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1、18学年高中英语Unit4FilmsandfilmeventsSectionProject教学案牛津译林版选修8Unit 4 Films and film events Section Project原文呈现Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone (2001)What an amazing film! Who has not dreamt of finding out that he or she is really someone special and famous? That fantasy is reality for Harry Potter

2、(played by Daniel Radcliffe). Harry, a sensitive young boy who has a scar on his forehead, has been living with his relatives, the Dursleys. His uncle abuses him, his aunt ignores him, and his cousin hates him. At first, Harry thinks that his parents were killed in a car crash when he was a baby. Ho

3、wever, he later finds out that his father was a wizard and that his mother was a witch, both of whom were murdered by an evil wizard the same wizard who gave Harry the scar. Harry discovers that he possesses a wizards powers too, and that he already has a reputation in the world of witches and wizar

4、ds because of his parents.Hagrid (played by Robbie Coltrane) is a very large person who works at Hogwarts, a special institution for young witches and wizards. He comes to rescue Harry from the Dursleys and take him to the school. They have a few adventures along the way, and Harry is introduced to

5、a whole new world he never knew about the world of magic. The world of ordinary people exists parallel to the world of magic, but the ordinary people are not aware of it.读文清障philosopher/flsf(r)/n.哲学家fantasy/fntsI/n幻想,想象fantastic adj.极好的,了不起的;难以置信的fantastical adj.怪诞的,荒诞不经的,富于想象的scar/sk(r)/n伤疤,伤痕;(精神)

6、创伤forehead/fhed/n.额,前额wizard/wIzd/n.男巫,术士witch/wIt/n.女巫,巫婆evil/ivl/adj.邪恶的,罪恶的 n邪恶,罪恶and连接find后面的两个并列的宾语从句,其中第一个that可以省略,第二个that不可以省略;both of whom .为非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词his father和his mother;who引导定语从句,修饰the same wizard。have a reputation 有名声institution/InstItjun/,制度rescue sb. from 从中营救某人he never knew a

7、bout是省略了引导词that/which的定语从句,修饰a whole new world。parallel/prlel/adj.平行的,相似的n相似的人或事物,相似特征哈利波特与魔法石(2001)第12段译文多么令人惊叹的一部电影啊!谁没有梦想过发现自己实际上是一个特别的而且是出名的大人物?那个幻想对哈利波特(丹尼尔拉德克利夫饰)来说就是现实。哈利是个敏感的小男孩,他的额头上有一个伤疤,他一直与他的亲戚德思礼一家生活在一起。他的姨父虐待他,姨妈不重视他,表兄讨厌他。起初哈利认为他的父母是在他还是婴儿的时候死于一场车祸。但是后来哈利发现他的父亲是巫师,母亲是女巫,他们都被一个邪恶的巫师杀害也

8、就是给哈利留下伤疤的那个巫师。哈利发现自己也拥有巫师的神奇魔力,而且因为他的父母,他在魔法界已经很有名气。海格(罗比科特瑞恩饰)非常高大,在霍格沃茨魔法学校工作。霍格沃茨魔法学校是一所为年轻巫师而设的特别学校。海格从德思礼家中救出哈利,把他带到了学校。一路上,他们经历了一些奇遇,哈利被带到了他以前从来不知道的全新世界魔法世界。普通人生活的世界与魔法世界是相似的,但是普通人没有意识到这一点。On the train to school, Harry makes two new friends, Ron Weasley (played by Rupert Grint) and Hermione G

9、ranger (played by Emma Watson). Together, they learn about their new school and the special curriculum there. Harry has contradictory feelings about his new life. At first, he enjoys it, but later he learns that the evil wizard, Voldemort, is the one who killed his parents. Harry and his partners ha

10、ve a fierce battle with Voldemort to save themselves and their magic world.The film is full of special effects. Watching Harry zoom around on a flying broom could make you feel dizzy, and the school sport of Quidditch is fantastic. The effects are all made with the computer, and are really exciting

