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仁爱版八下教学设计U6T2p2How about exploring Tiananmen.docx

1、仁爱版八下教学设计U6T2p2How about exploring TiananmenUnit 6 Enjoying cycling Topic 2 How about exploring Tiananmen Square教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本话题围绕孩子们游览天安门广场而展开。主要内容包含:Michael邀请Darren来中国度假,孩子们游览天安门广场和描述游览过程及发生的事情。通过描述游览过程和写游览日记来引入时间状语从句。通过介绍天安门广场来学习方位的表达。学生通过学习本话题可以更好地了解天安门广场并培养他们的爱国主义精神。本话题建议用5个课时来完成:第一课时:Section

2、A -1a, 1b, 1c, 2,4第二课时:Section A-3,Section B-3a, 3b, 1a,1b,2第三课时:Section C-1a, 1b, 1c第四课时:Section B-4a, 4b, Section C-2, 3第五课时:Section D-Grammar and Functions, 1a, 1b, 1c, 2, Project 第二课时 (Section A-3,Section B-3a,3b, 1a,1b,2)教学设计思路:本课主要学习方位词并继续学习时间状语从句。首先让学生展示家庭作业来复习时间状语从句,这样就完成了Section A 的3 。然后通过几

3、个谚语来导入到方位词的学习,既解决了新词汇,也完成了3a ,3b与3a是紧密相连的两个任务,接下来完成3b便水到渠成。扫除了词汇语法障碍,再来听1a 完成1b,本课通过1b表格提示来完成1a的直述,并进一步巩固1a。最后解决1a中的难点,听2的短文完成本课。. Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims:(1)继续学习时间状语从句。(2)学习正确地描述方位。2.Skill aims:(1)能够正确地介绍某物所处的位置。(2)能够正确地描述物体的大小形状。(3)能够正确地听,说,读出本课所涉及的景点。3.Emotional aims: 培养学生的爱国主义精神。4.Culture

4、awareness: . The key points and difficult points1. Key points:(1)Words and expressions : north,east,west,northwest,northeast,southeast,monument,rostrum,chairman memorial, announce, found, republic, meaningful, lie in/to/on, be meaningful to, cant wait to do sth., one and a half. (2)Sentences: Its in

5、 the center of Beijing. In the north of the square , we can see Tiananmen Rostrum. The Great Wall of the People is to the west of the Monument to the Peoples heroes 2.Difficult points: (1)正确运用in, to, on来表达方位。 (2)正确地读出本课的著名建筑物的名词。 . Learning strategies(1)利用构词法学习新词汇。如:northwest, northeast, southeast,

6、chairman, meaningful等。(2)在进行听力任务时,要学会使用关键词来提醒自己,然后利用关键词去完成任务。. Teaching aids录音机/多媒体/图片V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(5mins): Revision StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Check the HMk in 3 on page 36 to revise adverbial clause of time.T: Hi, class! How are you today?

7、T: Are you read to check your homework?T: Ok, lets begin with xxx.T: Good sentence. Picture 3?T: .T: Perfect. Next , Id like you to make your own sentences without pictures. One minute for you. T: Any volunteers! Hands up! Ok, xxx, you please.T: Very good. More sentences, please.Revise adverbial cla

8、use of time by checking the homework.Ss: Very well. Ss: Of course.S1: Jane was running while Maria was swimming.S2: Maria and Jane were dancing while Michael was singing.S3: .S4: .S5: .S6: I was doing my homework while my mother was cooking dinner.S7: When I got home, my father was reading newspaper

9、.S8: .通过检查学生的作业完成情况复习时间状语从句,完成Section A的任务3。Remark:老师在检查完Section A 3的看图说话后,可以让学生自由造句以便发现学生的问题,最后要对when ,while的用法进行比较总结。Stage 2(10mins): Lead inStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose:1(Class activity)Show the picture about directions in 3a to introduce directions.T: Hey, boys and girls

10、, do you love your family?T: Then how to say“金窝银窝不如自己的草窝”in English ?T: Then please follow me: east or west , home is the best . T: You see in Chinese, this proverb doesnt have “Dong” or “Xi”, but in English, it has “East” and “West”. Thats to say, you cant translate proverbs word by word. T: (shows

11、 a picture about directions) Look, what is this picture about?T: Yes, its about eight directions. Do you this direction?T: How about this?T: And this?T: This one?T: North. Repeat, please. T: Then this direction?T: No, in English, we should say northeast. Clear?T: Lets try this?T: Fine .T:(shows pict

12、ures about the famous buildings) What do we call this building?T: This building?T: Its Tiananmen Rostrum.T: .T: Now, match the names with the building on the map.T: Now, lets check.Learn the new words about directions.Ss: Sure.Ss: No.Ss: East or west , home is the best. Ss: 方向。Ss: East.Ss: West.Ss:

13、South.Ss:.Ss: North.Ss: Eastnorth.Ss: Yes.Ss: Southeast.Ss:.Ss: National Museum.Ss: .Ss: Tian anmen Rostrum.Ss:.Ss: .通过图片扫除3a,1a中新词并导入到方位词的学习。完成3a 。Remark:在学习方位词和本课的建筑物时用PPT或者图片更直观易懂,出示图片即顺便教学3a,1a的新词。Stage 3(3mins):Finishing Task 3bStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Individual w

14、ork)Let the Ss do 3b to practice T: Up to now, we have learned eight directions and five famous buildings. Next, its your time to practice. You have to finish 3b in 1-2 minutes. The map in 3a is helpful.T: Now, time to check answers. No.1, who?T: Next one?T: .T: .T:You have got the right answers. Lo

