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1、仁爱英语七年级上册Unit4topic3知识点讲解及随堂练习知识点梳理一、词组与短语:1.go to the zoo去动物园 something best 最喜欢谋事3.See you next time. 下次见4.have lunch 吃午饭5.have sports 进行体育运动6.go to bed 去睡觉7.go home 回家8.go to school 上学9.start school 开始上课 TV 看电视11.get up 起床 ones homework 做作业 the morningafternoonevening 在早上下

2、午晚上14.find ones way home找到回家的路15.Its time to do sth.该是做某事的时候二、重点句型:1.What animal do you like best?=Whats your favorite animal?2.What time is it?=Whats the time?=Could you tell me the time?3.Its time to do something.4.Whats wrong with you?=Whats up?=Whats the matter with you?5.Dont cry.6.Its very kin

3、d of you to help us.7.Here we are.三、语法:时刻表达法1:00 one oclock1:05 one-o-five five past one1:15 one fifteen a quarter past one1:30 one thirty half past one1:40 one forty twenty to two1:45 one forty-five a quarter to two例题讲解一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Her idea _ (sound) great.2. Some animals are very _ (friend) to

4、 people. 3. Which do you like _ (well), a cat, a dog or a pig?4. There are lots of _ (horse) on the farm.5. Can you see those _ (monkey) in the zoo?二、单项选择6. _ Sunday, some people come to the zoo.A. In B. On C. At 7. There is _ elephant in the zoo.A. a B. an C. the 8. I dont like lions _ elephants at

5、 all.A. or B. and C. so9. _ you free tomorrow morning?A. Can B. Are C. Do10. I like tigers very much. _ you?A. What are B. Which are C. How about三、句型转换 11. Ill have some time then. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ _ time then?12. Are the elephants so big? (作否定回答) No, _ _.13. I like pandas best. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ you

6、like best?14. I can see only one lion in the picture. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ can you see in the picture?15. His favorite animals are cats. (改为同义句) He _ cats _.四、用所给动词的适当形式填空16. Would you like _ (go) to the zoo with us?17. Can I _ (give) the food to the animals?18. My mother often _ (take) me to the zoo on S

7、undays. 19. What _ (be) your favorite animals?20. Lets _ (drive) to the zoo this afternoon.当堂练习A:一、单项选择1. Mike watch is here. Please _.A. give him it B. give it to him C. to give it to him2. _? Its nine.A. Where is my watch B. Whose is this watch C. Whats the time3. Can you tell me the time? _.A. Ye

8、s, I cant B. No, I can C. No, I cant4. Is it time _ to bed?A. go B. to go C. going 5. Im sorry. I have _ watch.A. no B. not any C. not 二、句型转换6. She has a new watch. (改为复数句) They _ some new _.7. Its twelve oclock now. (对划线部分提问) _ the _ now?8. Its ten thirty.(改为同义句) Its _ _ _.9. Its time for lunch. (改

9、为同义句)Its time _ _ lunch.10. Do you often get up at five forty?(改为同义句) Do you often get up at _ _ _?三、补全对话选择正确的句子完成对话,有两项剩余Tom: Look! Ann! Whats under the desk?Ann: Its a watch. Its a black one.Tom: (11) _Ann: Yes, is it yours?Tom: No, mine is old. (12) _Ann: It looks like Bobs. Tom: Look, he is unde

10、r the tree.Ann: (13) _Tom: Excuse me, Bob. Whats the time?Bob: Oh, sorry. I dont know. I cant find my watch?Ann: Your watch? Is it your watch?Bob: Let me see. Yes, its mine. Where is it?Ann: (14) _Tom: Here you are.Bob: Thanks a lot.Tom: (15) _A. Whose is it?B. Youre welcome.C. Is it new?D. Its on t

11、he floor, under your desk.E. What time is it? F. You must look after your things.G. Lets go and ask him.B:一、根据句意及首字母提示填写正确的单词1. There are many a_ in the zoo.2. I cant find my w_ home.3. Monkeys like e_ bananas.4. The tiger is in B_ Monkeys home.5. It is very c_. It only lives in China. 二、单项选择6. She

12、cant find her way _.A. home B. to home C. at home7. Whats the time?Its _.A. thirty-five to ten B. eleven a quarter C. twenty past nine8. Im afraid I may be _ late. A. a few B. a little C. little9. All the teachers are friendly. We love _ very much.A. her B. they C. them10. Its very kind _ you to hel

