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1、测绘学英文术语测绘学名词 01.总 类 序码 汉文名 英文名 01.001 测绘学 surveying and mapping, SM 01.002 中华人民共和国测绘法 Law of Surveying and Mapping of the Peoples Republic of China 01.003 测绘标准 standards of surveying and mapping 01.004 测量规范 specifications of surveys 01.005 地形图图式 topographic map symbols 01.006 大地测量学 geodesy 01.007 地球

2、形状 earth shape, figure of the earth 01.008 重力基准网 gravity standard network 01.009 重力场 gravity field 01.010 地心坐标系geocentric coordinate system 01.011 地球椭球 earth ellipsoid 01.012 大地原点 geodetic origin 01.013 水准原点leveling origin 01.014 测量标志 survey mark 01.015 测量觇标 observation target 01.016 高程基准 height dat

3、um 01.017 1954年北京坐标系 Beijing geodetic coordinate system1954 01.018 高程系统 height system 01.019 平均海体面 mean sea level 01.020 黄海平均海水面 Huanghai mean sea level 01.021 海拔 height above sea level 01.022 海军导航卫星系统 Navy Navigation Satellite System,NNSS 01.023 NAVSTAR全球定位系统 NAVSTAR Global Positioning System,NAVST

4、AR GPS 01.024 惯性测量系统 inertial surveying system,ISS 01.025摄影测量与遥感学 photogrammetry and remote sensing 01.026航空摄影测量 aerophotogrammetry, aerial photogrammetry 01.027航天摄影测量(又称“太空摄影测量”) space photogrammetry 01.028非地形摄影测量 non-topographic photogrammetry 01.029水下摄影测量 underwater photogrammetry 01.030航空航天摄影 ae

5、rospace photogrammetry 01.031航空遥感 aerial remote sensing 01.032航天遥感 space remote sensing 01.033图像 image 01.034影像 image, imagery 01.035图形 Graphics 01.036 判读(又称“判释”、“解译”) interpretation 01.037模拟摄影测量 analog photogrammetry 01.038解析摄影测量 analytical photogrammetry, numerical photogrammetry 01.039 数字摄影测量 dig

6、ital photogrammetry 01.040 数字地图模型(又称“数值地型”) digital terrain model, DTM 01.041遥感图象处理 image processing of remote sensing 01.042遥感模式识别 pattern recognition of remote sensing 01.043 地图制图学(又称“地图学”) cartography 01.044地理坐标网 geographic graticule 01.045经纬网 fictitious graticule 01.046方里网 kilometer grid 01.047邻

7、带方里网 grid of neighboring zone 01.048坐标格网 coordinate grid 01.049地理坐标参考系 geographical reference system,GEOREF 01.050地图 map 01.051地形图 topographic map 01.052平面图 plan 01.053普通地图 general map 01.054专题地图 thematic map 01.055地图集 atlas 01.056地球仪 globe 01.057地图规范 map specifications 01.058地图生产 map production 01.

8、059地图投影 map projection 01.060地图编制(又称“编图”) map compilation 01.061地图复制 map reproduction 01.062地图印刷 map printing 01.063地图利用 map use 01.064地图量算 cartometry 01.065机助地图制图computer-aided cartography,computer-assisted cartography, CAC 01.066自动化制图 automatic cartography 01.067自动绘图 automatic plotting 01.068图形显示

9、graphic display 01.069遥感制图 remote sensing mapping 01.070地名学 toponomastics, toponymy 01.071地名 geographical name, place name 01.072工程测量学 engineering surveying 01.073比例尺 scale 01.074基本比例尺 basic scale 01.075等高线 contour 01.076等高距 contour interval 01.077测量平差 survey adjustment, adjustment of observations 0

10、1.078精度估计 precision estimation 01.079精密度 precision 01.080准确度 accuracy 01.081偶然误差 accident error 01.082系统误差 systematic error 01.083粗差 gross error 01.084常差 constant error 01.085多余观测 redundant observation 01.086闭合差 closing error, closure 01.087限差 tolerance 01.088相对误差 relative error 01.089绝对误差 absolute

