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1、大学体验英语一周一练第三版3答案解析Unit OneKey to Extended Reading Skills Practice1. 直接定义 bilingual: 会说两种语言的 2. 近义复述 attribute: 特质,才能3. 对比和比较表达 litter: 狼崽 4. 举例表达 ravenous: 饿极了5. 解释说明 procrastinating: 拖延;耽搁 6. 构词法 unforeseeable: 不能预见7. 常识 trays: 托盘或盘子Key to Extended Translating Skills Practice1. 我没有数学方面的天赋。(原文中的head

2、本来是“头脑”的意思,但是可以引申为“对数学没有天赋”。)2. 男孩兴奋得眼睛睁得圆圆的。3. 这对双胞胎兄弟毫不相似,科林个子高而且很活跃,约翰个子矮而且老成。4. 激光的妙处就在于它能进行机械加工而不必实际接触所加工的材料。5. 这里为国内市场生产了许多产品。6. 松树的树根在石缝间扎下去。Key to Extended Writing Skills and Practice1) The ability to write well-organized, concise paragraphs is essential to a students success in almost all u

3、niversity courses. (Topic Sentence)In preparing scientific reports of laboratory experiments, a student must present his or her findings in logical order and clear language in order to receive a favorable evaluation of his work. In writing successful answers to essay questions on history or anthropo

4、logy examinations, a student must arrange the relevant facts and opinions according to some accepted pattern of paragraph structure. And certainly in writing a book report for English, or a critique for political studies, or a term paper for sociology, a student must pay attention to the style and o

5、rganization as well as the content. (Developing sentences) Clearly, skill in expository writing is crucial to successful achievement in most university subjects. (Concluding sentence)2) This term several useful and interesting courses have been offered. (Topic Sentence) An introduction to European C

6、ulture, for instance, gives us a lot of background knowledge of the history of European philosophy, literature, and arts. From time to time we see slide shows of famous paintings and hear tapes of famous pieces of music, and they make the lectures all the more interesting. American Society and Cultu

7、re is another course that attracts a large audience. The teacher, who visited the United States not long ago, discusses new trends and changes in American life as well as American history and traditions. (Developing sentences) We like these and other courses very much, because they help us not only

8、to improve our English but also to broaden our vision. (Concluding sentence)Key to Review and Test (1)Part I Writing(略) Part II. Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)1-7 B C C A A B B8. reminds 9. accounting for 10. total emissionPart III. Listening Comprehension11-25 CDBAC CCBBA BCACB 26-35

9、BCABB DCBAD36 last 37 largest 38 educate 39 present 40 single 41 officials 42 celebrated 43 attend 44 The fair provides a chance for the farming communities to show its skills and faming products. 45 Today, children and adults at the fair can play new computer games, or attend more traditional games

10、 of skill. 46 because people need to remember that theyre connected to the earth and its products, Part IV. Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)47-56 D B E I J K O M A H57-61 CBDCA 62-66 CBBDCPart V. Cloze67-76 ACBCA DBACA 77-86 DDABC DDBBAPart VI. Translation87 at the expense of his health 88 w

11、ere overtaken by bad weather89 take the engine apart 90 a family who cant communicate with each other91 At this rate, well soon be bankruptUnit TwoKey to Extended Reading Skills Practice1microphone autobiography invisible postdoctoral unbreakable forecast incapable interdepartmental incorrect disagr

12、ee trans-Atlantic disability irregular misunderstand superpower telescope overestimated unnatural 2 recommendation persistence imagination physicist creativity leadership purification musician curiosity cultural modernization childhood/childish simplicity/simplistic dangerous marriage hopefully spec

13、ialize development Key to Extended Translating Skills Practice1 妈妈为了挣足够的钱让我接受教育,经常承担额外的工作。2 许多人喜欢购买高质量的东西。3 赫尔曼爱因斯坦给阿尔伯特带了个小玩意儿,正是这个小玩意儿激发了他的智力。4 大多数父母所关注的事是为他们的孩子尽可能提供最佳教育。5 你必须服从我的一切命令。6 玛丽尽管经历了艰难困苦,却从未放弃对知识的追求。Key to Extended Writing Skills Practice1 It was a busy morning for Sandy. After getting

14、 up, Sandy walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Then she grabbed the soap and washed thoroughly, including her hair. After her shower, Sandy brushed her hair, put on her old, green T-shirt and some jeans. Then she put on her makeup and went to the kitchen. As usual, she didnt know what

15、 to have for breakfast, so she grabbed a glass of milk and ate a piece of toast while standing by the sink. Just then, her mother, Jane, entered the kitchen. 2 (略)Key to Review and Test (2)Part I. Writing (略)Part II. Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)1-7 N N Y NG N Y N8. had been passed 9.

