace为背景,那里没有人类,只生活着一群会说话的动物。The film is set in Ch

29、inas Valley of Peace,and there are no humans except a group of animals who can speak.(并列句)The film is set in Chinas Valley of Peace,where there are no humans except a group of animals who can speak.(定语从句)2最后他意识到成为一名功夫大师的真谛是:如果我们自信,我们就能成功。In the end,he realizes the truth to be a master of Kung Fu.Tha

30、t is,you will succeed if you believe in yourself.(一般表达)In the end,he realizes the truth to be a master of Kung Fu is that you will succeed if you believe in yourself.(表语从句)3功夫熊猫被认为是最伟大的卡通电影之一。People consider Kung Fu Panda to be one of the greatest cartoon films.(主动语态)Kung Fu Panda is considered to b

31、e one of the greatest cartoon films.(被动语态)Kung Fu Panda tells a story about a fat,big panda that can perform martial arts.The film is set in Chinas Valley of Peace,where there are no humans except a group of animals who can speak.At first,the panda works for his father in a noodle shop.At that time,he is only a common panda.By accident,he is chosen to be the Dragon Warrior.In the end,he realizes the

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