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1、南开17春秋学期旅游中级英语一在线作业一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。)v 1. Th offiil hng of nm of Zhongin ounty_. hs oom othr inustris rlt to tourism in this r. hs hlp th lol popl gt ri of povrty. hs mpowr th lol popl to mng thir own rsours. hs ttrt mor tourists to this r标准答案:2. n orgniz visit to n rhologil sit is proly prt of

2、 th _. ulturl tourism. usinss tourism标准答案:3. hins Zhongin ounty is rnm s Shngri-l us of _in this r. th ivrs nturl fturs. th rr plnts n nimls. th intt nturl rsours n gologil fturs. th ologil prftion n ulturl ivrsity标准答案:4. tourist my wish to visit n Inin Rsrvtion in orr to osrv th iffrnt lif styls, n

3、 this kin of tivity oul kin of _. rrtionl tourism. thni tourism标准答案:5. My olst son n I r gtting long ttr ( )hs gtting ry to go to ollg. mor or lss. on th othr hn. now tht. in ontrst标准答案:6. ( ) is th nturl surrounings in whih n niml or plnt usully livs. hitt. shltr. hotl. rtirft标准答案:7. kp Kln, Shngri

4、-l lol n profssionl gui, mks his living from tourism.H_. is vry hppy t th inrs inom rought y th floo of tourists to Shngri-l. livs tht th tourism in Shngri-l is vry sussful. is worri out th thrt to th lol ultur rought y tourism. is positiv tht th tourism vlopmnt标准答案:8. Prouts of usinsss rfr to _. mn

5、uftur goos. srvis. is. omintion of , , n 标准答案:9. With th hlp from WWF, kp hs uilt ommunity-s o-log n lrning ntr for th following purposs xpt_. to mpowr th lol ommunitis to mng tourism. to hlp th lol popl st up homstys to ommot th tourists. to provi lol popl n quitl shr of th nfits from tourists. to

6、onsrv th nvironmnt n ulturl ivrsity标准答案:10. ( )mns f or prntg llow to sls rprsnttiv or n gnt for srvis rnr. onus. susiy. rvnu. ommission标准答案:11. oring to th txt, “rting” ustomr mns_. loting group of potntil ustomrs n vrtis th orgniztions prout(s) to thm. trying to mk som popl uy th orgniztions prout

7、(s). whol pross from rognizing th mrkt ns to th vntul stisftion of thos ns throug标准答案:12. WWF support th ommunity-l o-tourism projts for_. th sustinl vlopmnt of o-tourism. ttrting invstmnt to this r from hom n ro. hlping ig ompnis to vlop tourism usinss in Shngri-l. ooming lol onomy标准答案:13. ( )mns f

8、 or prntg llow to sls rprsnttiv or n gnt for srvis rnr. onus. susiy. rvnu. ommission标准答案:14. WWFs Glol 200 orgions is _. sin-s rnking of th worls most iologilly outstning hitts. sin-s rnking of pl for th worls most nngr nimls. th worls most pproprit pl for humn ings. th worls most pproprit pl for ni

9、mls标准答案:15. ( )mns using lot of isgrmnt. it. ontrovrsil. ftigu. tngil标准答案:16. Popl go for visit to isnyln so s_. to njoy th nturl snris. to hv fun标准答案:17. W o not ( ) our nits on th sis of thir kgroun or thni origin. uil up. ll on. iffrntit twn. put forwr标准答案:18. ( )mns lrg usinss orgniztion onsisti

10、ng of svrl iffrnt ompnis tht hv join togthr. onglomrt. ssml. monopoly. oorint标准答案:19. On primry motivtion for trvling, oring to mny, is to hv _. iffrnt xprin. routin tivity标准答案:20. ( )mns prominnt or istintiv spt, qulity or hrtristi. onus. sulptur. ftur. forst标准答案:21. ( )mns to mk somthing possil or

11、 sir. motivt. filitt. mpowr. hns on标准答案:22. Th govrnmnts ompign ( ) influning puli opinion. rsults from. ptlizs on. ims t. ris out of标准答案:23. ( )mns th mtho or possiility of pprohing pl or prson, or th right to us or look t somthing. hrnss. squn. imptus. ss标准答案:24. ( )mns n usully short journy m for

12、 plsur. xpition. xuision. rngr. lgisltion标准答案:25. Sh ( )his violnt tmpr. sums up. puts togthr. puts up with. sts si标准答案: 二、判断题(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。)v 1. h yr, th trihill villg ultur in north Thiln ttrts thousns of trkkrs. 错误. 正确标准答案:2. Th worls most fmous gysr, Ol Fithful hs m th Yllowston Prk th mothr

13、of ll prks. 错误. 正确标准答案:3. Frnh uisin is fmous ll ovr th worl for its liis. 错误. 正确标准答案:4. Th vnmnt of o-tourism in th Southst sin ountris nountrs mny iffiultis n prolms suh s th lk of infrstrutur vlopmnt n politil instility. 错误. 正确标准答案:5. Most of visitors to Vni us gonols s mns of trnsport. 错误. 正确标准答

14、案:6. Th most xiting thing to o whn on visits Grn nyon is to njoy th uty n grnur of ntur on hlioptr. 错误. 正确标准答案:7. Th tourism plnning in Vitnm inlus th infrstrutur vlopmnt, ution, n th mrkting of tourism. 错误. 正确标准答案:8. Tourist ttrtions lik grns, ntionl prks n musmnt prks r nturl rsours, whil musums,

15、gllris, thrls n tmpls r uilt rsours. 错误. 正确标准答案:9. Th purpos of stlishing th U.S. Ntionl Prk Srvi ws to onsrv th vlul nturl n ulturl hritg for th njoymnt of futur gnrtion. 错误. 正确标准答案:10. Th Yllowston Prk is fmous for its volni xplosions, willif, n finst ontinuous gologi ror on rth. 错误. 正确标准答案:11. Th Svnth Mlysin Pln is pln for th intnsiv vlopmnt of

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