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1、剑桥少儿英语一级下册8/20 Unit 1(1)nicenais美好的(2)againgen再一次(3)worrywri担心 (4)letlet让(5)where hw 哪里(6)backbk回(7)howhau怎么样(8)holidayhldi假期(9)ourau我们的(10)newnju:新的(11)friendfrend朋友(12)waswz是(13)have fun fn玩的开心(14)nownau现在(15)helphelp帮助(16)waywei路、路线、路途(17)pleasepli:z请(18)school opening day开学(19)fingerfig手指(20)pup

2、petppit木偶(21)great greit to see you 很高兴看到你(22)all所有(23)lizard lizd 蜥蜴(24)monster mnst 怪物(25)photo futu 照片(26)bookcasebukkeis书架(27)cupboardkbd橱柜(28)alphabet lfbit 字母表(29)present preznt 礼物 (30) balloon blu:n 气球(31)helicopter helikpt 直升飞机 (一) Hello!你好Sam.萨姆Nice to see you again! 很高兴再次见到你Nice to see you

3、 Zhang Xin. 很高兴看到你欣Wheres Pat? 帕特在哪里?Shes coming.她就快来了Shes with Anna now. 她现在与安娜在一起。Oh,哦its good to see you back.看到你回来太好了。Me too.你也是How was your holiday?你放假去那里啦?It was great!好极了!Oops! u:ps 哎!(2)Dont worry! 不要担心 Let me help you. 让我来帮助你Thanks!!Bye. 拜拜。Have fun!玩的开心点!Its great to see you all again!很高兴再

4、次见到你Yse,it is.是的。Is she our new friend?她是我们的新朋友吗?Yes,shes Anna.是的,她是安娜。Hi!Im Anna.嗨!我是安娜。Im Li Fang! 我芳!Hi 你好Miss Zhao. 老师看到你很高兴。Nice to see you! 很高兴看到你 Oh.Nice to see you,too! 哦。我也很高兴看到你This way, please. 这边请。(六)These are all my friends. 这些都是我的朋友。Their names are almost the sam.他的名字都叫的差不多。Can you lis

5、ten and spell their names? 你能听并拼写他们的名字吗?8/23 Unit 1(1)tootu:也(2)holidayhldi假期(3)greetgri:t招呼(4)worrywri担心(5)welcomewelkm欢迎(6)meetmi:t遇见(7)mymai我的 (8)introduce,intrdju:s介绍(9)backbk回(10)betterbet更好的、更多的,更佳的(11)new termt:m新学期(12)finefain很好(13)strongstr强壮的(14)crayonkrein蜡笔(15)bringbri带(16)ball球(17)pictu

6、re pikt book图画书(18)lemonade,lemneid柠檬水(19)eraserireis橡皮(20)rubberrb橡皮(21)balloon blu:n 气球(22)helicopter helikpt 直升飞机(23)lizard lizd 蜥蜴(24)monster mnst 怪物(25)photo futu 照片(26)bookcasebukkeis书柜(27)cupboardkbd橱柜(28)alphabet lfbit 字母表(29)present preznt 礼物(30)bookbuk书(31)pencil-case铅笔盒(32)exercise ekssai

7、z book练习本(33)pencilpensl铅笔(34)toy car玩具小气车(35)pen钢笔(36)glassesgl:siz眼镜(37)cake蛋糕(38)water水(39)radio reidiu收音机(40)toilet tilit paper厕纸 (七) (greet an good friend和老朋友打招呼)Hi!你好Tong.托你Nice to see you again!很高兴再次见到你! Nice to see you ,too!见到你也很高兴!Hows your holiday? 你假期过的怎么样Its great.很好!(help your friend帮助你

8、的朋友)Oops!哎Dont worry .不要担心Let me help you.让我来帮助你Thanks.!You are welcome.不用。(introduce a new friend介绍新朋友)Li Fang,芳Id like you to meet my new friend.我想让你见见我的新朋友Im Julia.我是朱丽亚How do you do!你好 How do you do!你好Hello!你好! Nice to see you back!很高兴见到你回来。Oh,哦Its nice to be back.回到学校真好Hows your arm?你的手臂好些了吗Its

9、 better now.现在好多了Thank you!!(九)How are you?你好吗?Fine,thank you.我很好!Its great to see you!很高兴见到你, Its great to see you!很高兴见到你You look fine.你看上去很好。You look strong.你看上去很健康。 Its great to see you! 很高兴见到你 Its great to see you! 很高兴见到你9/3 Unit 2(1)classroom kl:srum 教室(2)find out找出(3)aboutbaut关于(4)other things

10、其它东西(5)fruitfru:t水果(6)foodfu:d食物(7)sportsp:t运动(8)timetaim时间(9)familyfmili家庭(10)numbernmb数字(11)bodybdi身体(12)drinkdrik饮料(13)gardeng:dn花园(14)shopp商店(15)farmf:m农场(16)seasi:大海(17)plantpl:nt植物(18)bus stop汽车站(19)train trein stationstein火车站(20) stand up 起立(21)look right 向右看(22)look left向左看(23)look up向上看 (24

