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Unit 8 When is your birthday 学案.docx

1、Unit 8 When is your birthday 学案Unit 8 When is your birthday?Section A【视野聚焦】重点短语1. your mothers birthday 你妈妈的生日2. October tenth 十月十号3. date of birth 出生日期; 生日4. how old 多大(岁数)经典句型1. When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候? My birthday is June fourth. 我的生日是六月四号。2. When is your mothers birthday? 你妈妈的生日是什么时候?3.

2、 DATE OF BIRTH: March 21st. 出生日期:三月二十一日。4. How old are you? 你多大了? Im fifteen. 我十五岁了。【学海拾贝】1. When is your birthday? When is ones birthday?是询问某人生日的句型;若问某人何时出生,则用句型When was /wereborn? 例如:约翰,你什么时候过生日? When is your birthday, John? 约翰,你什么时候出生的? When were you born, John? when 可以用来对年、月、日等时间提问。回答时用介词in, on,

3、 at等加具体时间。例如:你什么时候回家? When do you go home?我通常6点钟回家。 I usually go home at six oclock.例如:游客一般什么时候到海南岛游玩? When do the tourists go to Hainan Island?一般在夏天。 They often go there in summer.思维拓展比较when 与 what time: when 和 what time都可以对时间进行提问。when 一般用于询问某年、某月、某日。而what time一般用于具体某个时刻,也就是具体几点钟的提问。例如: 人们在什么时候种树?

4、人们一般在春天种树。 When do people plant trees? People often plant trees in spring. 你早上几点钟起床? 我六点钟起床。What time do you get up in the morning? I get up at six oclock.2. My birthday is June fourth. (1)birthday 名词,意思是“生日”,它是一个合成词,是由名词birth和名词day组成的。当祝贺别人的生日时,我们常说:Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐!外国人在过生日时经常会举行一个birt

5、hday party生日聚会来进行祝贺。 例如:-今天是我的生日。 -祝你生日快乐! -Today is my birthday. -Happy birthday to you. (2)当别人问When is your birthday时,我们可以回答My birthday is 。也可以用Its on June fourth。当日期具体到某一天时要用介词on, on在此句中可以省略。如果只是说在哪个月,或哪一年时,介词用in。 例如:我的生日在十月十号。 My birthday is (on) October tenth. 植树节是在三月。 Tree Planting Day is in M

6、arch. (3)June fourth意思是“六月四号”。fourth 意思是“第四”,是序数词。序数词是表示数目顺序的词,一般翻译为“第几”,其构成如下: 第1至第3独立成词:第1 first , 第2 second, 第三 third。它们都有缩写形式,1st, 2nd, 3rd.。第4到第19是在基数词的基础上加后缀-th。 如:第4 fourth, 第5 fifth, 第6 sixth,第11 eleventh,第18 eighth 它们的缩写形式一般在阿拉伯数字后加后缀-th构成。需要注意的是第5,第8,第9,第12,第15的拼写:fifth -fifth eight-eighth

7、 nine-ninth twelve-twelfth fifteen-fifteenth整十的序数词由基数词将y变为ie再加后缀-th构成。 如:第20 twentieth(20th) 第30 thirtieth(30th) 第40 fortieth(40th) 第50 fiftieth(50th) 第60 sixtieth(60th) 第70 seventieth(70th) 第80 eightieth(80th) 第90 ninetieth(90th)两位数的序数词只需把个位数变为序数词就可以了,十位数不做改变。 如:第21 twenty-first(21st) 第42 forty-sec

8、ond(42nd) 第55 fifty-fifth(55th) 第98 ninety-eighth(98th)方法指津:基数词变序数词记忆法: 基数变序数很容易词尾加th莫迟疑 8去t, 9去e, -ty变为-tie five, twelve两兄弟 要以f代ve 还有三个特殊变,1,2,3尾t, d, d。3. When is your mothers birthday?mothers 叫做“名词所有格”,意思是“妈妈的”。在前面我们学习了人称代词,如:你的your,我的my,他的his,她的her。现在,我们学习一下属格的另一种形式:名词所有格,它是由名词+ s构成的,翻译为“的”。名词单数

9、+s例如:这是我叔叔的卧室。 This is my uncles bedroom.那是尼克的背包。 That is Nicks backpack.以s或es结尾的名词复数只加 例如:这些是学生的课本。 These are students textbooks.这两件毛衣是双胞胎的。 These two sweaters are the twins.如果事物是或人是两个名词共同所有,则在后一个名词上加s 例如:这是Lucy和Lily的房间。 This is Lucy and Lilys room. 格林小姐是林涛和林帆的老师。 Miss Green is Lin Tao and Lin Fans

