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1、高三英语上册全套教案高三英语上册全套教案 Unit 1 Great sientistsTeahing ais1T help students learn t desribe peple2T help students learn t read a narratin abut hn Sn3T help students better understand “Great sientists”4T help students learn t use se iprtant rds and expressinsT help students identif exaples f “The Past Par

2、tiiple (1) as the Prediative ≈ the attribute”Perid 1 aring up and readingTeahing PreduresI aring up Step I Lead inTal abut sientistT: Hi, rning, lass Nie t see u n this speial da, the da hen u bee a senir t grader I a happ t be ith u helping u ith ur English Tda e are t read abut a ertain sientis

3、t But first lets define the rd “sientist” hat is a sientist?A sientist is a persn h rs in siene, tring t understand h the universe r ther things rSientists an r in different areas f siene Here are se exaples: Thse that stud phsis are phsiists Thse that stud heistr are heists Thse that stud bilg are

4、bilgistsStep IIAs the students t tr the quiz and find ut h ns the stT: There are se great sientifi ahieveents that have hanged the rld an u nae se f the? hat ind f rle d the pla in the field f siene? D these ahieveents have anthing in n? ath the inventins ith their inventrs bel befre u anser all the

5、se questins 1 Arhiedes, Anient Gree (287-212 B), a atheatiian2 harles Darin, Britain (1808-1882) The nae f the b is rigin f Speies3 Thas Neen, British (1663-1729), an inventr f stea engine4 Gregr endel, zeh, a btanist and genetiist arie urie, Plish and Frenh, a heist and phsiist6 Thas Edisn, Aerian,

6、 an inventr7 Lenard da Vini, Italian, an artist8 Sir Huphr Dav, British, an inventr and heist9 Zhang Heng, anient hina, an inventr10 Stepper Haing, British, a phsiistII Pre-readingStep IGet the students t disuss the questins n page 1 ith their partners Then as the students t reprt their r Enurage th

7、e students t express their different pinins 1hat d u n abut infetius diseases?Infetius diseases an be spread t ther peple The have an unnn ause and need publi health are t slve the Peple a be expsed t infetius disease, s a anials, suh as bird flu,AIDS, SARS are infetius diseases Infetius diseases ar

8、e diffiult t ure 2hat d u n abut hlera?hlera is the illness aused b a bateriu alled Vibri hlerae It infets peples intestines(肠), ausing diarrhea and leg raps (抽筋)The st n ause f hlera is b sene eating fd r drining ater that has been ntainated(污染) ith the bateria hlera an be ild(不严重的) r even ithut ie

9、diate spts(症状), but a severe ase an lead t death ithut iediatel treatent3 D u n h t prve a ne idea in sientifi researh?Anbd ight e ut ith a ne idea But h d e prve it in sientifi researh? There are seven stages in exaining a ne idea in sientifi researh And the an be put in the flling rder hat rder ul

10、d u put the seven in? ust guessFind a prble ae up a questin Thin f a ethd llet results Analse the results Dra a nlusin Repeat if neessarIII ReadingStep I Pre-reading1D u n hn Sn?hn Sn is a ell-nn dtr in the 19th entur in Lndn and he defeated “ing hlera”2D u n hat ind f disease is hlera?It is a ind f

11、 terrible disease aused b drining dirt ater and it aused a lt f deaths in the ld ties and it as ver diffiult t defeatLets get t n h Dr hn Sn defeated “ing hlera” in 184 in Lndn in this reading passage: Step II SiingRead the passage and anser the questins1h defeats “ing hlera“? (hn Sn)2hat happened i

12、n 184? (hlera utbrea hit Lndn)3H an peple died in 10 das? (00)4h is there n death at N 20 and 21 Brad Street as ell as at N 8 and 9 abridge Street? (These failies had nt drun the ater fr the Brad Street pup)(ptinal)Si the passage and find the infratin t plete the fr belhhenhatHResulthn Sn184helping

13、rdinar peple expsed t hleraExaining the sure f all ater supplies and finding ne ethds f dealing ith plluted aster“ing hlera” defeatedStep III SanningRead the passage and nuber these events in the rder that the happened2 hn Sn began t test t theries1 An utbrea f hlera hit Lndn in 1844 hn Sn ared the

14、deaths n a ap7 He annuned that the ater arried the disease3 hn Sn investigated t streets here the utbrea as ver severe8 ing hlera as defeated He fund that st f the deaths ere near a ater pup6 He had the handle reved fr the ater pupStep IV ain idea and rret stageRead the passage and put the rret stag

15、es int the reading abut researh int a diseasehn Sn Defeats “ing hlera”ParagraphStagesGeneral ideas1Find a prble:hat ause the hlera?The auses f hlera2ae up a questin:hih is right?The rret r pssible ther3Thin f a ethd:Test t therllet data n here peple ere ill and died and here the gt their ater4llet r

16、esults:ar the deathPlt infratin n a ap t find ut here peple died r did nt dieAnalze the results:Find the resure f the aterL int the ater t see if that is the ause f the illness6Find supprting evideneFind ther evidenes t nfir his nlusin7Dra a nlusinThe plluted dirt sure f drining ater as t blae fr th

17、e ause f the Lndn hlera Step V Grup disussinAnser the questins (Finish exerise 2 n Page 3)1 hn Sn believed Idea 2 as right H did he finall prve it? (hn Sn finall prved his idea beause he fund an utbrea that as learl related t hlera, lleted infratin and as able t tie ases utside the area t the pllute