11、error 01.090中误差 mean square error 01.091误差椭圆 error ellipse 01.092边长中误差 mean square error of side length 01.093测角中误差 mean square error of angle observation 01.094方位角中误差 mean square error of azimuth 01.095坐标中误差 mean square error of coordinate 01.096点位中误差 mean square error of a point 01.097高程中误差 mean s

12、quare error of height 01.098国土基础信息系统 land base information system 01.099大地控制数据库 geodetic data base 01.100重力数据库 gravimetric data base 01.101地形数据库 topographic data base 01.102地理信息系统 geographical information system,GIS 01.103地图数据库 map data base 01.104地图数据库管理系统cartographic data base management system 01

13、.105地名数据库 place-name data base 01.106地籍信息系统 cadastral information system 01.107土地信息系统 land information system,LIS 01.108制图专家系统 cartographic expert system 01.109海洋测绘 hydrographic surveying and charting 01.110测绘仪器 instrument of surveying and mapping 01.111大地测量仪器 geodetic instrument 01.112测距仪 distance

14、measuring instrument,rangefinder 01.113重力仪 gravimeter 01.114定位系统 positioning system 01.115摄影测量仪器 photogrammetric instrument 01.116立体测图仪 stereoplotter 01.117数字摄影测量工作站 digital photogrammetric station 01.118全数字化自测图系统 full digital automatic mapping system 01.119图形输入设备 graphic input unit 01.120图形输出设备 gra

15、phic output unit 01.121中国测绘学会 Chinese Society of Surveying and Mapping, CSSM 01.122国际测绘联合会 International Union of Surveying and Mapping, IUSM 01.123国际测量师联合会 Federation Internationale des Geometres,FIG(法语) 01.124国际大地测量学与地球物理学 International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, IUGG 01.125国际大地测量学协会 Interna

16、tional Association of Geodesy IAG 01.126国际摄影测量与遥感学会 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,ISPRS 01.127国际地图学协会 International Cartographic Association,ICA 01.128 国际海道测量组织 International Hydrography Organization, IHO02大地测量学02.001大地测量 geodetic surveying 02.002几何大地测量学geometric geodes

17、y 02.003椭球面大地测量学ellipsoidal geodesy 02.004大地天文学geodetic astronomy 02.005物理大地测量学(又称“大地重力学”) physical geodesy 02.006空间大地测量学space geodesy 02.007卫星大地测量学satellite geodesy 02.008动力大地测量学dynamic geodesy 02.009海洋大地测量学marine geodesy 02.010月面测量学lunar geodesy,selenodesy 02.011行星测量学planetary geodesy 02.012天文大地网(

18、又称“国家大地网”)astro-geodetic network 02.013参考椭球reference ellipsoid 02.014贝塞尔椭球Bessel ellipsoid 02.015海福德椭球Hayford ellipsoid 02.016 克拉索夫斯基椭球 Krasovsky ellipsoid 02.017参考椭球定位orientation of reference ellipsoid 02.018大地基准geodetic datum 02.019大地坐标系geodetic coordinate system 02.020弧度测量arc measurement 02.021拉普

19、拉斯方位角Laplace azimuth 02.022拉普拉斯点Laplace point 02.023三角测量triangulation 02.024三角点triangulation point 02.025三角锁triangulation chain 02.026三角网triangulation network 02.027图形权倒数weight reciprocal of figure 02.028菲列罗公式Ferreros formula 02.029施赖伯全组合测角法Schreiber method in all combinations 02.030方向观测法method of d

20、irection observation,method by series 02.031测 回observation set 02.032归心元素elements of centering 02.033归心改正correction for centering 02.034水平折光差(又称“旁折光差”) horizontal refraction error 02.035基线测量base measurement 02.036基线baseline 02.037基线网base network 02.038精密导线测量precise traversing 02.039三角高程测量trigonometr