10、 teacher.如果事物或人是两个名词分别所有,则在每一个名词后加s 例如:这是Lucy和Lily的书桌。 These are Lucys and Lilys desks.4. Date of birth. (1)birth名词,意思是“出生;出世;诞生” 例如:出生地 place of birth (2)date名词,意思是“日期”,指“几月几号”。 例如:今天几月几号? Whats the date today?特别提示 date与day1. date的意思是“日期”。答语一般先说月份,再说日期,最后说年份。 他的出生日期是几月几号? 是五月三号。 Whats his date of b

11、irth? Its May third. 2. day的意思是“天;白天”,也指一个星期内七天中的某一天。 今天星期几? 星期三。 What day is it today? Its Wednesday. day也指“特定的日子;重大日子;节日”。 五一劳动节 May Day 儿童节 Childrens Day 教师节 Teachers Day 植树节 Tree Planting Day5. How old are you? 此句的意思是“你多大了?/多大年龄”,how old对年龄提问,回答时常用句型“Im+数词”或 “Imyears old”。例如:你的弟弟多大了? How old is

12、your brother?他只有5岁。Hes only five (years old). 你多大年龄了? How old are you?这是个秘密。 Oh, this is a secret. 注意:在讲英语的国家,可以询问孩子的年龄,但对于成年人一般不直接问及年龄,尤其是女士,问女士的年龄被认为是不礼貌的,而且对方也不予回答。特别提示 old与ageold 与age都表示“年龄”,但二者的词性不同,old为形容词,age是名词。age一般用于疑问句中,回答时常用be+基数词+year /years old。 How old are you? =Whats your age? 我十五岁了。

13、 Im fifteen years old.思维拓展How 的用法知多少:1. how 多么;怎么 多少美丽的花啊! How beautiful flowers! 你妈妈的身体怎么样啊? How is your mother?2. how much / how many 提问数量 我们还有多少牛奶? How much milk do we have? 你有多少个足球? How many soccer balls do you have?3. how much 提问价钱这件毛衣多少钱? How much is this sweater?4. how often 多久一次(提问频率) 你多久看一次

14、电视? How often do you watch TV? 一星期看三次。 Three times a week.5. how soon 多快;多久 你多久能回来? How soon will you come back? 两天后。 In two days【牛刀小试】写出下列日期1. 一月九日 2. 二月八日 3. 三月十五日 4. 四月一日 5. 六月十二日 6. 八月二日 7. 十二月三日 8. 九月十日 写出下列序数词的完全形式1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 8th 12th 30th 40th 50th 21st 99th 单项选择( )1. is Toms birthday

15、? A. What B. When C. Why D. Where( )2. Her date of is November 1st. A. age B. birth C name D. birthday( )3. He was born on July . A. twenty B. twelve C. twentieth D. twentyth( )4. My sister is only five . A. year B. years C. year old D. years old( )5. May is the month of the year. A. five B. fifth C

16、. fiveth D. fourth( )6. My birthday is April 3rd. A. on B. in C. at D. of( )7. Huang Leis birthday is April. A. on B. in C. at D. of( )8. China joined WTO 2002. A. on B. in C. at D. of( )9. My birthday is October 21st. A. sister B. sisters C. sister D. sisters( )10. She is mother. A. Lucy and Lily B

17、. Lucys and Lilys C. Lucys and Lily D. Lucy and Lilys补全对话A: Excuse me. How many 1 are there in a year, do you know?B: There are twelve.A: What are they?B: They are January, February, 2 3 , May, June, 4 , 5 September, 6 , November and 7 .A: Which month do you like best(最)?B: I like June best.A: 8 ?B:

18、 Because the Children s Day is in this month. And my birthday is 9 this month, 10 .A: Oh, really? That 11 interesting.B: What about you? 12 is your birthday?A: My birthday is 13 4th.B: Do you like December?A: Yes, the Christmas is in this month. 根据上下文和首字母提示完成短文 (1) J 1st is New Years Day. Womens Day

19、 is on March (2)e .The first day of (3) M is May Day. Chinas Youth Day comes after it. Its on May (4)f .(5)C Day is on June 1st. is our (6)P birthday. (7)A 1st is the Army Day. (8)T Day is on tenth of September. (9) O 1st is our National Day. (10)D you know the other festivals in China? 1. 2. 3. 4.