11、)bend bend down 弯腰 (25)cross kr:s your arms双肩交叉(26) put your arms down 双臂放下 (27) put your arms up 双臂举起 (28)put your hands on your head双手放在头上 (29)stand on your left leg 左腿站立 (30)put your hands behind your back双手背后 (31)sit down!坐下 (32)English class 英语课(一)Now,listen!现在听一听You can find out about water in

12、 book 6, under w, 你能在第六册书中,字母W下面找到与水有关的词吗?You can find out about food in book 2 under f. 你能在第二册书中,字母F下面找到与食物有关的词吗?Please find out about the other things.请找出与其它有关的词。(六)Stand up!起立 Look right!向右看 Look left!向左看 Look up!向上看 Bend down! 弯腰 Cross your arms!双肩交叉 Put your arms down! 双臂放下 Put your arms up! 双臂

13、举起 Put your hands on your head! 把双手放在头上 Stand on your left leg! 左腿站立 Put your hands behind your back! 双手背后 Sit down!坐下。(八) Lets sing and dance, 让我们唱歌跳舞Lets sing and dance. 让我们唱歌跳舞Lets play games in our English class. 让我们在英语课上玩游戏。Lets draw and colour. 让我们画画和涂颜色Lets draw and colour. 让我们画画和涂颜色Lets draw

14、 a garden and colour its flowers. 让我们画一个彩色的花园。9/18 Unit 3(1)lunchlnt午饭(2)buybai买(3)chipstip薯条(4)friesfraiz炸薯条(5)problemprblm问题(6)freshfre新鲜(7)ideaaidi主意(8)hungryhgri饥饿(9)yourselfjuself你自己(10)helphelp帮助(11)vegetablesveditbl蔬菜(12)sandwichsndwit治(13)noodlesnu:dl面条(14)butterbt黄油(15)addd加(16)togethertge一

15、起(17)linelain排(18)totaltutl总数(19)columnklm行列(20)menumenju:菜单(21)ricerais米饭(22)breadbred面包(23)pizzapi:ts比萨(24)candykndi糖果(25)chocolatetklit巧克力(26)cookiekuki曲奇饼干(27)cakekeik蛋糕 (28)cheeseti:z干酪(29)juicedu:s果汁(30)milkmilk牛奶(31)beerbi啤酒(32)onionnjn洋葱(33)tomatotmeitu番茄(34)potatopteitu土豆(35)carrotkrt胡萝卜(36

16、)peapi:豌豆(37)beanbi:n豆(38)pumpkinpmpkin南瓜(39)often:fn常常(40)sometimes有时(41)nevernev从不(一)What would you like,sir?先生你想要些什么?Can I have two burgers,seven eggs and seven ice creams,please?我能要2个汉堡包,7个鸡蛋和7个冰淇淋吗?Sure!当然可以!Lets buy 5 chips,5 fish,5 eggs and some sausages,OK?我们买5包薯条,5条鱼,5个鸡蛋和和一些香肠好吗?No Problem

17、!好的!Fresh fruit!新鲜的水果!Can I have some apples and pears?我能买些苹果和梨吗? Sure! 当然可以!Come on!Im hungry now.快点我现在好饿。Help yourself,please!请随便吃!What would you like,Anna?想要点什么安娜?Id like a burger. 我想要1个汉堡包。Its my favourite.那是我最喜欢的。What shall we buy?我们要买点什么吗?Any ideas?Well,有什么建议吗?lets buy some chicken and burgers

18、,some fries,ice creams and some sausages.OK.我们买些鸡肉和汉堡包、一些炸薯条,冰淇淋和一些香肠吗(五)1)Have you ever had these?你程经吃过这些事物吗?2)Which foods that you like are missing?少了那些你喜欢的食物3)Tick the ones you have had.把喜欢吃过的食物圈出来。(八)Apples,pears,lemons and mangoes,peaches,grapes,oranges and coconuts. 苹果,梨,柠檬,芒果,桃子,葡萄,橘子和椰子.They

19、 are all fruits. 他们都是水果。They are all fruits. 他们都是水果。Chicken,rice,cakes and bread,burgers,potatoes,pizzas and sausages. 鸡,大米,蛋糕和面包,汉堡包,土豆,比萨和香肠。They are all food. 他们都是食物。They are all food.他们都是食物。9/24 Unit 4(1)olduld老的(2)youngj年轻的(3)happyhpi快乐的(4)sadsd悲伤的(5)longl长的(6)short:t短的(7)bigbig大的(8)smallsm:l小的

20、(9)tall t:l 高的(10)short:t矮的(11)quickkwik快的(12)slowslu慢的(13)everyoneevriwn每一个人(14)workw:k工作(15)cutkt剪(16)over there,uv r那里 (17)letterlet字母(18)shellel贝壳(19)shouldud应该(20)begin with bigin wi 以开头 (21)welcomewelkm受欢迎的(22)sheepi:p绵羊(23)breadbred面包(24)clockklk钟(25)grapegreip葡萄(26)lateleit迟到(27)next time下一次