13、p me.A. of B. for C. with三、句型转换11. It lives with us. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) _ it _ with us? No, it _.12. That is Toms home.(对划线部分提问) _ home _ that?13. The new zoo is over there.(对划线部分提问) _ _ the new zoo?14. We usually have supper at about six forty-five. We usually have supper at about _ _ _ seven.15. You

14、 help us. You are very kind.(合并成一个句子) _ kind _ you _ _ us.四、用适当的句子完成对话16. Im sorry I cant help you._.17. _. Could you tell me the time, please?Its eight twenty.18. I like lions very much. _?I like monkeys.19. Lets go to the zoo tomorrow. _.20. _ the shirt? Its eighty yuan.五、作业题一、单项选择1. Would you lik

15、e to play with us?_, but I have no time.A. Id like B. I like C. Id like to 2. _ late. We must leave now. A. Dont B. Dont be C. Cant be 3. Its Sunday today. Why not _? A. to go to the zoo B. watch TV at home C. flying a kite4. I dont like the shirt. Please give me _ one. A. any B. some C. another5. T

16、here are _ tigers in the zoo. Would you like to see them this afternoon?A. a few B. any C. few 6. May I ask you _ questions?A. a B. any C. some7. There is a watch on the floor (地板). Please _. A. pick up it B. pick it up C. pick one up8. Does your sister get up _ six oclock _ the morning? A. in, on B

17、. at, in C. at, on9. I cant _ my ruler. A. find B. finds C. finding 10. Thank you very much. _. A. All right B. Not at all. C. Thank you all the same二、完成句子,每空一词11. 你怎么了,罗伯特? _ _ _ you, Robert? 12. 谢谢你帮助了我。 Thank you _ your _.13. 到我们做作业的时候了。 _ time _ us _ _ _ homework.14. 我在回家的路上遇见了我的朋友。 I _ my frien

18、d _ _ _ _.15. 她在晚上7:30看电视。She _ TV at _ _ seven in the evening. 三、完型填空We are middle school (16) _. We are (17) _ Grade One. Kate, Mike, Lucy (18) _ I are in Class Four. Kate (19) _ eleven. Mike and Lucy are twelve. Im thirteen.We have a new (20) _. In it you can (21) _ forty desks and chairs. A blac

19、kboard, a clock and a map are on the wall. The map is a (22) _ China. (23) _ brooms (扫帚) are behind the door (门). On a desk you can see some pens. The red (24) _ is Kates. Look at the clock. Its about four oclock. Its time (25) _ sports.16. A. students B. teachers C. boys17. A. in B. at C. to 18. A.

20、 or B. and C. but 19. A. am B. are C. is20. A. class B. grade C. classroom21. A. see B. look C. look at22. A. map B. map of C. of map23. A. This B. That C. The 24. A. one B. ones C. it25. A. play B. to play C. playing 四、阅读理解Bill is an Australian boy. He studies at Darwin School. His father is a work

21、er. He works in a big zoo. His mother is a teacher. She teaches English in a small town (城镇) near their home. In her school there are about one hundred students. Many of them are from China. The Chinese students work hard at English. Bills mother is pleased with the Chinese children. Bill says that

22、he wants to be an English teacher, too. He would like to teach Chinese or Japanese students, because he wants to learn (学习) Chinese or Japanese from them.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)26. Bill studies in a Chinese school.27. Bills father works in a big zoo.28. All the students in Bills mothers school are fro

23、m China.29. Bill wants to be a teacher of Japanese.30. There are three people in Bills family. Dogs are very useful animals. And they are very popular (受欢迎的) because they are very friendly to people. They are many different kinds of dogs in the world and you should find one suit (适合) to you. Some do

24、gs, like sheep dogs, should not be pets because they are working dogs. They need exercise every day and they need a lot of space (空间). Dogs need love but will reward (回报) you a lot.Many old people look on (把看作) their dogs as their good friends. If they have only one piece of bread they would give it

25、 to their dogs. Without the dogs they cant feel (感觉) well. They talk to them. They let their dogs live in the same room with them. They love dogs very much. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案31. Dogs are very popular because they are very _ to people.A. expensive B. friendly C. happy32. If you _ it, your dog can reward you a lot.A. know B. love C. hit (打) 33. Working dogs need _ and a lot of space to keep them happy and strong.A. meat B. eggs C. exercise34. The underlined word “without” means _. A. 有 B. 没有 C. 抚养35. Many old people look on their dogs as their _ at home.A. good friends B. children C. workers

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