18、d ater)2 D u thin hn Sn uld have slved this prble ithut the ap? (N The ap helped hn Sn rganize his ideas He as able t identif thse husehlds that had had an deaths and he their ater-drining habits He identified thse huses that had had n deaths and surveed their drining habits The evidene learl pinted

19、 t the plluted ater being the ause)3 hlera is a 19th entur disease hat disease d u thin is siilar t hlera tda? (T diseases, hih are siilar tda, are SARS and AIDS beause the are bth serius, have an unnn ause and need publi health are t slve the)Step VI Using the stages fr sientifi researh and rite a

20、suarPerid 2≈3 Language fusStep I aring up1harateristi n a qualit r feature f sth r sene that is tpial f the and eas t rengnize特征;特性hat harateristis distinguish the Aerians fr the anadiansa ver tpial f a partiular thing r f senes haraer 典型性的,Suh bluntness is harateristi f hiind das are harateristi

21、 f arh 辨析harateristi与haraterharateristi是可数名词,意为“与众不同的特征“harater表示(个人、集体、民族特有的)“性格、品质”,还意为“人物;字”hat u n abut hi isnt his real harater2 put frard: t state an idea r pinin, r t suggest a plan r persn, fr ther peple t nsider提出 He put frard a ne therThe freigners have put frard a prpsal fr a int ventureA

22、n interesting suggestin fr easuring the atsphere arund ars has been put frard put n穿上;戴上;增加put ut熄灭(灯);扑灭 (火)put up ith忍受 put dn写下;放下; put ff 耽误; 延期put up建立; 建造, put up举起,搭建,粘贴3 analze: t exaine r thin abut sething arefull in rder t understand itvt分析结果、检讨、细察A puter analses the phtgraphs sent b the s

23、atelliteThe earthquae expert tried t analze the ause f the earthquae urred n a 12,2008Lets analze the prble and see hat ent rngHe analzed the fd and fund that it ntained pisne ust tr t analze the auses f the strie analsisn分析,解析,分解4 nlude: deide that sth is true after nsidering al the infratin u have

24、得出结论;推论出t end sth suh as a eeting r speeh b ding r saing ne final thingvt ≈ vi结束,终止; e nluded the eeting at 8 l ith a praerFr his appearane e a safel nlude that he is a heav serhat d u nlude fr these fats?e nlude t g ut / that e uld g utnlusinn结论arrive at a nlusin; e t a nlusin; dra a nlusin; rea

25、h a nlusinhat nlusin did u e t / reah / dra / arrive at?Fr these fats e an dra se nlusins abut h the praids ere builtStep 2 Reading1 defeat vt t in a vitr ver sene in a ar, petitin, gae et打败,战胜,使受挫Ive tried t slve the prble, but it defeats e!ur tea defeated theirs in the gae n失败,输failure t in r suee

26、dThis eans aditting defeatThe have gt six vitries and t defeats辨析in, beat与defeat in “赢得”赛事、战事、某物;后接人时,意为“争取赢得的好感或支持;说服” beat “战胜”“击败”比赛中的对手,可与defeat互换e beat / defeated their tea b 10 sresThe n the battle but lst an enThe lal ball tea n the state hapinship b beating / defeating all the ther teasI an

27、easil beat /defeat hi at glfHe is training hard t in the rae and realize his drea f being a hapin at the 2008 lpi Gaes2 expert n sene h has a speial sill r speial nledge f a subet专家,能手an expert in pshlgan agriultural expert ahaving speial sill r speial nledge f a subet熟练的,有专门技术的an expert rideran exp

28、ert b需专门知识的工作He is expert in / at ing3 attend vt ≈vi 参加,注意,照料 be present at参加attend a eren / leture / a vie / shl / lass / a eeting I shall be attending the eetingPlease let e n if u are unable t attend the nferene attend t (n): t l after, are fr, serve伺候, 照顾,看护The queen had a gd dtr attending n

29、herDr Sith attended her in hspital 治疗Are u being attended t?接待ther had t attend t her si sn attend t处理,注意倾听attend t the atterA nurse attends t his needsan u attend t the atter iediatel?I a be late I have gt ne r t things t attend tExuse e, but I have an urgent atter t attend t辨析attend, in, in in与tae

30、 part inattend指参加会议、上、上学、听报告等in 指加入某组织、团体,成为其中一员in in指加入某种活动;表示与某人一起做某事in sb in sthtae part in指参加正式的、有组织的活动,切在活动中起积极作用nl 2 peple attended the eetingHe ined the unist uth League in 2007ill u in us in the gae?e ften tale part in the after-lass ativities4 expse : t sh sth that is usuall vered暴露 expse s

31、th t the light f da 把某事暴露于光天化日之下 I threatened t expse hi ( t the plie) 我威胁要(向警察)揭发他 He expsed his sin t the sun他把皮肤暴露在阳光下 The ld an as left expsed t ind and rainhen he siled he expsed a set f perfet hite teeth urevt ≈ n t ae sene h is ill ell agian治疗,痊愈hen I left the hspital I as pletel uredure sb f a diseasehen u have a pain in ur shulders, u ill g t see a dtr The dtr ill ure u The nl a t ure baahe is t restHe ill ure the pain in ur shuldershen I left the hspital I as pletel uredThe illness annt be ured easilAlthugh the b as bend ure, his parents tried t ure hi f bad h

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