21、(28)ask:sk问(29)question kwestn 问题(30)excuse me ikskju:z mi:打扰(31)matchmt相配(32)Chinese中文(33)English英文(一)Hello,everyone.大家好Please work in groups now.现在开始分组工作。 This is a small baby.这是一个小婴儿。This is a big dog. 这是一只大狗。This is long,这是长,which is short?那矮在那里? Iis over there.他在那里。 We can match them.我们可以把他们配对

22、Lets do it.我们一起来做Whats he doing?他正在做什么 Hes cutting a new litter.他正在剪一个新字母 Great!We can play a word game. 好与了,我们可以玩一个单词游戏。Lets do it.来吧!Where is my shell?我的贝壳在那;那里, Its under your paper.在你的纸下面Ah ,here,it is ! Thangks!啊在这儿! Youre welcome!不用Where should I put the book?我因该把书放那儿啊?(六)Mrs.Wang,Im sorry.Im

23、late. 王老师,对不起,我“迟到。Thats OK Dont be late next time. 没关系,下一次不要迟到。Mr.Li,can I ask you a question? 老师,我可以问你一个问题吗?Yes,please.可以。Excuse me. May I come in? 对不起。我可以进来吗?Yes,sure.当然可以。Whats the Chinese for “eraser”?Xiangpi! “eraser”用汉语怎么说?“橡皮Excuse me. 对不起。Whats the English for “Qianbihe”? 请问铅笔盒英文怎么说?Pencil-

24、case.Im sorry.对不起。Thats OK.没关系(九) Letters s-h-e-e-p,its a, its a sheep. 字母S - H- E- E- P,它是一个,它是一只绵羊。 Letters b-r-e-a-d,its our, its our bread. 字母B - R- E- A- D,这是我们的,这是我们的面包。 Letters c-l-o-c-k,its our, its our clock. 字母C - L- O- C- K,这是我们的,这是我们的时钟。 Letters g-r-a-p-e,its a, its a big grape字母G- R- A-

25、 P- E,它是一个,这是一个大的葡萄10/6 . Unit 5(1)all:l所有的(2)dress up dresp装扮 (3)lookluk看(4)carefullykfli仔细(5)flagflg旗子(6)forf:代表(7) their他们的(8)play with pleiwi和玩(9)flowerflau花(10)dirtyd:ti脏(11)skirtsk:t短裙(12)firstf:st第一(13)third:d第三(14)actkt扮演(15)bendbend弯腰(16) clapklp拍手(17)flyflai飞(19)hidehaid躲(19)ironain熨烫(20)j

26、umpdmp跳(21)kickkik踢(22)listenlisn听(23)movemu:v移动(24)nodnd点头(25)openupn打开(26)paintpeint画画(27)queuekju:排队(28)sleepsli:p睡觉(29)touchtt摸(30)visitvizit参观(31)circles:kl圆(32)shirt:t衬衫(一)All the letters are dressed up.Please look carefully and write their names in the boxes.所有的字母都装饰好了请仔细的看并把他们的名字写进盒子里.LLLL I

27、 can write T.我会写T。You want it.你想要它You say it and then you get it就说出她的名字然后就能得到他了.Aa is for an apple.A代表一个苹果, Bb is for a bee. B代表一只蜜蜂Cc is for a cake.C代表一块蛋糕Dd is for a desk.D代表一桌子Ee is for an egg.E代表鸡蛋Ff is for a flagF代表一面旗帜。(三)Oh,I see a sea. 哦,我看到了大海。 Oh,I see you. 哦,我看你。 Oh,you see a pea. 哦,你看到一个

28、豌豆。 Oh,you see a bee 哦,你看到一只蜜蜂(四)Sir,this girl wearing a dirty skirt is not the first,but the third. 主席先生,这个女孩穿着脏兮兮的裙子是不是第一,而是第三。The frist is the frist.第一是第一The third is the third.第三是第三The third can be the first,第三能变成第一 and the frist can be the third.第一也能变成第三(七)act bend clap drink eat fly hide iron

29、jump kick listen move nod open paint queue read sleep touch visit (八) Mm is for Moon. # is for Xylophone. MM是月球。 #是木琴。(九)There was a farmer who had a dog.And Bingo was his name-Oh. 有一个农民有一个狗.宾果是他的名字哦。B-I-N-G-O! X-I-N-G-O! X-X-N-G-O! X-X-X-G-O! X-X-X-X-O!B-I-N-G-O! X-I-N-G-O! X-X-N-G-O! X-X-X-G-O! X-

30、X-X-X-O!B-I-N-G-O! X-I-N-G-O! X-X-N-G-O! X-X-X-G-O! X-X-X-X-O!And Bingo was his name-Oh! 宾果是他的名字哦!10/15 Unit 6(1)morem:更多(2)wordw:d单词(3)factoryfktri工厂(4)Ive got我有 (5)just a minute dst minit稍等片刻(6)readyredi准备好(7)anothern又一个(8)badbd坏的(9)please waitpli:zweit请等一等(10)soundsaund发音(11)sameseim同样(12)a little bit litlbit一点点(13)waywei道路(14)interestingintristi有趣的(15)boringb:ri无趣的(16)favourite最喜欢的(

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