21、ic leveling 02.040三角高程网trigonometric leveling network 02.041铅垂线plumb line 02.042天顶距zenith distance 02.043高度角elevation angle, altitude angle 02.044垂直折光差vertical refraction error 02.045垂直折光系数vertical refraction coefficient 02.046国家水准网national leveling network 02.047精密水准测量Precise leveling 02.048水准面leve

22、l surface 02.049高程height 02.050正高orthometric height 02.051正常高normal height 02.052力高 dynamic height 02.053地球位数geopotential number 02.054水准点benchmark 02.055水准路线leveling line 02.056跨河水准测量rivercrossing leveling 02.057椭球长半径major radius of ellipsoid 02.058椭球扁率flattening of ellipsoid 02.059椭球偏心率eccentricit

23、y of ellipsoid 02.060子午面meridian plane 02.061子午圈meridian 02.062卯酉圈prime vertical 02.063平行圈parallel circle 02.064法截面normal section 02.065子午圈曲率半径radius of curvature in meridian 02.066卯酉圈曲率半径radius of curvature in prime vertical 02.067平均曲率半径mean radius of curvature 02.068大地线geodesic 02.069大地线微分方程differ

24、ential equation of geodesic 02.070大地坐标geodetic coordinate 02.071大地经度geodetic longitude 02.072大地纬度geodetic latitude 02.073大地高geodetic height,ellipsoidal height 02.074大地方位角geodetic azimuth 02.075天文大地垂线偏差astrogeodetic deflection of the vertical 02.076垂线偏差改正correction for deflection of the vertical 02.0

25、77标高差改正correction for skew normals 02.078截面差改正correction from normal section to geodetic 02.079大地主题正解direct solution of geodetic problem 02.080大地主题反解 inverse solution of geodetic problem 02.081高斯中纬度公式Gauss midlatitude formula 02.082贝塞尔大地主题解算公式Bessel formula for solution of geodetic problem 02.083高斯

26、一克 吕格投影 GaussKruger projection又称“高斯投影”。 02.084归化纬度reduced latitude 02.085等量纬度isometric latitude 02.086中央子午线central meridian 02.087分带子午线zone dividing meridian 02.088高斯平面子午线收敛角Gauss grid convergence 02.089高斯投影距离改正distance correction In Gauss projection 02.090高斯投影方向改正arctochord correction In Gauss proj

27、ection 02.091底点纬度latitude of pedal 02.092高斯平面坐标Gauss plane coordinate 02.093坐标方位角grid bearing 02.094天文点astronomical point 02.095基本天文点fundamental astronomical point 02.096本初子午线prime meridian 02.097经度起算点origin of longitude 02.098极移polar motion 02.099瞬时极instantaneous pole 02.100平极mean pole 02.101固定平极fi

28、xed mean pole 02.102历元平极mean pole of the epoch 02.103国际协议原点Conventional International Origin,CIO 02.104地极坐标coordinates of the pole 02.105地球自转参数earth rotation parameter,ERP 02.106恒星时Sidereal time 02.107世界时universal tim ,UT 02.108协调世界时coordinated universal time,UTC 02.109天文年历astronomical ephemeris,ast

29、ronomical almanac 02.110FK4星表Fourth Fundamental Catalogue, FK4 02.111FK5星表Fifth Fundamental Catalogue, FK5 02.112天文坐标astronomical coordinate 02.113天文经度astronomical longitude 02.114天文纬度astronomical latitude 02.115天文方位角astronomical azimuth 02.116津格尔星对测时法(又称“东西星等高测时法”)method of time detemination by Zinger starpair 02.117中天法transit method 02.118恒星中天测时法method of time determination by star transit 02.119塔尔科特测纬度法Talcott method of latitude determination 02.120多星等高法equalaltitude method of multistar 02.121北极星任意时角法method by hour angle of Polaris 02.122时号time signal 02.123平时式时号meantime signal 02

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