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本文(人教版八年级英语上Unit10单元同步常见考点失误解析与自我检测.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、人教版八年级英语上Unit10单元同步常见考点失误解析与自我检测单元同步常见考点失误解析(八年级上册)Unit 10 If you go to the party, youll have a great time!1.如果明天天晴,我们将去野营。误:If it will be fine tomorrow, we will go camping. 正:If it is fine tomorrow, we will go camping. 解析:if意为“如果”,用作连词,引导条件状语从句。如果主句是一般将来时态,这时从句不可以用将来时态,而要用一般现在时。如:Ill do it if I hav

2、e time this afternoon. 如果今天下午我有空的话,我将做这件事。大多数情况下,从句可以位于主句之前,也可以位于主句之后。不过从句在前时,主从句之间必须用逗号隔开。例如: Please tell me if he comes back. = If he comes back, please tell me. 如果他回来了,请告诉我一声。注意if的两面性:if引导条件状语从句时意为“如果”,如果引导宾语从句则意为“是否”。请比较: 1) We will not go out if it snows tomorrow. 2) I dont know if it will snow

3、 tomorrow.句1) 中if引导的是状语从句。这个从句表示“条件”,整个句子的意思是“如果明天下雪好,我们不出去”。句2) 中if引导的是宾语从句,充当谓语动词dont know的宾语,整个句子的意思是“我不知道明天是否下雪。”课文要点 What will happen if they have the party tomorrow? (P74)2. 王老师对如何学习英语提出了许多好的建议。误:Mr. Wang gave many good advices on how to study English. 正:Mr. Wang gave a lot of good advice on h

4、ow to study English. 解析:advice “建议”,是不可数名词,“一条建议”,应该说a piece of advice,“许多建议”,应该说much(a lot of) advice。如:He gave me a piece of advice. 他给我一句忠告。Your English is pretty good. Can you give me some advice to me? 你英语很好。你能给我些建议吗?课文要点 Could you give me some advice please? (P75)3. 你要不快点就会错过这趟班车。误:You will mi

5、ss the bus unless you dont hurry up. 正:You will miss the bus unless you hurry up. 解析:unless是连词,意为“如果不”;“除非”,引导条件状语从句,本身表示否定意义,相当于ifnot,通常放在主句之后,若为加强语气,也可放在主句之前。如:I will not go and play unless I finish my homework. 如果没有完成作业,我就不去玩。Unless it rains, we shall work on the farm. 如果不下雨,我们将在农场劳动。注意:unless引导的

6、从句中用一般现在时代替一般将来时。课文要点 Unless we talk to someone, well certainly feel worse. (P77)4. 我坐公共汽车上学通常要十分钟。误:Going to school by bus usually take me 10 minutes.正:Going to school by bus usually takes me 10 minutes.解析:当主语是一个抽象概念(如不定式、动名词、主语从句等),谓语动词都用单数形式。如:Walking in the woods is a good form of exercise. 在森林里

7、散步是一种很好的运动方式。Doing morning exercises is good to our health. 做早操对我们的身体有好处。课文要点 I think talking to someone helps a lot. (P77)5. 他总是在我出错时帮助我。误:He always helps me when I make mistake. 正:He always helps me when I make mistakes. 解析:mistake意为“错误”,是可数名词,可构成make a mistake或make mistakes动词词组。如:It was a mistake

8、 to tell him the news. 告诉他这个消息是个错误。He often makes some mistakes in his study. 他学习中经常犯一些错误。注意:by mistake“由于差错”,是习惯用语,mistake前没有a,也不用复数形式。如:I am sorry I took your pencil by mistake. 对不起我拿错了你的铅笔。课文要点 Her dad said hr sometimes made careless mistakes himself. (P77)6. 他父亲是一个有丰富经验的老工人。误:His father is an ol

9、d worker with a lot of experiences. 正:His father is an old worker with a lot of experience. 解析:experience意为 “经验”;“体会”时,是不可数名词。如:Have you had much experience in work of this sort?你对这种工作有很多经验吗?解作“经历”“体验”时,是可数名词。如:Please tell us your experiences in Iraq. 请跟我们谈谈你在伊拉克的经历。课文要点 Students often forget that t