11、to watch.curriculum/krIkjlm/n.全部课程regular curriculum必修课程elective courses选修课程contradictory/kntrdIktrI/adj.相互矛盾的,对立的,不一致的partner/ptn(r)/n.伙伴,搭档;合伙人fierce/fIs/adj.激烈的,猛烈的;凶狠的,凶猛的动名词短语watching Harry . broom在句中作主语。zoom/zum/vi.快速移动,急剧增长broom/brum/n.扫把,扫帚make you feel dizzy是“make宾语宾补”结构,这里用了不带to的动词不定式短语作宾语

12、补足语。dizzy/dIzI/adj.头晕目眩的,使人眩晕的第34段译文在去魔法学校的火车上,哈利结识了两位新朋友,罗恩韦斯莱(鲁珀特格林特饰)和赫敏格兰杰(埃玛沃森饰)。他们一起了解了他们的新学校和那里的特殊课程。对于新生活,哈利有矛盾的心情。起初,他很喜欢新生活,但是后来,他知道了邪恶巫师伏地魔就是杀死他父母的人。为了拯救自己和魔法世界,哈利和他的伙伴们与伏地魔展开了激烈的斗争。电影充满了特技。看着哈利骑在飞天扫帚上疾驰会让你感觉眩晕,而魔法学校的“魁地奇”运动则是非常精彩。所有的特技都是用电脑制作,看起来真是激动人心。All of this is wonderful, but the b

13、est part of the film is the acting. This is surprising as the three young actors playing the characters of Harry, Ron and Hermione did not have much experience as actors before making this film. The skill with which these three become their characters is one of the films main attractions. They do ve

14、ry well even compared with the adult actors, such as Alan Rickman (Professor Snape), Richard Harris (Headmaster Dumbledore) and Maggie Smith (Professor McGonagall)J. K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter books, approved the final script of the film. However, many people have complained that the

15、 film is too long. At 142 minutes, it is almost a half hour longer than an average film. While the sport of Quidditch is a vital part of the book and of Harrys school experience, I feel that too much time is devoted in the film to showing it. I think this is more to show off the special effects than

16、 to help the films plot. Also, it disappointsme that several interesting scenes are not shown in the film.,as the three young actors .是as引导的原因状语从句。现在分词短语playing . and Hermione作后置定语修饰the three young actors。with which . characters是由“介词which”引导的定语从句,修饰the skill。attraction/trkn/n.吸引人的特征,有吸引力的地方;吸引,吸引力过去

17、分词短语compared with .作状语。approve vt.认可,批准average adj.平常的,普通的,一般的while引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管,虽然”。devote . to .把投入其中to为介词,故其后用动名词showing。show off炫耀,卖弄disappoint/dIpInt/vt.使失望,使扫兴it是形式主语,后面的that从句是真正主语。第56段译文,这一切都非常精彩,但这部电影最好的部分是演员的演技。它非常令人惊讶,因为扮演哈利、罗恩和赫敏的三位小演员在出演这部电影之前并没有多少表演经验。这三位演员扮演角色时所表现出来的技巧是这部电影的主要亮点之一。即使

18、与成人演员相比,例如艾伦里克曼 饰演斯内普教授 、理查德哈里斯 饰演邓布利多校长 和玛吉史密斯 饰演麦格教授 ,他们也表现极佳。,哈利波特系列的作者J. K. 罗琳认可了最终的电影剧本。然而,许多人抱怨电影太长了。142分钟,比一般的电影几乎要长半个小时。虽然魁地奇运动是书中很重要的一部分,也是哈利在魔法学校经历中很重要的一部分,但我还是觉得影片用了太长的时间来表现它。我认为这与其说加强电影的情节不如说是炫耀特技。还有,一些有趣的场景没有在电影中表现出来,这一点令我失望。Many people also complain that the film has a tendency to spen

19、d too much time showing Harrys life with the Dursleys. This shows that the filmmakers did not give enough thought towho the audience of the film would be.Most people who went to see the film had read the book before going to the cinema. They would already know that Harry is not happy with the Dursle

20、ys. The important and interesting parts of the film occur in the world of magic. Much of this early part of the film could have been skipped, and more time could have been spent at Hogwarts.Even with these slight drawbacks, HarryPotterandthePhilosophersStone is still a great film, and I certainly re