15、ok at the sentences carefully, do you find something strange?T:How clever ! In fact , we can also use “on” before directions. So we have “in the +direction of.”, “on the +direction of.”and “to the +direction of.” . Do 3b to practice.S1: North.S2: South.S3: .S4: .S5: In Sentence 1and 2 , we can see “

16、in”, but in Sentence 3and 4, we can see “to”.让学生能够看图判断方位,并解释on,in,to与方位词的搭配。完成3b。Remark:在这个部分,教师要解释清楚on , in ,to 与方位词的搭配方法。Stage 4(7mins): Listening to 1aStepTeacher activity Student activity Designing purpose1(Individual work)Let the Ss listen to 1a and finish 1b.T: We have learned many great build

17、ings in 3a. Next, you will listen to a dialogue about Tiananmen Square. Try to complete the table in 1b with keys words when you are listening. T: Have you finished the table?T: Where is Tiananmen Square?T: How big is it ?T: And how long is it ?T: How wide is it ?T: . Listen to 1a and finish 1b.Ss:

18、Yes.S1: Its in the center of Beijing City.S2: Its about 440000 square meters.S3:Its 880 meters long.S4: Its 500 meters wide .S5: .培养学生通过速记,然后根据提示来补充完整所需信息。完成1b。Remark:对于像1b这样的听力任务,教师要培养学生记录关键词,不要企图一次性完整地完成1b的表格,要善于使用各种速记方法。如使用:m , 等。对话内容较长,至少要放2遍录音。在核对答案,教师最好用特殊疑问句提问,如:How big, how long, how wide ,

19、how many 等。顺便复习一下大小形状的表达。Stage 5(10mins):Post-listening1(Individual work)Encourage the Ss to describe Tiananmen Square using the information in 1b.T: You have listened to 1a twice and completed the table; next, Id like you to describe Tiananmen Square with your own words.T: Who is the first voluntee

20、r?T: Good description! Who else. Describe Tiananmen Square according to the key words in 1b.S1: Tiananmen Square is in the center of Beijing City .S2: Tiananmen Square is very big. It lies in the center of . 通过学生用自己的语言来描述天安门广场可以让学生更好地掌握1a的内容,复习描述物体的句型以及新学的知识:方位词和天安门广场著名的建筑物。Remark:学生描述有困难时,老师可以适当的提示

21、或提供一点帮助。不要一味追求准确率,只要意思表达清楚即可。2(Group work)Let the Ss read 1a and find the important and difficult points in groups.T: I think now you have known much about Tiananmen Square. To get more information, youd better read 1a. There are some useful expressions and difficult points in the dialog, please wor

22、k in groups, make your own decision.T: Hi, class, I have listed some difficult points here. Do you find them, too?T: So what do “cover” and “hold” mean according to the context?T: Do you agree with Group One?T: What does “one and a half hours” mean?T: Can you say it in another way? T: You should say

23、 “one hour and a half ”. You can say “two hours and a half ” or “two and a half hours”. T: .Read 1a and find the important and difficult points in groups.Ss:Yes.Group 1: We think “cover” means “占地”and “hold” means “容纳” .Ss : Yes . Group 3: 一个半小时。Group 3: One hour and a half hour.Group 2: .小组合作学习,组内预

24、先解决一些小问题,然后综合全班的问题进行集中解决。Remark: 让学生自己去找出他们认为有用的词组,句子,教师只要适当增添,解释即可。Stage 6(5mins): Finishing Task 21(Individual work )Let the Ss listen to 2 , number the pictures and write down the time T: Do you still remember the famous buildings on the square?T: Xxx, please tell me as many as you can. T: En, Yo

25、u did very well. Next, you will listen to 4 short passages about the great buildings in 2. You have to finish two tasks: number the pictures and write down the time when people built them. You can listen twice.T: Check time. Whats right order?T: Right?T: When was National Museum built?T: .Listen to

26、2, number the pictures and write down the time Ss: Yes.S1: National Museum, Great Hall of the People.S1: 3-2-1-4Ss: Yes.S2: In October, 1959S3: .培养学生获取特定信息的听力技能,完成任务2。Remark:这些建筑物的名称都相当拗口,所以在进行听力任务之前,要让学生先回顾一下最好说一下它们的名字,以降低听力困难。也可以让学生在听第一遍时,把Part A和 B一起做,听第二遍时,来核对正确与否。Stage 7(5mins): Summarizing and

27、 assigning HMKStepTeacher activity Student activity Designing purpose:1(Class activity)Encourage the Ss to summarize the important points together.T: Class will be over soon. We should go over this lesson now. What kind of clause we are learning today?T: What do we usually use to begin such a senten

28、ce?T: Who can give us an example?T: Good sentence. Another one?T: Very good sentences. And what have you learned today?T: Now, look at this picture. Tell me what they are.T: How about this?T: .T:What kinds of prepositions do we use before them?T: Do you know the differences among them?T: Who can tel

29、l us in detail?T: Exactly ! Any useful expressions?T: Great. You all did a very good job. Summarize the important points together.Ss: adverbial clause of time.S1: When.S2: WhileS3: BeforeS4: AfterS5: .S6: When I got to school, Mr. Wang was running on the playground.S7: Before I go to school, I usual

30、ly have breakfast with my parents.S8: While I was watching TV, my mom was listening to music.S9: .S10: Directions.Ss: East.Ss: Southeast.Ss: .Ss : In, on, toSs: Yes.S11: If ., we use “in”,.S12: cant wait to do sth., one and a half hours, one hour and a half, .S13: be meaningful to , how far. , . S14: . 归纳总结本课重点知识,反馈学生的掌握情况。2(Individual work)Assign the HMKT: We have learned directions today, for todays homework, you have to write a short passage to introduce your home or your community or our school .Try to use the eight directions in your passage . Finish the HMK after clas

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