10、heir parents have more experience, and are always there to help them. (P77) 7. 这些姑娘有一半是外国人。误:The half girls are foreigners. 正:Half(of)thegirlsareforeigners.解析:half的用法与all和both 相同,既可用作形容词(或称限定词)修饰名词,也可用作不定代词,受of短语修饰。如:Half(of)thefruitwasbad.水果有一半是坏的。Half (of)myfriendsliveinthiscity.我的朋友有一半住在这个城市。注意:h

11、alf,halfof后面所接的名词前,必须有表示限定含义的冠词、指示代词、物主代词等等。如果是人称代称,则只能用halfof,而且人称代词要用宾格。如:OnlyhalfofthemcamelastSunday.上星期天他们只有一半人来。(不能说:Onlyhalfthem.或Onlyhalfthey.)课文要点 Half the class wont come. (P74)8. 那男孩太小,搬不动那只重箱子。误:The boy is too young not to carry the heavy box. 正:The boy is too young to carry the heavy bo

12、x. 解析:tooto是英语中常用的一种结构。其句型为“too形容词或副词todo”意为“太而不能”,它在形式上是肯定的,但在意义上是否定的。如:Heistooexcitedtospeak. 他太激动了,说不出话来。 在tooto结构中,若要指出动词不定式的逻辑主语时,则用tooforsomebodytodosomething形式。如: Thisquestionistoohardformetoworkout这道题太难了,我算不出来。课文要点 because theyll be too lazy to cook. (P74)9. 他为犯这样一个粗心的错误而生自己的气。误:He was angry

13、 to himself for making such a careless mistake. 正:He was angry with himself for making such a careless mistake. 解析:angry意为“生气”,用作形容词,表示“对某人生气”,一般用介词with,有时也用at。如:The teacher was angry with/at me when I was late. 我迟到了,老师很生我的气。表示 “对某事生气”常用介词about或at。注意be动词可根据需要用其他系动词(seem, become,get等)代替。如:You seem an

14、gry about something. 你看上去在为某事生气。表示“因某人做了某事而生气”用be angry with somebody for doing something。如:I was angry with you for copying my homework. 我对你生气是因为你抄袭了我的作业。课文要点 If I tell my parents, theyll be angry. (P77)10. 许多学生中学毕业去上大学。误:Many boys and girls go to the college after graduation from high school. 正:Ma

15、ny boys and girls go to college after graduation from high school.解析:go to college意为“上大学”,短语中没有冠词,college不表示具体的某个大学,指“上大学念书”抽象概念。如:My brother went to college last year. 我弟弟是去年上大学的。比较:go to the college意为“去那所大学”,不一定是以学习为目的,很可能是以办事情、找人为目的。如:She went to the college to visit one of her classmates. 她到那所大学

16、去访问一个同学。课文要点 I think you should go to college. (P76)11. 你认为他住在哪里?误:Do you think where he lives? 正:Where do you think he lives? 解析:do you think用作插入语,有本身意义“你认为”,它用来询问对方观点但不作句子成分。用在特殊疑问句中,应将特殊疑问词放在句首,并影响句子语序,即句子应变为陈述语序。如:When do you think he will come?你认为他什么时候来?What do you think she is doing? 你认为她在做什么?

17、课文要点 What do you think I should do? (P76)12. 最终,我们赢了这场足球比赛。误:At the end, we won the football game. 正:In the end, we won the football game. 解析:intheend意为“最后,终于”,相当于finally。如:Intheend,theyfoundtheirteacher.最后,他们找到了他们的老师。比较:attheendof可以指时间,也可指处所,意为“在尽头,在结束时”。 如: Attheendoftheroad,youcanseetheshop.在这条路的

18、尽头,你能看到那家商店。 Attheendoflastterm, wehadanEnglishexam.上在学期结束时,我们举行了一次英语测试。 bytheand常和of相连,用于指时间,意为“到底(末)为止” 如:Theycanfinishtheworkbytheendofthismonth.到这个月底的时候,人们能完成这项工作。 课文要点 In the end, she talked to her parents and they were really understanding. (P77)13. 记着放学后去趟邮局。误:Remembergoingtothepostofficeafte

19、rschool. 正:Remembertogotothepostofficeafterschool. 解析:remember doing意为“记得做过某事(已做)”。如:Dont you remember seeing the man before? 你不记得以前见过那个人吗?remember to do意为“记得去做某事(未做)”。如:Remember to go to the post office after school.记着放学后去趟邮局。课文要点 I will always remember to share my problems in the future. (P77)14.