21、commend it!, have a tendency to do .有做的倾向spend time doing sth.花费时间做某事give thought to认真考虑,思考who引导的宾语从句作介词to的宾语。who引导定语从句,修饰most people。in the world of magic在魔法世界could have done在此处表示“本来能够做(实际上没有做)”drawback n缺点,缺陷,不利条件recommend v推荐,举荐,介绍;劝告,建议第79段译文,许多人还抱怨电影有意花了太多的时间来展示哈利与德思礼一家在一起的生活。这表明电影制作人并没有充分考虑到电影

22、的观众会是谁。,去看电影的大多数人在去影院之前都已经读过书了。他们已经知道哈利与德思礼一家在一起时是不开心的。影片重要、有趣的部分发生在魔法世界,电影开始部分的很多地方本可以跳过,更多的时间本可以花在霍格沃茨魔法学校。,虽然存在这些小缺陷,哈利波特与魔法石仍然是一部很棒的电影,我当然要推荐它!Step 1Choose the best answers according to the text.1The real reason why Harry Potters parents died is that _.Athey died of cancerBthey were killed in a

23、car crashCthey were murdered by an evil wizardDthey died of old age2Which of the following information about Harry Potter is NOT true?AHarry Potter is played by Daniel Radcliffe.BHarry Potter is a sensitive boy.CHarry Potter has a scar on his forehead.DHarry Potters uncle loves him very much.3When H

24、arry Potter was taken to the school of magic, he discovered that _.Athe evil wizard, Voldemort, was the one who killed his parentsBhe had already had a reputation in the world of witches and wizardsChis parents diedDhe possessed a wizards powers4The best part of the film, HarryPotterandthePhilosophe

25、rsStone (2001), is _.Athe special effects Bthe actingCthe flying broom DHarry Potter himself5Many people have complained that _.Atoo much time is devoted in the film to showing the sport of QuidditchBmuch time is spent in showing off the special effectsCseveral interesting scenes are not shown in th

26、e filmDthe film is too long答案:15CDABDStep 2Fill in each bank with only one word according to the text.Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone (2001)PlotHarry Potter is a sensitive boy and lives with his relatives, the Dursleys. They treat him 1.badly.Harry discovers that he is in 2.possession of the

27、 magical powers like his parents who were 3.murdered/killed by Voldemort.Hagrid, who is a large person and works at Hogwarts, 4.rescues Harry from the Dursleys and takes him to the school.Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger are Harrys new friends, and they learn about their new school and the special c

28、urriculum together and 5.fight against Voldemort to save themselves and their magic world.Positivecommentson the filmThe film is full of special effects and the school sport of Quidditch is fantastic.The three young actors playing the characters of Harry, Ron and Hermione make the film 6.attractive.

29、It is a great film and 7.worth watching.8.Negativecommentson the filmThe film is too long, almost 9.thirty minutes longer than an average one.Too much time is spent on Harrys life with the Dursleys, the sport of Quidditch.The filmmakers did not give enough 10.thought to who the audience of the film

30、would be.一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.scarn伤疤;伤痕;(精神)创伤2.foreheadn. 前额3.institutionn. 机构;制度4.paralleladj. 平行的;相似的5.curriculumn. 全部课程6.partnern. 搭档;合伙人7.zoomvi. 快速移动;急剧增长8.broomn. 扫帚9.dizzyadj. 头晕目眩的;使人眩晕的.拓展词汇1.philosophern哲学家philosophy n. 哲学philosophical adj. 哲学的2.fantasyn幻想,想象fantastic adj.极好的;吸引人的,有

31、趣的3.contradictoryadj.相互矛盾的,对立的,不一致的contradict vt.反驳;否认;与抵触,与发生矛盾contradiction n反驳;矛盾4.fierceadj.激烈的,猛烈的;凶狠的,凶猛的fiercely adv.激烈地;凶狠地5.attractionn吸引人的特征;有吸引力的地方;吸引,吸引力attract v吸引attractive adj.有魅力的;有吸引力的;美观的6.disappointvt.使失望,使扫兴disappointed adj.失望的,沮丧的disappointing adj.令人失望的disappointment n失望,令人失望的人或事1.institution n机构;制度记法instit

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