16、 remain permanently 10. recommendationPart III. Listening Comprehension11-25 CABAC BDDDC BDABA 26-35 ACBAC DACDA36 different 37 scientist 38 investigate 39 further 40 reasonable 41 confirmed 42 questions 43 knowledge 44 There is no room for half right or right just half the time45 the scientist obse

17、rves in a demonstration must be explained by the changes in the conditions 46 who developed the theory of relativity, arrived at this theory through mathematicsPart IV. Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)47-56 K C B A N G D H E F 57-61 DABDA 62-66 ADDBAPart V. Cloze67-76 BADBD ABCCA 77-86 BDACA

18、 DBCCAPart VI. Translation87 will convince you to change your mind 88 can theory be separated from practice 89 she write her feelings down on paper 90 Taking his inexperience into account/ consideration91 try to adjust to cold weather in winter Unit ThreeKey to Extended Reading Skills PracticeWal-ma

19、rts main discount operation in April began selling the chest freezers in half of its 2,600 stores, while most of its stores sell at least one of two versions of compact refrigerators made by Haier. “When those college kids using our little refrigerators grow up and marry, we want them to be thinking

20、 of us for their first fridge,” said Michael Jemal, Haier Americas president, who was Haiers first US distributor before setting up the unit in 1999.Key to Extended Translating Skills Practice 1他醒来的时候,她就像平时那样望着他。2他越是想要掩盖他的错误,就越是容易暴露。3双方均不得无故解除合同。4 我把手放进口袋。5 我花了很长时间才到了医院。6 冬天,北方的天气比南方冷得多。7 当教员的应当有耐心。

21、8 作为学生,我们应该投入到学习中。Key to Extended Writing Skills Practice1 Topic Sentence: In his will, Alfred Nobel left specific instructions as to how the winners of the science awards he endowed are to be selected.Listing Signals: first; second; next; finallySteps: 1. First, to solicit (征求) nearly two thousand

22、recommendations from all over the world. 2. Second, to review the recommendations received and select the preliminary candidates.3. Next, to make the final choices for each discipline.4. Finally, to send telegrams to inform the new Nobel laureates of their awards.2 The correct order is: 1 3 7 2 6 5

23、4 83 (略)Key to Review and Test (3)Part I. Writing (略)Part II. Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)1-7 ADCDB BA8. less expensive metals 9. has been invested 10. commitmentPart III. Listening Comprehension11-25 BDBBC BBCBA CCBAD 26-35 ACBAC DACDA36 entertainment 37 regular 38 whether 39 weeken

24、ds 40 families 41 beginning 42 controlled 43 networks 44 by trying to present programs with wide popular appeal45 the higher the network can charge a company for commercials during the program 46 Cable television companies sell television programming directly to the public Part IV. Reading Comprehen

25、sion (Reading in Depth)47. Having a cafe on seemingly every street corner in America.48. a good sign49. 1500.50. Only on luxury goods website G. 51. hold a metallic gift card in their hand 52-56 ADDBA 57-61 BCADC Part V. Cloze62-71 DBCAA CBADC 72-81 DABCD AABBC Part VI. Translation82 American mother

26、s have long believed 83 Compared with many others84 beyond our imagination/ more than we can imagine 85 a massive ad campaign to promote its air-conditioner sales86 nothing is more attractive to me than music Unit FourKey to Extended Reading Skills Practice1. He believes in Catholicism.2. Many relig

27、ious leaders criticize his cloning plan as an offence to human dignity, while other scientists are supporting him.3. It seemed that the pressure is increasing.4. Without thinking about it carefully, they began to run a risk.5. If their natural senses are wrong, the negative reaction to cloning could

28、 be a disaster.Key to Extended Translating Skills Practice1. 火箭已经用来探索宇宙。2. 仔细研究原文,你会翻译得更好。3. 他吃得饱睡得香。4. 他全家都是虔诚的教徒。5. 医生们说他们不敢肯定能否救得了他的命。6. 在他们看来,他就是绝对权威的化身。Key to Review and Test (4)Part I. Writing (略)Part II. Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)1-7 B C A A B B C8. development of treatments

29、 and cures 9. moral value and ethical principles.10. political and religiousPart III. Listening Comprehension11-25. CCBDB ADDBD DBBDB 26-35. DABCA BDABD36 origin 37 unlike 38 communicate 39 signs 40 represent 41 power 42 associations 43 filled 44 the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad

30、events of our past; 45 but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions. 46 He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music, and which can move men to tears by their position and association. Part IV. Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)47-56 C

31、I G M F K B N A J57-61 CADCA 62-66 CBCDDPart V. Cloze67-76 ACCDA BCBCA 77-86 DBDCA CABADPart VI. Translation87. shot to fame88. find the cure for colds. 89. keep bird flu at bay.90. Like it or not91. several real estates to his nameKey to Midterm TestPart I. Writing (略)Part II. Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)1-7 ADCDB BA8. a negative thought 9. more severe and surprising 10. get divorcedPart III. Listening Comprehension11-25 DCBCB BCC AB DCADA 26-35 DCAAC DACDB36 changed 37 Experiments 38 researchers 39 thoughts 40 Educational 41 various 42 operations 43 broadcast 44 With the dev

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