20、里克一点儿没变,他和上学时一模一样.误:Rick hasnt changed. He looks exactly the same like he did at school.正:Rick hasnt changed. He looks exactly the same as he did at school.解析:like“像样”,“如同”用作介词,后跟名词、代词、动名词等。如:He climbs the tree like a monkey. 他爬起树来像猴子一样。He saw a number of small hard things like stones.他看见许多小而硬的、像石块似

21、的东西。 如果该名词或代词后还要用动词才能表达某一完整的意思,那就用as,此处的as作连词解。如: He wanted to be a pilot as his father had been.他想当一名飞行员,像他爸爸一样。 课文要点 He feels the same way as Laura. (P77)15. 我尽力学好英语。误:Im trying learning English well.正:Im trying to learn English well.解析:try之后既可接不定式,又可接动名词,但含义上有区别。 try to do意思是“努力去做某事”“尽力干”,表示想尽一切办

22、法要把事情办成。如:Im trying to learn English well. 我决心(尽力)学好英语。 try doing意思是“尝试着干某事”“试着(用什么方法)去做某事”,表示一种试着、做做看的做法。如:I tried knocking at the back door, but nobody answered. 我试着敲了敲后门,但没人回答。 课文要点 We should always try to solve them. (P77)16. 他们离完成这项工作还有一半的进程。误:Theyre halfway to finish the work. 正:Theyre halfway

23、 to finishing the work. 解析:be/come/go halfway to doing something意为“完成某事的一半”,该短语中的to是介词,后接动名词。如:I am halfway to finishing writing the letter.写这封信我完成了一半。课文要点 So youre halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it. (P77)17. 下次你来时,把你女儿带来。误:Next time you come, take your daughter. 正:Nex

24、t time you come, bring your daughter. 解析:bring 指带来,从别处把东西或人带来、拿来。如:Father brought me a present from Australia.父亲从澳大利亚给我带来礼物。take 指带走,把东西带走或拿走,Please take the letter to the post office.请把这封信送到邮局去。fetch 指往返,去又回来,到别处去把某人或某物带来或拿来,She has gone to fetch water.她去打水去了。get 是常用词,多用于口语,与fetch 同义。Go and get som

25、e water. 去打些水来。carry 指随身携带(重物),不说明固定方向, 有时含有“负担”的意思。如:Let me carry the box for you.请让我替你拿这个箱子。课文要点 If we ask people to bring food, theyll just bring potato chips and(P74)18. 我在英语写作方面有些困难。误:I have some problem with English writing. 正:I have some problems with English writing. 解析: have problems with意为

26、“在某方面有问题(困难)”,“与某人有矛盾”,problem 是可数名词,可加-s变复数形式,也可用have a problem with something的形式。如:Ken seems upset these days. Whats wrong? 肯最近看起来很沮丧,怎么了?He has problems with his math study. 他在数学学习方面有困难。表示“做某事有困难”可用have problems (in) doing something。We had a lot of problems in finding your house. 我们好不容易找到你的家。类似的表

27、达还有:have difficulty (trouble) with(in) doing something 注意:difficulty (trouble)是不可数名词。如:I have some difficulty in working out the math problem. 解答这个数学题我有困难。课文要点Sometimes they have problems with their schoolwork, and sometimes with their friends. (P77)自我检测单项填空:1.Tommy, do you know if Frank _ to the th

28、eatre with us this Sunday if the weather_.Sorry, I have no idea. A. will go; is fine B. goes; is fine C. will go; will be fine D. goes; will be fine2. My teacher gave me much _ on how to study English well when I had some trouble. A. advice B. question C. suggestion D. problem3. Your dream wont come

29、 true _ you know what your dream is. A. after B. unless C. because D. though4. Eating vegetables _ good for your health. A. be B. am C. is D. are5. Lisa was so careless that she made many spelling _ in her homework. A. plans B. decisions C. grades D. mistakes6. What do you think of your last trip? I

30、 had a very scary_ in the mountains. I wont go there again. A. assistant B. experience C. station D. souvenir7. _ come from the countryside in our class. A. Half of boys B. The boys half C. Half boys D. Half of the boys8. He was late this morning, because the bus was _ crowded for him _. A. too; get on B. too; not to get on C. too; get on D. so; to get on 9. I find it impossible to be angry _ him. A. to B. by C. in D. with10. Later she went to _ college and then became a teacher. A. the B. a C. an D. 不填11. _ we will l

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