20、5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 【超越自我】( )1.The question is much more difficult than this one. (2006 重庆) A. sixth B. six C. sixteen D. sixty( )2.Lian Zhan, the chairman of the KMT, enjoyed the scenery of the Huangpu River the night of May 1st. (2005 黑龙江) A. at B. in C. on D. over( )3. -Whats date today? (2005 宁波)

21、 -Its June 12th. A. / B. a C. the D. an( )4. - are you going to have your birthday party? (2005 四川) -Of course on my birthday, July 1st. A. Where B. When C. How5. There are so many new words in the (二十九)lesson. Its hard to understand. (2005 河北)【创新全解】牛刀小试版块答案:写出下列日期1. January ninth 2. February eighth

22、 3. March fifteenth 4. April first5. June twelfth 6. August second 7. December third 8. September tenth写出下列序数词的完全形式1. first 2. second 3. third 4. fourth5. fifth 6. eighth 7. twelfth 8. thirtieth9. fortieth 10. fiftieth 11. twenty-first 12. ninety-ninth 单项选择1-5 B B C D B 6-10 A B B D D 补全对话1. months

23、2. March 3. April 4. July 5. August6. October 7. December 8. Why 9. in 10. too11. sounds 12. When 13. December 根据上下文和首字母提示完成短文1. January 2. eighth 3. May 4. fourth 5. Childrens6. Partys 7. August 8. Teachers 9. October 10. Do超越自我答案1.A(从题意可知“第六到题比这一个难”,第六用sixth,故答案为A)2.C(日期具体到某一天或某一天的早上、中午、晚上,介词用on,故

24、答案为C)3.C(询问日期“几月几号”用句型Whats the date?故答案用C. the)4.B(根据回答“on my birthday, July 1st 在我生日那一天,即七月一日”,可知上一句是询问“何时”,故答案选B. When)5. 根据题意可知本题考查序数词 “第二十九”课, 故答案为twenty-ninth。Section B【视野聚焦】重点短语1. speech contest 演讲比赛2. school trip 学校旅行;郊游3. birthday party 生日聚会4. basketball game 篮球比赛5. School Day 校庆6. Chinese

25、Contest 中文比赛7. Music Festival 音乐节8. English Party 英语晚会9. Art Festival 艺术节经典句型1. When is Sallys birthday party? 萨丽的生日派对是什么时候?2. When is the school trip? 学校郊游在什么时候?3. Do you have a School Day at your school? 你们学校有校庆日吗?4. Do you have an Art Festival? 你们举行艺术节吗?【学海拾贝】1. When is Sallys birthday party? bir

26、thday party 生日晚会;生日聚会 有关生日的其它短语:生日卡片 birthday card 生日蛋糕 birthday cake 生日礼物 a birthday present2. When is the school trip? school trip (学校的)郊游 trip名词,意思是“旅行;旅游”,通常指短程的旅行。例如:我们在三月四日进行郊游。 We have a school trip on March fourth.思维拓展 有关“旅行”的说法有很多,我们来学习一下吧: 长途陆路用journey,短途短期用trip; 观光游玩用tour,海上航行用voyage; tra

27、vel用法最普遍,特别用于指游记。3. speech contest 演讲比赛contest 名词,意思是“比赛;竞争”。例如:选美比赛 a beauty contest 一场势均力敌的比赛 a close contest 举行比赛 hold a contest 参加比赛 enter a contest思维拓展 英语中的“比赛”:baseball, soccer ball, basketball等以-ball结尾的比赛,一般用game;tennis, boxing(拳击)等的比赛一般match这个词;而像“演讲比赛”,“中文竞赛”等比赛一般contest这个词。4. Do you have a

28、n Art Festival? festival 可数名词,意思是“节;节日”。 如:春节 Spring Festival 中秋节 Mid-autumn Festival5. years old 岁 表示某人准确的年龄时,常用句型“人+ be+ 数字(+years old)”。 例如:我今年12岁。Im twelve years old this year. 拓展:说明某人大约多少岁时,可用下列说法: over/ above twenty 20多岁 below /under twenty 不到20岁 nearly/ close to twenty 将近20岁【牛刀小试】单项选择( )1. Do

29、 you have Art Festival every year? A. a B. the C. an D. /( )2. There are months in a year. A. twenty B. twentieth C. twelfth D. twelve( )3. When is your English ? A. name B. contest C. book D. friend( )4. There is Contest on June first. A. the China B. the Chinese C. a Chinese D. an Chinese( )5. -Wh

30、en is the school trip? -Its August. A. of B. on C. at D. in( )6. is the Teachers Day. A. May first B. October tenth C. September tenth D. August tenth( )7. - do you have at your school? -We have an Art Festival each year. A. What sports B. What event C. What D. What events( )8. - How can we write 2006. 10. 1? - . A. 2006, October 1st B. October 1st 2006 C. October 1st, 2006( )9. Can you see a man a bla

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